0000265971 00000 n But Hornady sabots fully engage the rifling to keep the SST-ML centered and sealed during firing, allowing for maximum velocity and unparalleled long range performance. 0000268577 00000 n The XTP is a far superior terminal performer compared to the Hornady SST; there really is no dispute about that. 0000029225 00000 n In Stock. 0000163813 00000 n 96%. Buy 100 Rounds Hornady .44 Magnum 240 Gr. 0000370827 00000 n 240 Grain XTP 30-Pk. 0000263564 00000 n As a bonus, it is economical, at only $14 or so for 100 bullets. Find a Retailer Video Library { {item.title}} 6 0 obj 0000370573 00000 n That bullet, at a MV of 2100 fps, has a 182 yard MPBR and strikes with 908 fpe @ 190 yards. 0000034501 00000 n 0000079080 00000 n 0000370393 00000 n 0000276235 00000 n Sabot 240 gr. 0000163662 00000 n We have identified anomalies in your browser or connection settings that have flagged this request as potentially malicious or automated. hornady 44 mag xtp for deer hunting. You cannot buy this level of performance for anywhere else at near fourteen cents per bullet. 0000005365 00000 n One could reasonably believe that the 300 grain XTP has design . Traditions Plinker Bullets - 20 Pack Saboted Muzzleloader Sight In Bullets - 240 Grain Lead Traditions. Made In The USA : Made In The USA Quantity : 30 Weight Grs : 240 gr. 0000256920 00000 n C q" It may seem puzzling to suggest that a bullet as popular, proven, and successful as Hornady's XTP could possibly be considered underrated at this stage of the game, but that's exactly what it is. In Stock. /SA true 92%. 0000261834 00000 n I was lucky, as the SRH shot both the 240 and 300 equally well. 0000271197 00000 n 0000010681 00000 n 0000265141 00000 n << For Triple 7 powered 1:28 rate of twist barreled inlines, the 250 grain XTP is likely a better choice than the 300 grain to keep the velocity, energy, and trajectory reasonable downrange for deer hunting. terminal penetration that is needed for one . XTP . Muzzle-Loaders.com offers only items are that are considered primitive or antique weapons by the ATF and are not considered firearms. endobj 0000278424 00000 n Start Club Intro for $9.99 Already a member? V-MAX 83170 2550 1902 1379 245 137 72 -1 50 -8 V 17 HMR 20 gr. 2023 Ballistic Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. .50 Caliber Mag Express Sabots With .45 Caliber 300 Grain XTP Bullets (30 Pack) 030-17008294 | Thompson Center. z . The 240 XTPs give a little extra range, maybe 150, and are probably great for pronghorn but I feel would be on the light side for elk, given the better 300 grain option. Even Hornady underrates their .452", 300 grain bullet, if you examine their performance graph shown below. This .50 caliber heavy-duty XTP MAG bullet delivers pinpoint accuracy and controlled expansion at the high velocities produced by magnum (150 grain) loads. 0000013367 00000 n Copyright 2005 by Randy Wakeman. 0000079179 00000 n 0000013084 00000 n Expansion is controlled by varying jacket thickness down the length of the XTP, providing a definite advantage over plated bullets which have a uniform jacket thickness over the entire bullet. Jacketed bullets with concave, indented, "ringed," or boat tail bases have generally given me problems in the accuracy department. 0000372019 00000 n 0000278900 00000 n 0000376468 00000 n 0000254328 00000 n H\@D|E/g#^K' 0fX64P&]cc) . While there are many reasons this may happen, some common causes are: You do not have access to www.sportsmansguide.com. 0000372883 00000 n The tapered jacket allows for a far tougher bullet than could be made by just using the same jacket thickness throughout, and the generous hollow point ensures good expansion down to the anemic velocity of 750 fps. u1v{DFk\n+weapAT7! >> The XTP bullet features a .50 caliber sabot which falls away when the bullet leaves the muzzle. 0000258633 00000 n XTP Bullets are famous for their ability to expand reliably across. HP 8307 See hornady.com for the latest information. l,/70E21bqAD{C\=1@ Q endstream endobj 15990 0 obj <>/Metadata 190 0 R/Pages 15987 0 R/StructTreeRoot 208 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 15991 0 obj <. 0000371382 00000 n Introducing the latest products from the worldwide leader in ammunition. >> Every Day. *: For Triple 7 powered 1:28 rate of twist barreled inlines, the 250 grain XTP is likely a better choice than the 300 grain to keep the velocity, energy, and trajectory reasonable downrange for deer hunting. /Height 155 0000069795 00000 n 9'>'GDdtohp&_,#Ft-iF^e)lp^3o7([-Nx3p|>1p hpB}>e~ s?kq` \ endstream endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <>stream 0000268651 00000 n 4 out of 5 star rating . Hornady XTP bullets deliver devastating terminal performance at all ranges. See our growing inventory of AR Parts, and Reloading Components. 0000373968 00000 n c7Br5 #umze}0 G_i7oZBT19j^jZw*M 0000217598 00000 n Hornady XTP Bullets .50 Caliber Sabot w/ .44 Caliber - 240 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point - 20 Pack Hornady. Muzzle-Loaders.com works diligently to be aware of these ever-changing laws and obeys them accordingly. 0000278350 00000 n Hornady .50 Caliber Sabots with .44 Caliber 240-Grain HP XTP Bullets - view number 1. XTP-like Federal MagTech CCI PMC: GunBroker is the largest seller of Pistol Ammunition Ammunition All: 973033740 . 0000273509 00000 n In stock 4.25 / 5.0 4 Reviews . hbbd```b``e UDrN LZx "$@$X?d["HUxX:L ] V"5l$c!lX R, F"+fH}`/]f@v,`3Gu : endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 16078 0 obj <>stream This .50 caliber heavy-duty XTP MAG bullet delivers pinpoint accuracy and controlled expansion at the high velocities produced by magnum (150 grain) loads. 0000163514 00000 n These sabots feature the popular Hornady XTP jacketed hollow point bullet. Tags: chart December 7, 2015 By Dave Henderson Although muzzleloading rifles may be found in .45-, .54-, and even .36- and .52 calibers, the most common hunting caliber is .50. 0000018305 00000 n 0000004516 00000 n 1X Box -100- 32 Cal (312") 100 gr HORNADY HP/XTP #32070. 0000272686 00000 n Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App. 0000256028 00000 n 0000370137 00000 n SWAGED CORE It is the customer's responsibility to know and follow all federal, state and local laws and regulations that apply to the purchase and possession of black powder firearms. If you want insurance add $5.00.If you are in Tassie or SA WA NT post is based on your postcode. By placing an order, the buyer represents that he/she is in compliance with the law and will utilize the items in a lawful manner. H\j0@zlJ.z(iyeV'}J3>FV8uE#455nUI hKhQ;LM&v6I5)IEMM|hYU(lZGEnBDQ\v!_0)E-.Q /CA 1.0 Sabot with .44-cal. 0000375386 00000 n 0000278877 00000 n Hornady 50 Caliber Sabot With 44 240 Grain HP/XTP (Per 20)XTP Bullets Give You Controlled Expansion. . But it's the stopping power of the XTP bullet that has truly built its world-class reputation. Legal Notice - Muzzle-Loaders.com observes all Federal, State and local laws. . 0000256181 00000 n 0000214168 00000 n 0000255256 00000 n 0000009824 00000 n Hornady .50-cal. 5) 0000007379 00000 n For more information go to www.P65warnings.ca.gov Precise serrations divide the XTP Mag into symmetrical sections, strategically weakening the jacket and initiating controlled expansion even at low velocities. DRAWN GILDING METAL JACKET AG`K[hwmMP7iu9ubOrQ!;/a}oQc2 0000162540 00000 n 0000163639 00000 n H\nPD|]&}c Y+x0\;H1 EEi,UnCN.91Lvn};K%Y>Z I'e_mi?&mwqOgV [5|sk=1}nCU.! In ordering this product, you certify that you are of legal age and satisfy your jurisdiction's legal requirements to purchase this product. 22-250 Rem 50 gr. 0000261879 00000 n 50 Cal 240 gr PA Conical 240gr $16.00 . %PDF-1.4 V 17 HMR 17 gr. $8.89. 0000214625 00000 n There are several components in the XTP design that allow for this. Hornady .50-cal. Copyright 2023 Muzzle-Loaders.com. The 240 grain XTP simply drops them in their tracks. XTP Item Description : TCA MAG EXP SABOT 50 240XTP 30 ProductPageNumber : $2,133.29 34 0 obj <> endobj xref 34 211 0000000016 00000 n /AIS false 11 You can expect a muzzle velocity in the general area of 2100 fps and a six inch kill Maximum Point Blank Range of about 190 yards. You are using an old version of a web browser that is no longer supported. /Type /ExtGState 0000260725 00000 n 15989 0 obj <> endobj 16035 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5F387B2AF6604298AFE0B4CAD2551215>]/Index[15989 90]/Info 15988 0 R/Length 187/Prev 723689/Root 15990 0 R/Size 16079/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The recommend load for traditional black powder rifles is around 100 grains of powder for the best results. Effective in both traditional and modern muzzleloading rifles, these green saboted projectiles use the XTP bullet which is specifically designed for deep penetration and proper expansion at all practical muzzleloading velocities. 0000214310 00000 n 0000257581 00000 n . FREE Shipping on Orders $50+ Boats; Off Road; Resorts & Restaurants; Outdoor Tips; CLUB; Gift Cards; Help; Canada; . 0000068163 00000 n All orders are subject to acceptance by Muzzle-Loaders.com, which reserves the right to refuse any order. /Type /XObject 0000217009 00000 n The Traditions TPF Hunter Muzzleloading Bullet is a hollow point bullet that uses Hornady's XTP techhnology. 0000216547 00000 n Law Enforcement/Military Shotshell Contract. Hornady Manufacturing is a well-respected manufacturer of ammunition and firearms accessories that has been in business for more than 75 years. 0000048213 00000 n 0000023419 00000 n The .35 Remington is also traveling about 1400 fps at 190 yards, but has only 873 fpe of energy left with which to harvest game. Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available. 0000010372 00000 n At that range, the bullet is still traveling about 1400 fps, right in the middle of its design parameters. 2021 was below average for the amount of bears seen, but was successful as far as harvest go. 0000370494 00000 n 0000024735 00000 n 0000374364 00000 n Check your local laws before ordering this product. %PDF-1.7 % Hornady designed these bullets specifically for deep penetration and proper expansion at all practical muzzleloading velocities. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Copyright Hornady, Privacy Policy | CCPA Request | Accessibility Policy | Terms of Use, Designed and developed by IdeaBank Marketing. Designed for personal defense and medium-game hunting, Hornady 50 Cal 350gr XTP Mag bullets provide the same controlled expansion, accuracy, and dependability that have made XTP bullets a favorite among target shooters and hunters alike. 0000370319 00000 n All cannelures are applied before the final forming process to eliminate any distortion to the finished bullet. 0000011202 00000 n /Producer ( Q t 4 . )r[5es^I""#{6c`m"#g`)(XdVlW+xI^Fj Z-@K%j Z-@K%5y `D0`D0x7OoeFEFeVYURRQQRR'g2"n0*******===}|}|}|}|.'_d42z.|> z~Gb{}>6.V` p endstream endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 43 0 obj <>stream The speed sabot features a fumble-free method of pre-loading pellets. 0qp 0000266760 00000 n Are you at least 18 years of age, or older? Email requests to ship to places . I used the 240gr xtp MAG for years and only had 1 deer take a step. 0000260092 00000 n Expansion is controlled by varying jacket thickness down the length of the XTP Mag, providing a definite advantage over plated bullets with a uniform jacket thickness over the entire bullet. .50 Caliber - 300 Grain SKU: 1493743. 0000269250 00000 n Ballistics Rifle Ballistics Ammo Description Velocity (fps) Energy (ft/lb) . 0000262097 00000 n 0000006933 00000 n On revolver bullets, the cannelure helps achieve accurate, consistent crimping. 0000007963 00000 n Online shopping from a great selection of discounted .44 Caliber Bullets at Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. 0000370670 00000 n 0000008466 00000 n Reloading data for caliber 10 mm FAR with .400 | 180gr | Hornady XTP bullet. endobj 0000277222 00000 n 0000261560 00000 n 0000259459 00000 n SV 222 Rem 35 gr. 0000011538 00000 n /ca 1.0 /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . FR . Harvester 50 Cal. 0000277040 00000 n 0000163177 00000 n One deer at about 25 yards was knocked sideways off his feet. Surprisingly, the 250-grain Hornady SST pushed with 150 grains of White Hots at 2,052 fps penetrated the gel only .25 inches more deeply than the bullet from the 100-grain loading at 1,750 fps. This bullet is intended for black powder muzzle loading rifle use. Enter your email address to receive our latest deals, personalized offers, and MVP access to pre-order notifications.See Details, Hornady .50 Caliber Sabots with .44 Caliber 240-Grain HP XTP Bullets - view number 1, Hornady .50 Caliber Sabots with .44 Caliber 240-Grain HP XTP Bullets, 2023 Academy Sports + Outdoors. 0000253973 00000 n Long considered one of the finest self-defense and hunting pistol bullets ever designed, it is that and a whole lot more. Yes, it is a handgun bullet, but not just any handgun bullet. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. 27 febrero, 2023 . nHss!Fq] HPvOJ90I(# >Tg'{m]rW,@HeI 0000372562 00000 n V-MAX . Conicals in the 300- to 385-grain range typically do very well with a similar powder charge. max pressure of load in percent of the maximum allowed pressure for this caliber. In Stock. These high performance bullets also feature a Flex Tip that compresses into the front of the bullet upon impact for improved expansion and deadlier terminal performance. Check your local laws for any other regulations. Features and Specifications: Black Powder Caliber: 44 Caliber Grain Weight: 240 Grains Quantity: 20 Bullets Bullet Style: Jacketed Hollow Point G1 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.205 << 0000254945 00000 n The sale or shipment of this product to residents of certain jurisdictions is prohibited. The Hornady XTP Sabots come in a package of 20. << 0000376323 00000 n In muzzleloading rifles they have taken deer from distances of 3 feet to 327 yards, and have also cleanly harvested bear, elk, and moose. ]kf~ZI'9\yH?N9IOm~.=p 2^6\L{9|7_+~eSp&Lu IUoNBwNO=%U%^e[xE!@.KdeV-yG&'bKsdJJJJadP4fC~e~E^1,K,K,K,K,YX 2#;f.J+AW]yvE?Jd)XJd)X5Ld)X~5e?~,R}Y~1:glp6:glp6:Wgp["_xn,[6c'b7x4_kg]>L08 endstream endobj 46 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <> endobj 49 0 obj <> endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <> endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <> endobj 55 0 obj <> endobj 56 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20485#20C 61 0 R<>] endobj 57 0 obj <>stream 0000259827 00000 n 0000271313 00000 n NO EXPOSED LEAD 0000269429 00000 n Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. 0000260342 00000 n Deadly. 0000261026 00000 n 17 HMR 20 gr. 0000370203 00000 n 0000007295 00000 n 0000271131 00000 n 0000370416 00000 n 0000371866 00000 n 0000012172 00000 n 0000048628 00000 n Hornady 50 Cal 350gr XTP Mag Designed for personal defense and medium-game hunting, Hornady 50 Cal 350gr XTP Mag bullets provide the same controlled expansion, accuracy, and dependability that have made XTP bullets a favorite among target shooters and hunters alike. 0000273435 00000 n /SM 0.02 0000259314 00000 n 0000023821 00000 n 0000162899 00000 n 0000005523 00000 n Upon impact, the Flex Tip is compressed into the front of the bullet, causing the bullet to expand. Load data for 16 loads in caliber .357 Magnum with .357 | 140gr | Hornady XTP bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. eiBhzxU}1ozXo:J[*_foE@rMRF_P*hxZ>pZk5YA evkt,*_ 0000373062 00000 n Directly to your inbox. No freight forwarders. Combine the XTP MAG with a black sabot and you have black powder power and accuracy. There is another factor that is a clear trend in the Savage 10ML-II that accounts for its superb accuracy: the XTP has a flat base. /Title ( 5 0 c a l i b e r m u z z l e l o a d e r b a l l i s t i c s c h a r t) 0000265605 00000 n Total uniformity of core density ensures balanced expansion as well as in-flight stability. Arm or Ally is a stocking dealer for all Aero Precision, Faxon Firearms, Ballistic Advantage, HOLOSUN, Toolcraft, Elftmann Tactical, Timney, TriggerTech, HIPERFIRE and named the #1 Overall E-Commerce Dealer for Aero Precision Products in 2020! However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the buyer to be in compliance of laws that govern their specific locale. Hornady sabots deliver the highest velocities and the flattest trajectories on the market. 0000078964 00000 n Most inline .50 cal MZ with 100 gr pyrodex will be going 1600-1800 fps. 4.8 (38) Buyer's Club $23.39 Non-Member $25.99 Add to Cart Big Savings. Under the same conditions, the Parker 300 grain Match Hunter has only 5.94 inches of wind deflection at 200 yards. Item # WX2-142349 . Self-lubricating Sabots for . Even Hornady underrates their .452", 300 grain bullet, if you examine their performance graph shown below. Manufacturing Inc Metric Ballistic Chart Hornady Related : Hornady Xtp 50 Cal 240 Grain Ballistics Chart. The non-mag versions of the XTP are also fine for deer sized game but are IMO too lightly constructed for elk, you will have jacket separation and over-expansion on close shots . Your browsers UserAgent string has been modified and is invalid or does not match other characteristics of your request. These projectiles completely change the effectiveness of the old 32-20. The gilding metal jacket protects the nose of the bullet, so the hollow cavity functions properly on impact and ensures proper feeding in semi-automatics. 0000029308 00000 n 0000079363 00000 n 0000009188 00000 n Overview. In the Savage 10ML-II, though, the 300 grain XTP shines by comparison. I can't begin to guess the tens of thousands of deer that have fallen to this superior bullet over the years. 0000040400 00000 n 0000068390 00000 n 1 0 obj Hornady XTP Pistol Bullets are designed for hunting, law enforcement, and self-sefense. 0000377198 00000 n 0000008866 00000 n 0000005557 00000 n We only ship to the 50 United States. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr 9{: 9c)MJAM$,o(! Compare the lethality of this load with the .35 Remington factory cartridge shooting a 200 grain bullet and you might be surprised. Only show this user. 0000266360 00000 n 0000369491 00000 n 0000164640 00000 n 0000278803 00000 n 0000261779 00000 n 0000028799 00000 n Double tap to zoom. stream Let's take a moment to look at the exterior ballistics of the 300 grain, .452" XTP out of the Savage 10ML-II, as powered by 45 grains of Accurate Arms 5744. With Hornady XTP Bullet. 0000277699 00000 n 0000276130 00000 n 0000018127 00000 n 0000080136 00000 n Total uniformity of core density ensures balanced expansion as well as in-flight stability. ,}[V35ID0T_s Hornady Jacketed 50 Cal 240 Grain Muzzleloader Bullets are designed for hunting with today's high performance muzzleloaders like your Knight Rifle, these sabots feature the popular Hornady XTP jacketed hollow point bullet. . 0000264778 00000 n These sabots feature the popular Hornady XTP jacketed hollow point bullet. Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. Founded by Joyce . 0000253934 00000 n You must be 18 or older to purchase Rifle or Shotgun Ammunition and 21 or older to purchase Handgun Ammunition. But I can tell you that the .452", 300 grain XTP married to the short, black MMP sabot has accounted for over 1500 head of deer taken by Savage 10ML series rifles in one small area of Coastal Carolina alone. 0000369855 00000 n This can often be caused by Third Party plug-ins. These bullets were specially designed for modern high-performance inline muzzleloading rifles, however, traditional muzzleloaders can still use these sabots to great effectiveness. From the onset, XTP bullets were specifically designed to expand reliably at a wide range of handgun velocities to deliver deep penetration with every shot. 0000163394 00000 n Enjoy a boost in shooting performance with the Hornady .50 Caliber Sabot with .44 Caliber 240 Grain Hollow Point XTP MAG Bullets. All cannelures are applied before the final forming process to eliminate any distortion to the finished bullet. 0000072443 00000 n When using Mag Express Sabots behind magnum charges, the hunter can extend his or her range out to 200 yards. I have seen much worse meat damage from similar shots with a 7mm Rem Mag. 0000276161 00000 n powder burnt in percent. The "half-inch" bore is the most flexible in terms of Need Expert Advice? [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Reliable performance makes the XTP the most popular handgun bullet for both target shooters and hunters. tq}').Qk\$ .wvIu'}I6o'=Rj,nL9?C`&!Q8_g `bST({"yBqMZTe_ e*XRp!%~"nvbLz(mHJf3YzO'ZQQW;n$4LxOSibh3lBATonk^Fxb. 0000267365 00000 n trailer <]/Prev 547703>> startxref 0 %%EOF 244 0 obj <>stream Promotions, new products and sales. CANNELURE This is factory new ammo, fresh in the factory packaging and consists of (5) Boxes of 240 Grain . This bullet from Hornady is intended for black powder muzzle loading rifle use. Free Shipping. Properties in your browser or network settings have been modified and appear abnormal. 0000278978 00000 n 0000254715 00000 n 0000258246 00000 n $ 11.42 - $ 16.45. 0000261910 00000 n 0000021689 00000 n Hornady Muzzleloader Bullets. 0000048467 00000 n Precise serrations divide the XTP into symmetrical sections, strategically weakening the jacket and initiating controlled expansion even at low velocities. available at a great price in the Sportsman's Guide Bullets collection . But XTP Mag bullets are designed to take things a step further withstanding the higher velocities and impacts of ultra-powerful, magnum handguns while delivering even deeper penetration than standard XTP bullets. STYLE IT WITH. %PDF-1.5 % $20.97. 0000374298 00000 n Hornady 50 Cal Sabot W/44 Cal .430 240gr XTP 20/bx. We do not ship to APO, FPO, Guam or Puerto Rico. You must be at least 18 years of age to view the content on our website. /Width 625 0000216208 00000 n 240 Grain HP XTP Bullets, 20 rds. Over 1300 fpe are injected into your game animal at 190 yards. 8 . Academy; Outdoors; Shooting; Ammunition . /BitsPerComponent 8 Shot broadside into the lung area, the meat damage is not too bad. /SMask /None>> Jr *U2T ii\dr]UMj6O|dFb'q Wx 86n\byR2I(\6ZrFe%n91 vmF^gfF/~]ePfx%O>!ZWtQlBB,TNZ;"Yv!2 jQ.b,B d\},I$,l1~ It includes a .50 caliber sabot which falls away once the bullet exits the muzzle. Reviews. 0000256542 00000 n Back to top T/C Arms Mag Express Sabots .50 Cal. 7) Requested URL: www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/hornady-50-cal-sabot-with-44-cal-240-grain-hp-xtp-bullets-20-rds?a=1581328, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Hornady 50 Cal Sabot with 44 Cal 240 Gr HP XTP Bullet -The heavy-duty construction of the XTP MAG delivers pinpoint accuracy and controlled expansion at the high velocities produced by 150 grain loads. 0000163740 00000 n Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. We assume no liability associated with misuse of our products. 0000078839 00000 n 0000263448 00000 n 0000163319 00000 n 0000261705 00000 n 0000371265 00000 n NTX . hb```l:B $21.98 - $63.99 $24.99 - $63.99 Save up to 24% Caliber/Gauge: Grain: . t{6b#ph2ivy`PwPU>`2 = 0000018270 00000 n Hornady V-Max Rifle Bullets, 22 Caliber, .224, 50 Grain $30.55 . 0000259924 00000 n Sabot 240 gr. 0000376105 00000 n H\0yC?i!aXw(|.Bf/Ey*mMz:k@^[1f'`rFa>pq^*7vVo|V}~` Pl^@>mW/s"> d4cT7j{aB|ri.lo=95&`p*o~03gcx'.i|Bx87,aNSYYR(Fq1sF51(Q1E]{*Tgh4k_&7n4irA&#Q *v|Bsw?Ui$f+~ $n endstream endobj 39 0 obj <> endobj 40 0 obj <> endobj 41 0 obj <>stream 0000260245 00000 n ~ This auction is for a lot of 100 rounds of Hornady .44 Magnum Ammunition (Part #9085). It is relatively long for caliber compared to other pistol bullets, and the cannelure that may steal a point or two of ballistic coefficient clearly helps inhibit core separation, even when smashing through heavy bone. 0000029807 00000 n 0000372988 00000 n All Rights Reserved, Controlled expansion, terminal penetration and great accuracy. Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Live Chat Help Center Check Order Status. Renew Today %* . Rl;70 0000267510 00000 n All rights reserved. 1 2 . The Hornady XTP Bullets are designed for hunting with high performance muzzleloaders. 0000013197 00000 n Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App. 0000079291 00000 n 0000376031 00000 n That bullet, at a MV of 2100 fps, has a 182 yard MPBR and strikes with 908 fpe @ 190 yards. By clicking "yes" above, you certify you are at least 18 years of age, and wish to view the content of and communicate with Arm or Ally. 0000080181 00000 n 0000265215 00000 n This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering. a%8={tt(/}(@d;1j-E 4jG\\K s# cLrBBE{s&eK GLsI7 G,<8m3K185$_z!v(q?)Ip2As81wZ96EP2zkEAJ`c QX9#LWrofBBGC. 0000260495 00000 n hornady 44 mag xtp for deer hunting. 0000214507 00000 n 0000371199 00000 n The primary benefit isn't less drop, it is less wind drift. Harvester 50 Cal. 0000279051 00000 n Order today! C 218 Bee 45 gr. Hornady 3oo grain XTP bullet graph. The gilding metal jacket protects the nose of the bullet, so the hollow cavity functions properly on impact and ensures proper feeding in semi-automatics. 0000024260 00000 n /Length 7 0 R 0000257194 00000 n nB.?;s -PB*A}Ovodoy47^EDOk{AYpn;wWwJ: ]VB"qBV6L^Cs`+_56% 0000055751 00000 n 0000255091 00000 n /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB 0000213525 00000 n document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Copyright Hornady, Privacy Policy | CCPA Request | Accessibility Policy | Terms of Use, Designed and developed by IdeaBank Marketing, 50 Cal Sabot with 44 Cal 240 gr HP XTP Bullet. My buddy Tommy T., and I started the year by heading out to North West Montana for the spring bear season.. 0000259020 00000 n eaX0,MpjDC\o_v{l:Iv,IE/{XXY`c zJ8(K%=QbQ/4%"#X82[>}(ngdv4Y_gba[gbqq2dN+%e8I,)JBaH\A%& 0000058778 00000 n You must be 18 years old to purchase this product. Hornady XTP Bullets 50 Cal Sabot 44 Cal 240 Grain Jacketed Hollow Black Powder Supplies / Bullets & Sabots Hornady XTP Bullets 50 Caliber Sabot with 44 Caliber 240 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 20 Product #: 539065 Manufacturer #: 6720 UPC #: 090255267204 37 Write a Review Q&A (9) Our Price: $18.99$ 6.96 ($0.35 per bullet) Every musket and muzzleloader rifle, kit or parts sold by Muzzle-Loaders.com is considered primitive or antique weaponry according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF). Hornady .50 Caliber Sabots with .44 Caliber 240-Grain HP XTP Bullets; Important Product and Safety Information. This provides the best of both worlds by combining the performance of a pistol bullet with the challenge of muzzleloader hunting. On revolver bullets, the cannelure helps achieve accurate, consistent crimping. Please add freight for AusPost Parcel Post red and white plastic bag $15.00 for east coast mainland with tracking only. $10.20 50 Cal .485 Hard Ball B6950 $12.00 $12.00 Hornady XTP Pistol Bullets .44 Caliber (.430) $18.55 - $28.55 $18.55 - $28.55 Hornady SST Muzzleloading Bullets-45 Cal Sabot w/40 200 gr SST - B67132 $15.90 $15.90 Hornady SST Low Drag Sabot ,50 Caliber 300 gr - B67263 $13.95 $13.95 . XTP (eXtreme Terminal Performance) bullets are specifically designed to expand reliably at a wide range of handgun velocities and to deliver deep penetration. 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