salt for discus
salt for discus
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Regards Jan Ikan Pty Ltd, Great big white lump on the face of discus help what is it. Aquarium plants and tank mates for discus aquariums are possible, but they must be able to handle the mandatory hot water temperatures. (12) 5-6 Wild Discus. Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you dont need to replace it unless you do a water change. A PH of 7.4 is not an issue for discus unless they are wild caught, even then it isn't that high. Get weekly aquarium blog articles right in your inbox. When the heat is kept high, your discus become more active, their metabolisms run well, they grow faster, and they show off better colors. Start with a larger school of juvenile discus and then remove the most aggressive ones over time. eSHa Hexamita. PLAN OF ACTION. If you keep soft water fish such as discus, you may want to do several water changes to remove the salt after treatment. What the hell Start with your water chemistry, if you don't have one, get a solid water testing kit. Replace a quarter (25%) of the fish tank water on the fifth day. The main cause of cloudy water is poor water conditions. Here at Wattley Discus we like to take it up 10 days rather than three days every eight hours to be on the safe side and ensure no parasites return. This salt does not contain sodium. I have two discus in my 30 litre tank #7. Size. If you stop eating it is because you have an internal problem. Because salt kills bacteria, this will . If that happens, it is usually caused by a high organic load. In addition, salt can change the osmotic pressure on a fish's skin and thus profoundly affect metabolism. Do you have Plecos? After one or two weeks, if all fish remain healthy, they can then be safely added to your existing stock. An almost white-eye is a very progressed cloudy eye that needs to be treated right away. Sheila we have over 80 pairs at the Miami hatchery and new pairs forming almost daily. Standard dose is between one tablespoon for 5 to There is no need. (You want them to be approximately the same size so that no one gets outcompeted for food.) i use salt when change water in my 42G discus just ok with it, I have always used solar salt super cheap and no ill effects with either my rays or discus. I dont encounter many diseases because my system is running on water in water out. ATV Parts and Bodies Great Deals on ATV Bodies, Frames, Seats, Brakes, Wheels, and more . With these simple guidelines, youre on your way to having a successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come. Filing Date: December 07, 1990. Very rarely do Discus fish get tape worms or capillaria, which are other forms of internal parasites. Shoot, if it will burn your eye, can you imagine swimming in it? However, theyre notorious for being extremely difficult to keep, with Internet forums often recommending strict practices like 100% water changes every day. These are some of the most common ailments you will find in discus fish. Can you treat Epsom salt and metro at the same time or is it recommended to treat Epsom then metro separately, need help please message me thanks wana save these discus, Dear Gabriel. Salt water and Snails! If youre focused on breeding and raising discus fry, you need much lower pH and water hardness, but if youre simply keeping them for enjoyment, these two water parameters aren'tas important. from day 3 to 5 - do nothing. The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort. Remove the fish promptly and return him to his aquarium if he appears stressed or relieves himself. I use rain water in my fish tank. If the water pH level is outside this range, it can cause ammonia toxicity. The same thing applies with water hardness; discus are usually fine with soft to medium hardness. In most cases this is Nitrite poisoning. Your email address will not be published. Contents. (can vary based on severity) Directions: Simply take a cup of tank water and mix the medication and add back into the aquarium, Change water (around 50%) before next medication, Raise the Temperature to 33 C (91 F). Prior to receiving your new fish you should increase your aquarium temperature that will be housing your new discus to 88-90 degrees. JavaScript is disabled. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Care Guide for Discus Fish The King of the Aquarium, for beginners starting their first discus tank, How to Pick the Best Fish Foods That Aquarium Fish Cant Resist, Top 10 Aquarium Fish That Love Hard Water, Care Guide for Cherry Barbs Peaceful Barb for Community Tanks, 5 Quick and Easy Tricks to Improve Your Aquarium Filter, Top 7 Oddball Fish for a 30-Gallon Aquarium. For a 75 gallon aquarium, we are looking to house 6 adult sized discus fish. Water changes when it needs it Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to liveinhigh temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. proof that the Discus benefited in any way, and it was messy. However, in captivity, they can reach up to 9 inches long. Absorption is the process by which pollutants are trapped in the pores of the . Join our tropical fish community, post some questions, get some answers and vote for the best posts. Epsom salt should relax the digestion system of your Discus along with increasing the heater temperature, so this is essential to have it at home . In most cases, a little bit of salt and a tiny stress coat from API that has Aloe Vera in it will help get this resolved and youll start to see it heal and the white circle will start to disappear. AlanGreene. Chemicals sold to lower and raise pH, hardness, softness, de-chlorinate, sooth and anything else they can sell us, can lead to irritation, stress or chemical burn to the eye lens. Make sure you do frequent water changes to prevent cloudy eye. And don't use regular table salt. But 99.9% of the time if your discus show any signs of trouble its because you got lazy and the water is bad. I do not use it unless I have a reason but that is because I am cheap. The main advantages of this salt are it is used as medicine for aquarium fishes. We also cannot rule out poor diet, as this could lead indirectly to cloudy eye disease. So don't dump salt, measure out what you need based on your tank size. -- Blistered or Oozing Eye The recommended pH can be controversial since many people place great emphasis on this factor. Some discus owners use it in their tanks also, but I haven't yet. There is something magical about the read more, I receive a lot of emails from customers stating that their discus are getting big and they need to read more, Introduction Normally 2 heaping tablespoons of rock salt per 10 gallons of water for 10 days will cure most illinesses. Invest in an RO/DI system use the best water you possibly can and avoid chemicals when possible. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 4. if ok how to add ? Yes there is an affect, they will all be dewormed. Contact Us About The Company Profile For Discus Dental, LLC. (Thats why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes.). Several reasons can lead to your discus fish to develop cloudy eye disease, sometimes even both eyes can become cloudy. You are using an out of date browser. Discus Color Nature . That water is about 20 TDS and a low ph. Achintya knows all about discus, so his answer will be the best one. Its very time- and labor-intensive work, especially since discus take longer to reach full adult size compared to other cheaper fish like guppies. Whether you're thinking about creating a personal aquarium or acquiring a unique addition for your collection, then rest assured, you've come to the right place. Were not going to get that technical. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. Plus, as a type of cichlid, they may start to bully each other if you dont a decent-sized group. Sometimes, as they sleep discus fish can sway into heaters, causing burns to the side of the body and even the eye. salt will be your best bet discus are fine with salt, even up to 3~4 tbsp per 20l suggested dose is only 1 tbsp per 20l tho Bookmarks. Is there a specific reason why you want to use salt?, a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. How can we get it healed and what do I put in the water to help the process and ward off infection? Dec 20, 2012. The idea is knowing when to do it. Should i add Rock salt to my flowerhorn tank? Epsom salt should relax the digestion system of your Discus along with increasing the heater temperature, so this is essential to have it at home if you are keeping Discus in your aquarium. 169. It looks like some of his flesh is hanging out the hole. Any ideas? If yes then how much qty? I figure if you are messing with fish like discus anyways why take a chance with something that one person swears by and the next says its a bad idea. If you have any questions, just keep them coming the way you have been! Can i add salt to tank water for discus or not ???? Parasite and Swim Bladder Treatment = 2.5 to 5 tsp per gallon for 5 days. The last ailment we are going to be talking about today is bloating. Hopefully you are maintaining your tank and youre never going to see any of these, but if you do, reference this article for some quick remedies. Leave the lights off and let the discus get used to their new surroundings. Used in combination with medication, aquarium salt can help reduce stress while your fish heal from bacterial or parasitic infection. salt water reef tank raised. seen it help in any way. Discus are freshwater fish. from day 8 - water with vacuuming. Finding a trusted and reputable local discus fish breeder is difficult, many now import directly from overseas, from large fish farms, bringing along with them poor health and disease. One problem that we always have with discus is that we start seeing the body slime start to build up. The best prevention against fin rot is maintaining perfect water quality, monitoring it with tests, and keeping the tank and substrate clean and updated. We experience these problems here at Wattley Discus daily and know what it is going to take to get the results you want. This will clean them out and it will . Below we hope to help you diagnose and treat your discus fish, view our more complete guide for other
Discus Fish Diseases and Treatments. Quick treatment for the bacterial infection is important but more significant is finding out what is causing your discus fish to be susceptible to cloudy eye disease in the first place. Same principal. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. I do 2 water changes daily and add a handful of rock salt each time. I live in Texas also. Yes, I know you change your water ten times a day and it's crystal clear. For example, dogs are technically pack animals, yet many people keep just one and then leave them home all day by themselves. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 (dose on Days 1 and 3 and water . Even other hot water fish like clown loaches, German blue rams, and angelfish can be too fast for them. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. To be on the safe side, I like to use 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons of water because although discus benefit from the salt, it does introduce minerals, mostly sodium, into your water increasing hardness and discus prefer softer water. I looked up ideas online and one said to heat the plastic back together (probably not my best idea) so then I tried super glue, just around the house glue, and that didn't work either. so table salt is forbidden although i cant get rock salt ? It helps to remove many organic and inorganic materials dissolved in tank water -- it keeps the aquarium water clear, and removes odors. Harlequin Rasbora are tropical freshwater fish species that grow around 5 inches and live for about 6 years within a water temperature of approx 73 to 82 degrees. Today we are going to talk about five of the most common ailments a discus can get and how to cure them. is there any effect for fishs organ during10 days treatment? Limiting the number of chemicals used in your daily or weekly water changing routines can help reduce the possibility of a chemical burn or irritation to the eyes. Discus like most of the fish in the Amazon eveloved from salt water fish to begin with. Check Price on Amazon. #2. saltwater is a lot of work but can be very rewarding from what I hear, I am currently setting up a discus tank as I find them very beautiful and interesting. I realized that we only go into general detail here, and thats because we dont want to make these articles too long. What about when the fish suddenly stop eating? saltwater, reef, coral, Culture, tiger,aquarium, angelfish, shrimp, live, liverock, jardini, discus, filters, alkalinity, freshwater, fluorescent,staghorn, fish, bowfront, African great rare Odyssea . 29. r/Aquariums. After eight hours, theres likely nothing in the water left to treat. Try to make it contain 1/4 treated salt bath and 3/4 aquarium water. Next up is fin rot. Reducing the male population reduces the aggressiveness. What Does Cloudy Eye Disease Look Like? Aquarium Salt Dosage Instructions. In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus will tend to lose that race. We'll explain your options and what you can expect when buying different quantities of discus. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Hole in the Head (HITH) in fish, also known as Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE), is a very common aquarium and tropical fish disease that affects most Cichlids such as Symphysodon Discus, Oscars, and etc. I have a 75 gallon with 7 discus and a 60 gallon with 5 large discus. We find that this pretreatment step with Epsom salt has a synergistic effect. A . And yes I did say rock salt, don't waster money on aqauirum salt. Hi guys, welcome back to the Jack Wattley Discus hatchery. Allow it to dissolve completely in the water. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. Correct aquarium maintenance is the best way to avoid fin rot in Discus fish. Poor water conditions, stress, poor diet, and even injury can lead to a cloudy eye. If used correctly Aquarium Salt can help you treat your discus for the following symptoms. from day 6 and 7 - add Prazi. . A) For overnight you drop the solution drop by drop into the tank. Begin treatment of API Furan 2 as directed on the box. Have you got any suggestions on whether these fish need any treatment? Some fish do not mind this therapeutic use of salt, and some fish do mind it. It is believed to help the slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external protozoan parasites. If fish show early signs of bloat, sometimes Epsom salt will help . answer. If you decide to add salt, completely dissolve it in freshwater before . pH and salinity for marine aquariums). A ten-gallon tank will help use less medication and make it easier to do large water changes if needed. can i add salt to tank water for discus or not ???? You can mix it into a cup of water outside of the fish tank, and then pour it right in. So, I do not recommend using Epson salt for your In this article I will Sign Up or Log In. As for table salt, I cant say that I have ever used that. To administer this treatment, we use one gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Should I take one of my seeded sponges out and put in breeding tank? I'm not a fan of salt either but not sure how discus can handle it either way .I do know that frozen shelled peas do help with constipation and bloated fish.feed a piece the size of its eye and it helps will also look "bloated" after they have just eatenbut if its. A tablespoon of Aquarium Salt will help your discus with gill function improving their ability to process oxygen and expel toxins. Its not going to go straight through your skin and hit your liver. Join. They are all over 2 yrs old but I do have to work hard to keep there water good. They are both bare bottom. Gabe. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. May 24, 2009. Can do a deal if you want to take them all. NO.17 Submersible Aquarium Internal Filter 8W, Adjustable Fish Tank Filter with 200 GPH Water Pump for 10-50 Gallon Fish Tank. I know there are people that say water softener salt is finenever tried that either. Sorry to hear you're having problems. What are your thoughts? In general, yes, Aquarium Salt is very safe for your fish. Large ones are starting to pair up and are showing good colors. Sign Up or Log In. It is believed to help the Anxious discus can demonstrate rapid breathing, but so can discus who are experiencing toxic water the prevents the gills from functioning correctly. Taking into consideration the water chemistry and dietary points mentioned above, you need to quarantine and treat your discus fish quickly. Testing your water at the very least weekly will help to prevent swings in the water chemistry that can lead to your discus fish stress levels increasing and compromising its immune system. Eight to twelve hours after they have adjusted, you can offer them their first meal. It is just a temporary condition but is the fish has an issue with salt water they would die. It's a pretty safe bet that no one is dumping pH buffers and other chemicals into the Amazon, so why do it to your tank? What causes this is when you eat something and it spoils inside your stomach before your digestive system can break it down, and as a result fills up the stomach with gas. Method of application A) Overnight or B) Bath. The Harlequin Rasbora makes great tank mates for the Discus fish because they are a schooling fish and ideal for a community tank of small fish species. Meaning, your discus fish could be in poor health or have its immune defenses compromised. In my opinion, salt should be used in a freshwater aquarium only to treat specific maladies. They eat everything from flakes, dried worms, and bloodworms. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. this video may help you. Be prepared after administering the salt to your tank because it will make the fish poop beyond recognition. $25 each one 2 for $40 VERY Bright red color under any light. I also try to get as much oxygen in the water as possible. You can mix it into a cup of water outside of the fish tank, and then pour it right in. To administer this treatment, we use one gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Discus fish from Oz. Fish Lore's aquarium fish forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! Its not ideal, but its doable. Those two must be treated with praziquantel, but we arent going to get into that here because hardly ever comes up. A simple water test kit can help relieve a lot of stress and confusion for you and your discus fish. Aquarium Salt or cooking salt (not table salt) and treat at one heaped table spoonful, per ten gallons of aquarium water. Many thanks, Why is my blue discus turning black and looking thin how can I treat it, There are several reasons. Similar like production of trout in northern hemisphere. 2 sponge filters in tank and a canister filter. Do you always have pairs? I was wondering if anyone can tell me how sensitive discus are to non-iodized salt (plain table salt). To be on the safe side, I like to use 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons of water because although discus benefit from the salt, it does introduce minerals, mostly sodium, into your water increasing hardness and discus prefer softer water. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss original breeding stock in the world. That is usually caused by external bacteria building up in the system. $30.00 Discus for sale for sale in Hyrum, UT on KSL Classifieds. The amount of salt can vary, depending on what it will be used for and how it would be used. While treating your sick fish in a quarantine tank, aquarium salt is an incredible reliever of stress. quit using it and the fish did not miss it at all. The white is an opportunistic bacterial infection that is taking advantage of the discus fish that is experiencing a suppressed immune defense due to stress, diet or other injuries. Your Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. I have had Discus for a few years but I cant ever seem to get a pair. This salt helps fish to be healthy by clearing the constipation problem. Flicking (Scratching and flashing, clamped fins) Duration: Every 8 Hours, For 5 to 10 Days. Discus and ram fish $1. one of my discus looked bloated I added some epsom salt, about 2hours later one of my discus had red circle around his nose holes can any1 help me cure this mistake? . Your discus fish could be suffering from a general eye injury caused by hitting an object in the tank, in a fight or just a good old knock up against the tank wall. The main takeaway from this care guide is to reduce stress. You are using an out of date browser. Nitrite Protection = 2.5 tsp per gallon for 48 hours. If left untreated, it can cause serious harm to your pet fish. Help the fish recover by feeding them high-roughage and high-fiber food (i.e., spirulina, daphnia, brine shrimp, and algae wafers) during the next two weeks. If not can I send 100.00 dollars and the rest on Feb 14th? This is for all the fish, plants, manzanita wood and rocks onlynot the tank or the equipment. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! I'm currently giving one of my discus several salt baths a day. Can I add salt into a ten gallon tank filled with water for neon tetras? You can use rock/ice cream salt on discus. Before adding new fish to your existing stock it is always wise to introduce a resident fish to the new arrivals. Increase aeration and add one tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons of tank water. I use a filter system with the RO filter too. Tetra MetroPlex is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of Discus fish such as but not limited to (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyophthirius). In most cases anytime I have had trouble with hith or an external parasite or bacterial infection I use epsom and do wc's every other day until the problem is gone. evaporated, salt would build up on the back of the tank, eventually the clump If you keep your discus at 86f / 30c, parasites do no like these high temperatures and will be less likely of being a problem. As long as you do a 20% water change per week. Hi Gabe, this is Sheila Demorrow again. I dont want it to suffer The blistered or oozing eye is a bit more serious and can lead to discus fish death. AquaClear, Fish Tank Filter, 20 to 50 Gallons, 50v, A610. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. Cincinnati, OH > Buy & Sell > General Items in Cincinnati, OH > Discus and ram fish $1. View a wide selection of Fish and other great items on KSL Classifieds. I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. Cloudy eye disease is a symptom of something larger going on with your discus fish. Aquarium Drug & Chemical Non-Diversion Certificate, Selecting New Discus Additions for a Collection, Tankmates for Breeding Pairs and Other Tips, Why the Discus Fish is the Most Profitable Species of Aquarium Fish in the World, Receiving a Great Deal on a Discus Aquarium, The Common Sense of Discus By Mary Ellen Sweeney. I have been raising and breeding discus fish for over 20 years providing customers and pet stores with excellent service and unbeatable prices on discus fish. I have used rock salt on and off for 40 years, however for the past In this article, we'll first give you suggestions on what read more, The discus is sometimes referred to as the Pompadour Fish, and for good reason! We will also be looking at some of the symptoms and side effects of each ailment so that you can better identify and determine what it has, and how to treat it. Feed high-quality protein-rich foods or live food when possible. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Epsom Salt. When you have Discus health issues related to its digestion systems such as but not limited to bloating, dropsy, or side swimming, you need to use Epsom salt as a part of your treatment. Keeper's should remember that Discus are social fish and enjoy being in a group. Now, the second thing you need to do after the Epsom salt, if you get them to relieve themselves, is you want to add a mild treatment of metronidazole just in case some hexamita developed from the fishs excrement, so you dont end up with internal parasites. If possible quarantine your discus in a smaller ten to twenty-gallon tank, preferably the smallest tank as you will use less medication in a ten-gallon tank and it will save you a few dollars. If your discus is eating, then what you want to do is hold some of it into the food and give it to them for 10 days straight. They are nocturnal so at night they may be causing the problem. Wait ten minutes until drug has soak into food before feeding. Is aquarium salt safe on fresh water turtles I have a slider and he is in a How much salt should I add to my fresh water tank to treat it. Discus like most of the fish in the Amazon eveloved from salt water fish to begin with. I was wondering whether I should do saltwater or discus in a 55 gallon tank. I always watch your videos and learn lot of thing from there i am very very helpful with that and happy as well , if i need any instant help how i contact with you . In order to mitigate this territorial aggression, buy10 to 12 juveniles all at the same time for your 75-gallon tank. You may dose in higher amounts of even one or two tablespoons per 10 gallons. 1700 S Baker Avenue. Apr 5, 2008. -- Very Cloudy White Eye Frequently asked questions about discus foods . Dosage can be the same as the above I don't know how to help other than asking what are the water parimeters for. View larger image. Is Cloudy Eye Disease Contagious? Want to read more blog posts like this? Digg;; StumbleUpon; Google; Posting Permissions You may not post new threads; You may not post replies; You may not post attachments; You may not edit your posts ; In our experience, both wild-caught and captive-bred discus do well when the pH levels are between 6.8 and 7.6. Bloating is a common ailment that happens even to us. Ok, you got a bad one here, but it may not be cloudy eye disease! Most people feed them foods that are way too big, not realizing that discus mouths are quite small. For basic healing I would try Seachem StressGuard Slime Coat Protection, Hi, Ive got a few fish that I have kept for a few months dont have any clamped fins and have an appetite but are constantly hiding in the corner and are easily startled. Some people will start these tanks up with 10-12 younger discus and allow them to grow. Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish relieves itself. you read and agreed to the. This would be the only reason to use rock salt in The length of the treatment is on a case by case basis. I have an RO/DI unit that I can . $2400.00. Discus are a fish that will not tolerate this elevated level of sodium in the water. Aquarium salt or rock Then we soak them in dry foods (i.e. Now on a positive note; I did observe that when Discus parents had Tablespoon for 5 to 10 days enjoyable discus tank for many years to.! So can discus who are experiencing toxic water the prevents the gills functioning! 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And can lead to your existing stock safely added to your existing stock it is always to. They can then be safely added to your tank because it 's crystal clear 75-gallon... At night they may start to bully each other if you decide to add salt to tank --... Using Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish did not miss it at all my several. Discus like most of the most common ailments you will find in discus fish death but they be. Simple water test kit can help reduce stress quantities of discus help what is it get... In combination with medication, aquarium salt can help you treat your discus fish,! Going on with your water chemistry, if all fish remain healthy, they will all be.! Wide selection of fish and enjoy being in a quarantine tank, and bloodworms or not????! The osmotic pressure on a case by case basis n't dump salt, completely dissolve it in freshwater before 10-12. With medication, aquarium salt can vary, depending on what it is to! Guidelines, youre on your tank size the next time I comment x27 ; s and. Water parimeters for a symptom of something larger going on with your discus fish pet fish Parts and Bodies Deals... Aquaclear, fish tank Filter, 20 to 50 gallons, 50v A610! ( Thats why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes to remove the fish has an with... Miami hatchery and new pairs forming almost daily I 'm currently giving of. Helping hobbyists since 2005 the new arrivals most of the fish in a freshwater aquarium to... Should remember that discus are usually fine with soft to medium hardness 2 old... With medication, aquarium salt or cooking salt ( plain table salt is an affect, they can up... Fish such as the above I do 2 water changes. ) but we arent going talk! Got any suggestions on whether these fish need any treatment right in browser! Wattley discus daily and add a handful of rock salt to my flowerhorn tank freshwater before to begin...., for 5 days salt per 10 gallons and angelfish can be the same thing applies with water hardness discus. Is that we always have with discus is that we only go into general here... Treatment, we are going to get the results you want them to be by... Your existing stock it is usually caused by a high organic load n't know how to them! Reduce stress possible, but we arent going to go straight through your skin and your. Results you want them to grow ones over time remember that discus are a fish #... On aqauirum salt measure out what you can add another dose use it unless have! Several salt baths a day and it 's crystal clear aquaclear, fish tank,! Depending on what it is usually caused by external bacteria building up in finest... What are the water is bad I take one of my seeded sponges out and put in the Amazon from! Aquarium temperature that will not tolerate this elevated level of sodium in the water as possible its not to. All at the Miami hatchery and new pairs forming almost daily praziquantel, but it may not be eye! The Miami hatchery and new pairs forming almost daily fine with soft to medium....
salt for discus