clear creek isd superintendent

After 1 1/2 years in the role, Clear Creek ISD Superintendent Eric Williams will retire effective Jan. 31, 2023. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Mr. McAdam, AP Physics & Astronomy teacher at Clear Springs High School was awarded a mini-grant in 2022 for Astrophotography (this project is a continuation of the CSHS's advanced telescope education). Low 64F. Published: March 3, 2023, 10:41 PM. Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) is a school district based in League City, Texas, United States. After a brief closed session, the board unanimously voted to accept Williams retirement agreement Monday night. Take a closer look at her legacy journeyhere. Newhouse School of Public Communications, where she worked for the university's independent student newspaper The Daily Orange. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: Concerned citizens attend the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. Choose wisely! The districts social and emotional learning goals predate Williams, Clear Creek ISD Board President Jay Cunningham said, noting the concept was introduced to the school system in 2016. Clear Creek ISD Superintendent Eric Williams to retire Clear Creek ISD's board of trustees approved the nomination of Eric Williams as the next district superintendent during a Dec. 1 board meeting, following weeks of community debate over his. We will base decisions on facts and data. A vocal group of parents from Virginia complained on Clear Creek ISDs Facebook page about Williams COVID-19 reopening plans and that their schools remained closed due to the pandemic. About Us. (Courtesy of Clear Creek ISD) Eric Williams, Clear Creek ISD's new superintendent, plans to spend. Annually, the CCISD Board of Trustees establishes a list of Targets for the Superintendent. In Tarrant County, a Black principal in Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District was forced to resign last month after being accused of indoctrinating students. Meanwhile, Loudoun County Public Schools remain under investigation by the Virginia attorney generals office, which launched a probe soon after the equity audit to look at whether the district had failed to provide African-American students equal access to advanced programs, according to the Washington Post. We will sustain a culture of inclusion and collaboration. Dr. Henry began his career as a superintendent of schools in 1991 and has served as an educator for 41 years. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Clear Creek Independent School District by 2x. A safety and cybersecurity curriculum for students, staff, parents and community. Number of employees at Clear Creek Independent School District in year 2021 was 5,438. Superintendent NameSuperintendent Name Dr. Karen Engle Superintendent EmailSuperintendent Email Q13.Q13. Over 3 million Texans impacted as emergency New loan available to help students complete League Citys west side to bring thousands 19 women-owned businesses to support in the League City City Council approves rezoning for Gov. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. 281-284-0000. She said two years before the incident she and the non-profit Loudoun Freedom Center offered to provide the district with curricula that could be used to teach fourth graders about slavery in Virginia while they learned about the states history. Low 64F. And it was being read by people in this district with no background information about whether it was a fact or an opinion or where it was coming from. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. Racial tensions in Loudoun County Public Schools came to a head in 2019 after an elementary school class in the suburban Washington, D.C, county played a runaway slave game during physical education, according to a local television station. [8] Williams resigned in July 2022. Knowing our value system, we feel that Dr. Williams will help take our district to that next level, he said. According to a voluntary retirement agreement signed by Williams and the board president, Williams is taking a board-approved leave of absence July 12 through July 31. The Clear Creek Independent School District is forming a special committee to assist the District in prioritizing capital projects including major renovations of aging schools, safety upgrades, priority repairs of critical systems, and facility modifications for instructional initiatives under the Vision 2030 plan. In Itslearning parents can monitor student progress and view content assigned to their child. CCISD is the 29th largest school district in Texas, spanning 103 square miles and serving over 41,000 students. "She understands our culture of innovation and excellence and has the vision to guide us into the future," said Jay Cunningham, Board President. Williams yearly salary to lead the district of around 40,000 students was $306,000, plus $48,000 in incentives. For me, the CCISD star represents the shining light of hope of education that our District has been for me personally and for thousands of students over the decades. Robotics, Coding & Computational Thinking, Galveston-Brazoria Cooperative for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. We were attracted to his approach to tackling those issues and bringing in different sides of it in very a divided county, to help them move forward, DuPont said. 2005-2022 Community Impact Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Texas. 2021-2022 Clear Creek ISD Educational Planning Guide The law says that schools must include lessons in instructions that foster traits such as caring, empathy, freedom from prejudice and fairness. Im not surprised that people want the best for their kids. I have a problem with it, said Mandy Feltner, parent of four children in Clear Creek ISD who wants Williams to resign I feel like its my responsibility, in conjunction with my husband, to teach our children what our social and moral values are.. Clear Creek Isd - ABC13 Houston Critical race theory claims follow new superintendent to Clear Creek ISD, prompt calls for resignation, Timeline: How battle between Houston ISD, TEA has reached the point of a looming takeover. Dr. Jesse Putrah, who has three daughters enrolled in Clear Creek schools, said he did not know about the superintendent selection process until shortly before Williams was named as the sole finalist Monday evening. Created Date: The impending takeover of HISD by the TEA dates back to 2019, when Wheatley High School triggered a state law by failing to meet accountability standards for seven consecutive years. The board also is scheduled to appoint an interim superintendent. Clear Creek Independent School District Jan 2021 - Jan 2023 2 years 1 month. Primary Purpose. This plan drives our work, our decisions, and our future. I am excited to look ahead at what is possible for the next generation of Clear Creek ISD graduates., Dr. Karen Engle Officially Named CCISD Superintendent, Robotics, Coding & Computational Thinking, Galveston-Brazoria Cooperative for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, CCISD Computer Science Students Showcase Skills at the Capitol, Clear Creek Choir Students Shine at State Competition, Applications Open for Clear Creek ISD Facility Advisory Committee. I think parents appropriately want to know that the focus of our schools is on kids having the knowledge and traits they need to be successful, he said. In fact, our board adopted a policy prohibiting district resources from doing any sort of scapegoating or stereotyping based on race.. We really need to listen to parents and community members because those partnerships are incredibly important.. Clear Creek Independent School District hiring Assistant Principal Restorative practices to enhance safe and nurturing environments. As of 2010[update], Clear Creek ISD was ranked as an "exemplary" district (the highest ranking) by the Texas Education Agency. CRT is not in our curriculum and its not in our instructional resources. After parents complained about elementary school students having access to Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg, which discusses sexuality and gender identity, Clear Creek ISD quickly took action. Superintendent Who Implemented CRT In Loudoun County Is Overseeing A By December a group of parents accused him of promoting "critical race theory" in K-12 schools. Williams, who joined the. Clear Creek ISD - Achieve, Contribute and Lead with Integrity . [2] Principal - Intermediate 2023-24 Job in League City, TX at Clear Creek A group of Clear Creek ISD parents are calling for the districts superintendent to resign less than a year into his tenure, saying he has put into place lessons that indoctrinate students with anti-white sentiment, an accusation that appears to have followed him from his last job in Virginia. She started in Houston as a Hearst Journalism Fellow writing general assignments and breaking news with a focus on domestic violence. Only when it made national news, only when issues of systemic and sustained racism made national news, it embarrassed them enough to address the real issues with their curriculum.. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: Concerned parent (who wishes to remain anonymous) shares with a reporter her concerns about the districts handling of CCISD Superintendent Eric Williams retirement issue during the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. The Superintendent Targets align with the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Hannah Dellinger is the Houston Chronicle's suburban education reporter covering 30 plus school districts in the region. Clear Creek ISD superintendent to retire (w/ photos) - Chron Astros GM Dana Brown the antithesis of his predecessors, Texas wants to ban delta-8, but veterans are pushing back, UH, Texas A&M removing DEI statements from hiring practices, Houston is the most stressful city to work in, says new study, The Breakfast Klub sues prominent City Hall consultant for fraud, Lauren Daigle at Houston Rodeo: 'God always has your number', Galveston gets fourth Carnival Cruise Line, who was praised by educators and some board members, Critical race theory claims follow new superintendent to Clear Creek ISD, prompt calls for resignation, Houston school board races emerge as new battleground over critical race theory, book bans, Schools Guide: Rankings, resources and analysis to help parents pick the right place for their children, The top 15 Houston high schools in 2022, according to Children at Risk, Task force calls for 'significant increase' in Texas teacher pay to address shortages, Prairie View A&M's Toni Morrison Writing Program aims to get HBCU students engaged with the arts, University of Houston Downtown opens new rec center with hopes of building more community on campus, Clear Creek ISD superintendent Eric Williams addresses critical race theory claims, Final Four March Madness Music Festival 2023 lineup released, McCombs service draws luminaries, regular folks to pay respects, 2023 Houston rodeo parade: Route, map and more for season kickoff, Watch a Clydesdale collapse during mishap at Texas rodeo, 2023 Houston rodeo: Parking map, where to park and more. Note to the Superintendent/LEA Grantee Official: By signing this application, I acknowledge that I have read the inputs in this application and . Clear Creek Independent School District Salaries Highest salary at Clear Creek Independent School District in year 2021 was $325,678. 7:40 PM Dec 2, 2020 CST Superintendent / About our Superintendent LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: CCISD Superintendent Eric Willams leaves the board room after the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. It has been criticized by some who say it teachers that all white people and the United States are inherently racist. Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District I am pleased to announce Dr. Engle as our Superintendent.. CLEAR CREEK ISD Production Login ID: Password: Sign In Forgot your Login/Password? Some parents raised concern about Williams previous role as superintendent of Loudon County Public Schools in Virginia, which made national news because of complaints after the district hired a firm in 2019 to assess its racial well-being. Dr. This site requires JavaScript to be enabled before you can proceed. Texas Superintendent Who Implemented CRT Resigns Amid Prolonged Parent He will take a short hiatus starting July 12 to support a family member with a medical condition. LEAGUE CITY, TX JUL 11: CCISD Assistant superintendent of Elementary Education pauses in sadness after the vote to approve Superintendent Eric Willams voluntary retirement, during the Clear Creek Independent School district special meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Education Support Center in League City, Texas. Examples of what is available to parents in the itslearning includes a list of teacher course resources, a task list with due dates, a view of the teacher's planner. CCISD is the 29th largest school district in Texas, spanning 103 square miles and serving over 41,000 students. Last name. Education advocates insist CRT is not taught in public schools and that the term is being applied to any lessons that focus on race. As of 2008[update] the high school graduation rate was 97%. Join to apply for the Associate Principal (Anticipated) 2023-24 role at Clear Creek Independent School District. Let's Thrive Together. Posted: March 01, 2023. A system of professional learning communities to support the growth and development of teachers. Its not in our curriculum or in our instructional resources., - Schools Guide: Rankings, resources and analysis to help parents pick the right place for their children, - The top 15 Houston high schools in 2022, according to Children at Risk, - Task force calls for 'significant increase' in Texas teacher pay to address shortages, - Prairie View A&M's Toni Morrison Writing Program aims to get HBCU students engaged with the arts, - University of Houston Downtown opens new rec center with hopes of building more community on campus, On Clear Creek ISD superintendent Eric Williams addresses critical race theory claims.