He knew then that hed topped a family record of 96 pounds, set by an uncle back in the 1960s, that hed been told time and again was unbreakable. tournament-winner. Blue Catfish Blue catfish have deeply forked tail fins and blue-grey shimmering skin. Lake Texoma Texas, 121.5 Pounds, Cody Mullenix The blue catfish caught by Mullenix weighed in at 121.5 lbs, which was not only a Texas state record but also a world record. The biggest blue catfish caught in Texas weighed 121.5 pounds and measured 58 inches, and was caught in Lake Texoma in Jan. 16, 2004. According to state fish records from the Texas Park and Wildlife Department, the state record was set on Aug. 8, 1963, by Ricky Preddy. Cody Mullenix of Howe Texas caught the fish on January 16th, 2004 which became known as "Splash" while fishing at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge on Lake Texoma. if youre concerned about temperature drops in the water, be sure and bring an insulated swimming outfit, like a thermal , Know Where Youre Wading Scout Ahead. Catfish can be caught year-round in Texas, especially in the warmer regions of South and West Texas. (A gar, by the way, is a prized catch in these parts.). Keep an eye out for water levels in this area, as they can rise quickly. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Youll also need a barrel swivel to connect your mainline and leader to prevent line twist. Many of these spots have washouts created by current. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Channels have very sensitive olfactory organs and can detect food from great distances. I looked down and probably a foot of her tail was still on the ground.. Burleigh said the cats will often suspend in 15 feet of water over humps in 30 feet of water and may suspend as deep as 35 feet in areas that are 50 feet deep. I have used them all and most of them will get the job done. Non resident freshwater fishing licenses are available for $58, and are valid from the date of sale to August 31 of the same year. Species: Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris). Caught by a villager from Thailand, the record-setting catfish was 9 feet long. Is Perch a game fish in Texas? Top reservoirs for big channel cats include Lake O' the Pines, Choke Canyon, Amistad, Sam Rayburn, Falcon and O.H. I think we get more thrill out of the experience of it than a record. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The largest catfish ever caught is the Mekong catfish. What's the biggest fish ever caught in Tennessee? The Mekong giant catfish is the official freshwater heavyweight champion of the world. He said many times the fish would hit the bait on the fall. What is the biggest bluegill ever caught? Catfish are not line shy like Crappie or Smallmouth Bass, so dont be afraid to beef up your line test. I was in amazement. The beast of a fish was wrangled by Levi Bennett. Brent Pollock is a passionate angler and the founder of the popular fishing blog "Safe Harbor Fishing". Crappie with a length of 13-15 inches and a weight of 1.5 to 2lb are generally considered trophy fish. In South and Central Texas, soured milo and wheat are the most popular forms of chum. At that point, Jimmy says to me, You aint even got her off the ground yet, Bennett recalls. Flathead Catfish: Texas, Gulf . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The lake offers no shortage of channel and flathead catfish either. If youre an outdoor enthusiast and a passionate angler, then you cant wait for [], Nothing screams Vacation! louder than Spring Break. His catch weighed in at 131 pounds and was also caught in the Gulf of Mexico. The current world record flathead was caught more than 20 years ago in Kansas, and weighed 123 pounds. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The world-record paddlefish was caught last year at Keystone Lake in Oklahoma, weighing in at 164 pounds. He uses 14/0 circle hooks on all his lines. Most famous for its world record Blue Catfish, Lake Tawakoni is the place to go if your goal is a true trophy. Some of these trophies have lasted for decadesbut that doesnt mean they cant be beat. The state-record blue catfish was caught in Lake Texoma, tipping the scales at 121.5 pounds. 3. Second, limblining is a great way to catch big blues. But plain and simple that fish whooped my ass. Are there blue catfish in Texas? After looking over the weights, I've never wanted to catfish more. Monster blues are most numerous on the reservoirs and rivers in the eastern portion of our state. There have long been rumors of blue catfish as large as 300 to 350 pounds though none this large have ever been caught and officially weighed. In August 2019, the GBRA announced that Lake Gonzales, Meadow Lake, Lake Placid and Lake McQueeney would be drained due to concerns over aging dams. C. D. Martindale caught the state-record blue catfish out of Lake Texoma in 1985. GBRA is the owner and operator of Lake Dunlap, Lake McQueeney, Lake Placid, Lake Nolte, Lake Gonzales, and Lake Wood located in Comal, Guadalupe, and Gonzales Counties, Texas. Sometimes this rig will not sink quickly enough, so don't be afraid to modify it by pinching on a split shot as a weight. Large catfish like a good-sized meal and the movement of these creatures will get their attention. Theres a bit of wiggle room here, but generally speaking, anything between 10 and 12 inches will make a satisfying meal. With a second effort they were able to record a weight of 106 pounds, but the trio figures the flathead probably weighed more, since Bennett was leaning back to lift the fish clear and likely supported some of its weight with his body. pr_tile = pr_tile + 1; document.write('> Solitude & Shallows - Chandeleur Island, >> South Carolina Creates Second Inshore Reef. A catfish can hear a dropped tackle box or feet walking across a boat bottom with extreme accuracy. Most Catfish anglers in Texas use standard Catfish gear. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you think of San Antonio? I looked down and probably a foot of her tail was still on the ground.. What is the largest flathead catfish ever caught in the United States? Hes also previously had a catfish knock some of his teeth out during an underwater battle. In Texas, its easy to get confused between Blue and Channel Catfish, so its important to know how to tell the difference between them. There may be no better lake in Texas for channel catfish, both in numbers and in size. Ive never seen a fish that big., For some reason she did not want to turn around and fight me and didnt try to blow out my end of the pipe, says Bennett, who was using a scuba tank and regulator. The good news is this flood was of much shorter duration than the one in 2002. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Many veteran catfishermen know the value of using limblines to catch trophy catfish. James Laster caught the record breaking flathead using a minnow/crappie hook on Lake Palestine back on December 2, 1998. Lake Palestine hosts largemouth bass tournaments but also has excellent fishing for white bass, hybrid striped bass and catfish. What might be the biggest catfish ever caught by hand was likely also the state record flathead catfish in Texas. This flathead was 61 inches long with a 43-inch girth. He pulled it out of 7-feet of water in a culvert that runs under an old submerged roadbed. Look to marshy drainages for the most consistent catfish action on outgoing or falling tides. These enormous fish are the largest purely freshwater fish in the world (Sturgeon are larger, but they inhabit both fresh and saltwater). PB Texas Largemouth Bass at a Small Texas Pond. Search World Records by Country: Use the search form above to find fishing world records for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and more. She was bound and determined to get out Kodi and Jimmys end. Also known as white bullheads, the fish . Then Kodi felt a fish bump into her legs and told her husband to get back in there and get after it. Just $1 per month , Levi Bennet wrestled this monster flathead from an East Texas lake; it's one of the biggest ever caught by any fisherman, By The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center is located at 5550 FM 2495, four miles east of Athens. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Brent grew up spending his summers out on the water, exploring the many rivers, streams, and lakes of the region. Lloyd Tanner was fishing in the St. Joe River, a tributary of Lake Michigan, on May 29 when he pulled in the record-breaking fish. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Based on previously mentioned Blue catfish you would be right to guess that this one was also caught on Lake Texoma! What is the biggest blue catfish ever caught? The Brazos River is a mostly undeveloped river with healthy populations of Channel, Blue and Flathead Catfish. Landon Evans shows off his 117-pound, 8-ounce blue. Be sure to check the regulations for the specific lake or river you plan on fishing before trying them out, though. | Important sport fish include largemouth bass, white crappie, and channel catfish. What Lake in Texas has the biggest catfish? For more information, visit the Web -- http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/hatchery/tffc/ -- or call 903-676-2277. Using a 14-foot surf rod spooled with 20-pound line, Mullennix wrestled the big fish onto a shallow ledge after a 30-minute tussle. Billy Ogle/Flickr - License. The fish was certified at 143 pounds with a length of 57 inches and a girth of 47 inches. Colin Kearns is the Editor-in-Chief of Field & Stream. Image courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife, Sign up for the For The Win newsletter to get our top stories in your inbox every morning, An historic California gold-mining town located at an elevation of 8,375 feet islike most of the Eastern Sierrablanketed in deep (). If you're new, Subscribe! In 2005 a man caught a Mekong catfish of 9 feet, weighing 646 pounds, taking the world record for the biggest catfish in the world. In this article Im going to cover some of the top destinations for Catfish fishing in Texas, the best time of year to go, and what kind of bait and tackle youll need to be successful. Levi was fishing at an East Texas lake when he caught this mighty fish. While it is true that Texas waters harbor plenty of heavy cats, truly big specimens are less than common anywhere. But fishs stomachs are , Use large-sized baits such as dead bluegill, live chubs, water dogs, crayfish and frogs when seeking larger catfish. "I was idling and saw the fish pop on my sonar and moved that direction," Jones said. If there is no action within 20 or 30 minutes, they move on and try somewhere else. Once he saw the digits 97 on the scale, he knew had broken his uncles family noodling record from a 96 pounder caught back in the 1960s. Find a comprehensive breakdown below. Even for the big-fish fisherman, he said, the average catfish haul is 40 to 50 pounds, and he pointed out that the world record for a blue catfish (which normally looms larger than the flathead . Black Crappie tend to grow larger than white crappie overall. (See Texana news story Largest Catfish Found in Texas ) At 121.5 pounds, she was the largest blue catfish ever caught and held that record until a 124-pound fish was caught from the Mississippi River in 2005. Noodler Levi Bennett nabs this emormous 106-pound flathead from an East Texas lake. Blue Catfish like natural baits, but anglers typically have equal success with live or dead presentations. Lifespan: 60 years. Near Wichita Falls, Lake Arrowhead has historically been considered the areas best crappie fishery. One way to tell the difference between white and black crappies is by their size & body shape. A lifestyle so perfectly captured by the country greats of yesterday, but still alive and well today in artists who truly get it. The largest catfish ever caught, according to The Guiness Book of World Records, was a Mekong giant catfish that weighed 646 pounds. Just how big is big enough when it comes to keeping crappie? Country music is the lifeblood of Whiskey Riff, and we pride ourselves on standing firmly in the corner of the independent artists, and those few in the mainstream still doing it the right way. Ivie. The previous angling world record, 124 lb, was caught by Tim Pruitt on May 22, 2005, in the Mississippi River. Crappie can be found throughout the reservoir, but some of the most popular shoreline angling locations are Lake Arrowhead State Park and the four bridges. He dove again, swam toward the far end of the culvert, where a second fish was trying to break through the blockade thrown up by his partners. He had been told time and time again that record was unbreakable. Channel Cats are possibly the most versatile species of Catfish, and that is reflected in their dietary preferences. The best depth for catching catfish is between 15 and 20 feet deep in lakes. While not considered a game fish by state regulation, many Texans enjoy fishing for bluegill and other sunfish within the state. When in Doubt, Fish Streamers (And Dont be Afraid to Go Big) Add a Stinger Hook. Frank Moore of Cove uses a highly unusual method to bag big channel cats. The flathead catfished weighed in at 53.35 pounds and measured 48 inches. Lake McQueeney (also known as TP-3 Dam or Abbott Dam) is located five miles northwest of Seguin in Guadalupe County, on the Guadalupe River. 7 all-time in Texas. The record was set in 1959 by Alfred Dean off the coast of Ceduna, Australia. Levi Bennett thought the big one had gotten away. The state record, an 18.18-pound largemouth bass caught at Lake Fork, has stood since 1992. Fish live bait on the bottom below dams and in river arms to find the most flatheads. Mekong Giant Catfish. ">'); Then retrieve the bait and cast again. Key zones to look for include freshwater mussel beds, logjams in 30 to 50 feet of water, and where large creeks meet the main body of a reservoir or a river. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. A Mozambique court has sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 years in prison for possession and trafficking of lion and rhinoceros parts. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. After being caught, Thai villagers tried to keep it alive but despite great efforts, it sadly passed away. I turned around in the middle of the pipe, so when I got to where that fish was right by Kodi and Jimmys feet, I could get my hands on it. The Guadalupe, in particular, is seeing flow reduced in several spots west of Canyon Lake. Blue catfish can be caught in very deep water or in very shallow water depending on the time of the year. The catfish weighed in at 736 lbs. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Gerald Burleigh of Orangefield likes to fish these areas on Toledo Bend and on Lake Livingston. Rant with us. Aguiar caught this fish, which weighed 341 pounds and 11 ounces, back in 2009. . Whether its Waylon, Willie and legends of the past, or superstars in the making like Zach Bryan, our finger is always on the pulse of true country music. The record bass was caught on January 2nd, 1992 by Barry St. Clair. There are no public parks or free boat ramps on Lake McQueeney. Flathead Catfish: 123 Pounds. Just $1 per month , From behemoth blues to fat flatheads, here's a look at 10 of the most impressive world record catfish ever caught, By Http: //www.tpwd.state.tx.us/fish/infish/hatchery/tffc/ -- or call 903-676-2277 it alive but despite great efforts, stands. And channel catfish fishing in South and Central Texas, soured milo and wheat are the most versatile species fish. Catfish can be caught in the US for 2023 fishing license before casting a line Toledo Bend and Lake... Big enough when it comes to keeping crappie hit the bait and cast again on... Oklahoma and Texas have been pulled from Lake Lewisville is the national animal and bird of Saudi?! Go if your goal is a true trophy you plan on fishing before trying them out though! Much as 150 pounds on limblines in South and West Texas hybrid striped and... A list of the fishing attention, but anglers typically have equal success with live or dead.. Booking a charter or guided trip during the cold summer months when most catfish! 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