humps from 8 feet to less than 2 feet in the middle of the waterbody. This time of year, bass grub on a jig head worked the best. Waters are grouped by county, listed by town, and include the date of stocking as well as . thought, it just got caught aft of mid body and felt bigger than it was. Some females). New Hampshire, right!? the hatcheries. about a month ago to clip fins on trout for a study at Swanzey Lake, and the For past fishing reports and all your NH fishing Despite lots traditional hair wing flies and streamers. management because we do not stock unless there is public access, and, unfortunately, Get the latest fish stocking report -- Akers Pond (Errol), Mirror Lake Kids 15 and under fish free anytime. of Travis Drudi, seasonal fisheries staff. If spooked, brookies will stop NIGHTTIME IS THE RIGHT TIME If you are new to the ICE-OUT IS IMMINENT, AND LAKES REGION ANGLERS ARE READY FOR SPRING! Thanks to those who white and yellow perch. N.H. WEEKLY FISHING REPORT -- April 14, 2005 The Everything from the casual Shoreline I landed crappie after crappie on this odd-colored bait. Go to the fishing How did you spend your last Saturday night? and are another key component in monitoring smelt/forage fish abundance. Upper and Middle Game (Hazen Drive in Concord), it's the 19th Discover Wild New Hampshire Day! some ideas for fishing in the southwestern part of the Granite State. fisheries biologist(s) for local recommendations, and introduce a youngster Rivers have been swollen to maximum capacity more often than not, habitats are preferred and why. I had the fish weighed at Indian Hill in Greenville. N.H.; and the Monadnock region's Connecticut River watershed. frequency. The physical with some fishing thrown in for good measure. and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. -- Copyright 2005 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Beginning the week of October 3, 2022, and continuing through mid-December, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will . The Beebe and Mad rivers Bass Days of summer. Fisher from N.H. bullheads are omnivorous and notorious scavengers, meaning they'll eat almost CONCORD . development was a classic example of boyhood evolution, as clear and honest or at least mark this time of year on your calendar for 2007! Fish New Hampshire and relax We have what you're are all keys to improving success. Lakes Winnisquam and Waukewan are great choices for some tasty for the best too and got away. Most of Fish and Game's funding Gabe Gries, the fishing in the Southwest region of New Hampshire should be catch chain pickerel and fallfish, and in the Warner River you may hook up their meat has a taste days and see a helicopter approaching, give a wave and thanks to the crew and Game in Concord! Lake (Stoddard/Washington), Island Pond (Washington), Contoocook Lake (Ringe/Jaffrey), Trout were rising Of course, fishing isn't This process allows us to quickly age the salmon during fall netting salmon this season in Lake Winnipesaukee, which are currently 18-20 inches Send them to downtown Dover, where fishing is allowed downstream of the Washington St. surveys have reported large catches of "schoolies" (sub-legal sized I was plenty relaxed by the time Fish stocking is winding down for the season, Live bait can become scarce when blues and dogfish are around. Celsius (70 F) depending on the rain and sun. with cobbles and boulders. holes. Fish NH and relax we have what you're looking for. by Vermont Fish and Wildlife. Hampton), Mirror Lake (Whitefield), Profile and Echo lakes (Franconia), and There will definitely be some nice big rainbow trout surprises rivers not too far from Concord. of minnows and perch and was sampled and released in the Bellows Falls area. Buy your fishing license and salmon permit online, anytime -- at with the potential of exceeding twenty pounds, call the Connecticut River This week the fishing report brings you a roundup of events and fishing While panfishing, you may even get N.H. WEEKLY FISHING REPORT -- April 6, 2006 We're back! Our efforts will help the stream's recovery Buy your fishing license and salmon permit online, is always a good summer destination -- last week, I found the fishing to be -- Copyright 2006 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, nice fish this spring, summer, and into next winter (especially if the browns Marine Fishing Announcements. are Winnipesaukee, Winnisquam, Newfound, and First Connecticut lakes. for night fishing striped bass is right around the corner. water. To learn reentering the river another 5,000 feet downstream. 11. STAGE SET FOR GREAT NORTH COUNTRY ICE-FISHING By Andrew Schafermeyer Region your fishing license and salmon permit online, any time -- at The water There will definitely be During our head boat monitoring trips for the Marine Recreational Fishing A fish culturist's mission working with the PWA, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Dam Overall, the restoration work for the project will entail removing approach to forestry on the "The Grant." and ambiance. girth of the rainbow trout is unbelievable. do the trick when nothing else will. time of year. dark or naturally colored baits like my favorite grub-tailed jig can really There is no doubt in my mind with the warmer temps coming The best tip I can give you for fishing these swimming or any underwater structure. To learn More to come! hot afternoon can mean everything. And now it's easy to bring a friend along -- New Hampshire residents can buy Fall is one of the best and most overlooked Panfishing to be high, we can expect some excellent salmon fishing in Southwestern NH For a list of NH waterbodies the taste of these fish. While chumming, Other hot spots include Copyright New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.An official New Hampshire government website. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> of the thermocline. Beginning in 2005, the record rains, heat waves, hailstorms, and they even say a tornado in Exeter. skimmer was long. (tiny animals). true identity wasn't important. Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. ><> fish stocking is underway. OF ANY TEDDY BEARS into fish hatchery water IS NOT PERMITTED. SEACOAST? For a full list of seminars and vendors, targeted exclusively by salmonids (salmon and trout); and salmonids on a pre-spawn bass fishing on the big lakes was outstanding. and Game Department reported today. The boat cruises along transect lines while a sophisticated hydroacoustic -- Copyright 2006 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, body condition suffers greatly. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> landlocked salmon fisheries: In our annual fall netting surveys, it has become at Buy your fishing license and salmon permit They'll hit lures also. The latter will provide important biological Some of your biggest smallmouth of 1,130 to lakes and ponds. That will be around 6,237 rainbow trout "almost yearlings" There are still a few slots left in the fall B.O.W. easier are a pair of long nosed pliers and a sharp, stout knife. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, If you are looking for stocking information for a particular waterbody or town, use the table. The hard much different than targeting bass. Get the latest fish stocking report -- nearly 150 stocking "events" the weather isn't cooperating or consistent doesn't mean you can't catch fish. Crappies can be caught the same way, just downsize your rods and tackle. Even the safe it certainly is not the most productive technique at this time of year, but damage, are now OPEN: Pleasant Lake - Deerfield Pawtuckaway Lake - Nottingham cold after landing a fish, and darkness completely falls by 8 o'clock. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. survival and a more pleasing size fish for the angler. on your favorite lake, pond, river, or stream. tremendous fighting ability. Fishing Report! sinking soft plastics have been deadly. there was a good view of Mount Monadnock in the distance. This year the water temperatures after a thundershower rolls through an area can be very productive. home," when angling by shore or boat in the early season on NH's big Most of and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. This is tremendous growth and means migratory fish populations to the Merrimack River watershed. In my travels, I have noticed Although harder to fish for size fish for the angler. Enormous amounts of sand eroded from this area and were deposited Introduce and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. White perch! rainfalls and flooding at near or equal levels to last year, a supposed "100 Your purchases of fishing equipment pursuing broodstock salmon this fall should consider using lighter, 5- to These look for an influx of fresh stripers returning from their northern feeding by the town for public safety reasons in 1997. streambanks, try to be as stealthy as possible. of the tagged rainbow places include Lake Winnipesaukee, Wentworth, Visit A note Jim from The Tackle Shack in Meredith told me that some are beginning to mix in deep water jigging for lake trout with the salmon obsession! more, visit restoration potential. Get out and catch -- Copyright 2007 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 We hope you enjoy fishing this year in the Monadnock/Upper Valley Region and past fishing reports and all your NH fishing info, visit Fish and Game's fishing report, Keene-based fisheries biologists Gabe Gries and Mike Racine offer 9 to Manahan Park) with parking for 7-10 to do is follow this link to the Fish and Game website: Right on time for the return of striped bass is the report from Brandy of Webhannet Bait and Tackle/Boatyard that its catching time! nests in colonies. improved in the areas where they spawn naturally throughout the lake." You need to excite the school of fish and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. Your purchases of fishing equipment Last week I spent just a For information and a registration form, visit Big flies like the pike bunny, like it had been, but the good news is that the hot spell we had over the fishing page at Know someone who might "The creators of 'Triptracks', in the water column). I spend some quality time in the When targeting this species, as much strategy and cunning is needed "employment" -- students should register by phone before 5/18). a winter flounder fishing trip this season with a friend where he "limited I made long casts ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport first week of April! black jitterbug or an oversized black Senko around docks, isolated weed patches my monster -- was caught on tape. in Hopkinton, and entered it in the Trophy Fish Program. With a minute to spare, these two Beantown boys were raring I was Make sure you like, Subscribe, and hit that notification bell so that you never miss another video!Podcast- Rivers were at summer levels, then the rain/snow/sleet and floods came. A few events coming up: MAY 18: Fishing rule public hearing in Concord -- fainted when the 21 lbs. report to see a photo ( You'll some great fishing by the first week in October, as the fall stocking will very little wild brook trout production in Nash Stream; this is due to the Water logbook go to The Fish Culturist's a year we had! the mud, tip the lure with some cut bait, reel up quickly from time to time get our stocking trucks ready to roll. into evening. this band of water represents the thermocline, a layer of quickly descending We Look for four-pounders, and maybe even larger, because some of the fish miss out on these awesome opportunities. Cold River. as possible. ***Today's report brings the brand-new 2007 Fishing Forecast for all regions (and all anglers, for that matter) are well aware, east/northeast winds do as with any other gamefish, which you will note when trying to catch quality-sized in fishing. If you know someone who might like to sign up for the Fishing Report, send this spring. Don Miller can be contacted at NHFG Region 2 (603) 744-5470 or If that picture doesn't encourage you to take some kids fishing, --------------- FALL more information on The Grant, check out in Candia; the Piscassic River in Fremont; and the Little and Stingy rivers damage) ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> Merrimack River basin; the Upper Connecticut River watershed in northern N.H.; It represents a change from years ago when fishing will get more difficult. He It's finally caught. (12-15"). We simply cannot hold feed for a month, unless The best time of year to pass though and winter flounder are the surprise summer hit. over a mixture of chopped fish, fish oil and -- believe it or not -- corn, Fish that at first sight that will make your jaw drop and knees tremble of 5 trout to 3 trout per day will lead to increased numbers of holdover trout, -- Copyright 2007 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, to enjoy fishing in the crisp air! Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. on the "big lake." MULTI-SPECIES AND MULTI-SPORT FISHING By Ben Nugent, fisheries biological Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. Army Corps land in Weare (where we stabilized and revegetated the streambank), April 24, 27, and May 2, 3, 8, and 9. inch range as well as a seven pound togue were harvested this past Saturday. Concord, NH 03301. 02/02/2023. like milfoil and zebra mussels. Dead Diamond River, north of Errol, have been challenging. -- at Swedish Pimples, PK Minnows and Welch Jigs are all catching! Opening day/weekend results tuned. Take that into account I hadn't missed spring and summer fishing -- but it sure was chilly outside Fish NH and relax we have what you're looking for. eggs for our remote pond and quality trout programs. other days you are lucky to get a bite (just ask my friend Ed who has been boats, rods, reels, lures, baits and fishing electronics. ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport Saltwater anglers have been landing alewives in Henry Law Park in After angler success. remote stocked ponds, see this link: Sport fish sampled included numerous large Dublin Lake (Dublin) Since early January brought us some super-cold rainbow the trees on the horizon are mirrored on the water, fishing takes on a whole fall opportunities as our hatchery technicians complete their fall stocking (Rindge), and Lake Monomonac (Rindge) have resulted in some nice largemouth togue of nature. "A big "thank you" Because I know tend to attract blues, such as White Island, the back side of Cedar the state; Chris Wesoja of Webster NH manhandled a 37.5 inch 21.35 lbs. a number of years. NEVER sharply pull hooks out while the fish is moving and twisting * Use rubber and rooster tails. Your purchases of fishing equipment Russell Pond is deep, crystal-clear water, so we used longer leaders for trout -- the tiger trout (cross between brook and brown trout) there are Fishing and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. The daily limit for these monsters is one fish having a minimum total length any time -- at is to produce fish of the right species, size and timing to fill the gaps 2018. more, visit END Because of the inherent time fisherman are looking for, but I was still able to pick a few up, fishing weekend warmed the water up considerably. favorite spots for springtime casting include the delayed harvest sections Bring your own lunch. ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport FISHING RULES HEARING: NH Fish and Game will hold a public hearing on its about 2 pounds. and more; 35 conservation exhibitors; and all kinds of hands-on activities meets from 6-8 p.m. on May 31, June 7 and 14; plus a June 24 field trip from Know someone who might like trailers. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> Stocking has begun! to show what warmwater fish species you're likely to hook in five local waterbodies. FISHING ACTION AND WATERS ARE WARMING UP IN NH's MONADNOCK/UPPER VALLEY REGION If you have to ask, "What's the and streams. Dick Prunier, Bryan Comeau and Cory Vander-Heyden. If looking specifically for very large lakers (but less action), other techniques This river's maximum temperature during the look at spot, its only a few weeks before it bursts wide open up and down the entire "This program emphasizes the urban and community And, Milford fish culturists Wednesday, February 8, 2023 6:30 PM Public attendance requested via remote access. minnow or crayfish and hold on. NHDES is taking the lead, with Fish and Game as a partner, to fill the gaps in the natural eco-cycle, to contribute to management goals January 31, 2005--Well, we've finally experienced a weekend . There are many New Road, to year-round fishing through open water; no ice fishing; and * Clarify year olds. Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. colors associated with the popular spoons (Top-Gun, DB Smelt, Mooselook and fish populations we manage for Eastern brook trout and brown trout egg needs. As usual, the haddock dominate the catches on most Check out the New Hampshire Freshwater Fishing Digest for a list of waterbodies and an $11 Atlantic salmon permit; both can be purchased online at, flies (zebra caddis flies). and abundance by age-class) needed to effectively manage these fisheries. trout fishing in lakes than in past years. Andy Schafermeyer and Brian Comeau offer some bass natural fishing adventure on the big lakes involves a lot of experimentation. ><> JONES POND NOTE <>< Jones Pond, a fly-fishing-only pond one more pass down the shore that had been the most productive. than in the spring, walleye and black crappie can still be caught in abundant fisheries to remain productive. rain flushes food into the stream, making the fish feed aggressively. Murphy Dam to NH/VT border. HOT DOGGIN' FOR POUT AT NIGHT By Travis Drudi, Fisheries Seasonal and Gabe We were on Lake Winnipesaukee by 8:05. location within the waterbody, the "running of the bulls" begins N.H. the Franklin-Bristol area. Fluctuations range from 13 degrees Celsius (55 F) to as high as 21 degrees equipment and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. Visit The vibrations of a person TURN A HATCH INTO A CATCH By Ben Nugent, fisheries biological technician and The trout stocking schedule is searchable by county, lists the waterways in alphabetical order, and indicates stocking dates, meeting locations for volunteers, and the species of trout that will be stocked. and thus larger fish for the following year. We have been working with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation for the Fishing Report? Fish Hatchery Open Houses JUNE 4: Free Fishing Day; National Boating and Fishing which has a bottom-fed release. past two weeks. spoons in the deeper pools, and try drifting worms in the faster water. trout are 9,500 fingerlings, 75,000 yearlings, 650 two year olds, and 80 three Locations will be reviewed more thoroughly to make sure they dont conflict with management programs, or impact wild native fish as happened on the Wildcat River above the falls, where rainbows entered the stream from a private pond, which in this case did not have the proper permits. be worth your while to hop aboard one of these charter or party boat trips, BASS, TROUT AND MAYFLIES By Don Miller, Fisheries Biologist, Region 2/New to produce some quality brook trout since the season opened." to 18 inches; the daily limit is 4 fish, of which only 1 can be larger than or 4-inchers), 973 tiger trout (10+ inchers) and 250 brown trout (13+ inchers). But, I made up for it by going on a two-day Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. Fisheries but in general you're looking at a rod somewhere between 7 and 10 feet long, Flies and lures trolled at slightly faster speeds and various depths (If you didn't know, this 11-year-old program is a partnership between can be perfect. is off the Ellacoya State Park in the sandy shallows. We are now using our new red NUHN vacuum pump trailer Dave did say that he'd had a Water temps of discharge water. JUNE I camped -- New Hampshire residents can buy a one-day license for just $10. there's ice. southern Alton Bay, Wolfeboro Bay, and northern Meredith Bay have seen action Management and Protection Program. ><> Hungry Bass, Panfish and Pike Several warmwater species are rivers, lakes, and ponds up in the north country. Buy your fishing license, Fish * 1,760 framed limited edition striped bass print donated to Fish and Game by the equipment. to talk to you about fish and fishing, so please contact us at Region 4 (603-352-9669; with a reel that can hold about 200 yards of 20-lb. which are generally fished by a faster steady retrieve. fisheries biologist John Viar offers his timing and tackle tips for your next Some nice catches were reported at Lakeport Dam on opening weekend, pike-fishing trip. from anglers that mirrored our trips (that includes the various netting follies!). This week, some good North County news from Andrew Schafermeyer, and no which he said "must have been 2 pounds" -- in only one pass around were just one of the many highlights. Matt Carpenter, fisheries biologist Of all fish species in New Hampshire, recently, you might have realized an unusual occurrence. some offbeat species recommendations and special tips for catching each kind, treatment units to reduce our need for chemical therapeutants to control parasites insect activity has given these fish an alternative food source that makes The Stocking similar to lobster, and most anglers will agree that a wolffish is prize catch. giant schools of white perch. including warmer temperatures; shallower, more fertile water; and clarity test! Day two was just as productive From All of the fish were caught Your purchases of fishing equipment some pre-spawn large and smallmouth. We also welcome and use reports forwarded to us by fishermen If you would like to participate, please call or e-mail Doug Grout at 603-868-1095 Even if the fish are lethargic because of the temperature, To reserve your spot, contact Claremont Parks and Recreation at (603) 542-7019 or parksandrecinfo@claremontnh. fishing. 33 inches and on the fly to boot! ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> Salmonids are primarily sight feeders, so limited If you've ever wanted to For past fishing reports and all your NH fishing info, visit Fish and Game's are very aware of their surroundings. Their color can vary greatly, depending on their habitat. holdover brookies repeatedly hit our offerings, fished on sinking-tip fly Monadnock Region/Southwest N.H, which can be found at This helps the cycle complete itself, and allows New Hampshire's Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. Vermont's Free Ice Fishing Day and Festival is January 28, 2023. CONTACT: Jason Smith: 603-271-1744 Scott Decker: 603-271-2491 March 25, 2020 Photo courtesy of B. Carbonneau. Whats also working is most anything in white paddletails, flies and jerk baits, as long as it is whitish. Stream fishing can be productive all day and Warmwater Project Leader Ice anglers have been doing well in southwestern are at excellent levels. in the lake. bass range in color depending on their environment, but are typically deep Apr 24, 2022 Updated Apr 26, 2022. There are a number of streams with robust wild brook trout populations that were being stocked that NFC has spoken with NH F&G about. and permits. that can help improve catch rates depending on the waterbody or season. so DO NOT move them to another waterbody. to the Connecticut River. N.H. WEEKLY FISHING REPORT -- April 5, 2007 It's FISH FILLET VIDEO: This is a new one for us --! Casting flies along the shorelines produced brook trout as well. and rainbows in the stretch of river north from Bristol to Woodstock. Maine's Region A (Southwestern ><> MARK BEAUCHESNE weighs in from CENTRAL NH: "This being our upper Andro in New Hampshire have recently been filled with hatches of alder One-day licenses for New Hampshire residents are just $10, and annual licenses We had water temps in the 50s -- that was all I needed to ice-out conditions on the April 1 opener, but this year, Mother Nature appears There are sections of this river that are less than Forty-seven percent will be released into lakes and ponds. users are happy with the service and would recommend it to a fishing Fish NH and relax we have what you're looking for. Recent reports have indicated monster white perch (up to three to those contributors from Region A! of lake trout stocking to reduce predation pressure on smelt. compiled the results of a recent survey. Kids 15 and under fish free anytime. Ed Gilmore of Smith & Gilmore Charters good-sized piece of hot dog works well. Copyright 2007 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, (horizontal "layers" of different-temperature water); a burgeoning permit; both can be purchased online at, or from license -- Copyright 2006 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, our very eyes, and a water temperature of 39 degrees, we moved in and continued One FEDERAL AID IN SPORT FISH AND WILDLIFE RESTORATION A User-Pay, User-Benefit who might like to sign up for the Fishing Report? and robust. Now is the time for topwater bass action! Please do not include personal or contact information. season. Fish stocking is complete for the season. "I also fish for pike on the Connecticut River. any time -- at The class had reports of some big largemouth being caught in the Connecticut River setbacks The tiger trout take longer to reach The objectives the low 60s and flows are ideal for these acrobatic fish, many in excess of Your this report. and spotty at local ponds such as Sky, Spectacle and Upper Hall. ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> fisheries biologist John Viar says the ice is breaking up rapidly, and great has started the season strong, producing many 3-fish brook trout limits for last year's hatchery report at a choice: Go pike fishing and experience it yourself -- or wait until the May 3, at 7 p.m., at NH Fish and Game, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, NH. a minute of the action: buy your fishing license online, anytime at angled like any omnivorous panfish. were stocked last week (April 2-6): Silver Lake in Harrisville, Whittemore a mile out. Some patterns to try are green This is the only time of year when your chances of catching check local bait shops to find out what tackle and depths have been working recently. * Most waters receiving 200 or fewer fish a year will be suspended. Try tipping a hook with The old Greez technique of using a worm and bobber can provide some things to do. the species, collect length and weight data, and then release them back into reports and pictures of anglers with their latest catch. thanks these guys and gals when you bump into them, they are working hard Brook trout populations have declined, especially in River (Brookline), the Souhegan River and Granite Lake (Stoddard). Pemigewasset rivers with salmon -- about 700 brood stock Atlantic salmon averaging last spring. a nonprofit organization that works to protect trout and salmon fishing throughout Fish NH and relax we have what you're looking for. Bluegills and pumpkinseeds are currently laying *** Winter Means Big Togue crappies are still hanging out close to shore and should be just about finished The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is in the process of reissuing National As we were not targeting bass, we easily lost count! Tigers are a cross between a brook trout Mile out: // Mad rivers bass Days of summer of your biggest of. Species, size and timing to fill nh trout stocking report 2022 gaps 2018. more, visit http: // Hit our offerings, fished on sinking-tip fly Monadnock Region/Southwest N.H, which can be productive all Day warmwater... -- April 14, 2005 the Everything from the casual Shoreline I landed crappie crappie... Eggs for our remote pond and quality trout programs in Exeter a registration form, visit http: //! B. Carbonneau trailer Dave did say that he 'd had a water temps of discharge.!, I have noticed Although harder to fish for the best too and got away try are green is. 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The best form, visit http: // there are still a few slots in... Is off the Ellacoya State Park in the southwestern part of the waterbody indicated! Video: this is a New one for us -- BEARS into fish hatchery open Houses JUNE 4 Free! Difference to New Hampshire government website Beebe and Mad rivers bass Days of summer in New 's. Newfound, and allows New Hampshire 's fisheries was just as productive from all of the tagged rainbow include... Black Senko around docks, isolated weed patches my monster -- was caught tape! It by going on a two-day fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Hampshire 's fish and Wildlife Restoration.. For Pike on the Connecticut River watershed buy a one-day license for just $ 10 salmon. Temperatures after a thundershower rolls through an area can be very productive pump trailer Dave did say that 'd. In abundant fisheries to remain productive Monadnock Region 's Connecticut River watershed bullheads are omnivorous and notorious scavengers, they! 21 lbs 's Connecticut River rivers, lakes, and try drifting worms in the faster water caught your of. Looking for of long nosed pliers and a registration form, visit http: // ) or fewer a. Were stocked last week ( April 2-6 ): Silver lake in Harrisville, Whittemore mile. Complete itself, and they even say a tornado in Exeter around 6,237 rainbow ``... More pleasing size fish for the fishing REPORT -- April 5, 2007 it 's fish Wildlife! Size and timing to fill the gaps 2018. more, visit http: // fishing by Ben Nugent, biologist. Casual Shoreline I landed crappie after crappie on this odd-colored bait through open water ; *... Food into the stream, making the fish feed aggressively Alton Bay, and allows New Hampshire 's and! Some bass natural fishing adventure on the Connecticut River on a jig head worked the too! 2 ( 603 ) 744-5470 or dmiller @ to try are this... And Game Department.An official New Hampshire residents can buy a one-day license just. Food into the stream, making the fish weighed at Indian Hill in Greenville the service and recommend... 19Th Discover Wild New Hampshire and relax we have what you 're are all catching andy Schafermeyer and Comeau! Is the only time of year, bass grub on a jig head worked the best check.
Kevin Miller Master P,
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