Waltzs caregiver, a Julia Thomas, apparently listened to all of this but had no idea what to think of any of it. probably had some rubble and erosion over the top of it over the years. poppy wildflowers that is. Get-rich-quick schemes are as American as the Fourth of July. We made a few stops along the way to do a little sightseeing and to fill our stomachs. When we arrived at our base camp, we were greeted by my cousin Courtney, who had set up the two trailers for us. They offer rides ranging from an hour to half a day long and will take you into the wilderness in and around the Superstition Mountains. We had a hike scheduled for the day and we needed to secure our boat rental for the next day. We made our way past Goldfield and the Superstition Museum and then on to Canyon Lake. We soon found an area that Ryan and I thought would be agreatspot for Antonio to do his interview. . At four miles round trip, it takes you into the heart of the Superstitions, through vertical canyons and wildflower-filled meadows, and you might even see a waterfall, something you might not expect in the desert. The road that led up to Canyon Lake was a winding road with many switchbacks. Trail conditions vary from fair to very poor. The area was flat, in a type of cove surrounded by tall cliffs, there was a running stream very nearby, everything met the criteria that we would expect an arrastra to be in. He had allegedly made many forays to this mine, taking gold as he pleased and boasting of its discovery, but all who tried to follow him or learn his secret were said to get hopelessly lost, or end up vanished or dead. Places. The Superstition Mountains (their name inspired by Pima Indian legends) have been a source of mystery and legend since early times. The drive there was full of excitement and anticipation, we discussed our individual plans and got pumped up while listening to our favorite music. This comes as no surprise, especially considering that this mountain range is believed to have a pretty odd history which all centers around an alleged hidden treasure: the fabled Dutchmans mine, a treasure which has taken the lives of many who have gone in search of it. Of all the Superstition Mountains hiking trails, Flat Iron can be the most demanding in the shortest distance, but also the most rewarding. View of two Native American Apache women outside their cloth covered wickiups in a camp in Arizona. In any case, that surviving member is then told to have confided in Jacob Waltz, a man whose mistaken nationality was used to christen the hidden treasure, telling him where exactly in the Superstition Mountains that he could have found it. After carefully scoping out the area, we headed down the road as there was so much to do and only so much daylight. That being said, the best times to hike this wilderness area are typically November - April. Therefore, they brought him to the burial site where he found a stack of gold nuggets which were worth a pretty penny. What will we see and learn about today? Meet in the Saguaro day use area to learn how to distinguish between birds and seek out hawks to hummingbirds all throughout the trail! Stayed tuned for the 4th-day blog, our last day. That night, we sat around the campfire and planned out the next day. Mysterious bodies turned up in the Superstition Mountains all through the 1960s and 70s, with at least five people found dead with bullet holes to the skulls, and with other bodies found minus the heads, which were never found. Consider the severe elements in the Superstition Mountains, during that past 250-300+ years, and the fact that the marker in that area would not be made of granite, but of porous stone that would severely deteriorate. I took a break to wait and listen to them. We met up with Shaun and the rest of the group and they were set up and ready to climb. Heres our story. We hopped in the trucks and headed out as quickly as we could. Be sure to catch a glimpse of Weaver's Needle, a rock formation in these mountains that serves as a monument to all who have searched for gold here and lost their lives seeking riches that may or may be hidden within. Also in that year was the disappearance of two young boys, Ross Bley and Charles Harshbarger, whose bodies were never found. RODRIGUEZ: And that, Davis says is what has led
Personal photo permitscan be filled out at the park the same day. KRISTOF: Technically you
According to Legends of America, the Native Americans in the area believed the Thunder God of their religion lived in the Superstition Mountains, and thus they were required to protect it with lethal force, killing any who might set foot on the mountain and disturb their deity. He says the Mexican
I wish I could explain more about the specifics, but remember, a good treasure hunter keeps his closest secrets close and doesnt reveal too many pieces of the puzzle. Several trails lead from the park into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness and surrounding Tonto National Forest. As I was coming to, I could hear him again on the other side of the trailer waking up Shaun with the same line. Experts say theyre not haunted theyre enormous. Since the surrounding area is relatively flat, it offers spectacular views less than 0.5 miles up the trail. Theres more to this trip for us than it may seem. GREGORY DAVIS: You
We searched around the area, leaving no stone unturned. We will also go over bird watching basics for those that are interested! That he found in a mine? But this mountain range, less than an hour east of Phoenix, is famous for more than its beauty. She was oblivious, baffled, and would apparently later sell the map of the now dead treasure hunter to parties unknown. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Situated just outside of Phoenix in the shadows of the legendary Superstition Mountains, and at the foothills of the Tonto National Forest, this private, gated community features 850 acres of lush Sonoran landscape surrounded by over 50 miles of trails and . Yes, the famous Dutchman mine and its glory Legend is well known, but thats not exactly the real reason were here. Babcock relates of a book by James Swanson and Tom Kollenborn, who went looking in the Superstition Mountains for an underground civilization and a huge treasure dating to the Inca or Aztec. Cursed, blighted, tainted, whatever you want to call it. The Superstition Mountains ( Yavapai: Wi:kchsawa) is a range of mountains in Arizona located to the east of the Phoenix metropolitan area. The curse of the treasure would continue in the 1940s, when a 62-year-old treasure hunter by the name of James A. Carvey journeyed into the Superstition Mountains and also ended up dead and with his head separated from his shoulders. A scouting trip is a way for us to cover a lot of ground and to look for evidence of many possible clues in an area of interest. He had this excitement in his voice like a kid on Christmas morning. I jumped out of bed, had a good stretch to shake off the night and I quickly got dressed and headed outside. Waltz would claim to have been out prospecting when he had come across an unimaginably vast vein of gold out in the mountains, curiously supposedly near Weavers Needle. The initial search party found no trace of him, but then, in December 1931, they found a human skull with two holes from a .44 caliber. Indeed, we will keep an eye out for clues on it, but we have other things on our agenda to do and look for in our time here. Cooler temperatures also make hikes at these times of day more pleasant. wildflowers and plants. He said the bars were all stamped with what appeared to be a crown. Id like to rewind a bit to explain why were here so that you may understand a few things. The area is dotted with ancient cliff dwellings and caves, many showing signs of former habitation. Lost Dutchmans Mine, here we come! . Todd wanted to pan for gold in the area with David, while Ryan filmed it. The Superstition Mountains of Arizona in morning light with Saguaro cactus. The Superstition Mountains in Arizona are bound to be home to at least a few good stories by virtue of their name alone. Case History: The Lost Dutchman Mine is possibly one of the famous lost treasures in history. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 2 h 13 min to complete. We have a lot to do tomorrow. ~ The Lost Dutchmans Mine. are filled with treasures. When we all met back at the trucks, we had many stories to tell each other. The Superstition Wilderness was declared a National Wilderness Area in 1964. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Interestingly it was found that he had amassed a small fortune in a short amount of time after starting his forays into the mountains, urging suspicions that he had found the lost mine. After the trucks were packed up, we made our way to the local gas station to buy a parking pass for the lake, stock up on food and drinks for the day, and we were off. For one, the desert area bears remnants of the cliff dwellings of an ancient people whose identity is still unknown. When we arrived at the lake, we went straight to the boat rental shop to pay for our boat. As a sort of reward for this generosity, he was apparently one day asked to put on a blindfold, after which he was told he would be led to the mythical lost cavern of gold. Several trails lead from the park into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness and surrounding Tonto National Forest. cant touch this. How he knew all of this no one knows, but one rumor has it that he learned the secret location of this massive stash of gold from the sole surviving Peralta family member. Depending on the season, youll see not only gorgeous desert vegetation but also wildlife. Superstitions, found gold or knew where the golden spots were located. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. So firmly do the Pimas rely on this prophecy that they will not cross the Superstition Mountains, for there sits Cherwit Make-awaiting the culmination of their wickedness to let loose on the earth a mighty sea that lies dammed behind the range. Some say the mountains are
This was one of my best trips yet! This trail will wind you through some amazing sights and scenes. They are anchored by Superstition Mountain, a large mountain that is a popular recreation destination for residents of the Phoenix, Arizona, area. If you appreciate native flora, join a ranger as they guide you on an easy going and informative hike highlighting some of the Sonoran Desert's staple (and seasonal!) Indeed, we will keep an eye out for clues on it, but we have other things on our agenda to do and look for in our time here. In this case the body was found first, with the rest of the body following a full 6 months later. He would take this secret location practically to his grave, but as he lie dying from a bout of pneumonia in 1891 he allegedly told all, laying out the secret location of the lost and cursed Apache treasure, giving detailed but cryptic instructions on how to navigate the rough terrain to the entrance, as well as scrawling out a crude map to it all as he lay on his deathbed. Categories & Site Details: Famous Treasure Stories, Field Research, Gold, Gold & Doubloons, Metal Detectors, Mining Legends, Mysteries, Spanish History, Spanish Treasure, Treasure Sites in America, The Hunt for the Lost Dutchmans Mine | The Treasures in America Team. #5. This would become a common theme in the Superstition Mountains, the presence of decapitated corpses, and indeed this has happened to quite a few people who have dared look for the Lost Dutchmans mine throughout the decades. The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (also known by similar names) is, according to legend, a rich gold mine hidden in the southwestern United States. The Superstition Mountains were so beautiful and green that morning and we couldnt wait to get to the dock so we could accomplish all that we had planned to do for so long. 8. Let me push pause here for a minute. Several. For questions about programming, membership or anything else about KJZZ, please visit kjzz.org/contact. This is a very popular area for hiking and running, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring. Berardi, Joe. Enjoy a live musical performance in the park by singer and songwriter Mark Fogelson. The Lost Dutchman gold mine of the Superstition Mountains. But, in order to discover any of that, we first had to see how clear the water was. The Superstition Mountain range is the biggest mountain range in the Phoenix Area and is mostly made up of true desert. These two work hard to stay in shape and keep up with their training because there are so many places they get sent to climb down into like shafts, caves, & more. No suspects or motive were ever found. Join us at Lost Dutchman State Park for a program that covers the basics of bird watching and includes a guided walk on the trails searching for our feathered friends. RODRIGUEZ: Its
Phoenix: Wilson Austin Surveys and Maps, 1960. Even before the Dutchman story ever came about, and these things are right down our alley. Hunting for the Lost Dutchman is typically a one-man journey, but lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle is breaking with tradition and partnering with a team of experts to follow a newly revealed clue that could finally solve the 500-year-old mystery of Americas most famous and deadliest buried treasure. He would vanish into thin air for his efforts. There were other weird clues found about the body, such as the presence of two bullet holes to the skull from shots fired at point blank range, and it was speculated that he had perhaps been killed for his secret knowledge or committed suicide, but there was no weapon found. Enjoy a weekend of camping and experience native wildlife including mule deer, coyote, javelina and jackrabbit. ARROYO RODRIGUEZ: The Superstition Mountains are one of the most visited locations in Arizona. Thats when we split up into two teams. Out in the remote badlands of the U.S. state of Arizona, just to the east of the Phoenix metropolitan area lies a sun scorched, dried up, arid moonscape of twisted peaks and sprawling expanse of badlands called the Superstition Mountains, at one time called the Sierra de la Espuma by Spanish settlers. He had back surgery that morning but was determined to see us and show us how to work and manage the camping trailers. Superstition Mountain, Arizona by Kathy Weiser-Alexander. Outside the main building, visit a gold mill, the Apacheland Barn, and old Western storefronts. Depending on the years rainfall, you might be treated to a carpet of desert wildflowers in the spring, but there's plenty of beautiful desert plants to see year-round! . It started out as an exciting day for us all on February 25th, 2016. A Wild West experience would not be complete without a horseback ride. Well pack and clean up and bring him his trailers. This trail is especially beautiful in spring, when you are surrounded by some of the most colorful desert wildflowers. In preparation for this trip, we had scouted out (by the use ofGoogle Earthand Topo maps) and selected a few areas of interest we wanted to be sure to check out. We woke up early to get everything packed up and ready for the trip to Canyon Lake, Arizona. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 1 h 13 min to complete. After a few attempts of going under, Dave could tell that his visibility was very slim. Unfortunately, some mysteriously vanish without a trace, while others die in an equally strange fashion. During that time, the rest of the team transferred all the gear from the truck to the docks. What Ive read if you actually find the mine and told the
Pro Tip: For the best chance to see wildlife, go out in the early morning hours or right after sunset. Then, Jacob Waltz comes along a Germany-born prospector who, according to Grunge, was mistaken as being Dutch. We arrived at Shauns house at 7:30 am in St. George Utah. The name came from area farmers, who heard tales from the Pima Indians. Bring all your burning questions! Trust at your own peril if you dare to tread into HISTORYs Legend of the Superstition Mountains. Luckily, we had two boats out on the lake with us which helped for filming and spreading out the team so we could cover as much of the lake as possible in a shorter amount of time. 2023 Treasures in America. We stopped by the closest gas station to buy some coffee and drinks along with a few snacks for the journey. We want to inspire you to explore new destinations, discover new experiences and savor the journey. There are still those who obsessively search for it and try to decode its secrets, but no one has ever really quite managed to find it, to the point that many skeptics question whether it ever really existed at all. This is a nice introductory hike to the Superstition mountain wilderness area. Stroll through the native plant garden or challenge yourself to reach the Flatiron, Lost Dutchman State Park has trails to suit any hiking enthusiast. One of the best treasure tales in the history of the American West is the Lost Dutchman Mine. ~ The Lost Dutchmans Mine, Many Have Tried and Many Have Died Timothy Draper, Day 2 The Hunt for the Lost Dutchmans Mine, Day 4 The Lost Dutchmans Mine Another Day, Teknetics Metal Detectors and Accessories. Read another story from us: Legends Surrounding Devils Tower Americas First National Monument. Societys Gregory Davis, theres some truth to that legend. However, within a few days, he vanished, never to be seen alive or heard from again. We hopped in the trucks and headed out as quickly as we could. I kept saying, Pretty soon guys, its coming up here. Monday-Sunday: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. (starting Nov. 1), Per Vehicle (1-4 Adults): $10
It is said to be one of the most famous treasures in America. Another reference told of a prospector who found 200 prehistoric war clubs in 1884 in the Arizona Superstition Mountains. Canyon Lake is a very pretty place and we cant wait to come back for another trip and try again. Bring a chair to sit around a campfireand ignite your curiosity for this historical narrative of the old fire tower system and how nature recovers. It takes you on a walk at the foot of Superstition Mountain, the namesake of the mountain range. The lost stash of gold, which has gone on to be rather oddly known as the Lost Dutchmans Mine, has catapulted itself into one of the most intriguing unsolved modern mysteries there is, and the allure of its undiscovered riches has led many people to their deaths, with some estimates saying that over 600 people have mysteriously died or vanished during attempts to try and pry it from its ancient resting place. Its very name derives from the mystery surrounding it. You see, treasure hunting and historical research take a lot of time, dedication, and research. Like Ive mentioned before, we had spent several months on the web and reaching out to people to narrow down a small search area so we were pretty confident we were in the area we wanted to be. Whats touching me? AZ Central then claims that throughout the course of their mining, the family mysteriously stumbled upon a treasure trove filled with copious amounts of gold ore. Then, shortly following the Mexican War, all but one member of the Peralta family is believed to have been murdered by Apache warriors, a group of Native American tribes. Local singer, guitarist, & songwriter from Copper Country will be performing all original stories and songs focusing on our local areas, animals, and characters. When did surveillance become a business model and what would it take to rein it in? Petroglyphs at Hieroglyphic Canyon in the Superstition Mountains. We also were able to see how diving for clues at this location would take more advanced equipment than what we had brought with us this trip. And you couldnt do anything about
Theres a good chance its there waiting for someone to find it, but as Ive mentioned before, this was a scouting trip and we couldnt spend any more time on it. Superstition Mountain Home for Sale: Fabulous views from this . Based on information shared by the Lost Dutchman Days, a doctor by the name of Abraham Thorne was brought to the area where the treasure was buried. His body would later be found with a bullet hole to the head. Lets go, get up, its 7 a.m. I spent a minute or two getting my eyes to focus on the trailer and my surroundings. Superstition Mountains While rescuers found a strange note he had written stating "P.S Have found the lost Dutchman," when his body was found in 1932, things got even more strange. 4 groceries, 44 restaurants, 39 parks. Print/PDF map. Superstition Mountains in Lost Dutchman State Park outside of Phoenix, Arizona. It was a small cliff dwelling that we still need to investigate to determine the time frame of use. Initially, there were next to no clues which could have identified him. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, TikTok and Its Strange Proliferation of Mysterious Accounts of Skinwalkers, A 3,500-Year-Old Frozen Mummified Bear Found in Siberia. Everyone else went ahead to prepare for the climb. GREGORY DAVIS: He did
Located east of Phoenix, the Superstition Mountains stretch across 160,000 acres of desert, and somewhere in these almost supernatural-looking canyons . They began extracting the gold ore from the site, eventually attracting attention from the community. X., who seemed to be guarding the area. NADINE ARROYO RODRIGUEZ: The Superstition Mountains are one of the most visited locations in Arizona. Treasure Loop Trail is a 2.4-mile loop hike at the west base of the Superstition Mountains. The Native Apache people of the area had already long held this as a rather sinister scared place even before outsiders came in to settle the land. 3 Baths. The day was over and we needed to wind down, no better way than sitting at a dinner table, talking about our day and our accomplishments. Once Daves tanks were out of the air and we got him loaded back up on the boat, we decided to hit the throttle and really cover a big part of the lake to document, take pictures, and film as much as we could. They believed that the entrance to the underworld itself lay somewhere in among these peaks, and that powerful spirits roamed the withered landscape. As I stepped out of the trailer, I could see that Ryan was loading up the truck with his camera and filming gear, Todd was getting his gold pan and, Todd,Antonio,andIwere in one truck, whileShaun, David, andRyan were in the other. A deeper dive - Related reading from the 101. Superstition West Treasure Hunters Elk's Lodge 2455 N. Apache Trail Apache Junction, AZ 85119 www.superstitiontreasure.com. Spurgin said the men have been in the Superstition Mountains -- where the . We got in the trucks and made our way back down the mountain. Mountains over the years. Este programa bella, siguiendo el famoso atardecer de Arizona, termina bajo la luz de la luna llena que sube las montaas misteriosos de las Superstition. Listen to the conductor narrating its history and pointing out spots of interest. The remains found in late November in the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix have been identified as those of Jesse Capen . says theres more than one mine in the Superstitions. We had spent many months planning and prepping for this but yet, the outcome was still unsure. Not specializing in any one subject, youll learn a bit about everything - the plants atyour fingertips, the geology of the rocks you see, and any wildlife that crosses our path! Come learn about the iconic birds of the Sonoran Desert under the shade of the Palo Verde ramada. The saloon offers Western-style food and drinks, and if you visit on a weekend, you can even see a gunfight. I could hear the rest of the crew talking about how beautiful the sunrise was and I didnt want to miss out. has it that in about the 1870s a German miner named Jacob Waltz found gold in
The story of the Lost Dutchmans Mine would go on to become a persistent legend and obsession for many would-be treasure hunters over the years. One such person is Adolph Ruth, a person who AZ Central described as someone who had a longstanding obsession for locating the fabled Lost Dutchman Mine. He elected to head into the mountain in search for the treasure. I looked at a few of the pics they had shown me and we were able to pinpoint the area with our GPS. Moderate 4.6 (1800) Tonto National Forest. After we packed up the gear and hiked back down to the cars we decided to go to the famous Lost Dutchman Mine restaurant. Since 1880 records show many have died or disappeared. I told him dont worry about it. It was at this point that the tale of the Dutchmans Mine was spun. The Superstition Mountains is a range of mountains in Arizona located to the east of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Customary to most mysterious stories, there are several takes on how the mountain became the housing place of the legendary Dutchmans mine. Covered by all varieties of cacti on lower elevations, they burst with color in the spring, when wildflowers bloom. El sendero es de 1.5 millas con terreno rocoso, pero sin mucha cambia de elevacin. We were feeling pretty good as we made our way back to Todd, Dave, and Ryan. The Lost Dutchman's Mine has gone on to become a pop cultural legend, written of in countless books and appearing on numerous TV shows. Had shown me and we cant wait to come back for another trip and again... To be home to at least a few stops along the way to do a little and. Take a lot of time, the outcome was still unsure or two getting my eyes focus!: and that, we first had to see how clear the water was says theres more to this for. Much more the golden spots were located after we packed up the trail a.! 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