The interviewer wants to know that you can speak competently about the industry and that you are aware of Stripe's competitive landscape. 1. It's OK if it was only a small change, especially if you are early on in your career. "When one of my team members went on maternity leave last year, I was tasked with managing her team of six people. Interviewees often feel uncomfortable discussing compensation, worried that they will give a number that's too high or too low. Recruiter call
- Describe a time you faced resilience in the face of ambiguity. I'm able to take a customer and provide him with advice and a path for a successful cloud transformation. The process took 7 weeks. If you do already have a clear idea of what sets you apart, share that information confidently. The process took 2 weeks. Very disappointing. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. I have interviewed for two roles at Stripe and both times unfortunately had the same awful recruiter. Talk to the interviewer about your willingness to sign an agreement and follow any security SOPs already in place. It's reliable, and I like how user-friendly the interface is. Before your interview, thoroughly research Stripe and any awards or recognition they have recently received. "It's difficult to break it down to just one ideal customer for Stripe, as the services you provide are useful to any business looking to remove financial complexity and online commerce tasks to an efficient team of experts who can do such tasks at scale. He took the suggestion, and it has worked well for our team! You might highlight how you leveraged technology in a previous project or designed a unique solution to address a challenge. Demonstrate to your interviewer that you value continuous growth and learning opportunities by discussing a recent project that particularly piqued your interest. Our mission is to increase the GDP of the Internet, and we have a staggering amount of work ahead. You have a strong vision for what you'd like to see from Stripe in the future, which is excellent! We took the new information into account and successfully adjusted the project within only a few days. Hours of effort, research, study & preparation goes into each round. Well done! This new skill has deepened our understanding of the industry and made us a better competitor. Interviews at Stripe Experience Positive 44% Negative 38% Neutral 18% Getting an Interview Applied online 61% Employee Referral 18% Recruiter 16% Difficulty 3.1 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Stripe Software Engineer (168) Software Engineer (Internship) (48) Account Executive (35) Recruiting Coordinator (33) Tell me some examples of projects where people sought you out for advice and where you sought others out for advice? I've been able to use the skills I gained in education in my current role, as I often lead customer training and demo sessions. "I keep up to date on new technologies and trends through a variety of sources. ", "I recently made suggestions to my manager about the team messaging application we were using. I interviewed at Stripe (San Francisco, CA) in Apr 2020. I felt disrespected by this and withdrew my application. One specific customer was demanding technical assistance and best practices.I encouraged him to build a cloud center of excellence i.e to build an internal virtual team that would have the responsibility to acquire and share knowledge with peers.Once a quarter I would take part as well to bring new info, best practices, and deep dive into topics. I am also open to suggestions that would be helpful for getting up to speed in this role! I honestly believe that I am can adapt to changes very well. How do you respond to difficult feedback from your superiors. Does anyone know the salary range for this position and any other insight would be appreciated. Hours of effort, research, study & preparation goes into each round. This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your industry knowledge and ongoing educational efforts. Our question bank has 10000+ interview questions and growing, 54 of which are for Stripe Program Manager interviews. In addition to learning a great deal about fingerprint recognition, I was also able to learn a lot about the critical relationship between software and security. The software and technology industry is vast, and it is essential for the interviewer to have a full understanding of the sectors and types of projects where you have the most experience. - Describe a time you faced resilience in the face of ambiguity. 100+ Interview Questions For A Technical Program Manager This is a long post, but if you already have an interview lined up your best best is the " Ace The TPM Interview Course " has been successfully used to get offers from all FAANG and other tech companies. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Providing excellent client service is at the heart of what I do professionally, and I find that the aspect of my career that I most enjoy is working closely with clients. Demonstrate to your interviewer that you keep up with the industry through membership in industry-relevant groups or publications. This question will be most relevant for those applying to customer service roles or working in a client-facing capacity. I applied through a recruiter. Had to submit a presentation & had a week to deliver. This is a good example of being able to shift as needed. What's the typical progression for members of this team? They could condense quite easily. The interview panel consists of a Stripe Product Manager, Technical Program Manager, Software Developer, Software Development Manager, and the Hiring Manager. For instance, I recently attended (XYZ) virtual conference and gained valuable training in (ABC). Next moved on to an in person round with all day interviews and a workshop. Free interview details posted anonymously by Stripe interview candidates. Heterogenous perspectives. I applied online. Recruiter call
I find working under a deadline is quite helpful, and I will delegate when necessary to alleviate some stress. I interviewed at Stripe (San Francisco, CA) in Apr 2020. I learned about plenty of industries and best of all, had fun doing it! Then to finish it out, I had no response once process was over, not even a 1 line rejection. Anonymous Interview Candidate in Bellevue, WA, I applied online. I applied online. Do you like unquestioning stakeholders? Experience operating autonomously and leading large-scale efforts across multiple teams and functions, with stakeholders in different disciplines across time zones. I applied online. "In my previous role, I recognized that our team needed a training program to bring others in at a quicker rate. I interviewed at Stripe (San Francisco, CA) in Apr 2020. Can you design a mobile phone for 3-6 years old kids? After talking to the manager, I realize that person would not be a manager I would consider working for. Regardless of how junior or senior your role is at a company, it's important to demonstrate that you hold the traits of a good leader and use these traits to effect positive change in the workplace. 1. ", "Stripe's target customers are small startups to Fortune 500 companies and everything in between. As the "payments infrastructure for the future," Stripe strives to stay ahead of industry shifts and contribute to the latest innovations in the API space. It's important to show at least a rudimentary understanding of the industry and major competitors as they relate to this role with Stripe. Some degree of stress is an inevitable part of most jobs. By far the longest and most convoluted interviewing experience I've ever been through. Some of their major competitors include PayPal, Amazon Payments, PayU, Payza, and SecurionPay. It's a good idea to be prepared for the most expected questions such as "why do you think you are best for the role?" Given the rapid expansion of companies in the digital space, it has become imperative for companies, especially ones with a large digital footprint, to hire TPMs. The previous lead resigned from his position. Interviewed with a hiring manager. I interviewed at Stripe (San Francisco, CA) in Sep 2018. I interviewed at Stripe (Dublin, CA) in Jun 2021. Thus, it's important to demonstrate that not only are you open to taking on greater responsibility but that you have a proven track record with high-responsibility projects. We worked to outsource some of the less critical tasks to free up some time. This interview is roughly of 1-hour duration. Think of a unique skill you recently learned, either in a professional or personal setting, that makes you stand out as an applicant. When you call my references, I'm confident that they will attest to this fact. By far the longest and most convoluted interviewing experience I've ever been through. This question is your opportunity to tie it all together for them by highlighting your career goals, most relevant experience, and the personal motivation you have to work in this role. So i am interviewing with Stripe for a Service Account Manager role in NYC. This type of question is an excellent opportunity to praise the company for a service that makes them stand out from the competition. For example, my team had to quickly deal with new federal regulations last year in adjusting the scope of a project we had been working on for the past month. ", "While I'm drawn to this role for a variety of reasons, I most look forward to collaborating with (XYZ) team and working with clients 50% of the time. 2. I never felt like I connected with any of the interviewers and the team fit was not there, which is important to me in a recruiting experience. ", "I have used a large number of a direct messaging system that includes Skype, Zoom, Slack, Google Chat & Hipchat.". 3. Interviewed with recruitment team. Your interviewer wants to hear the experience you have doing just that. Your interviewer wants to hear that you're a motivated individual with an authentic interest in the projects you've taken part in. Be honest in discussing openly what excites you about this role (as long as what you discuss is removed from money, status, benefits, etc.). This has been the most meaningful part of my internship with Uber, as I learned a lot about on-demand apps and building a friendly user interface. ", "The most impressive advancement in payment technology, in my opinion, is the continued advancement of cryptocurrency as legitimate payment options. My boss was impressed with the leadership I displayed with this newfound responsibility, and she promoted me to a manager-level position on a different team in the department. Draw the technical architectural diagram of a ticketing system? I interviewed at Stripe (San Francisco, CA) in Sept 2018. You have a track record of providing program management during all phases of software development from kick-off to ship . This ultimatum led to the client agreeing to the higher but necessary retainer, and we've been successfully doing business since. You've used a pertinent example and supported your decision-making progress by explaining the narrative. Get $5 off your first Resume Review with a Recruiter or Expert from your target company. It also is concise and will save you a lot of time. The last 2 were potential colleagues and we discussed work styles and current bodies of work. Really sell yourself and what you have to offer. It had taken a few days for us to train the vendors on the change and obtain accurate deliverables.". ", "I feel confident about our discussion today and am looking forward to the next steps in the interview process. While you should have adequate knowledge of their offerings, your interviewer does not expect you to be a Stripe expert and can help you fill in any gaps in knowledge. Anytime you can provide a specific number that emphasizes the impact of a change you made or solution you implemented, it makes your answer more impactful and memorable for the interviewer. On Fishbowl, you can share insights and advice anonymously with Stripe employees and get real answers from people on the inside. This question may seem like splitting hairs, but it's important to understand the nuance between these two terms. "In my first job out of college, my manager and team were quite hands-off, and there was a lot that I needed to figure out by myself simply by doing. Would you be able to share that information with me? Keep your answer to the point. I follow the TED blog so that I can learn from industry leaders as well as read multiple articles online per week. The interview process for Stripe PMs typically takes around 4 weeks to complete, although it could be a bit faster or a bit slower depending on the particular location and position for which you're applying. I also offer creative solutions on how to position your department against the competition and ideas that will help elevate your business to the next level. How would you design a website that gathers movie ratings from multiple sites on the web and shows the average rating? With an abundance of qualified candidates seeking to enter the industry, hiring managers want employees who will be productive in their roles right away and won't need excessive training. This helped me make significant progress in 3 weeks. The first interview process I went through, I had made it through two phone screens and asked the recruiter about potential next steps. Remote Risk Operations Analyst Stripe . By far the longest and most convoluted interviewing experience I've ever been through. In your answer, you can discuss memorable courses, extracurriculars, or any special academic recognition you received in your university and graduate education. I interviewed at Stripe Interview There were four rounds of interviews. She accepted my proposal, and my team took the course together. This is a straightforward question. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. I appreciate your straightforward answer, but this question usually requires a bit more finesse. Keep in mind, I had already emailed the recruiter prior to this stating I was withdrawing my application. 2. The follow-up question would then be.why so? Stripe is looking for team members who will confidently back up their decisions with real data and a compelling narrative. ", "You mentioned earlier in the interview process that you were struggling with employee retention on (XYZ) team. Quickly reviewing the numbers they shared with me, I made the decision to share two potential steps forward with this client. Very constructive feedback shared by recruiter through each step of the process
Point to a specific, relevant example that highlights the impact you made on a project. ", "Customer Service will deal with both proactive and reactive requests, while customer support is mainly responsive.". It was a 50-hour course that dove into the key principles of SEO and how we can incorporate its most important tenets into our digital marketing practices. I consider myself to be well-accustomed to changing gears at a moment's notice and can adapt quite well to new information. If I had to choose one, I would say Bill Gates. - How do you handle XFN communication? My previous attempts to learn swimming did not meet with much success and left me with some fear of water. The recruiter kept me updated on my progress and what was to come. Discuss your career ambitions as they relate to this role and Stripe as a company, emphasizing your desire to advance in the role. I will turn this pain point around for you. I'm looking forward to growing my technical knowledge when it comes to working with APIs for this role with Stripe. It opened the door for other more significant and mid-market chains down the line. 2. Anonymous Interview Candidate in Dublin, CA, I applied online. Five years ago, I made a gradual transition into the tech industry, which is much more my speed and is where I've found my professional passion with (XYZ) area. What is you dream or ideal data source? Under times of extreme stress, I make sure to give myself a breather whether that be a quick walk around the block or a couple of minutes on the phone with my wife who is great at bringing me back down to earth. In my current role, I have two teams: my service team will gather the data, and my support team will deploy the actual solution. I've closely followed his career and am incredibly inspired by his philanthropic work, having given away billions of his fortune to education, climate action, COVID-19, and global health initiatives. The process took 2 months. Those applying to more technical roles should demonstrate a greater depth of knowledge and experience with API. I set a tight schedule that focused on daily deliverables to keep everyone on track. ), "I am an avid marathon runner and have traveled to 10 countries in the last eight years to compete in a variety of races. I interviewed at Stripe, Very friendly and straightforward process, with HR screen, Hiring manager interview, written assignment
2. I utilized and maximized my resources to the fullest. After talking to the manager, I realize that person would not be a manager I would consider working for. How was the situation resolved? Also, this will be a good increase from my current compensation in line with the opportunities I am seeing in the industry for my experience.". ", "Customer service and customer support are often confused. Examples like these can be the basis for how you define innovation. Free interview details posted anonymously by Stripe interview candidates. Practice a lot of system design/architecture design questions, especially around designing financial services software. 1. Whatever you discuss should be appropriate, relevant, and something that you know enough about that you can speak with ease on the topic. Interview with recruiter and then hiring manager. Get commitments/sign-offs from all involved teams 5. The interview process is long and heavy, but went smooth. 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