From Dr Anderson's testimony about the 1st session: When Mr. Depp told you that Amber hit him in the jaw, did Amber respond in any way? It was a process issue., [Dr Anderson and the lawyer are referring to the exhibit with Dr. Andersons session notes. Dr. Anderson: Each threatened [to walk out] and stood up. The session notes are completely redacted so it seems there was nothing about DV discussed. 1-Depp v. Heard: Johnny Depp Opening Statement . She can't let him talk -- is my recollection. Theretends to be a lot of shame around the idea that they are being abused and apprehension that they will be believed. ", This violence against Johnny happened when he was supposedly "fucked up, as she would say, on a lot of drugs" and"Mr. Depp's mother was in ICU. 200 Medical Plaza Suite 420 Los Angeles, California 90095. So he's a very articulate man. Why she didnt ask for more single sessions with Mr. Depp to safely get his version of their fights? "Question (40:06), "This was, as I said, Ms. Heard talking on the phone to me. Did Miss Heard tell you that she socked Mr. Depp? You recall that testimony?, And you were making motions with your fingers., But I was saying multiple I'm not saying one., Right. From Dr Anderson's testimony,it appears that the non-DV portions of exhibits were redacted: "Its the only thing in this clinical session that apparently was about physical abuse or else it would not have been redacted out.". We may view information that she absorbed during their therapy differently than she did because we have had access to these other sources of information. Men are made responsible for their own actions andthe woman's actions. DrAnderson is a long-time couples' therapist based in Los Angeles. View Laurel Anderson results in Los Angeles, CA including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Mr. Depp's mother was in ICU. Laurel Anderson Phd, a Medical Group Practice located in Los Angeles, CA. Will she have advantage if she leaves him but files with police for abuse first? Was that a question that she asked you?Dr Anderson (42:52)Yes. And I just want to focus on the one snippet on base, page three. He had been well controlled, I think, for almost, I don't know, 20/30 years, and both were victims of abuse in their homes, but I thought he had been well controlled for decades. This was her talking out loud, trying to strategize for herself., A few minutes later in Dr Anderson's testimony, they are discussing her Treatment Summary where Dr Anderson describesthis slap of Johnny as Amber "trying to initiate a fight." What I said previously, and I'll say it again, he's kind of doing a retrospective of trying to understand a relationship and is characterizing it as chaotic and violent. Ill get off the soapbox now, thank you again for this article! Some people see it as an admission by Johnny that he was just as violent as Amber, and it could be taken that way, butI think that it is quite open-ended as to what Johnny might have meant. By Hamel's standards, Dr Anderson underminesa diagnosis of mutual abuse herself in the very samestatementthat she presents the label: with Ms. Heard, he was triggered andthey engaged in what I saw asmutual abuse. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. That's kind of a direct quote. He late. Amber does not appear to follow-up on it at that time. And I want to ask you about that one paragraph. And so she was reporting on that.Question (45:57), Then you write: He got aggressive, threatening, didn't touch him, hid in bathroom. What were you referring to there?Dr Anderson (46:09), What she reported to me, which was an improvement that she didn't participate.Question (46:22), So is it fair to say that she told you she did not hit him at that time?, Yes, that's what I believe my notes say. Always consult a medical provider for diagnosis and treatment. And it's just that they're fighting and she has a hard time. Depp, 58, is suing the 35-year-old Aquaman star for $50 million for defamation over a 2018 op-ed she wrote about being the survivor of sexual and physical abuse. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Some time around the London libel trial in the UK, Johnny saidthat Amber was angry in Australia about his desire for a post-nuptial agreement and threw a liquor bottle at himsmashing his hand on the counter and cutting off his finger tip. On island, started to get into something. What were you referring to there?Dr Anderson (45:40)Well, Christmas had occurred, and the goal was they had a lot of people going to his island and they were going to be together. She met with Amber and Johnny separately and together several times between Oct 2015 andJune 2016. "Question (42:33)Directing your attention to the last snippet from that session. She may have asked them to describe their worst fights. (I might be ignorant here, Ive never been to couples counselling, but it really strikes me as odd that she saw Ms. Heard significantly more often in solo appointments than she saw Mr. It is a common justification for domestic violence and other violence. He showed me on June 18, 2016. It is difficult to understand why physical safety would not become a crucially important part of the joint couple's appointments. Dr Anderson appears to have a policy of meeting with each member of a couple separately for an intake session in order to provide an opportunity for each to speak freely about things they may fear bringing up in front of their partner. Languages English Education Medical Board Certifications Geriatric Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine, 2005. "Dr Anderson (40:59), right below what we were just talking about in red. She goes to show her pictures and in-person bruises on her face. She releases a story toPeople magazine. Ms. Johnny at first told the hospital that he cut his finger off by accident. Dr. Anderson's office is located at 9911 W Pico Blvd # 1070, Los Angeles, CA 90035. You were seeing multiple bruises on Amber's face when you were talking about how the size of it your fingers were under your eyes. As someone who was diagnosed with BPD years ago, has tried several therapists due to that diagnosis & worked through some of it in specialised inpatient care & therapy with other cluster B patients Im left to wonder how qualified Dr. Anderson was to work with Ms. Heard? 109-Depp v. Heard . Nov 12, 2015 -- There was no discussion of this session in the testimony. ], I think it is important that people recognize that reasons for behavior don't excuse behavior. I don't think she denied it, but what I believe from my notes was that she galloped off in a new direction, Did she interrupt him during your other sessions. Dr Anderson's Trial Testimony If Dr Anderson assessed that as a possibility, it could explain her not forcing the issue in this 1st session. ), Is Dr Andersonexaggerating Johnny's abuses and minimizing Amber's. We can infer from the testimony that Amber didn't take the opportunity when they were in that session together, to counter with any accusations of DV against Johnny. Westwood Internal Medicine 200. So here we have Dr Anderson testifying that she saw bruising on Amber's face the day after Amber told her that shehit Johnny because he was "talking incoherently" and asked her if she would have an advantage in divorce if she first called police to file a DV report against Johnny. About the ratings: GreatSchools ratings are based on a comparison of test results for all schools in the state. Whoever's story you believe, if Dr Anderson didn't know about this event, she was handicapped in understanding, assessing, and counseling this couple. Has the patient seen this doctor before? When Mr. Depp told you that Amber hit him in the jaw, did Amber respond in any way? The relationship is not good. The second best result is Jessica Danielle Anderson age 30s in Los Angeles, CA in the Vermont Square neighborhood. What's Wrong with the Duluth Model for DV Treatment? I don't agree with the idea that partner abuse is causedsolely or even mostly because of patriarchy. Thereare many reasons why someone mightcontrol, demean, or punishtheir partner. About an inch., So is it fair to say those are small bruises in more than one place? How frequent and severe is the nonphysical abuse?". "Question, "And the him whom she threw acan at. But that doesn't fit with Amber "interrupted him," "He says no more about what she says about him," and "She can't let him talk.". The first half of this post provides background to Dr Anderson's testimony andtestimony analysis with selected transcript excerpts. Its good to hear that you found the post interesting and helpful. They're confusing, as you've seen or you haven't seen, actually. He hits her. For example, theNational Domestic Violence Hotline says that mutual abuse is a myth. It isn't stated directly that that was her question to them, but that would be a fairly common questionin couples' therapy. There is evidence that Dr Anderson wasn't aware of a lot of information resources thatwould be important toanswer Hamel's criteria questions. And I just want to focus on the one snippet on base, page three. The content is something I make notes on, I care about. This could be reflected in the note that "there was no more that Johnny Depp was going to say about what he was reporting.". I'll include the testimony pertaining to this reported statement below. I know she came in in person to show me. AndI think he may have initiated it on occasions, too, that I'm less sure on.. She had rapid fire talking., I pointed out the process to her at some point, and she got it thatno one could actually have a decent dialogue with her if she was rapid firing and talking over and just barraging. PSY9217 (California). The location you tried did not return a result. Dr Anderson describesAmber as talking over Johnny, cutting him off, andbarraging him. Sierra . Oct 7, 2015 -- This session is described as an "Intake". Dr Andersontestifiedthat Amber says she hits Johnny "to keep him there," but from the recording weknow that Johnnyhas a pattern of leaving when Amber gets physical. Extreme fear of abandonment and becoming abusive whenthat fear is triggered is very typical of people with BPD. The one time that it is noted that Johnny accused Amber of hitting him, it is also noted that Amber didn't deny itand that she aggressively changed the subject. And if she's triggered, she would hit him first.. I guess what Im trying to say is that to me, her testimony felt biased with her partly somewhat speculative answers. I keep moving from one of your postings to the next because your feedback is interesting and insightful. The DV community's rejection of the idea of mutual abuse is grounded in their belief that DV is caused by patriarchy. There is no mention of Johnny hitting Amber in Dr Anderson's notes or testimony about this phone session. ThatAmber is triggered by the thought thatJohnnyis leaving is typical of something someone withBorderline Personality Disorderwould do. Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. Half the scenarioshad a husband who was aggressive and half had a wife who was aggressive. I think while he's talking, and I'm not trying to be obtrusive with my taking notes. Correct? So nice to hear from a professional. No closed fist. Dr Anderson (40:39), "She initiated that one because I think she felt demeaned and threatened." Depends on if it's an individual or a couple. excusing her violence as reactionary (32:44) (34:53) (45:57) (52:29)(52:49) (53:42). It is designed to be a starting point to help parents make baseline comparisons, not . So she was trying to figure out what to do. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. This was her talking out loud, trying to strategize for herself., "Doctor Anderson, have you ever seen this document before? Here are some of the most famous excerpts from the Sept 26, 2015 conversation: I wanted to knowmore about this conversation than just the highlights so I transcribed the entire 2 hours. 4in-person sessions with Johnny and Amber together: Oct 1, 2015 -- This session was discussed during testimony. Click here for the video recording of Dr Anderson's Johnny v Amber Day 3 defamation trial testimony. 5 (2 ratings) Leave a review 9911 W Pico Blvd # 1070 Los Angeles, CA 90035 Make an Appointment Show Phone Number Overview Ratings 2 About Me Insurance Locations Compare Compare Dr. Laurel Anderson, PHD with other Clinical Psychologists near you Dr. Debra Greenberg, PHD Thank you! 9911 W Pico Blvd Ste 1070 Los Angeles, CA 90035 (310) 826-9576 . #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard @LawCrimeNetwork. And I think he talked about how chaotic it was, how violent it was. She can be reached at her office (for appointments etc.) When I was first subpoenaed or my notes were required years ago. "When we were going through Amber's, the incidents where Amber described Mr. Depp being violent, Mr. Depp was not present. They don't say a lot. She bites the bait. He hits her. The relationship is not good. That's not my language., Turn to page 13 where it says was chaotic, violent. Do you know what Mr. Depp was referring to there?. 2-hour recorded conversation between Amber and Johnny, National Domestic Violence Hotline says that mutual abuse is a myth, research supporting the idea that some partner abuse is, Anxiety Worksheets, Books, and Recordings by Ann Silvers, 7 Diet Tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing, 101 Emotion Words List: Expand Your Emotion Vocabulary, Depression in Men: It Happens More Than You Think. About an inch. Question(59:44), So is it fair to say those are small bruises in more than one place? Dr Andersonhad a mixture of sessions that were one-on-one and with both JD and AH present, but they were described by her as all focused on couples' therapy. "Dr Anderson (57:09)They were each beaten by parents.Question (57:14), Go back very briefly to exhibit two. Find a doctor near you. I'm listening. She rose to the challenge if he started first, which in my opinion, that had been established throughout the relationship, that she fought as hard as he did. Domestic violence against men and boys: Experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence. Dr Anderson had seen Amber alonetwice in the interim. she slapped him as he sat there talking incoherently. Laurel specializes in the counseling of Relationship Issues, Coping Skills, Trauma and PTSD, etc. In E. A. Bates & J. C. Taylor (Eds.) That it was a point of pride. "Dr Anderson(01:03:46). InGender Inclusive Treatment of Intimate Partner Abuse: A Comprehensive Approach, John Hamelputs forward "questions to ponder in assessing mutuality: How repetitive or excessive are the physical assaults? And the second one is what she reported to me, which is if he was going to leave her to deescalate from the fight, she would strike him to keep him there. I think while he's talking, and I'm not trying to be obtrusive with my taking notes. And he tried to deescalate far more than I think she did., During her testimony, Dr Andersondescribed Johnny and Amber's relationship as "mutual abuse.". Many don't. Did she deny it? Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are subject to change. Andshe slapped him because he was being incoherent in talking about being with another woman." Dr. Anderson failed both her patients, but actively harmed JD by characterizing their relationship as . Are they makeup? There are other therapy notes where Amber accuses Johnny of hitting her at times other than that first accused blow, but Johnny is not present when these accusations are made. Additionally,Amber dropped by Dr Anderson's office Dec 17, 2015 to show her bruises on her face (photos and in person). . NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F.C. Dr. Laurel Anderson , PHD . This June 18th appointment happened after Johnny and Amber's divorce had begun and about 7 months after their last couple's appointment. Therapists and others need to ask themselves whether Johnny's accusation of"being hit in the jaw"didn't get more in-session attention because the accusation came from a man. She talked over him. "Question (40:44), "And this is what she reported to you, correct? Another thing that infuriates me is her way of giving testimony of things she cant be sure of, because she never heard both sides/ didnt seem to look further into the DV claims. It was more that they started into a fight, and I wrote that their process is a back and forth firing at each other.Question (31:08), At any point during the first session, did Ms. Heard interrupt Mr. Depp when he was trying to talk?Dr Anderson (31:15), Yes. No discussion of session content during the trial. I was askedwhy people don't recognize abuse of men by women as a problem several times during interviews about female-to-male partner abuse that I created a blog post with my answer. For fuller disclaimer see the Policies page. It was more that they started into a fight, and I wrote that their process is a back and forth firing at each other., It is possible that Dr Anderson tried to return to the topic of Johnny's physical abuse accusation but Johnny was resistant after the haranguing response from Amber to his first attempt at the topic. His mother died on the 20th. Correct?". No closed fist. Oct 24, 2015 -- Phone session. I transcribed Dr Anderson's testimony that was given via video deposition at the defamation trial and providemost ofthe transcription along with some commentary in this post. That's kind of a direct quote. I'm talking. 10-Depp v. Heard: Gina Deuters. (Name-calling from one party and physical assault from another party could be labelled mutual abuse if the definition gets stretched. It was also at this time that she showed me photos of her injuries. People Also Viewed Frequently Asked Questions about Anderson Laurel, PhD How is Anderson Laurel, PhD rated? Amber Heard recorded herself treating Depp sadistically is a great way to describe the non-consented recordings Amber made of Johnny during interactions in which she set him up. He had been doing a lot of, he was fucked up, as she would say, on a lot of drugs. The way that this practice played out for this couple provides an example of how it can backfire.). Use of this website and any information contained herein is governed by the Healthgrades User Agreement. (It's possible that it came up and we just don't know about it, but the lack of testimony about these sessions points toward them being about subjects other than DV.). Copyright 2023 Healthgrades Marketplace, LLC, Patent US Nos. It also doesn't fit with Dr Anderson's descriptions of the session that follow. "Dr Anderson (46:48), You write: Fight on her April 22 birthday. And so he was really overwhelmed., "She talked over him. They don't say a lot. Did they come from Johnny defending himself from her attacks on him? This content is not available in your current region. I don't know what to think of the statement. And she slapped him because he was being incoherent in talking about being with another woman. BUT domestic violence was discussed in Amber's individual intake session. I created it. If she felt disrespected, if he was going to leave her to deescalate from the fight, she would strike him to keep him there. Nothing in that next session. It is the justification that Will Smith and others gave when Will went up on the Oscar's stage and hit Chris Rock after Chris told a joke that Will felt disrespected his wife. And Dr Anderson testifies that she did not keep copies of the pictures for their file. And that one paragraph is still there. After this introduction, Amber corresponds with Dr Anderson about possibly making an appointment. What's the reason for your visit? Mr. Depp told you Amber gave as good as she got, correct?. Superior Court Judge Stanley M. Weisberg sentenced Lyle Menendez, now 28, and Erik Menendez, 26, to life in prison. From her testimony presented at the US defamation trial, Dr Anderson does not appear to have the advantage we have in hearing the2-hour recorded conversation between Amber and Johnnythat occurred the day before Amber emailed Dr Anderson to set up an initial marriage counseling appointment. Nothing in that next session. And I think he talked about how chaotic it was, how violent it was. Dr Anderson "Miss Heard. LIST YOUR PRACTICE ; Dentist ; Hospital ; Pharmacy ; Search . That typically means that they went over personal history forms. The first introduction is March 28, 2015: Laurel, my closest friend Amber on copy, wants to come see you alone first and then with her husband, Johnny. Let's take a look at some of the reasons/excuses mentioned above. Or at least I thought somewhere around the time she got the injuries. So I did what psychologists do, you go through all of those notes and your brain because it's not as if you're not left with a very clear sense of what went on. Select this result to view Jessica Danielle Anderson's phone number, address, and more. She threw can at him since home fighting. She felt she had to hit him back if he hit her, and so she always did. It leads me from session to session, but I'm really looking at process, what's going on between two people or what's actually going on inside of someone. Fax. And this refers to a session that was just you and Ms. Heard, correct?, And this call, which was just between you and Ms. Heard and not Mr. Depp involved, that occurred on or about December 15, 2015?, And was it just shortly after that call when Ms. Heard showed you pictures and actually came into your office, is that right?, So Ms. Herd came in on December 17 and you saw bruises on her face, is that correct?, Was that bruising that you observed similar to the bruising that appeared on the photographs that she showed you?, You testified that what you saw in person was similar to what you saw in the photographs Amber gave you, correct?, When she came into your office on December 17, what did her face look like?, What I recall is not purple, green and blue, but just a darkening, so kind of a darker gray-blue sort of thing. He had been doing a lot of, he was fucked up, as she would say, on a lot of drugs. Laurel Anderson Phd . (503) 297-4779 OVERVIEW Dr. Anderson-Cowell graduated from the Suny Upstate Medical University College of Medicine in 1988. Im so glad to hear that you are enjoying my posts about the Depp/Heard case. "Dr Anderson (41:43)"I believe I did. 10921 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1101 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Claim your business to immediately update business information, respond to reviews, and more! The excuse that "I hit them because they disrespected me" is a marker of someone who grossly overreacts and turns to physical violence when they are emotionally hurt. She started violence. So my belief is that those are his words.Question (01:02:16), And Mr. Depp, I think you testified about this, but I just want to make sure Mr. Depp told you Amber gave as good as she got, correct?Dr Anderson (01:02:24), Did you ask what Mr. Depp meant by gave as good as she got?Dr Anderson (01:02:30), I was pretty aware of what he meant. She felt she had to hit him back if he hit her, and so she always did.Question (35:18), And again, that entry is from a session where Mr. Depp was not physically present, correct?Dr Anderson (35:25), [Reading from the session notes.] He had trouble talking at a similar pace. "Okay, let's move to the next page, please. Did she admit it?Dr Anderson (30:30), I don't think she denied it, but what I believe from my notes was that she galloped off in a new directionand they continued to talk, and there was no more that Johnny Depp was going to say about what he was reporting. OVERVIEW; PHYSICIANS AT THIS PRACTICE ; OVERVIEW ; 11-Depp v. Heard: Dr. David Kipper. It was a point of pride to her. 2. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFC. Dr. Laurel Anderson. But I don't have a photo of it. And so is it your testimony that she showed you photos of her injuries shortly after the alleged event., Somewhere in the period while she still had injuries. You said she showed you photos. And she gave as good as she got. After Johnny told Amber that he was divorcing her in May 2016, Amberdid several things: May 21, 2016: She called the police and accused Johnny of DVwhen he was at the penthouse to pick up a few belongings (he had moved out of the penthouse a month before) before leaving the country for a couple of months for work. She hits back and now starts it for pride because father hit her. Would you please tell us what you meant by that?Dr Anderson (32:44), So when she said in terms of physical abuse that he hits her, a no close fist means an open hand slap to me. 'S talking, and Erik Menendez, now 28, and so he was fucked up, as got! And Dr Anderson ( 40:59 ), `` and the lawyer are referring to the next page please. Media does not appear to follow-up on it at that time or my notes were required ago... Medicine in 1988, a Medical provider for diagnosis and treatment Dr. Andersons session notes excusing her violence reactionary... 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