Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The childrens ministry rethinks the competition at its core. That game was short-lived when the church board heard about it, Gods Miracle notes. RODNEY HOWARD BROWNE: Coming to Dublin AVOID!. What Does Wielding My White Privilege for Good Look Like? Seriously. The post from Awana made some broad assumptions about several of the Woke Religions sacred martyrs, including the names of both Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. This was a big step for Awana, entering a new arena of communication and networking. Not to swtich the subject, but I had to watch their instructional video and it was a VERY shallow way of sharing the gospel! When extrinsic incentives are involved, it is often the award that is treasured more than the task or content that is learned, wrote Scottie May, then associate professor of Christian formation and ministry at Wheaton College, in the 2006 volume Perspectives on Childrens Spiritual Formation. Should I continue with my enthusiasm, energy, and fun with the kids or should I mellow out a bit? A club of homeschooled kids will generally have the perfect club with children coming ready to complete several sections. The unchanging truth of the gospel drives the same vision we've held all these years to reach children in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future and continue to be used by God to help change the world'. Building lives on the Word of God Awana stands! The unchangingtruth of the gospel drives the same vision weve held all these years to reachchildren in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future andcontinue to be used by God to help change the world. Are you aware of this? Awana provides for us a demonstration of what Woke Religion does; it steals the profoundly simple mission of the church making disciples and spreading the Gospel and replaces it with leftist political rhetoric cloaked in a clerical collar. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. Our Savior following with steps unfaltering, And love unaltering, His praise we sing, His banner over us, in service glorious, We'll fight victorious for Christ our King! They are still sacred and beautiful, and there is much depth to them. REBEKAH LYONS- is is the wife of progressive Gabe Lyons and cofounder of Q Ideas a left leaning TED TALKS rip off for Christians. Often when people offer constructive comments to me, Im already aware and working on a solution. I am currently serving in a club that is nearing 30 years in Awana and has clearly lost its passion. Rorheim developed his own exclusive force of boys. Another writer in the volume recounts his own experience with Bible memory contests, saying, It didnt really matter to me that I was memorizing the Word of God as opposed to any other book. The numbers are generally a very low percentage of conference attendees. Yet, what she needed was a clear message to say that her humanity mattered to them. And the activities they do Glorify the Lord. The square has changed little from its origins in the 1940s at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicagos Logan Square neighborhood. The Puritan Board is a forum dedicated to the discussion of Christian theology in a Confessionally Reformed context. Jesus makes me happy all the time? I find this interesting because I find myself in a situation where I HAVE to be a leader in an AWANA program for school. In my experience, there is often a faulty theological view driving why kids disengage the church (and many times their faith). Under the old system, students worked through handbooks at their own pace, one after another. Clearly by Charting a New Course- Markins and Awana leadership mean your children need LGBTQ Church Inclusion / Revoice Sexual minority and Thriving training- BLM advocate rap with CRT driven narratives on race by SHAI LINNE which are loose with the facts and heavy on systemic racism worldview. Ed Stetzer, Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College ( also Lifeway/ NAMB/ Wheaton/ Send Network church planting /TGC /ERLC /globalist from Lausanne circles -NOTE Stetzer has also been working with globalist /Rockefeller think tank Council on Foreign Relations accusing Christians of spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. AS DENOMINATIONS RUN HEADLONG INTO DE&I-WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM CONFIRMS A.I. Awana! For instance: old lesson, I will share my food with someone at school to be nice to them. [1] InThe New Reformation, Christian hip-hop artist Shai Linne shows how the gospel applies to the pursuit of ethnic unity. Share your feedback here. Once the leadership loses their passion, it affects every area of the ministry and then Awana is not run properly. In other words, T&T handbooks used to be a marathon that kids generally completed as quickly as they wanted tomotivated by a sense of personal achievement, a desire to beat one of their friends to the finish, or a physical award. Idolatry makes ethnicity ultimate, while apathy tends to ignore it altogether. They also learn about worldwide missions and the need to help others. Traveling alone via airplane, to a city I did not know and any number of things could go wrong. Understanding of the heart is captured in all its profoundness when a child knows he is loved with the love of Christ. Half of my leaders are really equipped to be small group leaders; the other half are equipped to be helpers in that, she says. Still, to continue the metaphor, Awana has been remarkably successful over the last seven decades at finding its young monkeys and driving them to climb ever-higher trees. Most clubs are not like that. Some of the kids may need more focused attention, one-on-one. Beyond the coins, however, Faith Chapels Awana program has scaled back competition in some ways. It would be easier for me to have stayed home and used these few vacation days to rest or work on projects in the comfort of my home. The hike with add-ons is probably less motivating for elite overachievers. Secondly, and this is just as important, the way God is using Awana to change the world is one of the greatest secrets around. You and your church are planted here and now for such a time as this .You are entrusted to make resilient disciples and to not lower your standards or simply fade into and era of a by-gone era. These are all proven lies and destined to destroy Awana just as it has recently destroyed many conservative Seminaries churches and entire movements from other polluted streams. I am a director with no acting commander of our club. Our best way to motivate and incentivize is to give kids time with a leader rooted in the Word and fire to fulfill the Great Commission.. There simply is no apparent interest in what Awana is doing except for the how to run a local club in many cases. , So when I watch a video like George Floyds, it represents for me the fresh reopening of a deep wound and the reliving of layers of trauma that get exponentially compounded each time a well-meaning white friend says, All lives matter. Of course they do, but in this country, black lives have been treated like they dont matter for centuries and present inequities in criminal justice, income, housing, health care, education, etc. Scott, I dont know if I can keep our kids in AWANA.. I want to share now why some Awana Clubs fail. Yesterday I shared how I felt that Awana was not for every church and how people limit God when they say that Awana is non-negotiable. The shift away from handbook time, where kids would recite verses from memory, to small group time, where the kids discuss the verse and its context, is also heavily influenced by innovations in local churches, he says. When Latham moved across town to plant North Side Gospel Center in 1933, he soon identified the young Art Rorheim as his youth leader. Apparently, the legal threat was just idle intimidation. I am one quite satisfied with a sing-pray-preach type of church myself, but also am not against a conservative church which has a fair amount of activities and a minimal amount of programs. Yes, it may be a little of both. God has put me here for a reason what the reason is could be interesting! Over time, competition and rewards can develop healthy habits., Nolan says her club in many ways has doubled down on Awanas competitive aspects in the last few years, shifting from an abstract point system to awarding teams coins that accumulate over the night. This might seem like meaningless work, but tell them to take 30 min after a meeting, and think of every good experience they have! A team led by Cedarville University psychologist Michael Firmin interviewed Awana leaders and visited clubs across six states. You can never do that too much! The purpose of game time was to be the calling cardto have a fun aspect of Awana that kids want to do and come back for, Nolan says. Forget it. I found this true today of Awana as I interacted with various personnel during the first part of the summit. On June 2, the popular Christian satire site published a fictional story titled " Trump Shows Off Completed Awana Vest ," which . Coordinates integration of the Awana Ministry into the wider local church ministry. Sample of the Barna topics includes this on racial justice. Teacher. The monkey in that cartoon is wearing a big smile for a reason. As Ive shared with various people here at Awana, I was surprised that many of my comments resonated with them. and at the end of the article I provide links to very helpful articles by my friend,Gary Gilley articles that later were published as his book Out of Formation. Therefore, the Bible is true., I stopped reading for a moment. I have been guilty of this as well. There are two problems with Awana I want to share now. Go to and download some free (seriously, free!) I recently received an inquiry from a pastor-friend who wanted to know if there wereperhaps grounds for concerns about the organisation known as AWANA derivedfrom the first letters of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed as taken from 2Timothy 2:15 (, Then, in their own words For over six decades, the Lord has used the ministryof Awana to reach kids, equip leaders, and change the world. Shai is a racial activist using vintage critical race theory narratives in his TGC published response to George Floyd death titles George Floyd and Me and in TGC and social justice activist The Front Porch promoted book where he is advocating vintage third way strategy. The kid who is coming in and asking Jesus who? Theyre saying I need someone to tell me the truth. You can support Commander Bill in several ways: Copyright (c) 2019 - Commander Bill Gunter - All rights reserved - Commander Bill is not associated with, nor endorsed by, Awana Clubs International - All content are the views of Commander Bill and do not necessarily reflect the views of Awana - Awana is a Registered Trademark of Awana Clubs International - Awana images, logos, and clipart used with permission. The Faith & Race Check-In helps church leaders navigate discipling their congregation through the current racial justice movement in America. Theres a pretty significant shift in the mindset from leaders as section signers to actually discipling, says CommanderBill.nets Gunter. Most of the comments have been around the new T&T material. Talk to almost anyone (I say almost because you can never make a blanket statement) who has led a workshop at an Awana conference on what Awana is doing internationally and see how many people attend those workshops. I tried to ask some hard questions during this Blogger Summit and shared things from a perspective that only I could give from the group of bloggers assembled (Ill share some of that in later posts). (LogOut/ And yes, I asked the one question that is probably forefront in your mind. Everything He says is absolutely right and true. I wish the people would LISTEN AND DO IT! xxxx has goodexperiences with it but Ive heard that they are embracing spiritual formation andare using books such as those by Ken Blanchard. Markins and Awana show their willingness to bring his poison RIGHT INTO OUR CHURCHES and into THE HEART of our childrens programs down to pre K age -under our very noses and in the name and under the banner oa a long trust ministry which helped disciple millions of Children in the WORD OF GOD AND BIBLE MEMORIZATION. Awana, I wanna apologize. Rather, it feels like they use me to feel better about themselves because I check off the black friend box. You cant. For a fair selection everyone has to take the same exam, the man says. A Premier Resource for Awana(R) News and Information. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Materials 2020 Joy W Bennett.| Privacy Policy | A Tall Poppy Site. I mean, step back and listen to how that sounds! YOUTH ON THE MARCH!" In the long run, it is a blessing for me and the church. As I flipped pages and skimmed the lessons, my stomach tightened and my chest clenched. I know in my own life I go to work because theres a paycheck, she says. Please share any thoughts you may have on this below. Being involved in our SBC AWANA program for our 5-6-7 year olds, I fail to see the "HARM" in being grilled with memorizing scripture. Try incentives, share with your leaders that they are there to show these kids Gods Love and at this point the handbook (in my humble opinion based on your comments) is secondary. Every word of God is pure. Let me add a third problem with Awana. That is what we do in Awanas. Your passion will be contagious, spreading to the leaders under you and the children in your ministry. How insidious and disgusting to fashion this lie into a catchy action-packed childrens song? When it is seen more as making waves than going with the flow? This fall, Awana has also introduced a tool to T&T to make those handbooks even less daunting: Essentials books strip the lessons to their bare essentials, shrinking six pages of comics, activities, and information to a single page. CHRISTIAN DAVOS COMMITS TO TRAINING LEADERS FOR WEF FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION /AGE OF DISRUPTION., THE CHURCH IN AMERICA AT THE GATES OF HELL: A TALE OF THE COLLAPSE OF SOUTHERNBAPTIST. How can the story of what God is doing through Awana (domestically and internationally) be told? How AWANA and Childrens Songs Are Misleading Our Children, Of Gathering and Learning and Celebrating Gods Global People ~ The Parent Hood. His voice was a hilarious blend of hoarse and country twang as he read a story from his AWANA book to his brother and sister. I too had a passion that was not appreciated by others. Hard to imagine, isnt it? Not only did Awana prove themselves to be without a sense of humor, but their freak-out over President Trump donning a Sparkies vest betrayed their political leanings. ( This is part of what my friend wrote to me - Hi Cecil, I have a question for you. The milieu of the clubs did not highlight trophies, plaques, or other permanent mementos of successful clubbers, the researchers wrote. This can be a teachable moment, a discipleship moment, Marchand says. Anonymous. A Premier Resource for Awana(R) News and Information. I'm an AWANAs leader and have two daughters in the program-- both in Sparks. TGC and Keller and the monkey business in our seminaries are already deeply exposed and cursed and awaiting the JUDGEMENT OF A HOLY GOD. There was apprehension by some, and great acceptance by others. Thanks for the reminder Bill!!! This is not unique to Awana either, this plagues all ministries, there is no immunity. My boys used to love Awana and Bible memorization, but the new curriculum killed their Awana spirit, one mom complained on Gunters site, The organizations early 20th century predecessor, the Moody Tabernacle Scouts, aimed to win every boy for Christ and counted Moody pianist Lance Latham as one of its first two scoutmasters. If you are a student of Awana, then you have probably studied a little bit of the history of Awana. But lately the $40 million global ministry has been reconsidering just how much competition has shaped its approach. It is hard to get that excitement and buzz flowing upstream. There are also links in these articles to other posts about concerns with AWANA. Why does parenting feel so much like undoing what others have done, un-teaching what others have taught? The current club model is not slated for extinction because it is one tool that has worked, and still works, effectively having a great impact on many children, youth and adults. I was wrong about you. Awana first got peoples attention when it tweeted out a pandering, virtue-signaling and entirely unnecessary Facebook post about a topic irrelevant to their mission (see below). As you look to the left and right and focus on others, you lose focus on the path God has for you. Why is that weasel like? The claim is that this article is "beyond satire" whatever that means and contains offensive material (an image of the president of the United States). The headquarters is in Streamwood, Illinois, United States . RAY ORTLUND is progressive TGC leader and now boss and pastor of former ERLC head Russell Moore. Instead, examine the root causes of your discipline problems and take reasonable steps to address each one. Scott, listen to this. I turned to him, sitting on the other end of the couch. Their response to contemplative spirituality leaves one message to readers: contemplative has some problems but if incorporated with other spiritual traditions, it has great value. Bill, I knew it would be really weird! I have a question for you. Ill just keep doing what Im doing. Im expecting a great year and am very pleased with the Lords leading. , Its about being handcuffed and thrown into the back of a police car while walking down the street during college, and then waiting for a white couple to come identify whether or not I was the one whod committed a crime against them, knowing that if they said I was the one, I would be immediately taken to jail, no questions asked. Our leaders are getting frustrated and discouraged. Were trying to give agency to the church instead of saying, Heres the box you have to stay in. He means that literallyin both game time and curriculum shipments, Awana is trying to help churches think outside what comes in the box. Mapanzure Netsai. The kids look at the material long enough to be able to say it to get checked off and five min. On the march for youth; Hail! Awana will not file a lawsuit against The Babylon Bee over a Donald Trump-related satire story that the national evangelical youth ministry and child evangelism nonprofit allegedly threatened legal action over. Awana also brought unity among teachers, and even the school and the community. Finally, continually share what God is doing in the ministry and show how it matches up with the mission of the church. , Its about having what feels like genuine fellowship with my white brothers and sisters who share the same Reformed theologyuntil I mention racism, injustice, or police brutality, at which point Im looked at skeptically as if I embrace a social gospel or am some kind of liberal or social justice warrior., And its about sometimes feeling like some of my white friends arent that particularly interested in truly knowing meat least not in any meaningful way that might actually challenge their preconceptions. I appreciate it very much! It's a good combo of exhausting fun & games, group Bible teaching, and small-group Bible memory + lessons. WARNING -AWANA HAS HELPED PARENTS AND CHURCHES TEACH BIBLE VERSES TO THEIR CHILDREN FOR YEARS- BUT HAS SINCE 2021 INCREASINGLY FEATURED AND BEEN DOMINATED BY SOCIAL JUSTICE /WOKE / LGBTQ INCLUSION ACTIVIST EVANGELICAL SPEAKERS. Allberry serves as editor for both Tim Kellers The Gospel Coalition and the disgraced Ravi Zacharias. The response has been mixed and expected, says Bill Gunter, who runs a large unofficial Awana website, We were approachedabout hosting it here as we did years ago, before my time. Sign up to my occasional newsletters and stay up to date on all things writing and community-related. This is often based on current events or behaviors that we see needing some scriptural correction. I love what I do! Awana! Historically correct doesnt mean the Bible is a history book. Lance Latham, North Side's senior pastor, collaborated with the church's youth . Baton relay races. And why is most of this undoing and unteaching work brought on by churches? The study interprets how cultural changes are rapidly affecting the local church and childrens ministry.Conference speakers are slated to include Barna Group CEO David Kinnaman; Awana president and CEO Matt Markins;New York Timesbestselling author and pastor John Mark Comer; author,speaker and apologetics and culture expertRebecca McLaughlin; Andy Crouch, a partner for theology and culture at Praxis and former editor ofChristianity Today; Derwin Gray, founding and lead pastor of Charlotte, North Carolinas TransformationChurch;acclaimed author, pastor and apologist Sam Allberry; and Moody Publishers acquisitions editor and popular author Trillia Newbell, among other leading childrens ministry experts. Can a new Awana help kids make the switch? Four other congregations with female pastors were also determined to be not in friendly cooperation with the SBC, as well as one removed over its abuse response. The Pals Club and Sword Club would eventually become Awana, with its philosophy in full bloom. Have something to add about this? See something we missed? The mission is so pure and simple its hard to go wrong. children were being left out. My interest was not in the content or the Author but rather in the fame and fortune of walking away with the most valuable prize and the renown of the group, being proven as the best, the winner., Multiple peer-reviewed studies support Mays argument that rewards undercut the development of intrinsic motivation. If it is, thats a problem. DAVID KINNAMAN AND BARNA ARE PARTNERING WITH AWANA TO PROVIDE ASSESSMENTS FOR AWANA INSTRUCTORS AND CHILDRENS STAFF AT CHURCHES. On the other hand, what if I am supposed to stay the course and see it through? I suppose I could isolate my son from the other boy's and girl's on Wednesday nights and keep him home so we could go over the catechism. I think it is extremely hard to fool a child in matters of the heart, and I also believe they are extremely intuitive. The tension is familiar to any ministry trying to mix evangelism with discipleship, newcomers with experienced elites, or leadership development with broad outreach. Ultimately, I accepted being a part of this summit and Im glad I pushed past the apprehension. How can these simple missions become controversial?Well, in the plainest of terms, Woke Religion ruins everything. Laura What would you do if you saw children standing outside your Awana club wanting to join in? is a part of Gunter Family Ministries (, View CommanderBill.nets profile on Facebook. Clearly Third Way politics and activist / inclusion/ BLM/ CRT narratives are flooding Awana. Awanas article mirrors the language of Critical Race Theory, alleging that racism is invisible and cant be documented or quantified but still ever-so-present in things called micro-aggressions. Awanas article presumes matter-of-factly that racism is the reason for disparities in education, housing, health care, and presumably incarceration. Your Move, Gay Christian Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Calls Trump a Sex-Offender, William Tyndale on National Repentance in Egypt, Babylon, IsraelAnd England, May God Help You Feckless Cowards Who Canceled Worship to Honor Caesar. But then, just a few days later, Awana forgot that 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 was one of their memory verses and threatened to sue the Christians over at Babylon Bee. YIKES! You never know, one of these unchurched kids may be a future Awana Commander or Missionary. . Balloon volleyball. maybe doesnt need all those spaces to fill in. Can youpoint me to any resources? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Im finding that more and more kids dont want to do game time; by offering some different electives we can broaden our reach. Shes planning monthly electives, such as a cooking night, where kids who dont want to run around the game circle can make meals for shut-ins. Awana gets well-intentioned individuals who may not realize they are being insensitive to these little tender hearts." Awana (an acronym for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, taken from the New Testament -- 2 Timothy 2:15) is an organization that aims to help kids memorize Bible passages. Later, Awana told the Christian Post they werent planning to pursue a lawsuit. We do not have the club structure you speak of. If youre concerned that you may be losing your passion, then find support, others to pray for you, to counsel you. So stay focused on Him and He will guide you. I wrote a series on the fiasco of the teaching on the inerrancy of Scripture a year ago. "I'm in-right outright upright downright " he paused, confused. I have lots of good ideas and passion- with the goal of making club inviting and really fun for the kids so that they wont want to miss even one week of Awana! Awana is the latest organization to abandon its first love for woke religion.. You say that your program is going downhill, I would disagree. Thats a huge sweeping generalization to make., And a few pages over, it says this: The Bible is historically correct. But there is a third way, the way of the Bible. You can enter the 2014-15 year knowing that Awana Clubs will continue to be an effective tool to reach children to come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus, with modifications to the Ultimate Adventure and Trek as noted earlier this year. At Peavine Baptist Church in Rock Spring, Georgia, for example, recreation (traditional Awana games) is only one of six electives every week, along with art, music, drama, martial arts, and Lego robotics. That can be tiring, but with the right person/people, it can be very effective. From the Awana website we can see that " [Awana] began as a children's program at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicago in 1941. Awana didnt want any association with the Commander in Chief, even if it was clearly satirical. August 20, 2020 by romans122life, posted in Baptism, Christianity, Discipleship, family, The Gospel. Awana, in fact, has been used in my own church for over a decade. The unchangingtruth of the gospel drives the same vision weve held all these years to reachchildren in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future andcontinue to be used by God to help change the world. You did not note what position you are serving, but if youre a leader, use that excitement as youre able connecting with the kids during handbook time and gametime and interacting during large group time. So with the problem comes a solution. How will this announcement, and plan, affect my Awana club? It wont. The tactile coins have worked well, she says, but candy is still the best motivator.. I can't count the times I have nixed the memorization and replaced it with stories that teach simple truths. When it comes to ethnicity, Christians today have to fight against two tendencies: idolatry and apathy. Awana is going into The Gospel Coalition fold .It is sourcing its speakers from TGC and ERLC and the worst of the WOKE evangelical organizations and Tim Keller, Albert Mohler TGC disciples. The local club will continue to be supported as it is now. later? Now we just give points for whomever showed up in costume, Nolan says. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); RUSSELL MOORES ERLC FINALLY OWNS REVOICE-PROMOTING ITS FOUNDERS BOOK IN PARENTS GUIDE TOGENDER. Awana has brought about positive . Pray for this to continue and thrivelest we forgetReaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ.. I recognized it immediately. ADDING INSULT TO APOSTASY TGC INTRODUCES THE KELLER CENTER FOR CULTURAL APOLOGETICS. PROMOTING INTEREST IN AWANAGAMES A good cheering section goes a long way toward helping a team win! Students will all work through the books together, one section a week, in small groups, with the large-group time reinforcing the same Bible stories, verses, and theological concepts. My White Privilege for Good look like become Awana, with its in. Fashion this lie into a catchy action-packed childrens song Lords leading others you! Church ( and many times their Faith ) dont know if I can keep our kids in Awana has... And simple its hard to get that excitement and buzz flowing upstream student of Awana, in the box have... Commander of our club is so pure and simple its hard to get checked off and five.! The Pals club and Sword club would eventually become Awana, entering a Awana! Staff at churches a clear message to say it to get that excitement and flowing. 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Im already aware and working on a solution go wrong to Awana either, this plagues all ministries there...