Chad is currently serving time at the California Department of Corrections in Sacramento and will only be eligible for parole in 2092. When all of those things which the jury had been made to believe about Chad's military service, based on his own statements to police, were all lies. You don't get to chase the person down and kill him. He has a good, clean military record. He admitted he fired the AR 15 just before he got to the meadow. Start listening January 7th, 2021 1:23:27 Miles From Nowhere I think it's just the fun and shooting them has just now been able to put the 30 round magazine and set up a target and just go at it. He told us he knew exactly where he shot from. With one man dead and two others injured, authorities wonder if this was self-defense or something else. Inside, up on the top floor is an overworked DA's office, all too accustomed to the limited funding abilities of a small county, a fact of life David Hollister had to consider very carefully as he prepared to prosecute Chatwal and Reed for first degree murder. NBC | CHCH | Air Date: October 18, 2013. I couldn't tell what the look was about. But there was one more. I knew. I see these three flashes and then I hear crack, crack, crack, crack. Then one of them remembered some crazy warning signs he'd seen by the roadside, wanted to show his buddies they found them, trained the spotlight on them. In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. That's crazy. Of course, bourbon is made in a place that now pretends it lost a war. And there was another truly stunning clue collected on the night of the shooting, said Olson. As you know, I was talking to a lady. helicopter pilot (uncredited) See also And we get about halfway up the grade and we approach the property again, the wall and read property. And, you know, I just remember just this last look on her face I've never, ever seen in my entire life. Police find ancient mummy in delivery mans cooler bag in Peru, At least 36 killed after passenger and freight trains collide in Greece, Florida 19-year-old accused of killing three, including reporter, in shootings, Lori Lightfoot concedes mayors race in Chicago, European space agency pushes for lunar time zone, College students turn to influencing as new side hustle. And they were afraid. He turned to his friend Jason, who's was I mean, I could go back and one of us could go and make a phone call and one of the if you go back and help him. The laser sight was back, its green dot, a roving bull's eye. Do you wish that he just kind of stopped along the way somewhere and said, to hell with it, just let them go and come back? He was funny. He was shot through the leg. Sometimes I've cried for my dad. Originally aired on NBC on October 18, 2013. 1 hr 23 min Miles From Nowhere Dateline NBC True Crime In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. And then shortly after that, my left leg started going numb and then the rest of my extremities, until eventually it reached my lips and then got to the point where I was like, well, maybe, maybe I'll die. A bright spotlight in the dark woods, solar lights marking a hidden driveway, headlights speeding down a winding mountain road and an ominous green laser light on the dashboard of a car. Watch the green dot move across his body, waited for the gunman to finish him off. Do you think they were firing on you? It got even worse for all of them. It may have been tramping around in their property. But while Sergeant Pepper was talking to Chad, some of the other detectives were out in the meadow looking for the weapon or weapons those young men must have fired at Chad. Then the cops took Chad down that dirt road which led into the meadow. I think the majority of people have a negative opinion about my. The warden, the deputies arresting the wounded men, the hand poking out of the grass. And right as Cesar was getting into the car, I heard what sounded like a gunshot. Candidly, I give credit to the detectives. What do you think is the appropriate thing that should happen to this man? The cabin is approximately two hours from Quincy, where the trial took place. That part is pretty obvious before the jury even got the case. But the main thing those young men told Detective Hendrickson was they did not shoot at Chad while agreed. As pretty as pretty grotesque bail was set at a million dollars money Chad and his family did not have. But as the hours stretched through the night into July 4th, Chad began to see more and more clearly, but he was not to blame. But to watch, they were alone in the dark and their friend, the driver, Rory, was clearly in bad shape. Two of them volunteered to run out into the blackness for help, see if they could find a cabin or a ranch house where they might find a working landline. What are you going to do if they come back of a threat from strangers? I know that the Lord has told me that Chad will be home, but then any other thought? There's things that need to come out. Keith Morrison . hair stylist Music Department Danny Gray . Whether, you know, it was. Daniel, Daniel protected Daniel. Were they somebody others were wounded also. Absolutely. Was this a murder every day I think about what I could think of as my kids. And on July 4th weekend, 2011, the restless young man in search of fun. My friend has just been shot and it's her time shot. Rory was shot in his head. And then I just remember seeing some guy running away, but with a warning, Vietnam, these had to be the same men who came the night before. He had not served overseas. Alarm going off, two people were dead. >> they did some fish tails, you know, like they slid the car, and at one point the passenger door just started to open up and i . How to catch a fish swim in a mountain lake, feel safe in the dark is an amazing father. Nobody knew exactly what was happening. That's what we call an escalation of tactics until somebody, you know, either backs down or the threats neutralize the other car kept coming. It took nine months, many of them ensnarled in military red tape. In this classic Dateline MILES FROM NOWHERE (Season 22 Episode 5) forget about being scared of the dark, the real nightmare begins with a series of lights culminating in the tragic end of a young red-haired . It scared us tremendously. I hope everything's OK. Chad was still in hot pursuit, seven point six miles, they went careening up the winding country road until the car took a quick turn onto a remote dirt road. Yeah, I make us look like an assault, right? All of the evidence was gathered along the route where the chase took place, which included bullet casings, the majority of which belonged to the firearm that Wallin-Reed claimed he used for the shooting. They would always say, no, no, there was no gun. Oh, my. I was just like in my mind, thinking, where are you? And people saying, you know, I moved up here from the Bay Area to get away from all this and people shouldn't have guns and they shouldn't shoot guns. You're telling me that they fired three shots. And the car suddenly made a 180 and it looked like they were coming straight out. And I think I killed one of them. Did you hear anything? When you come back this way, back in this corner right here, yeah, Chad made it quite clear he used a small pistol, 380 caliber, to return fire during the chase. "Gregory Chad Wallin-Reed, 36, of Reno, Nev., faces eight felony counts, including murder. That's what they believe. No idea if they'd survive the night or if the gunman was going to come back. Chad, a convicted felon, is currently being held at the California Department of Corrections in Sacramento and will only be eligible for parole in 2092. Is it possible you were wrong? The detectives took us there to show us. Like, did he say? And I thought, you know, these guys are going to get out. Florida man murders a two night special event January 9th at 7:00, kicking off oxygens. And I found the name Rory, which means Red King and Irish. We wouldn't do that. Their family cabin, where this all took place, is about one hour from Susanville near the Antelope Lake area. Did you own a gun? I mean, I'm not sure how long had gone by, maybe an hour and a half. He wanted to protect those two. Suddenly, Rory, stop the car. He makes the whole case will boil down to whether Chad was fired upon and shot back in self-defense, Olsen said the evidence backed Chad up. And then just as the trial came to its end, a long shot bit of information finally landed in D.A. You hear on the news, the Florida man, they're not very bright thing that the Florida man did in Florida in general is kind of unique, a perfect place for big mansions, exotic cars, for imperfect crimes. Content Summary. And yet, said the prosecutor, Chad kept right on shooting. The makeshift team convoyed to the meadow, geared up for a possible shoot out. It's fun. I like his military weapon, security and pleasure. A young father contacts emergency services claiming that he is caught in the crossfire of a shootout on a remote northern California road that claims one life and injures two other people, b A young father contacts emergency services claiming that he is caught in the crossfire of a shootout on a remote northern California road that claims one life and injures two other people, but the investigation takes unexpected turns. They took me back down to the booking area. Chad told the police the young man shot at him during the chase. Then over the radio came a new twist. What happened the next night would change all their lives. So perhaps still in self-defense mode, grab the arm swinging out the door, and that's when it popped off the rounds at them. They cut them off and take them right there. Miles From Nowhere - Podcast In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. What was that like when they took him? It means a lot to him. Deep in the woods, a family lives in fear. Rory's mom began sobbing two years of pent up heartbreak. Yes, it could and was about to be for everyone. Never step foot outside a prison ever again, not be able to see have not have conjugal visits with his wife, not not be able to see his children go through birthdays and marriages. Were they kidding? United States. These guys were bad news and said, I'm going to try to catch up to these guys, you know, get them, you know, catch them, get their license plate or get their information or something, you know, because it was apparent that this was more than just we're here to play and joke around with you. Hollister he chased those boys seven point six miles and he shot to kill. We love the place. The life of a game warden is a solitary one hours of driving alone, backcountry roads alone, warden sound everything from bear poachers to pot farmers and its prey that sometimes shoots back. He did not know Rory suddenly took a wrong turn. Monte, looking for evidence they are 15, was inside on the on the gun rack. Which is kind of confusing, seeing as he accused us of shooting at his house. I had my revolver and I was headed towards the door and then whoever it was backed up and drove away. It was nine or 10 p.m. It was in my cup holder chambered around and pointed out the window and, you know, let off a few rounds. This just kept getting worse and worse. A little cabin, that piece of paradise is empty now, sold to pay legal bills. Mind you, this was truly remote. They have a gun when he approached their car. That any outcome be worth? I'll never have a friend like that again or somebody I considered a brother. But the sheriffs in the warden's right away saw that he had it on too tight and he'd had it on too long and was very painful. So, again, a bunch of young men piled into Rory McGuire's Chrysler Sebring and went and met up with two others at the Chevron gas station where we bought, I think, a bottle of blueberry vodka and a couple 40 ounces of beer to take with us. That night was in effect of this incident on you and your husband. I don't think there's any other way to put. Meanwhile, this whole time we've been trying to call nine on one and there's no service. Certainly relief some of the friends had run for cover during the shooting. He carried his rifle just like the Army trained did. The young man in that car, not exactly a Boy Scout, said Olson. And then he came out with the red hair and I had to look through a baby name book. Maybe it was some kind of accusation, I guess. Chatwal and Reid said attorney Olsen is just the sort of person for whom that defense was intended is. Sure. He talked about that was his training that he had received from the military to continue to follow the threat, to neutralize the threat, got into a zone and needed to neutralize the threat he felt got into a zone, a zone like a military term. Gunfire, the terror, the bullets. When somebody goes into property that is yours and takes something of yours. Chad, address Rory's family. Where are you going to be acquitted? And it's just complete chaos at that point. He starts to circle around the car the whole while he's pointing the gun at us. One of them brought the kind of plugs into a cigarette lighter. Great. Can I imagine him being away from us? I drove over to him and he's yelling at them. A bloody and baffling scene for the deputies. Some people had been shooting at each other. three men, badly wounded, one of them critically. Simple law of speed vs. gravity. Miles From Nowhere - Dateline NBC | Podcast on Spotify Sign up Log in Home Search Your Library Create Playlist Liked Songs Legal Privacy Center Privacy Policy Cookies About Ads Your Privacy Choices Cookies English Preview of Spotify Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. No, I can't remember. I said, listen, if there was a gun, you need to tell us. They were mad and anyway, so everybody kind of got a kick out of that. I picked up the car that was sitting. He was placed in reasonable fear of imminent danger or death by the actions of the occupiers. So he's he's fine. Keith Morrison reports. It is the first single released in support of their fifth album A Date with The Smithereens . This is where Chad taught his children how to exist in the natural world. Somebody makes their way over towards the car and says. I just remember this last look on her face and I was just saying I'm sorry. Any time a car is hit with that many high velocity rounds from from an AR 15, you're going to expect to see led now. In fact, they assured him they didn't have a gun. And I'm pretty sure he said I can't and right at that moment, I saw the laser light again and at that point the gunman approached. I said, I'm going to go call the sheriff. So he came up to the car and said, were you the one shooting at my house? To my mind, was his how are they going to find these individuals? In this Dateline classic, a relaxing vacation turns into a nightmare when Stephen Reitz wakes up to find his girlfriend, Eva Weinfurtner, murdered. He was exciting. It was scary. The Sacramento Bee reports. Yes. This is exactly the kind of case that leads to hung juries. Not to after this with military training, who, you know, react. Chad knew very well you've been in the army, remember? And I think he meant it. That was how you felt? And then everyone saw you heard nothing on the trunk of my car. . One of the most recent ones, somebody just pretty much ransacked the whole place. We would never carry guns. Yeah, we were trying every technique we could to have them stop. In this classic Dateline MILES FROM NOWHERE (Season 22 Episode 5) forget about being scared of the dark, the real nightmare begins with a series of lights culminating in the tragic end of a young red-haired . But also a certain attorney discovered there were some tiny specks of evidence at the crime scene that just might set free. The children picked up the anxiety. Then Detective Perry decided to take Chad on a tour to recreate the almost eight mile chase and the shooting on location and on videotape. And right after that, I hear pow, pow, pow. And so hence Rory, Colin McGuire. He was creative. It is it's not just invasive. With one man dead and two others injured, authorities wonder if this was self-defense or something else. They had seen him race off into the night. Originally aired on NBC on October 18, 2013. A photographer of all people, one of the first to reach the scene of the shooting and the images he captured. But defense attorneys stuck to the heart of their case. It was something that he simply felt like we had to follow through on. In a remote forest meadow in the dark, a tiny green dot probe, the interior of Rory Maguires immobilized Chrysler Sebring. And the next thing you know, there's all these muzzle flashes. Well, the police asked these people if they had guns and they said, no, we wouldn't carry guns. Oh, I pushed them. Did this. They didn't have to hold their breath very long, less than a day. He was exhausted at being he's not entirely cooperative with the cops, told them everything he knew. The sort of Stand Your Ground idea. Chad hopped in his truck, drove to the end of the driveway. There's always a place for me at home and we can't stop talking about him. Keith Morrison reports. Where were they compared to you? It was just my my frame of mind was is that these people are coming back to shoot at me. It's just complete chaos. But once he saw they no longer posed a threat, he said he told the man he'd do what he could to find help for them. Miles From Nowhere Dateline NBC 18,373 views 7 Jan 2021 Transcribe your podcast [00:00:11] Deep in the woods, a family lives in fear. What did that feel like? Here's why people move to the high Sierra to get away from the city, it's constant pressures, it's regular explosions of violent crime, or at least that's how it was for Plumas County District Attorney David Hollister, who moved to his new job in the county seat of Little County, California, after years of prosecuting the worst that Oakland had to offer. Maybe he'll stop. The police were looking for a gun, of course. Still on edge, carrying the kids, watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. Rory's father, Carol's ex-husband, Dave McGuire, came to tried not successfully to hold back his soaring rage as a soldier. Then that afternoon, while Chad was away on an errand, Kerry looked out the window and there was a jeep heading up the long driveway driven by a young man she did not know. [00:00:15] What are you going to do if they come back of a threat from strangers? David Hollister. Jason's like now going back would be a terrible idea. It was making sure that we were safe. And he said, we need to go and call nine one one. Well, perhaps because the AR 15, which Chad bought legally in Nevada, was illegal in California, though Chad said he didn't know that at any rate. Did anybody in the car have a gun? They said to the hospital, all we knew was he was in critical condition and we needed to get there as soon as possible. Somebody said, so here's what they did. How are they going to get there to help them? Chad reportedly shot at the speeding car several times as he pursued it in the darkness. And I think it sets the tone for his state of mind. And a few hours later, the loving husband, doting father, Army Ranger Chad Wollen Reed, was now an accused murderer. They threw out the solar lights. Be the first one to comment on this story. Oh, throughout the whole rest of this trip, there's flurries of shots being taken out of this desperate now rushing along the road. Who were these men? What is surprising is who was riding with him? Please logout and login again. They held a white T-shirt out the window. He hemorrhaged a couple hours after we got there. Chad began looking forward to a trial, turned down a deal from the DEA. And then we could see the oil that had been laid down by Rory McGuire's car using that trail of oil. And then there's the long holiday weekend wound down. Heinous, premeditated, malicious aforethought. Was he lost looking for help? In fact, Chad, it was really he and his family who were the victims here. Warren Reed, the man who confronted them, for example, had accused the young men of firing first during the car chase. It's really scary. He was frankly lucky to keep the leg and survived the night. And then he came inside and she's like, well, you know what happened? So how much did you have to do with the decision to charge him everything? But according to Lewis, that never happened. And insecure, and you as a parent have failed. That's what military training you react, implying that what he did in that meadow, he had first done under enemy fire overseas. It is an up and down world of river gorges and mountain peaks, difficult to forge and far from any towns or resorts. In "Miles from Nowhere," Dayton Duncan travels to all the least populated counties in the continental United States--the frontiers--just about all of which happen to be in the West. Their only electricity came from a generator. These are the 100 children. But this this at the end of a two hour drive into the woods. Chad right behind. I love Carol and I think she she loves him back. Miles From Nowhere Dateline NBC True Crime In this Dateline classic, a young father in the California mountains calls 911 to report that he had been in a shoot-out with a car full of strangers. Discover Dateline NBC Miles From Nowhere. He fired a warning shot. He had not fulfilled his commitment. None of that drive was occupied, was it? We better do this case right, and we'd better do it once, because that's about our only shot at it. Confusion and terror, a very different story of those shots in the dark. He explains that the definition of "frontier" has to do with how many people live within one square mile, and then he commences to visit all the loneliest, most . They all squeezed into Rory Seabury, drove to the lake but couldn't find the party. But my desire is to walk him out of that courtroom. View All Episodes Add to Playlist Share on: Shop Packages He talked again and again about his army career. [00:00:20] Daddy will protect us. He had not been in combat overseas. It sound. Chad worried a lot about safety, about security, which may have come in part, at least from his time in the military. Well, they say they said that everything was going to be OK. And the. It used to seem like that happening to you. Surprising then when Carrie heard what Chad told us when we interviewed him before the trial. With one man dead and two others. You believe that? I guarantee you, later that morning, detectives went out to the meadow and discovered some fascinating evidence. And now his sentence, 84 years to life. Police find ancient mummy in delivery mans cooler bag in Peru, At least 36 killed after passenger and freight trains collide in Greece, Florida 19-year-old accused of killing three, including reporter, in shootings, Lori Lightfoot concedes mayors race in Chicago, European space agency pushes for lunar time zone, College students turn to influencing as new side hustle. He was concerned, he said, about getting help for the wounded. Louis told us it's his duty now to keep Rory's memory alive for himself and for Carol, who's in his life now for good. Directors David Burton Morris Starring In such a manner I never envisioned being. We were looking for a friend of ours, brother, who was having a gathering up. This was graphic stuff right there in Living Color, the bloodied bodies of injured and apparently terrified young man, the officers trying to attend to their medical needs. That's a sweet picture. They found the three 380 casings that were not from Jack Gun. One went low into the rear passenger door, which then went into Justin Smyth's leg. Couldn't just take somebody's word for it, but neither could they. There's just some things I'd rather not talk about and and things that I've tried to get over. We the jury in the above entitled cause, find the defendant, Richard Reid, guilty of a Tuit murder, first degree required guilty of first degree murder in the gallery. His truck, drove to the lake but could n't find the.... Made a 180 and it 's her time shot 's yelling at them makes their way over towards the and... The speeding car several times as he accused us of shooting at his.! Interior of Rory Maguires immobilized Chrysler Sebring say they said that everything was going to come back a! Warren Reed, the restless young man in that car, I make us like... The red hair and I had to follow through on three men, wounded. Drive into the woods, a very different story of those shots in the dark, very... 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