This defense was a top priority in a hostile place like West Africa. The lush continent of Africa is in fact home to numerous animals and insects found only on the continent, as well as beautifully diverse groups of people, each retaining their breathtaking cultures of yore. The Yoruba religion and its beliefs influence human life in both the African continent and other regions. Olorun, along with Olokun, was one of two original creator gods and is the father of Obatala, who is known as the sweetest god. Oshun is also Shangos favorite wife. But who exactly is Oshun? Webbtl - creator of human bodies; orisha of light, spiritual purity, and moral uprightness Odduw - progenitor orisha of the Yorubas gn - orisha who presides over iron, fire, hunting, agriculture and war Ok - a hunter and farmer Osanyin - West Africa is anything but peaceful, as war can break out at any point between tribes, which is why steel is a more useful keeper of peace than words will ever be. THIS IS TRUE !! in Counseling and Student Development with a graduate certificate in Social Justice Education from Kansas State University. Some people liken the Orishas to gods and goddesses. Trickster gods are present in many cultures around the world. Magec - God of the Sun. Which Orishas would this be? Being garbed in red, Ogun represents aggression in one narrative. The concept of regenerative vitality is crucial to every society. Oshun is depicted in the Yoruban religion as a protector and savior of the people. He is closely associated with Oya (Deity of the Winds) and Egungun (Collective Ancestral Spirits). Lions, elephants, vast stretches of the jungle with venomous snakes, or an endless sea of sand stalked by nefarious scorpions. Antaeus, a popular God among the Berber people. Intention is energy, spirit is energy. I started crying out to God for help on this earth because I was experiencing what youre experiencing. Still, He is believed to be more than capable of bringing adversity to those that do not take note of his presence. Oya is the last of the Seven African Powers, though sometimes shes substituted with Ochossi or Orunmila. According to Yoruba mythology, Oba gave Shango her ear to eat, which eventually leads to their separation. The company was so impressed at my score results that they called immediately and offered employment! Ogo's purpose was to be one of the founders and overseers of life on Earth. Olodumare created the Orishas and therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers. It is said that Obatala was the one that created the human bodies, and as they finished up their job, they demanded of their father to breathe life into the soulless bodies in front of them. I was frightened when the baby started crawling up my body, but the guide told me to not be afraid and the Orisha god transformed into a small kitten and lay next to me which calmed me down. Im interested in this. There isnt an exact number, but sometimes it goes up to 700, 900, or even 1440 Orishas. Can you guide me as to how to proceed. The puertricans call her Yemaya, because they say its a translation of Spanish. The Alaafin was the head of one of the largest Yoruba states. People believed that spirits possess powers that can be used for good or evil and are often associated with environmental and geographical features like thunder and mountains. It can be found in different South American cultures as well. General African myths deal with confusion by introducing a force that counters it. I believe that your dream was a sign. The Goddess Cybele in Mythology | Who Was Cybele? While ours are more so based around a unified belief in a supreme deity, theirs are a lot more closely related to the human life and their daily treads. yes i feel its because the ones that are promoted in each country, This gods are from my country. Anu The Sumerian God of Sky and Heavens Enlil The Sumerian God of Air and Power Enki The Sumerian God of Wisdom and Earth Ninhursag The Sumerian Mother Goddess of Mountains and Nurturing Nisaba The Sumerian Goddess of Writing Marduk The Babylonian Storm God Sin The Akkadian Moon God She has a master's degree in Mythological Studies. Babal Ay is represented as walking on crutches and completely covered to hide his diseased skin. It goes as far back as the 9th century, way before the first Europeans set sail on the countrys shores. The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same family they once departed from. Moreover, there are different ways to invoke the Seven African Powers including dance, chanting, prayer, candles, oils, and more. Naturally, Shango noticed a floating ear in his food and exiled Oba from his abode. When you burn the candle and pray over it, youre invoking ALL the Orishas powers and covering all of your bases for prosperity and protection. 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I feel like its a lifeline. He is known as the Giver of Iron or the Warrior God of War for many. Oguns polarity is present in his healing abilities and his ability to destroy. Because of his fear of being separated from his twin sister, Ogo rebelled against his father causing himself to be muted and wander alone on the outskirts of human society. WebThe following is a list of Yoruba deities Olrn - the supreme creator deity Aganju - Orisha of volcanoes, the wilderness and rivers Aja - Orisha of the forest, the animals within it, and herbal healing Ayao - Orisha of air Babalu Aye - Orisha of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease (particularly smallpox, leprosy and AIDS) and healing Egungun Hi i am new to this i am just seeking information on the seven African Powers because and was told many times to call on my ancestors for help and not sure how to call on them and i really think i need if because my financial life is not good, my husband health has taken a dip and he was the bread winner in the home , right now i cannot pay my tuition as i am a Nursing student , i have four boy to support and cannot even afford to even purchase books for school sometimes i really need guidance. Burn it every day for 7 days along with the prayer on the label. Hades and Persephone Was it Really a Love Story? This empathy also means that she is associated with fertility and childbirth. Obatala is the gentlest of the Seven African Powers and very patient. When Obatala was unable to create, Oduduwa stepped in as creator. A white candle works for just about any invocation and for any deity. Established in the Yoruba religion as the ''Mother of the Sea'', the goddess Yemaya, but known among the Yoruba people of Africa as Yemonja, is said to rule over the seas, lakes, and rivers, and is the patron of women. How and where do I dispose of it? I renounce Anayaroli, the river demon that rules over wealth;. How does Santeria differ from Yoruba religious practice? Western rules have made them hidden here too and we have to come back in touch with them, Am learning soot was helpful to me Distraught, Oba became the Oba River which intersects with the Osun River, named for another wife of Shango. WebBuy Wicca Magical Deities: A Complete Guide to Wicca Magical Deities Goddesses, Gods, Pantheons, Working and Connecting With Deities, Rituals, Spellcasting, and More by Blackwood, Selene (ISBN: 9798378509256) from Amazon's Book Store. Being involved in marine affairs also implies that she is engaged in rejuvenating the human mind, further solidifying her position. These reincarnated figures are usually there to assist their progeny with everyday life and general faith. Bumba didnt stop there though as he also vomited up the sun, the night and nine animals in total. These spirits are thought to give guidance for life issues and problems. They are described as androgynous. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. WebSpirits African mythology is filled with spirits, invisible beings with powers for good or evil. I felt like water had come over me and I was breathing under the water. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. They believed ancestors are human spirits that exist after death and are still worshipped by their people. Examine African oral traditions and stories, and learn about the folklore of West Africa. Pick one side European saints /copies. Source: Flickr. African mythology has hundreds if not thousands of other gods and goddesses that we have yet to mention in this article alone. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. Offer of flowers, fresh fruit, pigeons, and necklaces made of coins and shells are given to Aje Shaluga. It also gave you a brief overview of the Yoruba and Santeria religions. He is the best weapon wielder in the Orisha. I dont have an answer but just want to share with you. It is here where he found the need to create the Orishas. She is a specific deity among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. If Apophis was not defeated, the planet would be in terrible danger. If you wish to give Aj Shaluga an offering, all you need to do is you need to grab a handful of fresh fruit, pigeons, necklaces made out of coins and shells and flowers and you need to leave them at one of their altars. Oshun. i think the groups are fun to follow it gives you a little bit of insight and i feel like some people in the group will help with some questions. Some believe Oshun and Yemaya are sisters and venerate them together. This belief has been with the Yoruba religion for many generations now, and it refers to the idea that deceased family members will be reborn as babies after their passing. 2nd: Shango. In the Yoruban religion, Olokun is the wife of Oduduwa. We are all connected. He even commented on my blonde/yellow hair and that yellow is one of her colors. Nearly every spirit associated with the crossroads is a trickster, and Eshu Elegbara is no exception. When the Seven are brought together in invocation and prayer, they will do amazing things for their people. Osanyin is known as the god of herbs who lives in the forest to care for the plants and herbs. Babal Ay helps heals humans against infections and epidemics which are sometimes caused by his spirit cousin Sakpata, who is known as the plague god. thank you so much for the time you put into this. Find Seven African Powers candles online, at local botanicas or conjure shops or at your local Walmart or grocery store! Id like to invoke all 7 spirits to assist in my plight and once and for all rid myself of these spiritual attacks or at least be better prepared when adversity comes. Some tarot cards are wrongly identified if you say its only one way. He is the one that has the cure for any illness around and if you ever happen to grow sick and weary you need to pray to Obaluaye if you wish to be healed as soon as possible. Oshun is typically associated with water, purity, love, and sensuality. 5th: Oya. Oya ya is the goddess of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death, and rebirth. She is an orisha too right? Interestingly, the Oba river intersects the Osun river at an explosive speed, symbolizing a long-standing rivalry between two of Shangos wives. His role also extends to the natural world as he knows everything that takes place within it. Like Osun snd Ochun . African deities are a number of supernatural beings in the collective religions in the African continent. He does not normally interact with people or their ceremonies or answer their prayers. If you do actually spot him and decide not to give him an offering, he is definitely going to play tricks on you, but for the most part he just wants to have fun and be left to his own whims instead. Aj Shaluga is responsible for providing fair wages to their people for work activities and money to cover the needs of Yoruba families. Carve or write the names of the 7 African Powers on the candle and dress it in an oil of your choice. Shango is one of the hot orishas and is known as the lord of thunder and fire. that you should approach them with respect and reverence. 77 sold. Having received the secret of iron, Ogun shared the secret with the other gods and humans. Have a respect and understanding of what the Orishas people endured and henceforth survived. I would like to share a picture that was revealed to me from Oshun. Pinterest The Orishas that caught a sphere of influence were responsible for that sphere. As such, it is meant to represent that there will always be more Orishas than you think, and while you can try to count them one by one you will always fall short before reaching the final number. She may have also been the patron of County Cork. This simply refers to the fact that everything, and we do mean everything, possesses some sort of spiritual essence within it. His authoritative use of raw power symbolizes typical masculinity, linking him to a more personal viewpoint for followers of the Orisha pantheon. Similar to a shaman or guide who called upon a deity into a small baby black figurine that was standing on a chest. The Orishas, Among the Yoruba people, Olokun is the goddess of the waters. Since the river flows through Iwo, the people of Iwo are often referred to as the children of the Oba River. This lesson explained the major gods of Yoruba mythology and the important relationships between them. Webgod and goddess, generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. The Great Mother and protects motherhood as well as female sexuality. I have a legal matter Im fighting in court and I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration. I will research & study more before fully immersing/baptizing myself. Wash with their soap to start your day out right AND to cleanse any negative energy or bad magic from your aura. Im new the the practice as well, still learning. Destiny is an important notion to believe in because it continually shapes the lifestyle of the individual who lives in its belief. I love the fact that we are getting back to what has been taking from us. It should go without saying that if you plan to invoke and work with the Seven African Powers for healing, abundance, fertility, etc. Oko is an orisha who was born of Yemaya. When Oba asked Oshun about what she did to become Shangos favorite, Oshun simply lied to her (knowing Obas children would inherit the kingdom). Hi Im Veronica I am a new beginning of this seven African power and I would like to learn more about it please guide me through it and teach me every word of it please I need it money home living and others so help me with this thank you. Even though some of these Orishas dont get along on a normal basis, when invoked as the Seven African Powers their animosity towards one another may be calmed. Area of Influence: The old man had two young children, a boy and a girl. Be smart and respectful. Although different myths and legends have slowly faded out from cultures around the world, African mythology and legends remain an important part of many cultural groups. I need help on my spiritual journey, any suggestions? I started on this path a couple of months ago when Oshun appeared to me, I made her altar and in the last couple of weeks 3 more Orishas have appeared to me in their beautiful human form, my question is is it possible for someone to have all 7 orishas come to them without being invoked? Being the third and the most senior wife of Shango, Oba was one of his consorts. The reason as to why she is the goddess of prostitution is because that is the most common practice in the Caribbean Islands. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: A lifelong fan of mythology and all things ancient, Adrian has always been fascinated by the rich stories and legends of different cultures, and he loves nothing more than diving into a good mythological tale. There are three different ways you can cite this article. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. However, its all the same. Magec ("possesses radiance") is a God of the Sun and the light. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Mythical figures are used to explain the creation of the world, life after death, and the continent's very own history. Her domain is the Niger River, fertility, secrets, shapeshifting, spirits, cemeteries, etc. In the Yoruba religion, there is one main creator god known as Olodumare. While many Orishas are imaged through physical manifestations such as lightning or rivers, some are connected to deep human affairs. So, you should never disrespect anything because chances are, they are controlled by the Orishas and disrespecting them is akin to disrespecting the Orisha gods. Athena, the Greek Goddess of War, Wisdom, and Handicraft, is the most famous wisdom goddess from classic mythology. There are thousands upon thousands of cultures to explore here, to the point where you could actually spend your whole life researching everything that Africa has in store for you and youd still fail to capture it in its entirety. I just got into crystals and meditation and chakras , I dont know how I got into these things, But I feel a pull and gravitation towards spiritual. Judika Iles warns in her Encyclopedia of Spirits, that if youre bleeding in any form to NEVER approach Ogun. Ogo is the son of Amma, who is the creator of the Dogon people. Her name literally translates to Earth, which is meant to indicate that she is the creator of our planet and the one that controls its every move. He is one of the Seven African Powers whos a psychopomp (a guide for the dead) and also a guardian of travelers. Yemaya has no meaning in Yoruba. He was considered the creator of the sun, moon, and stars, and thus controlled day and night. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Hi how come Aja is not part of the orishas? These could be some of the many things that come into your mind when you think of the word Africa.. Whenever she does lose her temper though she causes the waters to be violent, attacking and taking down even the mightiest ships because of her sorrows. Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Lets get this new spiritual awareness and help on the road!!!! Whenever she shows up, she is usually accompanied by her husband, Shango, the God of Storms. In my city you dont really come across anyone who who even want to know about it. I just know its enate of my ancestral DNA and mixed with many racial ethnicities due to slavery and genocide. The word itself can be broken down into two parts; means origin and e refers to practice. Coming together, literally means practicing our origin. As you can see, this is a beautiful way to honor their roots, as most of their traditions and beliefs spring from their deep-rooted faith in the Orisha Pantheon. She is said to be motherly and strong willed, while also being very good at curing infertility in women. Known to the Yoruba people of West Africa, Ogun is the god of war and iron. That is when people started to do their research about the Goddess, shining light on this Yoruba deity for the first time in the states. Hello, permit me if I may, Im new to this and still learning. These deities and orishas are some of the most powerful and well-respected As a result, he stands as one of the crucial Orishas in the pantheon. I renounce Ala, also known as Ale and Ane, known as creator goddess and queen of the dead that rules over community laws, morality, oaths and harvest;. Ala. Igbo is one of the oldest African religions around, with Ala being one of Such deities may correspond to earthly and celestial phenomena or to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. Oshun is the Yoruban goddess of the river. Which til this day Im more than blessed to have even been another orisha came to me as an elder woman more like grandmother with the colors red, yellow and black with an African design protecting me from evil. You are faithful In your journey. 1. Understand the culture and people from whence the Seven African Powers came. Because these belief systems have historically been passed down the generations verbally rather than in writing, there is a fair amount of variation in the mythologies. But last night I had the strangest dream where there was some type of male figure? Olokun is often portrayed as being fierce, angry, and jealous. or the original orishas. I see more that i s imperative to my calling. Write a timeline of the history of Santeria with these questions in mind. Thank you for sharing. Hence, his being is deeply rooted in the Yoruba peoples psychology. As they migrated and settled in new homelands, they created myths and legends to tell the story of the history of their people. Lets start? The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, Olodumare and his Journey Away from Earth, The Trojan War: Ancient Historys Famed Conflict, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? --~Attributes and Correspondences~--. Oshun can be spelled like: oshun, ochun, osun, oxum, oshum, etc. Oshun has appeared to me in mediation and even crown me. I dont even think I want to know which one has my head. Not only does she hold control over it, but she also radiates the power of compassion and love. Asase Ya (also known as Asase, or Asase Yaa) was the goddess of Earth and fertility, specifically to the Ashanti people of Ghana. Your intention is what matters the most. I guess in a sense I want to avoid offending any of them while trying to connect. One of my supervisors told me to lohe Kush or kushinties for religion purposes of my own. They called to me around 96 or 97,98. And when steel becomes your only means of protection, it isnt too uncommon to find gods based around the armory for the warriors to pray to. A relatively common theme integrated into the Yoruba religion is Animism. Obatala also values forgiveness and compassion as they once made a mistake and neglected their duties. The white cowrie-shell covering of the ile ori also alludes to the white-feathered bird called eiye ororo, the symbol of All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. But while Africa does have an abundance of those elements, it also has a ton of beautifully diverse people and cultures that have lived amongst each other for thousands of years now. While it is nowhere near as popular as the Norse or Greek mythologies, African mythology can be just as fun to research if you have the time and passion to do so. I know as far back1400 or 1500. As European colonizers and Christian missionaries began to inhabit Africa, cultural groups like the Bantu people migrated to other regions of Africa. Due to this, every object (material or immaterial) is believed to have some sort of sentience. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Maiolica Dish Polesden Lacey Naked Gods Goddesses The National Trust Postcard P2 at the best online prices at eBay! This power is often connected to dances conveying threatening gestures in rituals dedicated to this thunderous deity. Bumba vomited two more times, creating the moon and night and nine animals. Oya eventually gave birth to nine children: four sets of twins and a ninth child. One main creator God known as the 9th century, way before the first set. I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration 's very own history for followers the. And therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers though! Santeria with these questions in mind confusion by introducing a force that counters it and Handicraft is!, angry, and rebirth was some type of male figure because is. Guess in a hostile place like West Africa in because it continually shapes the lifestyle the. 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