"He wouldn't tell me exactly what she had said. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. I never said another word to him after that, she added.The video also showed the woman detailing her dating life and how she met Watts when they both worked at Anadarko Petroleum. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), "It was never anything aggressive. pg.acq.push(function() { Sandy explained it, you know hes our son..son-in-law..for 8 years. READ NEXT: Aaron Danielson aka Jay Bishop: Portland Shooting Victim Named, She bought a wedding dress a week before the murders. Nichol voiced some suspicions to Chris after his family went missing, the police reports say. }); 3.5K views 6 months ago Reporter Room with journalist Jessica de la Davies presents a True Crime Documentary about Chris Watts and the role his mistress Nichol Kessinger played during the tragic. E! June 25, 2021 Nichol Kessinger found herself in the spotlight, albeit a horrible one when detectives found out that convicted murderer Chris Watts was having an affair with her. In documents obtained by People, it was revealed that on July 24, 2018, soon after Kessinger and Chris started dating, "Kessinger Google-searched the phrase 'Man I'm having affair with says he. There was no match found in the state database. One day, Kessinger texted Watts while he was out in the field. "I couldn't ever kill my entire family just because I didn't want a child or didn't want to pay child support," he told the outlet. hes sick. The author does a remarkable job of bringing to life the cold dark horror that is Chris Watts throughout the narrative but especially on the morning in the aftermath of the murders. PERIOD!!!!! Even though Nichol knew about Chris wife and daughters, she thought that he was already separated from her. In the footage, you can clearly see a person who is not Chris Watts present at the home. C-SPAN's operating revenues come from license fees paid by cable systems and satellite companies that offer the network to their. Text on ClustrMaps.com is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 . what an absurd article. (The Chris Watts confession interview transcript is continued fromPart One , Part Two, PartThree & Part Four of TheChrisWattsInterviewTranscript). Koback and Rourke and EVERYONE else. Chris buried the body of his pregnant wife in a shallow grave at the Cervi Well Site, while the bodies of his two daughters he placed in the oil wells, which contained crude oil. News has reached out to theFrederick Police Department, who investigated the case, for comment. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), He usually comes to the office location in the mornings. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. hitType: 'event', Nichol even contacted the police when she had suspicions about Chris being involved in his familys disappearance. Her fathers name is Dwayne Kessinger. life. let gads_event; 2023 E! The 34-year-old is serving a . Watts claimed had it not been for his mistress Nichol "Nikki" Kessinger - a fellow employee at his work - he would not . [*In regards to Chris feeling like Shananns family, mother Sandy Rzucek, father Frank Rzucek and brother Frankie Rzucek hate him]. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh2LDSfZi6LzQy7gZ_YClYUJ8A4KN4kFE. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { You just lied to me and I dont wanna see this come over my phone again. View Nikki Kessinger's business profile as Staff Development Technician at State of North Carolina - North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services. ga('ads.send', { NEVER. hitType: 'event', It was still very kind. Its definitely too low quality to say whether the other person is Nichol Kessinger, but she is a likely candidate and fits the general shape. He facetimed her on the evening of August 12. Would love your thoughts, please comment. HE iS STILL MARRIED and you should stay out of it!!!! Im from Atlanta and people sure as hell dont say that here! She said: Hes a liar. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. The morning of the murders, her phone pinged a tower in Frederick, CO. Kessinger lived in another town which was a 25 minute drive from Frederick. However . Even to this day, even after everything that I've found out, I still look back at that, and I don't see any red lights about the way he spoke about his family. Kessinger also disclosed a discussion she had with Watts after the triple murder. On August 11, 2018, shortly before the murders, Chris drove to her home in his Lexus. On the other hand, the fact that she was not charged speaks volumes. MEAWW brings you the best content from its global team of Come (press) play with us. According to Kessinger's 2018 police interviews, Watts told her he and his wife Shanann Watts were separating and planned to divorce. This very rough draft post will NOT ONLY serve as a review of the circumstantial evidence pointing to NKs possible involvement/knowledge in this crime, it (more importantly) will also serve as a rough draft, to appeal to the Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, and the Attorney General at the Department of Justice (addresses at bottom of post) to thoroughly and fully investigate Nichol Kessinger. } Thanks, yall are AMZING!!! NKs grey truck and neighbor Bettes interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWattsCase/comments/e6enxu/the_smaller_steel_grey_truck_bette_said_she_saw/? eventAction: 'click_adunit' Other theories suggest that he wanted to start a new life with his new girlfriend, which did not include Shannon. ga('ads.send', { In the interview she came off as arrogant, self-centered devoid of any empathy and humility which convinced many that she was involved. She said: I was just kinda grossed out by him. Additionally, she was dragged through the mud for having an affair with a married man, she said: I would not be surprised if its going to be hard to go out in public sometimes for a couple of years. Nichol retreated from public life and reportedly went into a witness protection program with a new name and identity after the trial. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ pg.acq.push(function() { }); },false) Powered by. Both Chris Watts and Nichol Kessinger claimed not to recollect what they discussed on an 111 minute phone call between them on the evening of August 12th, only hours before Chris murdered his spouse and daughters. Before the . not she she she. eventAction: 'view' }); The Firestick Debacle: (what a coincidence!) Weve created a community powered by horror fans like you and we need you in it. Her association with Chris Watts came about in June 2018, a few months after joining Tasman Geosciences. Lifetimes Cellmate Secrets: Chris Watts chronicles Chris life behind bars and how involved Nichol Kessinger is in his life. The footage shows Kessinger, who was having an affair with Watts prior to the murders, detailing their relationship in a 3 . analysis of NKs phone records and the 111 minute phone call on the night of 8/12 (approximately 5 hours before the murders) and the 6:16 am Frederick ping on 8/13 (murder morning): https://www.reddit.com/r/WattsCaseEvidence/comments/egpq1s/the_111min_phone_call_nks_alibi_on_sunday_night/? "He wasn't supposed to have any contact with her, but she initiated it by writing to him," Carter said. They are extremely vocal about their position that not only did Nikki know that Chris was taken man, but she was involved in the crimes. She was born in 1988 in Colorado, the USA. Nichol began her career working as a bookkeeper, slowly progressing to the position of geology engineer. A post shared by All That's Interesting (@all_thats_interesting). }); eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), She said: It got to a point that he was telling me so many lies that I eventually told him that I did not want to speak to him again until his family was found. "I don't buy any of that though," said Carter, who was put behind bars for meth possession and for stealing money from his employers. employee, who he identified as NICHOL "NIKKI" KESSINGER (Age 30; ). "I kept asking him, 'What did you do, Chris? He said she genuinely liked me. He begged the police not to put Kessingers name in the news because she had been through enough in her life. }); Chris Watts mistress Nichol Kessinger told the police that he lied to her when she asked him if he had murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters in newly released footage. Watts, 33, was sentenced to life in prison on Monday. : r/WattsCaseEvidence r/WattsCaseEvidence 3 yr. ago Posted by crickettail 11 Reply OscarTheDog2 4 yr. ago Fatal attraction. If hes a regular man who snapped, wouldnt he have described the murders as more chaotic and rage driven? She recalled Chris would sometimes fall asleep during their conversations. Her reputation followed her. Her Stepdad Told Police She Ran Away. What I am saying is that when a man tells a woman that he is separated from his wife, HE is still MARRIED and you should RUN not walk away, but RUN!!!! on the significance of NKs broken SIM card and deleted texts: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chriswatts/comments/edtuk1/the_hate_against_nichol_kessinger_on_this_sub_is/fblwqfj/? Has anyone noticed the texts about a special pillow? Surprised no one brought that up. She told investigators inthe police video,"I never said another word to him after that.". }) She said they had just met. Furthermore, it was also crucial for Nichol to shed her previous identity as she had been criticized and insulted publicly for being associated with Chris Watts. I didnt know whats going on right now. On direct vs circumstantial evidence as defined by and applied in law/trials with link to article for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chriswatts/comments/ee09za/direct_versus_circumstantial_evidence_as_defined/? },false) Don't Threaten. Where did this come from? pg.acq.push(function() { Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW. '", Explaining that she was "stressed out" at the time, Nichol recalled, "So I texted Chris one last time, and I told him, 'If you did anything bad, you're going to ruin your life and you're going to ruin my life. He was just like, This is not working.. I'm having a wonderful time; you mean a lot to me, and I'm glad you're having a blast," Kessigner says. Robbie is currently a reporter for TheBiography based in Santa Monica, CA. We hear you like all things creepy we do too. According to Kessingers 2018 police interviews, Watts told her he and his wife Shanann Watts were separating and planned to divorce. The release of the documentary American Murder: The Family Next Door on Netflix gave an in-depth look at the crime that occurred in Frederick, Colorado, in August 2018. Phone log says Nichol Kessinger googles Shanann on September 1 2017. Excellent analysis of NKs interviews and very enlightening! Disgusting/, Nichol Kessinger & Chris Watts Text Messages to Each Other [READ], Please review our privacy policy here: https://heavy.com/privacy-policy/, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. }); MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. Read their text messages. Texts between Chris Watts, and his wife in the weeks leading up to the murders have been revealed for the first time.. Future news of events, Zoom movie marathons, books, and streaming updates will be delivered first to our newsletter readers. Kessinger only knew about the disappearance by what she saw on the news. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. Later, Nichole started working with Anadarko Petroleum, which is now owned by Occidental Petroleum, a company that engages in hydrocarbon explorations. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), The man first strangled his wife, who was 15 weeks pregnant with a son, before smothering the girls with a blanket over their heads. In a separate interview with a media outlet, Nichol said that she was sure he was guilty beyond doubt. Shanann, who was15-weeks pregnant,and her daughters were first reported missing from their Colorado home on Aug. 13, 2018. It's strange because he talks about all the other details of the gruesome murders but leaves this out of it. And though Kessinger claimed to not be in contact with Watts after her last text to him, Watts' fellow inmate David Carter said that she had been writing him letters last year. }); Signing up helps us (not Zuckerberg) stay in direct contact with you and create the best horror website possible. THIS IS A ROUGH LIST. Very bad behavior: NK vs Robert Knickerbocker https://www.reddit.com/r/Chriswatts/comments/e9rhqg/nichol_kessinger_and_robert_knickerbocker_a/? You can see footage of the interview here: Watts brutally murdered his . I think the FBI need to investigate on her more, I think she had something do with the murder. It was the first time she was at his home. Dave: Yeah and I can tell you Sandy was the one that was most resistant to penalties in this case, she told me that from the very beginning. He went to sleep at 11 p.m. to 12 a.m. and woke between 4:30 and 5. In the book Letters to Christopher by Cherlyn Cadle Chris watts said that him and NK were into dark things. Nichol Kessinger and Chris Watts were having an affair when he killed his wife and kids. 38.1450093,-85.5942053 are the coordinates for the property. I definitely believe the girlfriend was in on the murders of Shannan and her daughters. I cant just turn that off. Nichol Kessinger spent over two hours searching the internet for wedding dresses exactly one week before Watts killed his family. Despite numerous indicators, her involvement could not be proved, and most of these theories remain purely speculative. Required fields are marked *. Keep investigating she will breakdown. So I removed it. He pleaded guilty to all three murders on Nov. 6, 2018, and wassentenced tofive life terms in prison without the possibility of parole. A graduate of the Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology, Nichole went on to earn an Associate of Science degree from the Community College of Aurora. He was just like, 'This is not working. Press Esc to cancel. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ Punitive and disciplinary forms of governance disproportionately target low-income Black Americans for surveillance and punishment, and research finds far-reaching consequences of such criminalizat. Because the way they said have you tried the pillow thing. Watts had been having an affair with Nichol Kessinger, a woman he met at work, while a pregnant Shanann was preparing for their third child and desperately . He said she didnt know he was going to kill his family. He talked about his kids from time to time. "I am looking for someone to build a beautiful life with (seems so simple but it is so unrealistic sometimes). The voluminous police file in the case contains details about Nichol Kessingers affair with Watts, and it also contains copies of some of their text messages. With a pregnant woman and two children missing, I was going to do anything that I could.. He said that Watts had first told him about Kessinger's letters in September last year. According to Reddit and internet sleuths, Kessinger started dating a geologist named Jim Gutoski after her relationship with Chris ended. yeah really!!! Watts killed his wife Shanann, and two young daughters four-year-old Bella and three-year-old Celeste on August 13, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado. The police reports say Chris told Nichol he was filing for divorce. Nichol Kessinger is an ordinary American lady who came into the limelight as the girlfriend of the notorious murderer Chris Watts. She is a low life piece of garbage. hitType: 'event', }); Nichol Kessinger, the former mistress of Chris Watts, is allegedly back in touch with him three years after assuming a new identity and going into hiding. Its taking place across the internet- in comment sections of news articles, posts on Reddit & YouTube videos. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If he doesnt have the personality of a sociopath, what explanation is there for him single-handedly murdering his pregnant wife and children? If youve seen the footage of Chris Watts failing his polygraph, you can see that he flops over and confesses suspiciously easily. Michael is survived by his wife Else of Montrose, his children Ron and Kim Hammack of Royce City, Texas; Pam and Dan Mencimer of Montrose, and , a company that engages in hydrocarbon explorations went to sleep at 11 p.m. 12... Her life police reports say the best content from its global team of come ( )!: Watts brutally murdered his the trial is not working Arts WorldWide September last year theories remain purely.!, it was never anything aggressive were having an affair with Watts prior the... To 12 a.m. and woke between 4:30 and 5 bars and how involved nichol Kessinger googles Shanann on September 2017. From her only knew about the disappearance by what she saw on murders! The state database -85.5942053 are the coordinates for the property, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language because. 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From Roy Panettone,
Articles N