Hes just a stupid kid. The now 21-year-old had a 30-day window following his sentencing to file such documents. That woman crossed the street illegally with her child next to her! I am sorry but neither me nor anybody I personally associate with had ever murdered anyone with a car. 24 years is a bit harsh. #5 He had a good lawyer, his parents paid for the best. But there is no information about when she entered the street, did she look, was she distracted and just cross without looking. poor little baby and her beautiful mother. February 23, 2023, 6:37 pm, by May he rot in hell. At the trial it was confirmed that he had no previous convictions until the accident. All we are saying that 24 years is too much to realise his mistake. Taking away the life of a 21 y o for a mistake he made when he was 18 will not being Jessica and Lillia back. he was warned at least 5 times by the police but he continued doing it and what did that lead to? My heart goes out to the family who lost their loved ones, it was such a tragedy. The maximum was 30. This is a great point. As u know GOD will punish all the persons who killed any body because of (any reason) He may will be punished By God by his Reaction everybody knows he was shocked!!!! How could you even have the audacity to defend this criminal by saying this could have been anyone of us or our children? Its definitely his look. Over-speeding has consequences, it was Camerons decision not to act like a rational human being. what happened to 21 savage on july 8 2009. marlin 1898 stock; pat swilling house new orleans; nixon strong baseball tournament; what are . the little girl he killed because of his illegal racing, which makes him a criminal. Mind a kt csaldot sajnlom de ez a 25 v felhbort! His attorneys had tried to portray him as a caring person who had no intention to kill anybody. There is no reason for somebody to be cuddled for killing people. this reasoning: he knew about the consequences, I dont agree. But all you did was compare Cameron with those psycho killers. No its not. Well, this WAS someone of us: one young mother and her daughter both LOST THEIR LIVES and none of them WILL NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE. The state of Florida should have stricter rules and a better monitoring system. He was bookish is what peers claim. He was sentenced to jail for 24 years in prison very fairly! And as others have stated he was warned several times about speeding before this incident. July 6, 2021, 1:12 am. The car had slowed to between 30 and 40 mph at the moment of impact, according to court testimony. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. My opinion is that Cam didnt followed Bible and by that he wasnt quite near to the God! But it is also true that she has the duty to check the road beforehand. Cameron Herrin, 21, was racing a friend in his Ford Mustang on May 23 . Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. It was not a coincidence. Te is csak azrt vded ezt a frget mert cuki meg szpfi. . Moral of the story: yea being good looking CAN try to help you get out of murder if they can help you U.S. TikTok Arrest Tampa bay Court. According to multiple media reports from the city, Jessica Reisinger died after being struck by a vehicle on May 23 just before noon. Cameron Herrins eyes widened in disbelief as a Florida judge sentenced him to 24 years in prison for causing the deaths of 24-year-old Jessica Raubenolt and her 21-month-old daughter, Lillia. Second of all, it doesnt take a genius to realize that its wrong to sympathize with a criminal, that we should direct that sympathy towards the ones who lost a beloved one and that we should think rationally and never defend a criminal just because we find them attractive or charismatic . These are nothing but token words. Protests at Florida campuses target DeSantis proposals. Amina Hussein May 2021: Court documents show Cameron Herrin filed to appear his 24-year sentence. Wow!!! Gihan El Shamashergy: Set to Star in Two Upcoming Ramadan Series, Saudi Arabian Model Amira Al-Zuhair Makes History at Dolce & Gabbana Runway Show, Ahmed Ahmed and Maz Jobrani to Return to Egypt for Live Stand-up Shows, https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+speed+limit+of+tampa+bayshore+boulevard&rlz=1C1GCEB_enAU935AU935&oq=what+is+the+s&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l3j69i57j69i59j69i60l3.3693j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, 7 Middle Eastern Desserts Better than Egyptian Desserts. 15yrs yes 24 no. There was only one deceased. Its not about appearance, it could be a black guy standing right there with the same kind of response. #6 All 3 men graduated from the same expensive Catholic School. Herrins family and lawyer tried to defend him in front of the court, but Jessicas family and husband stood up against them and disapproved of their claims and the excuses theyve provided. Not an accident he was warned 5 times by police he knew the consequences and he ignored it with his reckless behavior being insolent and ignorant get you nowhere good but in bad situations he is not spending his entire life in there he couldve gotten 30 years he only cried when he heard how much years hes going to spend in prison he deserves it. Because people judge him, a child and a 24-year-old mother kill him, but damn no one knows Nobody in the world knows if the car cheated or if his bike slipped But I understand that no one will explain it to anyone, but I know the world will help him, but I hope that because 24 years of punishment you cant embrace anyone, no one confessed your love for you Cant be free I dont know how to explain it, because I have so many words it wouldnt go Unsuitable for the whole world, please come and dont be bad, but I know hes strong and brave , even though no one helped him, so I know he will, he is strong enough, it is said that he is still thinking about his experience and so the boy will be nothing in prison for 24 years, he only knows anger and people who show him ugly things and in 2045 When Camerono is 45 years old so he wont know what happened in life What happened in the world, if the world got worse or improved, it will come out and be completely confused about how people have changed or what world they are about acts Why has it changed? We are not asking to release him. Assistant Tampa police Chief Ruben Delgado to retire, take private sector job. If he had been in that accident when he was driving legally. He has laid low since claiming that hes a Martian, Florida judge sentenced him to 24 years in prison, Brock Turners life in 2021 The convicted sexual offender lives and works in Ohio, Is Sophia Loren still alive? The speed limit there is 43 miles. dumbass-You can even say you are a Muslim. Wenn er hsslich oder sogar durchschnittlich aussah, wrden die Leute seiner Situation nicht annhernd so viel Aufmerksamkeit schenken. 18 is a teen. Every sane person knows that race on public street means extremely high risk of fatal accident. He overtook him and at that moment his car started to go awfully crazy and his bike went off. But there were also those who knew the mother and daughter, who described their devastating loss. And illegal speeding and reckless driving, damage of property etc should be 6 or 8 years right? According to investigations, Herrin was driving over 160 kph when he hit the mother and her daughter. Remembering the Legendary Omar El-Sherif, 6 Years After His Passing, 6 Reasons Why Leh Laa?! Use it very carefully. He was street racing in 2018, and now he's facing a 24- year sentence. Surely not. I would not be surprised if the husband and father of those two deceased souls will be waiting for the speedy a&&hole to finish his sentence and come outside. go to fuckin jail in his place you assholes. I heard about Cameron Herrin and John Barrineau of Florida on the news today. Hes 18 not 5! She was legally crossing the street. If he accidentally dropped a whole pack of glass bottles on the floor, or failed a semester in school, then okay that would have been a stupid mistake. 4) for some who say 24 is too longdarling, 24 years is nothing compared to the husbands eternal loss of his wife and child and last i checked they didnt include speeding and illegal racing so it could be longer For those of you who dont really understand the difference between an accident and a murder should probably know it by now. Jessica and her daughter will never be forgotten but time will heal her familys anguish. It doesnt matter who died, point is they still died due to an irresponsible driver. He deserves to be punished. The casual or unsophisticated user of social media is going to have a hard time discerning the truth and mis or disinformation.Sanders added. Thats a teenager, and thats young. Maybe if someone randomly hit your family like that, you would probably be singing a different tone of voice about this whole topic. This is why teenagers act stupidly; they are incapable of rational thinking, or at least their rational thinking is not nearly at the level as those of us with fully developed prefrontal cortexes. Judge Nash will announce his decision then. and whys he going viral? Shame on you. cameron herrin, 21, was sentenced to 24 years in prison for vehicular homicide in april saving the dogs who end up at delray dog. And this was an accident and he himself clarified to everyone that this was a mistake and not an intentional murder. Tampa man who was first to face trial for Florida voter fraud in 2020 election gets probation, Steven Lorenzo sentenced to death for 2 Tampa murders, Florida should not execute a person with mental illness | Column, US court strikes down Gulf of Mexico charter boat tracking rule, Christopher Sabella elected as Hillsborough Countys next chief judge. Witnesses said the pair appeared to be racing as they sped north on Bayshore Barrineau in a Nissan Altima, Herrin in a Ford Mustang that hed received as a gift for his recent high school graduation. If he was a Black kid from the ghetto who killed those two people under the same circumstances you would not be saying how terrible it is and what a tragedy and its just an accident. So thats like 26 years combined. There is no place for Hybristophiles in a civilized society. I also have a road that is similar to this one. Ive seen a lot of accidents there. 18 year olds have common sense. It was certain that a tragedy was going to occur the moment Cameron made the decision to over-speeding. Lastly: he isnt the victim. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. guilty of killing the 24-year-old mother, Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt, and her 21-month-old daughter Lillia Raubenolt, Cameron took all over the internet, absolutely not because of his case but his appearance. *. He probably deserves more years. Im sure the count would be less. Whether speeding or not . The privilege he has is receiving support and sympathy from people although hes the one who committed the crime, not the victim. Its not about handsome its about hes young boy and only second child thats unfair hope he gets a second chance ? But what purpose is served by imprisoning this young man for the next twenty-plus years of his life?. Herrins attorney, John Fitzgibbons, appealed shortly after Hillsborough Circuit Judge Christopher Nash sentenced Herrin in April. Im a criminal psychologist and I think youre a psychopath. Its very irresponsible and they should have more awareness. #2 Jessica was LEGALLY crossing the crosswalk with her baby daughter in the late morning. No one said that Cameron is a psychopath. He need and second chance was an accident mercy mercy for him he still alive and we are humans. He is an adult who knows the good and the bad. It was one of several fatal crashes that have occurred in recent years along the popular Tampa boulevard. He didnt get away with it so this article is pretty pointless? Besides that , only the judge can determine which punishment is suitable, not us. Certainly Cameron deserves to be punished for his role in this horrible case, Fitzgibbons wrote in an initial brief. Sajnos akkor sem kapja vissza a csaldjt az apa ha 6 vet vagy 24 vet kap Cameron! He does not deserve to spend practically his entire life in prison for an accident. I agree with u but think about future if he was your brother so what will u say about that you only say only at that time that he is innocent hannaa so plz there is GOD and only GOD knows what ever done that time so it is to plz don`t have to hate any body and if any other excuse reply plz! While I realise that a crime is a crime no matter what, but these psychos did all the crime intentionally with a plan. I mean 102 mph we are not talking 30 40. The accidents details, Kevin Berthias story His road to healing. #7 Hes not being starved in an American prison. TAMPA A state appeals court has upheld Cameron Herrin's 24-year prison sentence for his role in causing a 2018 traffic crash on Bayshore Boulevard that killed a mother and her young daughter . Stacy, it really has to do. He didnt get away with shit! We do not sympathize with him for the sake of handsomeness.. You are wrong.. 24 years is not enough to even replace the future of the . (BTW HIS MOM)the lady and a child had gone but if he jailed his if (mother will commit suicide) what will u ask then! That mother and daughter are together in heaven. Murder vs Manslaughter keep doing awesome You will get well-informed data about it here. Ha jl tudom a csald elg j krtrtst kapott, tudom ezzel nem kapja vissza a csaldjt, de a pnzt zsebre rakta a srcra meg a maximumot krte!ki nem hibzott mg? But all you did was compare Cameron with those psycho killers. Its not about appearance, it could be a black guy standing right there with the same kind of response. What is the main function of a penalty fulfill a revange as in Hammurabi ancient law?. At that age he did not understand the consequences of his action. Ne rtse frre senki, jr a bntets 5~6 v de nem 24..!kvncsi lennk hogy a br gyereke tette volna neki mennyit adna? 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