I won't! : It was his! They should be in a happy home. Debra Barone What was that? : You know, I try to do something nice and thoughtful and it's like I killed my mother's birthday. Ray: Okay, Ma, here you go. You think it's a coincidence that I got the same exact ones? When Debra scares Ray and makes him jump on the kitchen counter, it causes a cup to tip over. Genres. TV-PG | Dec 9, 2002 | 23m. Free (& Subscription) Games for All Platforms: New & Upcoming, What to Watch in March: 21 Notable TV Shows & Streaming Movies, Fall TV Preview: A Guide to New & Returning Broadcast Shows. Peacock is spreading its wings worldwide.Enjoy bingeworthy Originals and a huge catalogue of hit TV series and blockbuster films. Aired 19th February 2023. : [pokes Robert in the stomach] Remember, you said, "We were in the city," and I said, "Oh my God!" Enjoy bingeworthy Originals and a huge catalogue of hit TV series and blockbuster films. And then I remembered you talking about your mom and her figurines. You should be happy. Starring: Patricia Heaton, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Doris Roberts, Madylin Sweeten, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan Sweeten. But when Ray gets all the credit, Robe Read allRay lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. Robert Barone After Ray gets Marie a thoughtful gift for her birthday, the pressure is on to get Debra an equally meaningful gift forChristmas. That moment was basically Robert's feelings towards Deb and Ray in a nutshell. I gave you the color, the size, directions to the store, directions from the front of the store to the pajama department. Debra feels slighted after Raymond buys his mom a very thoughtful gift. : Oh, this one's from me, Robert and Dad. Amy: Hi. It always annoyed me too. : My mother fell into them when I told her I was marrying Frank. Everybody Loves Raymond is a FANDOM TV Community. : Oh, come on! Ray: No. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your Get details on the most noteworthy TV shows arriving in March 2023, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. : Contents 1 Season 1 (1996-1997) TLN Telelatino Canada September 6, 2004 and September 20, 2004 2 Season 2 (1997-1998) TLN Telelatino Canada September 21, 2004 and October 7, 2004 Ray: No, Ma, I didn't mean- "The Thought That Counts" is the seventh Christmas episode of the CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, produced and aired as the eleventh episode of the show's seventh season. Mom, mom, mom, mom, ma. Debra Barone Get a detailed look at every new and returning show coming to broadcast 2012 Fall TV Preview: Our Night-by-Night Guide. Nothing. Season 1 (19961997) TLN Telelatino Canada September 6, 2004 and September 20, 2004, Season 2 (19971998) TLN Telelatino Canada September 21, 2004 and October 7, 2004, Season 3 (19981999) TLN Telelatino Canada October 7, 2004 and October 26, 2004, Season 4 (19992000) TLN Telelatino Canada October 26, 2004 and November 11, 2004, Season 5 (20002001) TLN Telelatino Canada November 11, 2004 and November 29, 2004, Season 6 (20012002) TLN Telelatino Canada November 30, 2004 and December 16, 2004, Season 7 (20022003) TLN Telelatino Canada December 16, 2004 and January 3, 2005, Season 8 (20032004) TLN Telelatino Canada January 3, 2005 and January 18, 2005, Season 9 (20042005) TLN Telelatino Canada September 5, 2005 and September 26, 2005. Birds Of a feather flock together Flock, mock-ing bird" Merry Christmas! The girls are furious with the boys and they are forced to go to the Ice Capades. Debra Barone : Yep. The Bachelor Party Sleepover at Peggy's This is the complete episode list of all nine seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond. (1,724) 7.2 2003 X-Ray TV-PG. Debra: Oh, wow! Season 7 Episode 11 22m. Ray: What's this guy talkin' about? | : Ray: Right. Sorry, man. Season 7, Episode 11- Ray: I've gotten you plenty of thoughtful stuff. Mans would kill Amy and Ray in a heartbeat if Deb told him to so they could be together. I still had to return them 'cause you got the wrong ones! : How do we get out of here? The Thought That Counts is the eleventh episode of Season 7, and is the 157th episode overall. Robert's Wedding. Just let the woman be happy for a minute. 18 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment He played Atticus Finch! Ray: I'm not taking them back! Debra Barone And Frank. Yes I did! : Filming & Production Marie: Frank, why can't you put a little more thought into what you got me? It never stops for successful sports writer Ray Barone, whose oddball family life consists of a fed up wife, overbearing parents, and an older brother with lifelong jealousy. : Huh? Debra was so happy thinking Ray bought her the book, and I hate that Robert ruins that. Debra Barone Robert: You did not. After Ray gets Marie a thoughtful gift for her birthday, the pressure is on to get Debra an equally meaningful gift for Christmas. Everybody knows you can't work a tape dispenser with your giant fingers. Debra: I gave you the color, the size, directions to the store, directions from the front of the store to the pajama department. He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". Marie: Oh, thank you. The episode was included in the Everybody Loves Raymond: The Complete Seventh Season DVD set . Gregory Peck! Robert Barone : He has always been jealous of Ray, and seeing him get credit for something drove him nuts. I just think, again, he's jealous that Ray married her. When Ray complains that Ally has too much homework, Debra suggests he discuss it with her teacher at "Open . TM & Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. A WarnerMedia Company. For her. Phil Rosenthal, the creator of "Everybody Loves Raymond," is coming to the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa on Feb. 24 to discuss his travels, the foods he finds and . Counseling : This series follows the relationships between three closeknit generations who happen to live a little too close for comfort. I've gotten you plenty of thoughtful stuff. Ray Barone Maybe you're delirious from lack of sex. Gregory Peck! I didn't care how much it costs because it's what you wanted. It's okay. It's unbelievable. You're keeping 'em and you're gonna cherish 'em! Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. : Come on, Debra! : You know, I try to do something nice and thoughtful and it's like I killed my mother's birthday. Amy MacDougall He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". Me, mine, all me! : Take them back. Ray Barone HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Step aside while I shoot this rabid dog. : It was my idea! : Alexandra Romano has an uncredited cameo in the episode as a girl in the skating rink audience. He gives her the first edition of To Kill a Mockingbird, the book on which she did her thesis. Marie: Take them back. : About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". Season 7 episodes (24) Depressed that Marie and Debra can't seem to resolve their differences, Robert decides to join a support group that the family believes is a cult. Robert Barone Debra convinces Ray that they should go for marriage counseling. And then you're telling me to take 'em back?! Aired December 9, 2002. Yes but Im thinking of it more from Debras perspective. You got your book. Little? Ray: I'm not taking them back! However, if I were Amy, I would have been way more bothered by his crush over Deb. Comedy. I bet you didn't even know there *was* a movie about it! Then I went to every antique shop in the city until I found the little bastards! Not Raymond's! - OKAY, MA, HERE YOU GO. Press J to jump to the feed. Robert: You should be happy with me! You moron! : S 7 E4 22m. You're not making any sense. Episode Details & Credits. I don't care about her gift. Robert gives Ray a great idea on what to get Debra for Christmas, but he isn't very happy when Ray takes all the credit for it. Debra Barone It was me! See, if you sleep naked we don't have this problem. However, it fits with his character. : Ray: I know, right? I remembered! Marie: Take them back. Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. Frank: Nice job, Ray. Home; TV Series; Everybody Loves Raymond; Season 7 Episode 11; Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7 View all. But when Ray gets all the credit, Robe Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. Ray Barone Marie: 'Cause every time I look at them now, I'll think of you boys fighting. All Rights Reserved. Now you're becoming my mother! You gave me the perfect present. IMDb RATING 7.7 /10 380 YOUR RATING Rate Comedy Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. Directed by: Gary Halvorson. | Comedy. I spent weeks trying to figure out what to get you! See available offers. Oh, thank you so much. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Robert gives Ray a great idea on what to get Debra for Christmas, but he isn't very happy when Ray takes all the credit for it. It's not the holidays until you've seen Frank in his Santa-face underwear. Frank: Let's not ruin the moment. But when Ray gets all the credit, Robert snaps. Just a Formality Letting her know you paid more wasn't enough? Debra: Remember? You should be happy with me! For US customers: Your device must physically be located in the US to stream. Ray Barone Who's the star of the movie, Raymond? It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special. Amy then confronts him on the gift he got her (tickets to the Ice Capades), which was Marie's idea. : Somebody Hates Raymond Availability The cup rights itself in a later shot then is seen tipped again without anyone touching it. Ep 11 The Thought That Counts. Huh? Robert Barone Hmm? Expires 26th Feb 2023 9:00pm. Every day, I see your feet when you get out of bed. the return of the series. You moron! (I know the answer is yes but it bothers me ). Everybody Loves Raymond. S 7 E2 22m. "All right, Scout, step aside while I shoot this rabid dog." The Sigh Peacock is spreading its wings worldwide. Marie: 'Cause every time I look at them now, I'll think of you boys fighting. Debra Barone Ray Barone You did not! Ray: Come on, Ma, I'm not taking them back. Ray Barone Ray Barone Take them back. : I don't blame him for his jealousy over Ray since he has been treated as a 2nd class citizen in the family over Ray. Furthermore, he has always had a crush on Deb, so seeing her happy with something has was his idea without getting the credit really bothered him. Ray Romano Patricia Heaton Doris Roberts. Discovery (NASDAQ: WBD) is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates and distributes the world's most differentiated and comprehensive portfolio of content and brands across television, film and streaming. Ray: What? Watch Everybody Loves Raymond every night on TV Land.For more Everybody Loves Raymond, click here: https://bit.ly/2Ouj0Gn. Oh! "The Thought That Counts" is the seventh Christmas episode of the CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, produced and aired as the eleventh episode of the show's seventh season. Who Am I? - OH! Now available at no extra cost to Sky and NOW subscribers in the following locations: Peacock is not yet available in your territory. All other programs and/or marks are the property of their respective owners. S 7 E3 22m. I dont usually dislike Robert but it really bothers me when he announces To Kill a Mockingbird was his idea. Debra Barone I was just trying to make him look bad. Ray Barone Watch Everybody Loves Raymond every night on TV Land.For more Everybody Loves Raymond, click here: https://bit.ly/2Ouj0Gn#EverybodyLovesRaymond #TVLandThe comical everyday life of a successful sports columnist, Ray Barone (Ray Romano) and his relationship with dysfunctional family.Subscribe to TV Land: http://goo.gl/mBhVmmCatch up on the TV Land App: http://www.tvland.com/appTV Land:Website: http://www.tvland.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvland Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvland Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tvland/ : Robert: It was all part of his plan to find the glory and then hog it. All rights reserved. : Ray discovers, after many years, that the autographed Mickey Mantle ball he got as a kid from his father is not authentic. Robert. Robert gives Ray a great idea on what to get Debra for Christmas, but he isn't very happy when Ray takes all the credit for it. Pet the Bunny. Release Dates Marie: So you two didn't even help pick them out? Homework. Here are Ray Barone's best moments! Robert: Gregory Peck! Debra Barone Ray: What- What- What is the diff- Robert: It was me! When Ray can't figure out what to get, Robert gives him the perfect idea. He's got to be stopped! Debra: You mostly get me gift certificates and back-rub IOUs or stuff that I've had to hint that I wanted, like Like these pajamas, for instance. Homework Something from Lake Saugatuck. Christmas Specials Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The actor plays Leo Russo, who "lives a simple life in Queens, New York, with his wife Angela (Laurie Metcalf), their shy but talented son "Sticks" (Jacob Ward) and Leo's close-knit network of . Robert: No no, I-I helped. They're tainted. Robert: What do you mean? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Robert Barone Technical Specs, Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 7 (7.5/10). Episode Title: The Thought That Counts Episode Number: Season 7, Episode 11 (#157 of 210) Air Date: December 9, 2002 Episode description (from DVD): "" Cast: Ray Romano as Ray Barone Patricia Heaton as Debra Barone Brad Garrett as Robert Barone Madylin Sweeten as Ally Barone Doris Roberts as Marie Barone Peter Boyle as Frank Barone Director Gary Halvorson Writers Phil Rosenthal Tucker Cawley Ray Romano (based on the comedy of) Stars Merry Christmas Ray. The Cult The episode was included in the Everybody Loves Raymond: The Complete Seventh Season DVD set, released on September 19, 2006. Everybody Loves Raymond; Season 7; Everybody Loves Raymond. Baggage Debra Barone You made up that whole city thing? Ray: Come on, Ma, I'm not taking them back. For other international audiences:Peacock is not yet available in your territory. Official Sites You're not making any sense! He doesn't even think Ray deserves credit for what Ray has accomplished in life, let alone credit for something that Robert accomplished. What? The Plan Ray Romano, Patricia Heaton, Brad Garrett. Marie: You take them back. It's funny how the mind works, isn't it? Marie: Don't lie, Robbie. The Shower I bet you didn't even know there was a movie about it! Season 7. I still had to return them because you got the wrong ones. But one day they all broke. Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005): Season 7, Episode 11 - The Thought That Counts - full transcript Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. I spent weeks trying to figure out what to get you! Everybody Loves Raymond (TV Series) The Thought That Counts (2002) Patricia Heaton: Debra Barone Showing all 5 items Jump to: Photos (1) Quotes (4) Photos Quotes Ray Barone : It's unbelievable. More information:www.wbd.com. Everybody Loves Raymond is a FANDOM TV Community. Come here, Frank. Starring. Robert Barone Ray Barone Yep. We also love Robert! I gave it to you. Debra: What? Ray Barone Debra Barone When Ray puts a lot of thought into his mom's birthday gift, Debra asks for a thoughtful gift too. I told him to get you that book! Robert Barone He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". Robert has always had a little crush on Debra. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ", "Why don't we ask my mom?" 2023 METACRITIC, A FANDOM COMPANY. Who's Next? But now I have my very own set. He won the Oscar in 1962! PG. He goes to Amy and Robert for help and Robert suggests the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". But when Ray gets all the credit, Robert snaps.Ray lies to Debra about getting her a great Christmas present. Ray frantically tries to figure out what to get Debra for Christmas. S 7 E1 22m. <style> .swiper-slide { opacity: 1 !important; margin-right: 10px; } </style> S 7 E5 . Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7 Episode 11 The Thought That Counts Archive Channel 25:07 Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7 Episode 11 The Thought That Counts Everybody Loves Raymond 22:16 Everybody Loves Raymond - Se7 - Ep13 - Somebody Hates Raymond HD Watch burcuvural53005comtr 22:16 46K views, 533 likes, 54 loves, 12 comments, 29 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Pirana 49: Everybody Loves Raymond - S7E11 - The Thought That Count Its Christmas for goodness sake! Check box if your review contains spoilers. I don't want you to ever get me another gift again because every time you do it just makes me realize how little you care. Robert gives Ray a great idea on what to get Debra for Christmas, but he isn't very happy when Ray takes all the credit for it. But when Ray gets all the credit, Robert snaps. Here are Ray Barones best moments! Ray Barone Lake Saugatuck? Sweet Charity She had previously played different characters in the series, a flower girl at Ray and Debra's wedding, and Peggy's daughter Molly. Peacock Peacock TV LLC. Like, does Robert want her to hate Ray more than she already does? But when Ray gets all the credit, Robert snaps. Marie's Vision 1.8K views, 50 likes, 5 loves, 2 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Abraham Show: Everybody Loves Raymond - The Thought That Counts Ray Barone Robert Barone Debra feels slighted after Raymond buys his mom a very thoughtful gift. the return of the series. Yeah but it wasn't *your* thought. Robert obsesses over it and tells Debra the truth. Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7 Episode 11 The Thought That Counts Browse more videos Playing next 22:05 Everybody Loves Raymond Season 7 Episode 11 The Thought That Counts Archive Channel 22:31 Everybody Loves Raymond - Se7 - Ep11 - The Thought That Counts HD Watch burcuvural53005comtr 22:32 : CBS | Air Date: December 9, 2002. Wha-what does that got Robert Barone Debra: You know, Ray what was it that we were doing in the city that reminded you of "To Kill a Mockingbird"? The Cult. [yelling] : Robert Barone Weeks! Frank: Well, Raymond, nice going. All you care is about is "What should I get for my mom? Robert: Yes, yes, and yes. Gregory Peck! I wrapped it. The Thought That Counts We just came from across the street. Robert Needs Money So I thought and I thought and I thought "What can I get to cover up those things?". Ray: You know what? : Gregory Peck! I can't look at them! After Raymond buys Marie a thoughtful birthday present, Debra wonders why he doesn't put the same thought into the gifts he buys for her. : Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! ", "You think my mom will like this? Frank: Slippers are very thoughtful. Oh, you never even heard of "To Kill A Mockingbird"! Available in more than 220 countries and territories, and in 50 different languages, Warner Bros. Just let the woman be happy for a minute. Amy: Why is it so important Debra knows that the book was your idea? The "Everybody Loves Raymond" series finale, titled simply "The Finale," begins with a scenario that showrunner Phil Rosenthal described in an interview with the Television Academy . Me, mine, all me! You lied to me? Ray Barone Pet the Bunny Watch Everybody Loves Raymond: S7 E11 The Thought That Counts on DIRECTV Your device must physically be located in the US to stream. My mother had figurines like these and I used to stare at them, hoping that maybe when I grew up they could be mine. | 'The Thought That Counts' Season 7, Episode 11 - Aired December 9, 2002 . You ruined that old crow's birthday. You never read the book, you never saw the movie! I understand. Goodnight. : Debra wonders why Ray does not put the same effort into finding thoughtful gifts for her as he does for Marie. Ray: You never hinted about those pajamas. What? Ray: Oh yes, I did! You know, Ray? One of the greatest shows on tv. Warner Bros. Huh? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This is the complete episode list of all nine seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond. You know I almost went with another idea. : Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. I don't think I've even mentioned that in ten years. Summary: Robert gives Ray a great idea on what to get Debra for Christmas, but he isn't very happy when Ray takes all the credit for it. Episodes. He did it to Ma, and now he's doing it to Debra. "Wherever I travel, be it a different state, country, or continent, I always call Phil when I need to know where and what to eat. | They're tainted. A health scare. Feeling hurt by the fact that his father was not truthful about it, he decides he is going to tell Ally the truth about Santa Claus . 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