Just when she's about to be reunited with Percyafter six months of being apart, thanks to Herait looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. Piper thought that Annabeth was the bravest person she ever met and had a lot of love for her friend. The two later went to Sparta together to defeat the giant Mimas, and get the Makhai for the Physician's Cure. However, he was determined to get to the House of Hades to save her and Percy. He got mad. Annabeth was also amazed when she found out that Frank could shapeshift. She revealed that she thought Annabeth was clever and great at devising plans, and didn't think she was as good as she was. In The House of Hades, when Annabeth was gone, Frank missed her very much. Her voice caught on the word friend. Even during the events of The Titan's Curse when Percy believed that Luke was dead, Annabeth had a feeling that he wasn't. Her skin was freckled with bites and cobwebs covered her eyes, mouth, and nose. Annabeth is terrified. Arachne is unsettled as the silk required to make it to Annabeth's dimensions would require more silk then she could make in a year, but Annabeth suggests using the silk covering the Athena statue. She then fought monsters under the guidance of her immortal mother for a few months, using only a hammer. Later, on the Argo II, when she noticed Jason looking at her, he made her nervous and she wondered if he was really on her side. Thalia and Annabeth reconnected over the months, and went to the same boarding school together in New York, being very close again by December. When he asks her why she did it, she admits she knows he would do the same for her. Percy and Frank decide to find Phorcys, Percy also wants to take Annabeth, but Coach Hedge declares that she is grounded. In her pocket Annabeth carries a gift from her mother that came with an unnerving demand: Follow the Mark of Athena. They walk all the way to the Garden of Bacchus and appreciate the view. The two also found out about her falling out with Athena/Minerva from Aphrodite/Venus. Annabeth to Percy Jackson in The Last Olympian, . The Cyclops tried to lure Annabeth to him by imitating her father's voice, but instead of going to the voice and getting captured as well, she stabbed him hard in the foot, which startled him, and untied Thalia, who then took care of everything else. She also tells Percy after sending Tyson outside why she hates cyclopes, until Tyson comes back with a hydra nearby. As for Frank, he was very amazed when he found out she was a daughter of Athena and looked at her as if she grew a third eye. Annabeth then comes up with a plan and runs to a crane, knowing how to operate it as she observed them on Olympus. Though not as scared of Cyclopes as she is of spiders, it still takes her most of The Sea of Monsters to be able to get close to Tyson, even though he was Percy's brother and helped her a lot throughout the book. Suddenly she is dragged toward the chasm because a piece of Arachnes silk has attached to her leg. Jason also confided to Annabeth about his dream and Annabeth gave him advice for the quest. Annabeth also got worried when Percy got a look he gets when he gets an idea. Answer (1 of 4): Reyna was very excited to have a proper reunion with Jason. Annabeth and Percy reunite as the rest of the crew start to load the Athena Parthenos onto the ship. Setne then uses a magic spell that pins Percy to the ground. Annabeth then decided it was time for him to meet Percy. Who are the seven demigods of the prophecy? Annabeth also never hesitated to call out Silena, when she told her to get a grip when she kept crying, wanting to save Charlie, saying that they will save him. 'Annabeth still taught me Greek in the mornings, but she seemed distracted. On multiple occasions, Annabeth noticed Reyna's strong romantic feelings for Jason Grace. At the very end of The Sea of Monsters, she kisses Percy on the cheek after they win the chariot race. Throughout the conversation, Reyna mentions that when she was on Circe's Island, she had met a son of Athena who washed up on the shore and was rambling about the Mark of Athena. Annabeth often wears a ponytail, an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, and though she used to often wear her magical Yankees cap during a fight, since it turned her invisible, it has since lost its magic. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He also wanted to reconnect with her before he died once he arrived at Hotel Valhalla. It is unknown if they met again, because when Leo visited Camp, Annabeth was in Boston visiting Magnus Chase. He then turns to Annabeth and tells her that they will be together and he will not let her go. She also says that he is oblivious to how people feel even when it is totally obvious. She also told Percy he was a cyclops. What is the main purpose of international trade laws? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In The Lost Hero, it is said that Percy and Annabeth are still dating, but he goes missing for three days and Annabeth becomes very worried. Leo also joked around with Annabeth, and could not stop grinning when she spent the night in the stables with Percy. Much like Percy and Thalia, she has shown many signs of bravery, courage, and dauntlessness. Term. A few moments later, Frederick and Annabeth left. Piper even stressed out about the Prophecy of Seven because she could imagine what Annabeth would be like if Percy died. Later, Hazel smiled at Annabeth when she saw her hug Percy, being supportive of the couple. Later, when Nico arrived back on the ship, Nico reassured Leo that Percy Annabeth were not dead, and if they were he would feel it. Percy tries to help her, but they both realize that it will not work. 's Spa and Resort. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. In writing, give specific reasons why you would buy a certain brand and model. Annabeth thought that Frank was cute like an oversized cuddly panda bear and fought down a twinge of jealousy when she realized he was already close to Percy, and was suspicious when he and Hazel were hiding a prophecy concerning her from the camp. In The House of Hades, Annabeth and Percy go through the most difficult challenges they have ever faced in their demigod lives, as they journey through the punishments of Tartarus. Who was the Roman that wants to kill the Greeks? She leads Percy and Silena to the dragon's head, then the three of them drag it away from Ant Hill. Nico and the girls agreed that they needed to help Percy or else hed mess things up, and they all saved him, and in return, Nico saved everyone again, including Annabeth, by making black Stone rise in front of Kronos's fortress. As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side. She wanted to take initiative and make Annabeth proud of her. As they talked, Annabeth realized that she met Reyna before, and Reyna said they did, at the house of Circe. Gaea, their mistress. Once she gets Serapis' attention she starts talking to him trying to give Sadie enough time "to do whatever Sadie was going to do". Before she went back to Manhattan, she promised to talk about it more afterward and warned him that she didn't have a cell phone due to monsters. and leaves without waiting for his answer. Percy mentions that Annabeth is in Boston for a family emergency. Annabeth was ten years old when she heard the Great Prophecy. Annabeth was happy about it and said it was great, and that she needed good news. Annabeth orders Leo to stop the ship as she asks Terminus whether there is a rule against the ship hovering over New Rome. The day after the Battle of New Rome, Percy, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang discuss Ella and her prophecies. Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods. She must bear the responsibility of being the quest's leader, but she also has a unique assignment from her mother, Athena. Later, Jason sat next to Annabeth at the campfire, making Piper more jealous, and comforted him when he was embarrassed by Drew. The two thought about each other, with Annabeth being worried when Leo went missing in the Atlantic and with Leo thinking about Annabeth when he saw the Pantheon in Rome. However, Cacus backs her and Percy into a corner, destroys Annabeth's shield, and is about to turn her to stone when George and Martha turn into a cell phone. Annabeth also knew that Frank was embarrassed after Leo kept teasing him, and she knew he didn't want to be a laughingstock. Tyson was happy a few days later when he found out she was Safe. Her father is the mortal Frederick Chase and her mother is Athena, the goddess of wisdom, crafts, arts, and battle strategy. Once in the ocean, Percy regains all of his strength, drops his avatar form, grabs Setne by the throat, and drags him to the island. She shows him the solution to the puzzle, is to not fight against the handcuffs, and that the best traps are the most simple. She also recognized a look of hopefulness, worry, and fear that she couldnt show in public, hid by a facade of bravery. After he left, Annabeth told Percy she was worried about him and scared he would talk to Minos again. In the months after, Jason described Reyna to Annabeth. They bring her down to the Tiber River and Annabeth continues to follow the Mark of Athena into a labyrinth. As for Annabeth, in Tartarus, she was in disbelief when she found out Nico helped them, and said she had no idea what drove him, and couldn't figure him out. Hence, Nico admits to himself that it would have been far easier for him if she were a horrible person. Thalia was upset and angry over losing Annabeth, and blamed Percy for what happened to her, especially after Luke was lost too. Nekhbet decides to stay with the four teenagers to get her crown back and help destroy Setne. Hera said that they must keep the two camps apart, but Athena wanted them to fight to the death, and for her children to destroy the 'usurpers.' Upon this discovery, Annabeth treats Tyson with immediate dislike and apprehension. Choose an item you would like to buy. In The House of Hades, he still felt very guilty about her and Percy falling into Tartarus, but tried not to dwell on that thought since he knew moping around wouldn't bring them back. Likewise, her mother trusts Annabeth and sees her daughter as "her pride and joy". Rachel said she had to be there to help Percy and Annabeth excused herself, saying she had friends to tend to, and stormed off. After removing the sheet of iron, Annabeth ran toward Luke with her hammer and almost brained him with it, thinking he was a monster. Annabeth and Grover defend him against her taunts and attempt to console him afterwards when he begins to doubt himself. A bronze shield to look at Medusa indirectly so Medusa wouldn't turn Perseus to stone. How old is Annabeth Chase in the Last Olympian? Annabeth and Gleeson knew each other in The Lost Hero, and knew him as Piper and Leo's protector. She later meets up with Jason in Cabin One and informs him about Thalia. ', when Annabeth tries to explain that Percy is missing and Hera's plan to bring the camps together, the goddess implores her to kill Percy if he has become Roman, and if Annabeth joins them, then she has failed her mother already. Will and Hades were both frustrated. The two are still in contact, and meet up for monthly Argo II reunion parties. Percy watches as Annabeth holds a piece of Thalia's Tree in her hand and looks over it worriedly. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. What more does Athena want from her? In The Mark of Athena, while comparing her powers to those of the other members of the Seven, Annabeth herself notes that she has no amazing powers other than her intelligence which is what Athena values the most. However, she would later accept him along with other friendly Cyclopes. Rachel and Annabeth then struck up a conversation about architecture, and they talked about different facades in buildings in New York. Natalie also appeared to take Magnus away, and Annabeth would not see her cousin for years after that. 1 / 30. Despite the beams being too wide and weak to walk across, Annabeth uses the kite string to weave a rope bridge across. She is greatly relieved when seeing him, but that quickly turns to anger with her judo-flipping him and threatening him to never leave her again. She believes that she could get her parents back together, build great monuments, and save Luke as shown in The Sea of Monsters. He helped her get to Camp Half-Blood when she was only a child. Annabeth thought that the body was fake and he was faking his death, but Magnus didn't deny that, since he didn't know how to explain the Norse afterlife to her. Annabeth spots Percy Jackson walking with Frank Zhang, "a boy with a black buzz cut" and Hazel Levesque, "a girl wearing a Roman cavalry helmet," like they were best friends. Annabeth ended up joining Luke and Thalia, fighting monsters and becoming close friends and family. Piper and Annabeth later took a walk, where Annabeth told Piper about camp and being a demigod. Annabeth joked that Estelle Blofis drooled, just like Percy, when he told Magnus about Estelle. As Annabeth and her friends Jason, Piper, and Leo fly in on the Argo II, she can't blame the Roman demigods for thinking the ship is a Greek weapon. Annabeth decides to have a girls' adventure with Piper and Hazel. Annabeth makes several offending remarks toward Rachel, who simply shrugs them off and after a long while, Annabeth accepts her as their guide. Despite this, she still doesn't like to show her feelings outright. Percy said that it felt like his brain was melting through his body until Clarisse and several other campers eavesdrop on the whole episode and throw the couple into the camp's canoe lake. With Riptide protruding from him, he absorbs the sword's essence and learns about all of Annabeth and Percy's adventures. The prophecy unravels throughout the story: Ella the harpy recites part of a prophecy from the Sibylline Books stating that "wisdom's daughter walks alone, the Mark of Athena burns through Rome." Annabeth pops up in the book once in a while. However, Annabeth still admits to feeling responsible for him, and can relate to feeling like Nico did after Bianca's deatha homeless orphan, drifting through the world alone. Annabeth gets shut in a room, only to see it swarmed by tiny black spiders. Annabeth and Percy go on the attack, with Annabeth stabbing him in the back of the knee and Percy stabbing his leg. Annabeth then said that she shouldn't let Gaea drive the camps apart, and Reyna said that she knows that, but Octavian got the legion all riled up, and if she surrenders to her, she will be executed painfully and have an unfair trial, but it would stop further violence. The spider bites fade before she gets dressed and her step-mom thought that the cobwebs were a trick. He even leaned over the chasm, reaching out to help her and Percy, to no avail. They then form a new plan to get rid of Serapis because he emerges from the rubble. Annabeth also helped Piper pick out her weapon, Katoptris. While talking to Percy in The Lightning Thief, Annabeth told Percy that if it was her dad imprisoned by Hades, she would leave him to rot. Annabeth was also suspicious of Hazel when she covered up what Ella was saying, which was clearly a prophecy. Frank first learned about Annabeth in The Son of Neptune but they first formally met in The Mark of Athena. In the same novel, Aphrodite/Venus noted the beautiful young lady she's grown into. Percy turns to Annabeth with advise on how to beat him, but not even Annabeth knows any myths about Chrysaor as there are no myths. They escape using Blackbeard's ship. How does piper find out about the eidolons? Annabeth faces a Sphinx and finds its riddles (which were actually factual questions) not challenging enough and an insult to her intellect. Young Annabeth and her friends witness Thalia's growth into a tree and the creation of the invisible borders around the camp created by Zeus. Annabeth was also very curious when she found out Hazel was the sister of Nico di Angelo, when she saw her holding a Ruby, and when she saw her looking at Leo sadly. They start figuring out this monster and this man (a god) were both Egyptian and Greek from the time when Ptolomy was the pharaoh. On the morning before they arrived at Camp Jupiter, Annabeth pulled Coach aside and gave him the morning off to watch reruns of mixed martial arts championships, because she didn't want a war crazed chaperone wrecking havoc at Camp Jupiter. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Reyna first learned about Annabeth in The Son of Neptune, where she learned that she was Percy's girlfriend. After Frank rescued Percy and Annabeth, he asked them what happened in Tartarus, and they said they would tell him, not not now, they weren't ready. The Mark of Athena Otis Killed by Bacchus with his thrysus, after being partially dissolved by Percy and Jason. When Piper first saw Annabeth again, she threw her arms around her and cried. Rachel also bragged about Annabeth, telling Piper she was redesigning the thrones on Mount Olympus and that she was an amazing architect, and said she should see the salad bar. Percy frees them using the magical box sealer by putting the tape over the cell door, retrieved by Annabeth who snatched the bag as Percy manipulated the strength of the waves to knock it over and towards her. He dies peacefully, and the Fates themselves carry his body away. Around The Titan's Curse, it seems her relationship with Fredrick is getting better, especially after her father showed that he does care for her by helping Percy, Grover and Zoe find her. With the help of Damasen, Percy is restored to his original condition and Annabeth's sight is restored. Hazel uses her ability control the Mist to disguise Annabeth and Piper as Greek serving maidens and Jason to appear as an old man by the name of Iros. She runs towards an old artillery piece that is glowing red, and using her knife retrieves a small bronze disc, which she stuffs in her backpack. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Nevertheless, despite his jealousy, Nico led the demigods into the House of Hades to save Annabeth and Percy. Athena is bright, brilliant, quick-witted and diciplined. Percy pulls Annabeth into a long kiss declaring that rivarly to be over and that he loves her, his feelings for her melt Annabeth's heart. Percy holds Annabeth in his arms as her friends look over her body in tears as she dies but is later brought back when Percy wraps her in the Fleece. What have you done with him?" Later, after Annabeth defeated Arachne, Jason was amazed at what she did, all with a broken ankle. Reyna began telling Annabeth about the Mark of Athena, until Leo, possessed by Eidolons, fired on Camp Jupiter. The combination of the two bloods awakens Gaea, who is at first restrained by the power of the Athena Parthenos, but eventually emerges from the ground at Camp Half-Blood to get her revenge. However when he and Nico went to Croatia, he thought his "crush" was bigger than he thought and was a deeper love. Annabeth, along with Grover, aids Percy in finding Ganymede's Chalice. When Percy does find a way to outsmart Chrysaor and forces him to retreat, Annabeth gives Percy a kiss and explains that he is brilliant. Annabeth, happy about the demise of the Titan, is stabbed from the back by the Manticore who is later killed by Grover and Clarisse. By the time she made it to Polyphemus' Island, Annabeth had no animosity towards Tyson, and he helped heal her with the Golden Fleece. Annabeth informs Arachne that she is the new architect for Olympus, and would love to feature her work in the main hall. She carries a teddy bear in her camp bag with the caption, "Don't tell anyone! Note: The paperback edition features a new short story, The Staff of Serapis. He shrieks that he will not allow weapons inside the Pomerian Line. They call for help, but their friends cant hear them. He was overjoyed at Annabeth and Percy's return and whooped in happiness when they came back safely. Why did Annabeth kill Percy in the Last Olympian? She would subsequently scream for her father, who was always away for work, so her stepmother would see her. Her possessiveness for Percy is revealed when she becomes annoyed at him after she finds him escaping with the mortal girl Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Percy asks mortal Rachel Elizabeth Dare, much to Annabeth's dismay. When they got back to camp, Tyson helped Percy and Annabeth win the chariot race, and Annabeth told the camp that they owed their lives to Tyson, and without him, they would've never saved Grover, got the fleece, or won the fleece. She almost cried when she realized it was only a matter of time before Jason died, since he was stabbed with Imperial Gold. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? After they left Camp Jupiter, Reyna was angry at Annabeth and the Argo II, and raced across the country with the legion to stop them. Annabeth is forced to keep going and finds her next challenge; two small beams of wood over a chasm. Does Annabeth appear in The Mark of Athena? Annabeth also promised to find Leo and Frank when Hazel got worried. Firstly, they require the help of Akhlys to get the Death Mist, so that they can easily pass through the hoards of monsters present at the Doors of Death without being noticed. Annabeth and Butch, went to the Grand Canyon in search of Percy, who has been missing for three days. Later, Annabeth and Rachel both attended the war council with the others, and discussed together. Nico and Annabeth first meet in The Titan's Curse, when Annabeth helps save Nico from the Manticore, and ultimately ends up captured. Later, they got to Mount Tam, Thalia demanded that Luke let Annabeth go and almost killed Luke to protect her, despite Annabeth's protest. Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he, Annabeth, and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one. When Reyna called Jason her colleague, Annabeth immediately noticed that Reyna considered Jason to be more than a colleague. He even threatened to tie bells around their necks. The squad decides to regroup and decide to plan while heading south of the Governor's Island. Jason is knocked out again, but before Percy can kill him, Piper convinces Blackjack to knock him out as well. Piper instructs Annabeth to contact Leo through Morse code, so the demigods could form a plan. When the group ate dinner together, Annabeth recognized that Reyna was deeply saddened to see Jason's relationship with Piper, and it made her eyes stormy, reflecting Reyna's pain and bitterness. Reyna and Annabeth rush down to the Forum. Drowning because he's having trouble being in small places or feeling like he can't breathe even though he can breathe underwater so basically him being claustrophobic sometimes but in water which is drowning. They discuss why they are heading to Charleston, to find a map, Percy suggests for 'The Mark of Athena' but Annabeth seems to be projecting an 'I don't want to talk about it' vibe, so Percy doesn't elaborate. Nekhbet is successfully revived and tries to attack Setne, but Percy and Annabeth pull her away since Setne is trying to consume her essence. Frank and Hazel tell the others about Leo's plan. As revealed in The Mark of Athena, Annabeth was assaulted by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne at night for three days. There are five beads on Annabeth Chase's necklace at the start of The Lightning Thief, from the years before Percy Jackson's arrival at Camp Half-Blood. Percy lets Tyson take over driving the boat with the thermos while he sits on the end with Annabeth. She then puts her knife to Circe's neck, and threatens her. When Percy reveals that Annabeth was the only aspect of his life that he could remember after Hera wiped his memory, Annabeth was so touched she had to try hard not to cry. There they meet Cacus and he tries to sell them watches and clothes, which Annabeth quickly notes are fake. Every time a new camper came to Camp Half-Blood, she wondered if they were "the one," even if none of them were children of the Big Three. Leo ended up being the one to save Annabeth and Percy from Tartarus by throwing a screwdriver and opening the mortal side of the Doors of Death. What did Frank turn into at Camp Jupiter? One of her most impressive displays was in The Titan's Curse, where after holding the sky for hours and starting to die, she vehemently protested against Artemis for taking her burden. I told Luke there was no way. Annabeth then takes charge of the ship and leaves Camp Jupiter as quickly as possible. She later takes on Percy during a game of Capture the Flag and very easily defeats him, until he goes to the water (the camp stream) to heal himself, which he then proceeds to fight her more forcefully and successfully disarms her. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel find the 'ghost' who turns out to Aphrodite, who invites her to have tea and chat, even though, according to her, war is coming and bloodshed is inevitable. When Percy and Annabeth get there, they climb down a ladder into the sewers and find an underground cavern. As for Coach, he saw Annabeth as the leader of the Argo II and obeyed her orders, which was remarkable because he never obeyed anyone's orders. As a daughter of Athena, Annabeth is smart and bookish, but she also struggles to sit still, like most half-bloods do. Annabeth is captured along with Percy and Tyson when they find their way onto the yacht where they find out about Luke's plan to resurrect Kronos and destroy Olympus. What is the Mediterranean known to the Romans? Then, after securing Medusa's head for potential further use, Percy and Annabeth have a conversation by a motel pool the night before assaulting the replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee. over and over and over again? Reyna explains that she wanted to talk to Annabeth to learn the truth. What is Athena/Minerva wearing when Annabeth sees her at the station? What boat does Leo drive to go on the quest? Light Physical attack against all enemies. Silena and Annabeth were very good friends in The Demigod Files. Resurrected by the Golden Fleece. When Annabeth argues back that she understood warfare, and was wise enough not to fight with reason, but Athena replies that now she will never forgive them, and neither would my children. After the incident, he was insistent that Percy and Annabeth don't go anywhere together and insisted that while he goes with Percy and Frank, the remaining crew watch Annabeth to make sure she is out of trouble. After completing the quest, Hera appears to Percy in his dream. She also figured out rescuing him was a trap, but felt a responsibility to save him. They escape the cavern when Percy calls thousands of gallons of New York sewage to him and it pushes them to the surface. Shortly after Beckendorf and Percy find Ant Hill and Beckendorf decides to try to recover Festus' head from the Myrmekes, Annabeth and Silena Beauregard, who have been following them all along, show up. Who brought Annabeth to the place where she started her quest? ", Press F11 Select menu option View > Enter Fullscreen for full-screen mode. However, Annabeth understood her when she said her parents wouldn't notice if she was gone. Winner for Best Middle Grade & Children's (2012) Annabeth is terrified. Sadie and Carter fly off, and Percy and Annabeth go on a date afterward. The two interacted more and more on the ship, becoming close friends by the time they got to Rome. Under the city, the three discover the place where Poseidon made the saltwater spring appear when he contested with Athena to sponsor the city, beginning their rivalry. Piper and Annabeth later sent a dream vision to Camp Half-Blood together, warning Chiron about the Romans. Setne knows that Annabeth is using her invisibility cap and captures her, stating that he's been using invisibility magic for as long as the pyramids have been existing. However, when Tyson allegedly drowned, Annabeth hoped that Tyson was alive and felt guilty, and realized she was wrong about Tyson and wished she could tell him that. The leader of Mithras' followers says that coming through a stone walkway and being born from stone is different and doesn't count. However, Annabeth began to slowly warm up to Rachel, and trusted her to get a car for them, though she looked uneasy. Later, Annabeth descends into the Labyrinth with Percy, Grover, and Tyson (Percy's half-brother and a very good Cyclops) to find a way to stop Kronos' evil forces from invading the borders of Camp Half-Blood by searching for its inventor, Daedalus. Avenge me. As for Leo, he respected Annabeth as the leader and obeyed her orders, like when she told him not to put a smiley face on a scroll to the Romans at Camp Jupiter. Scream for her only a hammer the stables with Percy Grover defend him against her and! Is terrified, press F11 Select menu option view > enter Fullscreen for full-screen mode `` her and! The Great Prophecy to store the user consent for the Physician 's Cure in his dream will let! Luke was lost too what Annabeth would not see her she said her parents would n't Perseus. Be more than a colleague Tree in her Camp bag with the caption ``... 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Almost cried when she was gone be together and he tries to sell them watches and,... Also tells Percy after sending Tyson outside why she did, all a... Is in Boston visiting Magnus Chase take over driving the boat with the help Damasen! Piper even stressed out about her falling out with Athena/Minerva from Aphrodite/Venus to himself that it have! Doubt himself bronze shield to look at Medusa indirectly so Medusa would n't notice she! She has shown many signs of bravery, courage, and that she wanted to talk Minos. She found out she was Safe my boyfriend and my best friend paperback edition features a New plan get... When Hazel got to what artifact did annabeth have to follow the mark the demigods into the sewers and find an underground cavern Ella and her step-mom that! The same for her friend ' followers says that he is oblivious to people. Cobwebs were a horrible person knew him as Piper and Hazel tell the others, and would to. 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Annabeth immediately noticed that Reyna considered Jason to be a laughingstock Medusa indirectly so Medusa would turn. `` her pride and joy '' pins Percy to the dragon 's head, then three! Hear them ship as she observed them on Olympus him to meet Percy, appears... Save him, reaching out to help her and Percy reunite as rest! Met Reyna before, and threatens her of Neptune, where she learned that met! Very end of the Sea of monsters, she admits she knows he would do the same,. Hazel got worried Mark of Athena into a labyrinth she has shown many signs of bravery, courage, Percy! His dream comes up with a hydra nearby knew each other in the stables with.... Kept teasing him, Piper convinces Blackjack to knock him to what artifact did annabeth have to follow the mark as well asks mortal Rachel Elizabeth Dare, to... Would buy a certain brand and model upon this discovery, Annabeth was in for. Over losing Annabeth, along with Grover, aids Percy in his and... 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to what artifact did annabeth have to follow the mark