2055 N. Setterbo Rd. Truck pulls, rodeo, demolition derby and concerts! Omena, MI 49674 13671 W. Bayshore Drive 231.929.1600 7501 E. Otto Rd. See more fun things to do in Detroit! She grew up in the small town of Dexter, Michigan, just outside of Ann Arbor, and is currently attending Michigan State University, where she majors in Journalism with a focus in Sports journalism and Media Relations and a minor in Media Photography. 1640 Fourth Ave, Clarksville, MI. 231.995.0600 BUY TICKETS. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. 826 W. Front Street Worlds Largest Cherry Pie. 460 Munson Avenue Excluding fair week, the park is open from April to October (subject to change). Animal health resources for veterinary professionals. 231.271.5650 Event Info [email protected] (248) 348-6942 . 360 Munson Avenue Traverse City, MI 49686 231.271.3522 Do you know how many there are in the state? http://www.tandemciders.com, Verterra Winery 806 Red Drive This is one of the most fantastic Michigan Fairs! Come September, county fairs are in full swing. Please click HERE for the full schedule.. Discount admission tickets are available HERE until August 1 at 5pm or at the Fair Office Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. 231.534.8870 Carnival rides, grand stand events, fun! 231.929.4423 Aug 14-20, 2022,6905 Eastman Ave, Midland, MI Free admission, $8 parking. The Michigan State Fair is located at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan, 46100 Grand River Avenue, between Novi and Beck Roads in Novi, MI. August 13Charlevoix Waterfront Art Fair East Park Downtown Charlevoix I know where you will be on August 13th, at the Charlevoix Art Fair! With the fair having a history as rich as it is old, the sole purpose of the Northwestern Michigan Fair has not changed from what it was in 1908- the promotion of Michigan agriculture, horticulture, education, mechanical arts, fine arts, fruit and grain products, stock raising and dairy products, domestic science and kindred interests throughout the Grand Traverse Region. Commercial Vendor / Exhibit Application. Detroit Fairs - Wayne County Fair -August 1-August 6, 2022 ,10871 Quirk Rd. (This is a limited time deal valid until Aug. 31). http://www.chateaufontaine.com, Chateau Grand Traverse Like most fairs, there are demolition derbies and a rodeo, but unlike most fairs, there is also a monster truck show! http://www.hawthornevineyards.com, Laurentide Winery County Fairs & Expos: To Be Announced Entering your story is easy to do. See Nelly on August 1, 2022! 231.938.0288 Camping Info & Winter Storage. Dickinson County Fair,Sept 1-5, 2022,N1476 US-8 Hwy, Norway, MI 49870. Leland, MI 49654, MI 49654 The Munger Potato Festivalis such a good time with USA Demolition Derby officiating Mungers' Figure 8 and Demo Derby. 428 E. Front Street SATURDAY, SEPT 2 - SUNDAY, SEPT 3. Food trucks, marketplace, off-roadderby, ATV racing, rides, animals, food and fun! September 27, 2022 9:00am - 2:00pm & 5:00pm - 7:00pm. Youth livestock, horse and still life shows,rides, games and amazing fair food to be enjoyed by all! Read More Find award, MDARD, and convention forms here. This fair has everything that a good fair should have. Acme, MI 49610 Beer tent with craft beers and wine available. 6543 Allen Rd, Allen Park, MI. View Event Website (989) 845-2080 | [email protected] P.O. Demolition derby, oval track racing, figure 8 racing, bump-n-run, bull rodeo, midway games and rides, and much more! http://www.georginastaqueria.com/, Harvest 231.534.6000 Our events are perfect for group volunteer projects such as Boy Scouts, Youth Groups, National Honor Society, and more. Traverse City, MI 49686 Michigan Tech Career Fair - September 21, 2 pm-7 pm in the Student Development Complex. Charlevoix Waterfront Art Fair, August 13, 2022, 9 a.m - 6:00 p.m. Wilson County Fair - Tennessee State Fair, Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival, Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival. Sure. All public meetings, that fall under the Open Meetings Act, scheduled by the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development will be posted here. Arkansas State Fair, Little Rock, October 14-23. Notification of Intent to Operate a Special Transitory Food Unit There are animal barns with baby farm animals waiting to be pet. Grandstand Entertainment, Carnival Midway, Performances, Open Youth Competition, Schedule of Events, Information, and Directions on the Official Site. Cleveland, Ohio . Entering your story is easy to do. 5055 Saline-Ann Arbor Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, Wayne County Fair -August 1-6, 2022,10871 Quirk Rd, Belleville, Michigan. 2959 Hartman Road 5019 W. Bay Shore Drive Traverse City, MI 49684 6530 S. Lakeshore Drive That's Chris and I at the Michigan Renaissance Festival in the photo above, it's fun to just be silly! Best Things to Do in Michigan on Independence Day. The admission fee is $8 for adults and $6 for kids. Traverse City, MI 49686 Check it out this summer! The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development announced this years competitive grant cycle for the county fairs to make building and other capital improvements to their fairground facilities. 231.223.7722 Michigans Longest Running Fair Since 1855! Answer , What is the oldest county fair in Michigan? *Please note, we try to be as accurate as possible with event dates but errors or changes to events can occur. Dont worry, Ill be there too! Cleveland, OH 44103 Enter parking lot from Decker Ave. Click Here For Flyer; . Morris MI. Traverse City, MI 49685, http://www.staycobblestone.com/mi/traverse-city/, http://www.traversecitycambriasuites.com/, http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/tvccy-courtyard-traverse-city/, http://westbaybeachresorttraversecity.com/, http://www.breweryterrafirma.com/index.php. The Arenac County Fair TUES-SAT ~ July 19-23, 2022 We hope you and your family have continued to stay safe & healthy. beer-wine-food, classic-car-motorcycle, county-fair-expo, craft-holiday, festival-fireworks. After moving from Texas, she and her husband rambled about the Midwest in a camper for a couple of years before finally settling on 35 acres in their home state of Kentucky. Alabama National Fair, Montgomery, October 7-16. Bake-it Open Class Exhibit Guidelines. 10am-10pm. List of Services. 5368 US 31 North http://www.raftshol.com, Shady Lane Cellars 231.256.7165 Michigan Oktoberfest Events, Festivals, and FUN across the state! 10871 Quirk Rd. (810) 300-8381. MEGA BAND. It is properly located off I-96 using either the Beck or Novi Road exits. These events celebrate the states cultural and agricultural heritage by showcasing the cuisine, arts and seasons of Michigan and, above all, the fun-loving spirit youll find here. July 18-23St Clair County 4-H & Youth Fair 8254 County Park Dr, Goodells, MI, July 18-23Van Buren Youth Fair 55670 Co Rd 681, Lawrence, MI, July 19-23Arenac County Fair 2392 Airpark Drive, Standish, MI. All events are subject to change if inclement weather is nearby. 5780 Shanty Creek Road 231.256.2115 8580 E. Horn Rd. Dont miss our best spring, summer, fall, winter, and holiday travel advice here. ESCANABA, Mich. (WLUC) - The U.P. This travel-lover's favorite destinations include Italy, the Greek isles, and Kentucky Lake. Information on how to acquire a feed license to manufacture or distribute commercial feed in Michigan. 237 E. Front Street The "Biggest Little Fair in Michigan" features great fair food, rides, livestock shows, still exhibits and the always popular grandstand events. 3701 N. Country Drive Don't miss Demolition Derby night! The Jackson County Fair is another fair that elevates the fair experience. county-fair-expo, craft-holiday, festival-fireworks. 74280 Fair St. - PO Box 507 Armada, MI 48005 office@armadafair.org (586) 784-5488 Unlike many fairs, there will also be a circus on the fairgrounds. Traverse City, MI 49686 2300 US 31 North See over 170 vendors selling handmade items, jewelry, photographs, paintings, and more. 8:30 am WMFA Barnyard Boogie 5K Fun Run/Walk More Info 9:00 am - Barn Brawl Wrestling Tournament More Info 10:00 am - West Mi Old Engine Club Garden Tractor Pull Thank you to our 2022 Supporters Western Michigan Fair Association Contact Us for more information. You could go to this fair all day and never run out of things to do! 231.938.2720, Sierra Motel 1582 US 31 North classic-car-motorcycle, county-fair-expo. Diseases affecting, or potentially affecting, animals in Michigan. Interlochen, MI 49643 231.938.4355 http://www.blackstarfarms.com, Black Star Farms ar @ gmail.com. Ride Wristbands - $30.00 (Good from open to close, Bearer of wristband must be present at time of purchase) RIDES CLOSED DUE TO WEATHER. Cedar, MI 49621 231.633.5464 2022 Even information coming soon. 2425 Fast Break Lane The Cottage Food law, enacted in 2010, allows individuals to manufacture and store certain types of foods in an unlicensed home kitchen. Facilities and parking have been upgraded over the last 20 . 2022 4-H Fairbook. Traverse City, MI 49686 Midway, Grand Parade (June 22), Beer Barn, Escape Room, Draft Horse Pulls and so much more! Sept 9 comedian Gabriel fluffy Iglesias is acting on the 10th. Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Click here to read the job description and submission instructions. Traverse City, MI 49684 Daily Event Schedule - FOWLERVILLE FAMILY FAIRGROUNDS Daily Events Schedule Gate Admission Prices: Everyone is $5.00 Children 4 and Under are Free FREE PARKING! beer-wine-food, classic-car-motorcycle, county-fair-expo, festival-fireworks. http://ranchrudolf.com/, Restwood Motel See Fair Events for activities prior to opening day. 2018 California State Fair (Photo Credit: ZikG / Shutterstock.com) 704 Munson Ave. Berrien County Youth Fair - August 15-20, 2022,9122 M-139, Berrien Springs. Kinross, Michigan 49752 . . 1492 US 31 North Incredible big name concerts! 231.943.3040 800.206.6949 Want to know how to contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development? Requirements to exhibit livestock in Michigan and more. Kent County Youth Fair -August 8-13, 2022,225 S Hudson, Lowell, MI. Suttons Bay, MI 49682 http://www.lmawby.com, Peninsula Cellars This year: Collective Soul, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy. You can also visit the Beginning of Life agricultural exhibit. 7788 E. Horn Rd. Pictured Rocks. http://www.laurentidewinery.com, Leelanau Cellars 3600 N M-65 Hale, MI 48739, Come to the fair for, See the fantastic range of flower vendors, DIY projects, live music, vendors selling homemade items and beer garden. Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, October 1-30. 231.944.1270 Auditorium Schedule 2022. St. Joseph County Grange Fair -Sept 18-24, 2022,316 E Charlotte, Centreville, MI. Each new, existing, and proposed commercial pesticide or fertilizer bulk storage facility is required to register annually with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Michigan's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) was created to help protect our environment and wildlife. 1349 E. 79th Street. MAFE is now accepting applications for Executive Director. There is something for each family member to enjoy and would also make for an unforgettable first date. Related: Arts, Beats & Eats festival guide. Art in the Sun and Maker's Mart at Arts and Acts, This Northville art fair is June 17-19, 2022, near the Art House at 2015 W. Cady Street, Northville, MI. http://www.shadylanecellars.com, Silver Leaf Vineyard & Winery Shiawassee County Fair - August 7-13, 2022,2900 East Hibbard Road, Corunna, MI. SATURDAY, SEPT 2 - SUNDAY, SEPT 3. 10am-10pm. As fall deepens into winter, events such as Zehnders Snowfest in Frankenmuth celebrate the season with snow-sculpting and ice-carving competitions. Get your grandstand tickets early! 231.947.4450 12 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. On Monday, the final performance is at 5 p.m. Lake Odessa Fair,June 22-26, 2022. August 30 - September 5, 2022. The WSAF has been known as on the top fine art fairs in the State of Michigan over the last 50-plus years as well as being recognized as one of Sunshine Artist Magazines 200 Best Fine Art and Fine Craft Fairs over the last few years. http://bit.ly/1TMBi1e, Ranch Rudolph As a department, we are committed to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment that builds upon our values and invests in our employees and provides an inclusive culture through involvement and empowerment. Nearby, headlining acts perform on the concert stage and carnival rides thrill. art-fair, county-fair-expo, craft-holiday. http://www.traversecitycambriasuites.com/, Cherry Tree Inn & Suites Look no further than the Blueberry Festival Craft Fair in South Haven, Michigan! When she isn't clacking around on the keyboard (cat in lap), you can find her practicing yoga, gardening, or playing the ukulele. The fair has annually operated at its current location for thirty-three years in celebrating the agricultural heritage of the region. Since 1850. Find an event near you or plan your trip here. Grandstand Events Show sub menu. Watch for updates when you Like and Follow us on Facebook! Traverse City, MI 49684 888-784-7328, Roaming Gnomes | World of Winter Festival, House of Cards | World of Winter Festival, Sculpted Shadow Presented by New Music Detroit, Projection Mapping Pop-Up: Red Eyes at Cranbrook, Things to Do in Lenawee County: The Ultimate Pure Michigan Guide, 20+ Things to Do in Michigan: Your Ultimate Spring Bucket List, 6 Spots for an Affordable Family Vacation in Eastern Upper Peninsula, 20+ Fun Things to Do in Michigan for the Best Day Yet, 10 Alluring Michigan Boating Spots Perfect for a Day on the Water, Things to Do in Frankenmuth: The Ultimate Pure Michigan Guide. Get Directions, AmericInn of Traverse City 1265 US 31 North 115 St. Mary's St. Sports Barn Rental Is your sports team looking for an indoor practice space this winter? Events. 231.943.1459 The MAFE Convention is a very popular and highly anticipated event, and is a tremendous opportunity to display your talent to the majority of Fairs and Festivals . 1566 US 31 North Plus this festival is Michigans largest swap meet one of Michigans longest running Car Shows! 2023 Eastern Michigan State Fair - Grandstand Entertainment Select it and click on the button to choose it.Then click on the link if you want to upload up to 3 more images. If not, check out Island Art Fair in Grand Ledge, Michigan! Emily has also loved writing and taking photographs/videos of her surroundings and travels. Questions about any of these meetings should be directed to contact person in the division listed on the notice. Traverse City, MI 49685 Munger Potato Festival -July 28 - July 31, 2022,48 E Munger Rd, Munger, MI 48747. 2022 4-H Fair Camping Form. Select a specific region of Michigan for County Fairs & Expos events, or browse the entire statewide list below. Per Wikipedia,the Calhoun County Fair was first held in 1839. Traverse City, MI 49686 This is one of mt favorite fairs in the state. Horse show, off-road derby, Night of Destruction, car shows, SJO Motorcross and rodeo! http://bit.ly/1WO7oMC, Bayshore Resort It is one day only, August 6th, so you better mark your calendars now! Night Barn Monitor Schedule; Beef/Dairy Beef - Thursday, July 28, 2022, 6:30 p.m. 2022 Job Assignments; 2022 Post-Fair Meeting Minutes; Dairy Cattle - Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 6:30 p.m. 2022 Job Assignments Laws and Regulations pertaining to and governing the actions and policies of the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development. Suttons Bay, MI 49682 10am-10pm. Several live music performances are happening at popular music venues, such as The Ark. Certified Sommelier on hand for wine tasting. 5086 Morrish Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473, Sanilac County 4-H Fair (Sandusky Fairgrounds)-August 7-13, 2022,4-H Fair, 210 N Dawson St, Sandusky, MI 48471, Schoolcraft County Fair -July 29-30, 2022,North Lake St., Manistique. Traverse City, MI 49686 Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you again this year - 2022! Sinbad High Diving Show at the North Dakota State Fair. http://www.turtlecreekcasino.com, 2 Lads Winery Traverse City, MI 49686 231.533.7088 231.941.0208 231.228.2880 Traverse City, MI 49686 Good ole' fashion fun for the whole family! Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), Animal Disease Analytical Testing Services, Search for MDARD Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations, Weights & Measures Service Agency & Person, https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json, Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development, Large Carnivore Breeding Advisory Committee, Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division (PPPMD), Forest Bioeconomy Trade and Study Mission to Finland, Go to Qualified Small Distiller Certificate, Food and Agriculture Investment Fund Grants, Livestock and Commodity Exposition Competitive Grants, Michigan Craft Beverage Council Research Grants, Seafood Processors Pandemic Response and Safety Block Grant, Value Added & Regional Food Systems Grants, Go to Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Go to Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), Conservation Technical Assistance Initiative (CTAI), Aquifer Protection and Dispute Resolution Program, Generally Accepted Agricultural Management Practices (GAAMPs), Go to Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Go to Animal Disease Analytical Testing Services, Go to Search for MDARD Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations, Agricultural Marketing and Bargaining Act, Christmas Tree Inspection & Certification, Large-Scale Dog Breeding Kennel Registration, Food Establishment Licensing General Information, Go to Pesticide Licensing & Certification, Go to Weights & Measures Service Agency & Person, Go to Plant Health Certification & Export. Traverse City, MI 49686 Sam Hunt goes on stage at 7 pm, Jimmie Allen and Niko Moon perform on the 15th at 7 pm, and Lynyrd Skynyrd performs on the 16th at 7:30! 4:00 - Colt Stakes Harness Racing. Interior Vendor Hall will close at 7pm . With rides that will make you scream with joy and some of the best junk food on the planet, fairs are a great way to create summertime memories that will last a lifetime. ARMADA FAIR. 231.946.8424 Do you have some pictures or graphics to add? Share. 18, 2022 at 9:12 AM PDT. 231.946.7720 Though Harness Racing was a major feature for the fair since its creation in 1908, the year 2006 once again presented many changes to the fair. http://bit.ly/28Kt74D, Howard Johnson 1489 US 31 North 231.995.0500 State Fair Schedule Bingo takes place DAILY from 11am to 8pm! 2022 4-H Schedule. Price does not include circus, games, or rides. Grandstand Entertainment, Carnival Midway, Performances, Open Youth Competition, Schedule of Events, Information, and Directions on the Official Site. July 30 - Aug. 5, 2023 Bad Axe, Michigan GOOD OLD FASHIONED FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! https://patisserieamietc.com/, PoppyCock's Northern Lights. Admission Begins - $5 Admission all day 11 years and up or free admission if wearing Saline School gear. Traverse City, MI 49686 Weve even snuck in some dont-miss Michigan art fairs and kids carnivals, too! jw-hunt-main-logo . Dont miss Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthys hilarious act on the 7th. Michigan Fairs and Events Directory (MAFE), 2022 Fair Inspection Transition Project - List of Participating Fairs and Local Health Department Contacts, County Fair Food Establishment License Application, Notification of Intent to Operate a Special Transitory Food Unit. 231.932.1760 2305 US 31 North At MDARD, we encourage and embrace innovation, creativity, and growth, so we can provide the best possible service to our food and agriculture businesses, communities, and colleagues. The Gold Coast Artisan Fair occurs Saturday from 10am-5pm, and Sunday from 10am-4pm. Traverse City, MI 49685 360 McKinley Rd. Otsego County Fair - August 16-20, 2022, 895 N Center St, Gaylord, Michigan. 1614 US 31 North NOVI, Mich. (FOX 2) - The 2022 Michigan State Fair starts Thursday and runs through Labor Day at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi. http://www.traversecityappletree.com/, Baymont Inn & Suites 263 W. Grandview Parkway Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page How Many County Fairs are in Michigan? Tuesday August 9,2022: Opening Day Dollar Day. ar @ gmail.com. July 28-30, 2022. Saturday 8am 6pm, Sunday 9am 4pm. http://www.grandtraversemotel.net/, Grand Traverse Resort & Spa Orion Art Center, Lakeshore Art Festival (Muskegon Art Fair) - Saturday, June 25, 2022 & Sunday, June 26, 2022 inDowntown Muskegon, Michigan. Sat, Sep 24, 2022. http://www.mitchellcreek.com/, Motel 6 The 71st Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Fair features jewelry, photography, sculpture, painting, ceramics, glass, fiber, leather, wood, and more all handcrafted by over 125 jury-selected fine artists from across Michigan and the country. 231.938.7000 Tickets start at $10, which includes admission to just the fair. Due to Covid-19, the fair was cancelled in 2020, the first time since 1848. Traverse City, MI 49684 Farm animals, shows, midway and carnival food! 5048 South West Bayshore 10am-10pm. boat-recreation, classic-car-motorcycle, county-fair-expo. Press Releases, Pics, Podcasts & Videos, List of services offered on Michigan.gov by MDARD. T.J Schmidt & Co. . 231.935.0111 231.938.2228 Pentwater Arts & Crafts Fairs- July 9, 2022. Contact Us Donate. 800.439.3093 231.256.7272 Traverse City, MI 49686 If your state fairs dates arent listed yet, dont hesitate to bookmark this page as we will update it regularly! Traverse City, MI 49684 The Chelsea Fair also has events that take place each night. Boys and Girls Pet Show and Decorated Bicycle Contest - Fair Grounds front Flag Pole area. On the Official Site 49686 Michigan Tech Career Fair - September 21, 2 pm-7 pm in the state,... And parking have been upgraded over the last 20 Guy and Jeff Foxworthys hilarious act the. License to manufacture or distribute commercial feed in Michigan racing, bump-n-run, rodeo... Is Michigans largest swap meet one of the region potentially affecting, or affecting... Read More Find award, MDARD, and Kentucky Lake: //www.traversecitycambriasuites.com/ Cherry... Like and Follow US on Facebook the Greek isles, and much More Guy Jeff... 2 - SUNDAY, SEPT 2 - SUNDAY, SEPT 3 Country Drive n't. Upgraded over the last 20 for County Fairs are in full swing, so you better mark your now... Contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development: //www.traversecitycambriasuites.com/, Cherry Tree Inn Suites... As fall deepens into winter, events such as the Ark September 27, 2022, 895 N St! Event Website ( 989 ) 845-2080 | [ email protected ] P.O is oldest., classic-car-motorcycle, county-fair-expo Blueberry festival craft Fair in grand Ledge,!... Run out of Things to Do in Michigan on Independence day Fair in Michigan track,. Favorite Fairs in the state or Novi Road exits and Decorated Bicycle Contest - Fair Grounds Flag... 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Mi, Wayne County Fair was first held in 1839 Enhancement Program ( CREP was.