It is the 40th largest county by population, with a population of 30,564 as of 2019. Streicher fell to Thompson's porch, his face dusted with gunpowder, shotgun wadding stuck to his shirt collar, his upper left side blown away. At the Stark County courthouse in Toulon, where Abraham Lincoln spoke in 1858, records of legal proceedings are still entered by hand in hefty leather diaries. . Illinois, Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991 Ancestry . Rodney Knittel, who leads the transportation department for Illinois Farm Bureau, he hosts a two-hour program that focuses on On Thursday of last week, Galesburg Police responded to the 100 block of Allens Avenue after a 54-year-old man reported his rear license plate was stolen. Sheriffs, politicians, even black belts in karate qualified for vendetta if they managed to wrong Thompson. If someone bothered him, he'd bother them back, and he'd stay at it. Ardelle says the dispatcher told her, "You have to call it yourself." A small yellow tractor sat parked near the front door. Our deputies patrol, respond to emergencies and assist when needed in order to make Stark County a safe place to live. When Ardelle stepped inside, she saw Janet on the floor, one hand to her chest, the other nearly detached from her arm. Just a few days before [the shootings], Curt brought us some meat he'd butchered. At the Giesenhagen house, Ardelle still waited for an ambulance as Janet clung to life. Thompson jumped out of the vehicle with the shotgun. "He knew that was about the time Ashley went to school. Then, another, longer silence, this one crushing in its implicationit was time for the officers to approach the stolen vehicle. Anyone who had taken him to court, or who he perceived had complained about him or violated his sense of territory, made his enemies list, and it was a list often written in indelible ink. Stark County is located in Central Illinois approximately 30 miles Northwest of Peoria IL. He knew the biology of livestock and was well read in politics and life events. But Streicher did not know what Toulon knew. Eian Sharkey Obituary News - Car Accident: Missing Stark County High School student found dead from 'bad' car accident. Stark County Illinois Death Records Contributed by Karen Seeman September 1887- September 1888 Deaths From the Stark County News Sep. 6, 1888 Death Roll Sep. 1887 - Sep. 1888 Sept. 8th 1887, near Newton Kansas, Mrs. Sarah Wing, wife of W. W. Wing and daughter of Hopkins Shivers, aged 38 years. Next up? Thompson only snickered and drove off. Deputy Streicher waited for an answer at the man's door. ", No one remembers any formative incident in Thompson's life that might explain the roots of his temper. Stark County Recorder of Deeds Contact Information Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Stark County Recorder of Deeds, a Recorder Of Deeds, at PO Box 97, Toulon IL. The best way to . "My back hurts," Janet said. Toulon Homes for Sale $98,900; Osceola Homes . According to our records, this business is located at 101 W Main St. in Toulon (in Stark County), Illinois 61483, the location GPS coordinates are: 41.093939 (latitude), -89.8649672 (longitude). "They would tell me about the intimidation. Residents who otherwise massed to help neighbors now advised one another to "just ignore" Thompson. Jim co-owned a local television/heating/ air-conditioning business, earned a black belt in karate, attended church every Sunday, led a Boy Scout troop. The name "Stark County" is a somewhat misleading name for . Home Departments Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office Contact Information 130 W Jefferson St PO Box 610 Toulon IL 61483-0610 Primary Phone: 911 Secondary Phone: (309) 286-2541 Email: Office Hours: . Stark County News. This Is the County in the Peoria, IL Metro Area with the Most Deaths from COVID-19 More than 1 million Americans have died from COVID-19 - more than the total number of Americans killed in World War I and World War II combined. In exchange, prosecutors dropped a first-degree murder charge. MUSSLEMAN DIAL3492 110S.E.STREET TOULON,ILL. The Stark County News - Today's Breaking News, Health News, US & World News Patti LaBelle Concert Evacuated Due To A Bomb Threat Patricia Louise Holte, the 78-year-old star who goes by the popular name, Patti LaBelle encountered a shocking experience while she. He tells that Thompson had to quit school at 16 to work full-time. Because of the nature of the OCR technology, sometimes the language can appear to be nonsensical. PEORIA, Ill. A man has been sentenced to 27-years in prison for the murder of Bobby King two years ago. On the last day of April, 1881, J. Knox Hall succeeded Mr. Blair and in May, 1882, Mr. Hall became sole owner. The Stark County Genealogical Society library is located at 207 W. Main St. in Toulon. Thompson just glared at her. He told us never to walk past his house." He'd follow Dad and flip him the finger. "I nodded across the table, a friendly hello," Collins says. No one knows for certain the origins of the dispute. The man gave police the name of a 44-year-old Galesburg man as a possible suspect. No other injuries were reported. ", "His mother was good in ways," recalls Mary Jane Swank. Police responded to the home at the same time they were notified of a man who arrived at OSF Saint Luke Medical Center suffering from two gunshot wounds to his lower left abdomen and right shoulder. Address: 130 West Jefferson, Toulon, IL 61483. Stark County High School in Toulon, IL serves 219 students in grades 9-12. No officers were injured during the incident, and the Illinois State Police will submit the case to the Stark County States Attorney once the investigation is complete, according to the release. "He held a grudge. Often. Stark County Illinois | Toulon IL In the town's two coffee shops, headquarters for Toulon's get-involved impulse, the mantra on Thompson became "You know how Curt is. Under the letter "T," going back more than 30 years, are myriad cases against Curt Thompson. . The second was filed by Sandra against Thompson's son, Curtis Jr. "After that," Sandra says, "Curt would sit at the stop sign at the end of our driveway and glare.". After Thompson extended his vendetta to her and her husband, and began to circle her house and glare at her, she told him, "Curt, you're not God! 212 N Olive St Unit N/A is a 1230 square foot property with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Council met Jan. 10 with public hearing to annex 9601 N. Allen Road. 77 were here. A struggle ensued, during which Richardson managed to get atop Thompson and hold him down. Residents aren't nave enough to believe that bad things can't happen in Toulon. Follow the link to read our updated Privacy Policy. We provide around-the-clock service 365 days a year. There are also several small manufacturing plants throughout Stark County making plastic products and industrial machinery parts for sale around the globe. Named for John Stark, a soldier of the French and Indian wars, a Major General of the Revolution, who served with distinction at Bunker Hill, Trenton, Princeton, and Bennington. Avatar: The Way of Water is the movie that James As far as humans are concerned, departure is considered a sad event in life. "He wanted people to be afraid of him, and spent years making threats. The Stark County News is a great resource of information about Stark County. In Toulon, people mind their business. And the few in Toulon who were willing to file charges were the people Thompson was on his way to see after he allegedly killed Deputy Streicher. It had been the kind of gesture instinctive to the town since before Lincoln's speech on the courthouse lawn. Download the 2021 Stark County Jail Inspection Report here. He'd bring the dogs along sometimes. When authorities asked for witnesses, no one came forward. The population was 1,400 at the 2000 census. Incredulous, Ardelle found the number to the local ambulance, located just blocks away, and called. "He had no choice. On Saturday, Feb. 18 at 6:30 a.m., officers assigned to the Henry County Special Operations Squad were attempting to execute a search warrant at a home in the 500 block of N. Olive Street, when they encountered Williams inside his apartment. Lede AI Sports Desk. By midnight on March 22, 2002, some in Toulon would be wondering if the same fate shouldn't have befallen Curt Thompson. Stark County, IL history and pioneers : abstracted from Stark County news, Toulon, IL, dated 1885-1900 WorldCat Toulon's 12th Anniversary Ancestry . It is the county seat of Stark County. He told me he had to put the other dog to sleep because it had heartworms. Court documents allege that, armed with Streicher's service revolver and his own sawed-off shotgun, Thompson pulled into the driveway of the house, smashing the rear end of a parked Mercury SUV and driving it through wooden fence posts and into a pole flying the American flag. Police Spokesperson Semone Roth says officers were called to N. Gale, near N. Sterling Avenue, just after 12:30 p.m. Our mission at Stark County Sheriffs Office has been to protect and serve the citizens of Stark County since the first jail was built in 1849. We have local stories, news items, school news, sports and more. The man told police his car was parked and slept inside it that night. Title Place of Publication Published Dates 1. Few, however, express complete surprise at how things turned out for Thompson and Toulon. Why had a rookie deputy tried on his own to serve a five-month-old warrant on a Friday night to a man known to be violent? But anyone who had known Streicher's plan would have spoken up; they would have warned him, Don't do this. Shortly after Jim and Janet Giesenhagen died, Toulon united to throw several fundraisers for Ashley. Janet was on the couch. According to state police, the Henry County Special Operations Squad. Stark County Sheriff's Office. When someone in Toulon dies, the town converges for fundraisers, selling candles or car washes or whatever it takes to make the system whole again. I hit the bottom on my hands and knees, but just got up and kept going. In Toulon, where most residents live a few blocks from each other and pass on the street several times a day, having an enemy virtually assures a meeting with him in public. Apparently, Deputy Streicher announced the purpose of his visitto serve an arrest warrant. And it didn't quit. You're . 212 N Olive St Unit N/A is located in Toulon, the 61483 zipcode, and the Stark County Community Unit School District 100. He appeared unconscious. In 1836-37 Stark obtained its full share of towns Wyoming, Moulton and LaFayette in 1836 and Massillom in 1837. Sept. 12, 1864 CHARLES B. DAVIS, was born on May 3, 1841, and died Sept. 12, 1864 aged 24 years, 4 months and 9 days, during the Civil War. NOTE: Charges are merely an accusation. This investigation is active and ongoing, and no additional information will be released at. - United States--Illinois--Stark County--Toulon Genre Newspapers Notes . "He wasn't afraid to stand up to Curt." In a candle sale, citizens collected $3,500 for her future education. The next year, he and Thompson attended a retirement party for a bus driver at a restaurant just outside Toulon. "He wouldn't have a problem with a stranger on the street," says one person who knew Thompson. The officers returned fire. Illinois Representative Eric Sorensen (IL-17) is excited about the []. Then, authorities say, he likely moved to the basement, where he fired the shotgun and struck Jim Giesenhagen in the face, the buckshot obliterating his tongue and the floor of his mouth. This business is situated 2.5 miles coming from downtown Toulon, Illinois which is in Stark County and serves the surrounding areas of: Saxton, West Jersey, Elmira, Goshen, Modena, Elmore, Milo, Osceola, Broadmoor, Lombardville, Monica, Appleton, Oak Run, West Hallock, Lawn Ridge, Southport, Lake of the Woods, Delong, Kickapoo, and Vets Row . Thompson had been shot in the face. He had grown up in nearby Annawan, so he knew the rhythms and mores of rural Illinois. The proceedings lasted about 30 minutes. Just leave him be.". Residents can register to vote or change their information []. According to a Peoria County Grand Jury press release, 22-year-old Lamentae Turner has been accused of shooting Statshaun Wheeler near W Farmington Rd in Peoria. The lone grocery store has wood floors and hand-drawn signs. Check here for messages and alerts for the County. "I think they dropped it because the judge was retiring," Sandra says. After he was unshackled from a table, Thompson walked toward the door as he had enteredslowly and without expression. Head Start programs in Rock Island, Henry and Mercer Counties received a major budgetary boost, thanks to $3,328,749 in federal funding from a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 418 S Franklin St Toulon, IL 61483. "I wish this would all just go away.". Then more shots rang out, so many and for so long that some, describing it afterward, would liken it to the grand finale of a fireworks display. The county seat is Toulon and its largest city is Wyoming. The thinking was to ignore him, and hopefully things would get better. TOULON Illinois State Police have identified a northern Illinois man who was fatally shot last weekend by officers he had tried to attack with a machete as they were serving . "I might have been guilty of it myself. The case remains open. Not until Feb. 27th 1841, when the legislature of the State of Illinois passed an act to locate the county seat of the newly formed county of Stark. Others say Dison gave as good as he got. I'm not scared of you. The details of Thompson's life are sketchy. The current agreement set to expire today will be extended until the union holds a ratification vote. ", "It was a small-town mentality," says another Toulon resident. Stark County News Newspaper from Toulon, Illinois (IL) | Paperboy Online Newspapers. Tuesday, Feb. 28 Petite Suite by Piano Chamber Ensemble. Deputy Streicher, 23, had dreamed of becoming a cop since childhood, when he admired Ponch, the hero of the TV series CHiPs. You're harassing me all the time," and Tracy could only shake his head. Janet worked long hours at a Peoria grocery store, about an hour away, then went home to play with their daughter, Ashley, and surf the Internet. Find out where to go, what to eat, where to live, and more. Curt said he'd get him, too. Copyright 2022 All rights reserverd | powered by countyenews. Tazewell County Tazewell County Courthouse 342 Court St Rm. Provided by Davenport-R Island-Moline KWQC The. "People thought: Nothing major is going to happen; he's just crazy; ignore him; he's been harassing people for years, so just ignore him. Ashley called her grandmother, Ardelle. On Friday 10 February 2023 Choose from Our List of 11656 Online Newspapers & ePapers to Get Your Daily Newspaper Fix! He lived frugally and was a very intelligent person. They just put up with him for the most part. Aside from education system there are also plenty healthcare facilities available in Stark County such as hospitals (OSF Saint Luke Medical Center), rehabilitation centers (OSF Rehabilitation Institute), medical practices (Kendall Medical Group), physical therapy clinics (Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine) etc that provide comprehensive care to residents while helping attract new businesses looking to open up shop here due to their presence here in this part of Illinois. If he was treated decent . Why hadn't the sheriff's dispatcher called an ambulance immediately? It seemed routine enoughthe man had failed to pay some court fees and had missed his court date. He used a walker! DOWNLOAD THE FOX 32 NEWS APP FOR BREAKING NEWS ALERTS The investigation is ongoing. Rodney G. Williams, 66, of Toulon, was identified as the man reportedly attempting to strike officers with the machete inside his apartment. 2020 Chicago magazine / A Chicago Tribune Media Group website, fear thy neighbor pack mentality true story - konkeng & konkeng. Ashley told Ardelle, "Grandma, come quick! On Saturday, February 18, 2023, the Stark County Sheriffs Office requested the Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to investigate an officer involved shooting. The town exists as a living, unified being; no part moves without implication for the other parts, no person lives without affecting other lives. "Let's kneel and pray for Mommy because I think she might make it," Ardelle told her granddaughter. View their 2023 rankings, test scores, reviews and more. "After Buck had retired, I saw him flip Curt the bird when Curt was just minding his own business," says a friend of Thompson's who asked to remain anonymous. In 1984, Toulon's mayor, Rick Collins, followed up on a citizen's complaint against one of Thompson's dogs. Welcome to Stark County, Illinois Stark County was formed in 1839 out of Knox and Putnam counties. Newspaper The Stark County News (Toulon, Ill.) 1856-186? TOULON, Ill. (WMBD) Illinois State Police(ISP) released more information about an officer-involved shooting in Toulon, Ill. Saturday. WILLIAMS PaintandWallpaper "YourDecoratingCenter" FromFloorToCeiling WePlaceOurConfidence InToulon'sProgressIn TheFuture Phone2001Toulon,III. They speak of a farm boy who lost his father at an early age, who had to work for room and board in grade school, who was bright and well read and married a lovely woman to whom he stayed married and with whom he produced three children. In 1999, Tracy filed a criminal complaint claiming that Thompson had followed him for two miles into the country, then jumped out of his truck at an intersection and waved a hammer threateningly. To me, it showed that he had a heart like anyone else.". Authorities say 66-year-old Rodney G. Williams was pronounced deceased after being taken to an area hospital. The deputy turned right on Main Street, left on Miller, and right on Thomas. Ardelle, who did not know whether Thompson was still inside the Giesenhagen home, threw on her shoes and coat and ran across the alley. But I don't know if you're going anyplace but down below." Before Streicher had much of a chance to react, Thompson pulled the trigger, hitting the deputy in the left shoulder, upper chest, and neck. We are proud to serve our communities with up to date information in print and on line. Then, the indictment alleges, Thompson broke down the door to the house and burst in, carrying his sawed-off shotgun. Whereas the town would mobilize to save a school or care for a sick child, it largely decided to ignore Thompson, to maintain a safe distance, to cross to the other side of the street. Project Now is the administrator for Head Start programs in the area. USA. He stood perhaps five feet nine. ", Nowlan and others in Toulon tell of hearing several years ago that the Toulon City Council did not intend to enforce a litter ordinance against Thompson. City leaders want to provide community events representing people of different cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations. Co. E. 112 Illinois Infantry, wounded at the . ", "Everyone knew about his temper," says one of Thompson's neighbors, who asked that his name be withheld. Feb 21, 2023. Subscribe for free today! . Then she noticed that Ashley had started to pack a suitcase of clothes because she knew she wouldn't be staying home that night. In 1980, Thompson had a run-in with Kenneth Richardson, then the Toulon city policeman. That night, ten-year-old Ashley took her suitcase and slept at her grandmother's house. One day in 1981, a posse of 30 or 40 followed the bully to his truck and, in broad daylight, shot him dead. 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