I love the all decaf Maxwell House coffee. I will return to buying Tim Hortons. Their commitment to the subtle characteristics of the Arabica bean make it possible for fans of coffee whove switched to decaf the full flavor of a delicious cup of coffee. Since starting the Maxwell house, after my morning cup of coffee, i become naseous and vomit..EVERY MORNING!!! Is Maxwell House Coffee being discontinued? I've been drinking maxwell house french roast for years until about 2 months ago. What does that mean? I've recently started drinking Folgers again. Not imoressed. This is crazyI actually stopped drinking coffee because I was getting extreme nausea after drinking Folger's After about a week is when it struck me that it was the coffee. Could tell by the smell it wasn't going to be good. Not even the flavoring could mask the bad taste. Plus they promise and provide exceptional coffee! I AM not a happy girl. I bought a jug of the Original Roast,in March. WHAT'S GOING ON AMERICAN SHARE THE BEST QUALITY OF ITS PRODUCTS WITH THE EUROPEAN GARBAGE LOW QUALITY & WEIRDO INTERESTS???!!! I bought a box a the taste is horrible. Nothing tasted right and I began to worry that I had covid! Two hours after the first cup and I had diarrhea. FDA should be alerted. They are checking me for an ulcers and gallstones but the doctor asked me if I had made any changes in my diet lately and I mentioned the change in coffee. I can easily spot the blye canister on store shelves and will continue to purchase this brand in the future. If I switched I guarantee many others switched. I have bought Folgers for several years, but was not a daily coffee drinker and the episodes were occurring on my days off of work (that's when I was drinking the Folgers). I thought it was me but after reading the reviews I see I am not alone. The coffee tastes bitter and that is after I add some Cremona (as I always do). Sad. I thought I was having a sensitive stomach as a reaction to the Paxil when I stumbled onto this site. I thought it was my filters, at first. If you want to get a wake up coffee do not buy mild or strong coffee. Remember when you opened the can and the whole kitchen would have that wonderful coffee smell? Maxwell House Wake Up Roast Ground Coffee 30.65 oz Can. I usually buy 3 cans if maxwell house orig roast coffee at a time when i opened the first one i saw little white buglike things all through out the can i ipened the second and then third cans and theyre all like that it looks like crunchy dead bugs or something?? My husband loves buying Maxwell House, though I like buying better quality. So far it's doing pretty good. I continue to use the first jar I opened but threw the second one away and switch to another brand of instant coffee. I was surprised at how much better it was. Same awful taste. Prior to that is when quantity went from 39oz to 34.5oz AND NOW they've reduced it to 30.6oz & taken away the handle. I had surgery in November 2014. After reading the other comments here I am sure it's the re-action to a sub-standard coffee. Fourth day tried Folgers again and instant symptoms. My advice is simple . Pay alittle bit more in selecting and choosing coffee shops that sell Fair Trade or organic beans. the last container original roast Maxell house that I bought after brewing I noticed white flakes in the grounds which were not there originally.I've had a few issues with this brand for several years and keep forgetting about it.almost flu litwo to threeit took about two to three weeks before I notice the symptoms but they always come on the same way just start with inflamed lips and other mucous membranes.something in it is triggering allergic reactions. Bad idea. The flavor is almost as if the coffee has been left on the burner for just slightly too long. This seems like a scheme to collect ill gotten gains for pain and suffering. now the taste sucks. store in Canada on Saturday past and for 3 days I have had a mystery feeling of stomach uneasy feeling or nausea at times with a slight headache 1 hour after drinking 2-3 cups of this coffee. I have an iron stomach and rarely if ever have allergic reactions to anything.Never in my life has any other coffee made me feel as bad as Maxwell house. Folgers coffee has been on the market since the 1850s, and Maxwell house has been around since 1892, so both of these budget coffee corporations have been around for quite some time, providing American household coffee drinkers with ready-to-brew, freshly roasted and ground coffee. I used to drink Maxwell House house-blend ground coffee all the time, it was my favorite. ITS not my favorite. I asked a stock person once and they told me that they no longer carry that product. And then I decided to go on the internet and look for allergies. It worked for the smell, but not for the nausea. Memories as a child---I loved smelling that just poured coffee at my Mom's bridge parties, would go & smell that wonder aroma that waifed from the cup before she added her cream and sugar. Yumm! Wtf is in that jar?! Usually don't buy it except once in a while. No more Maxwell House for me. Last week at Kroger purchased one and seal was broken and coffee smelled burnt. bake coffee cakes? What the hell. i was feel woozy, lightheaded and nauseous. Thanks. Good to the last drop?? I was thinking it was something wrong with our coffee machine or water. I am so glad that I decided to look online about this My partner and I both noticed a weird smell after purchasing and using Maxwell house grounded coffee. Because if I don't have the coffee I start feeling better. I mix it with the decaf and have it twice a day. Not sure what has changed but something sure has!! For me, it gave me anxiety, made me feel like something was wrong when there wasn't, I couldnt sit still, or feel calm which is weird cuz my morning cup usually calms me and gets me looking forward to starting the day. I switched from Folgers to maxwell house 5 days ago and I have been having bad headaches every since. Purchased another box at a different store. I drank Maxwell House instant whenever I didn't have time to brew something else, but when I returned from my last long trip abroad I was shocked at the difference in just three years. I would get extreme sharp, shooting stomach pains,chills,sweating, and diarrhea. One of my elders (who was a Luzziane coffee salesman in his day) told me that the quality of the beans in Folgers and Maxwell house are poor , and that they are old and on the verge of rotting when they process them and that they add artificial preservatives in order to make them last just a pinch longer. I used Maxwell House Lite for years and really enjoyed it. This sudden rise to fame was a result of an extremely catchy jingle featuring the phrase the best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup.. It was without a doubt the worse cup of coffee I have ever had. MAXWELL HOUSE. I'm definitely weaning myself off it. I bought Folgers Coffee because it went on sale. UPC 043000702154. Just be careful when drinking blends, as they are usually high in robusta beans, and could be packing more of a caffeine boost than you were expecting. Lucky to have local roasters close by. Even the smell is different. It is .not as good as it used to be. I'm 53 and admit that I was totally addicted. There is something very, very wrong with this picture. I drink my coffee black and use distilled water. I'm not a Starbucks fan but their PIke isn't bad, the House Blend is ok. Just stay away from all Maxwell House, Flogers & generic store brand coffee. I'm not a Starbucks fan but when visiting our daughter it's what they drink & it's a G-Zillion times better than any of the other Smuckers (Folgers) or Kraft brands (Maxwell House, McCafe included). Shop Ground Coffee Wake Up Roast and read reviews at Walgreens. Wont be buying MWH again, as I see C/S doesnt reply. Sometimes I felt a little sick after drinking some. It's definitely Maxwell House. Any price and availability information displayed on Amazon.com at the time of purchase will apply to . My research shows Folgers buys coffee from Vietnam and other areas where insecticdes are being used. Quit drinking it & haven't been sick since????? Publix has it B1G1 every few weeks, so I stock up when they do. My parents drank Maxwell House instant coffee, and from the 1970s onward, I did too. has been causing stomach discomfort on and off also, very sad. And if you are old enough to remember the REAL smell of coffee, it is obvious that coffee has changed tremendously. I have been drinking maxwell house for over 30years. I too, have noticed a big change in MH coffee. It's too bad, because it tastes pretty good. i'll keep you posted. The very first time I drank Maxwell 7 years ago I was fine. Maxwell House has not gone bad. We have purchased 100% Colombian for a decade and our very satisfied with the consistent good taste. Headaches in and out of restroom. So bad I almost threw up! ALSO important is your preferred roast level---some like medium roasts while others like dark to very roasts. So I guess they HAVE cheapened everything. I have always preferred whole bean small batch coffees and I drink folgers or the costco/kirkland brand when my budget doesn't allow for fancy beans. I feel better minus headache, stomach cramps. And the smell is not even appealing. I switched to Maxwell House, and no problem. Like the smell of a charbroiled steak, when you open a great container of dark roast coffee, you know that something special is locked inside that grind. Nutrition Facts. I have come to the conclusion that the people at MH must not drink their own coffee, because they would never make it taste so bad if they did. I bought a jar 11/30 at foodtown in Ocean NJ. So I looked up Maxwell House and other people getting sick and Wallah there it is. I buy the bag of whole beans and grind them fresh. I too drank Maxwell house for years. But I'm not taking any chances, I now bring my own organic coffee to work and brew it separately in a french press. Related: Blonde Espresso VS Regular Espresso. take a look and tell me i'm wrong i know in the past few years, there was an 'arabica shortage'--but it has reversed, though the coffee has not. The first taste I thought was off but I needed coffee. Wished Maxwell House would just own up to whatever they have done to their coffee. We have noticed after immediately drinking coffee from last few cans my wife and I felt extremely nauseated and had to immediately use the bathroom. Done drinking coffee:(. The big brands have become very inconsistent in quality and no bitterness. Stumbled across this site and found I wasn't the only person. My husband purchased a can of Yuban from Costco. They were greasy which they never are. I systematically eliminated products I was using on my face and the rash continued. Used the same formula of coffee: water as with other brands and noticed lack of an odor during brewing as the first clue. My symptoms started in 2005-ish. I have been drinking Folgers coffee for years but the last few months of 2015 I noticed that my coffee didn't taste good anymore and everytime I drank it I would feel nauseated and my stomach would get upset. When I returned to home, I started right in on my Maxwell and my headaches returned. My worst cup of Maxwell House will be better than any other brand out there. Anyone else notice that hills brothers and other similar brands float in the filter much more than the slightly more expensive brands? Plus special updates from the Coffee Detective Coffee Store. I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing our Folgers coffee not tasting near as good as it used to. okay, my husband and i are so glad to have found this message board. I'm glad to see I am not the only one that has an issue with maxwell house. For many years, decaf coffee has had a bad reputation because decaf producers used the easy bean, resulting in a dreadful cup of coffee. Taste of course also varies per nose? I usually drink Chock Full O'Nuts Coffee, but bought Folgers since it was on sale. To me it seems to taste harsh. In the meantime I was wondering what I may have eaten that gave me stomach issues. The meeting resulted in a business partnership, which eventually led to the founding of the J.A. Maxwell House original roast round instant coffee is available in a lightweight, easy-open jar. I wrote it off as nothing as this was new to me. Maxwell House is certified Kosher and is naturally decaffeinated. The aftertaste stays with you for hours. Even the off brands. I see that these are all old posts, but just on a whim I typed in "Maxwell House coffee making me sick" on the Internet.I couldn't believe all that popped up! Most authorities consider robusta beans to be mere fillers as they have a bitter, rather flat taste. They label the can "NEW LOOK" and sneak in a reduction in size of 11%. My coffee pot is clean. So, we've already discussed the Folgers vs Maxwell House coffee rivalry. I have to turn the table and say that I bought a container of Original recently. Currently, Maxwell House Coffee is owned by Kraft Heinz. Maximus coffee is horrible. looks like some of the comments related to mine are in the past 30-60 days. I've been drinking Maxwell Lite for years and the taste was so good no one could tell it was half-caff! If youre a strong coffee fan, consider laying in a store of individual filter packs of this milder flavor product for guests. Thought it was just me. CT scan nothing. Both the brands mostly taste the same, however, people prefer Maxwell house for its stronger aroma and flavors. I smell good coffee when I open the plastic cans, I make sure my machine is clean, and sanitized, with vinegar water by filling it and brewing it. Folgers has held the title of America's number one budget coffee brand ever since. After 3 weeks of total misery it took less than 2 days i was back to normal. There are conversations about it, too (see attached) but none have been recalled to date. (NOTE) I have NEVER suffered with headachesless than a handful in a lifetime so far for methe big joke in our family is that if mom ever starts having headaches then something will be wrongnow on with the coffee problems Had several K-cups of MH and it was quite good. It is very different and horrible! Love my Maxwell Coffee as it was "good to the last drop". I too have noticed a change in the taste of a Maxwell House coffee product. Thank you to my fellow Mountaineer for this site! Well, the last can of Yuban has the same earmarks. . Over the years, I've tried my own coffee brands and because of my love for coffee (my association to my dad when he was alive), and even becme a barista at one point. Good bye Maxwell House. I seriously thought I was dying. I have been drinking Maxwell House coffee for over 20 years. I noticed a stronger, bitter flavor in the last 2 cans. So at work we serve Maxwell house original. I decided to buy & try the Maxwell House Coffee reduced acid about a month ago. I get severe fatigue and a burning sensation in my throat and upper chest, no doubt in my mind whatsoever Maxwell House coffee is responsible. Someone send a health inspector to MH's filthy factory. What a difference it made and even my husband likes it much better. (it is not expired either). Read on to find out which coffees came out on top. Good while it lasted. Politics It seemsare in every nook & cranny of our everyday life.I for one will be doing my research on exactly who owns and controls the FOOD sold to the TRUSTING SHEEPLE IS THE DEEP STATE AT WORK AGAIN? This one seems good and tastes Similar to Choc Full o Nuts- (made by Maxwell House as well)? The tasted makes me think it has some cardboard in it somehow. I personally I have tried every brand of maxwell house and folgers lately because it is what we are used to buying, coffee still tasted bad, bought three different coffee pots, and used filtered water, coffee still is bad. After reading so many of these comments I understand the issue, Greed for Money! She said the Yuban is still 100% arabica. Why don't you people from MH try that? Today I drank half a cup,for the first time in a long time. Coffee is a stomach irritant, some people are more sensitive to it than others and gets more severe with age, and can actually happen like a light switch. Sign up for occasional newsletters about the best coffees and brewing equipment. I accused my hubby of slipping in some other brand or type. UGH just as bad as the first. Mr. Cheek was born in rural Kentucky in 1862 and moved to Nashville at age 21. Haven't heard results of testing yet, but my local store pulled that batch from shelves just to be safe. 28. By ten it was influencing my conversation. I am the only coffee drinker in the house and found it easy. Mr. Folger searched the hills for gold for several years without much success, and eventually decided to abandon his quest. Now I'm okay to do so. Sure you want Taste or Aroma? From decaf to dark roast, each coffee processor offers a great quality product for those who have that particular taste preference. I am going to see how to have it tested. I've used Yuban for many years and never gotten a stale can , until maxwell house bought the brand and started packaging in paper can with foil tops. When examined further, the coffee does not even resemble coffee at all, and could be, for all I know, ground nut shells/hulls or even wood shavings bathed in artificial cinnamon who knows what! And the smell alone was horrendous!! I truly think the Maxwell House makes me feel bad and I do not know why. Maxwell House is a popular coffee brand across the country. We brew this in a Bunn Coffee Brewer. Sorry, it's just that BAD! They are owned by Tata corporation,look it up. No. I brewed the coffee like normal expecting that great coffee taste. We only drank instant, same now, as I don't drink enough coffee to brew a pot of coffee. well that jar went to the garbage. This is also the time when I switched to drinking Folgers instant coffee. Now I know that I am not alone. Don't buy this crap. 56. None of these even smell like coffee anymore! If it makes you sick then now you know why. oz. I'm calling the FDA Monday !!! In the last week hubby now has the rash as well now. For many many years it was 1 tsp. I said I will give my unopened coffee away at the food bank.Years ago I bought $1 small packages at a dollar store of all places,which was a really good tasting coffee.That is it,no more Max for me,I think large corporations cannot be trusted. Went from 39oz to 34.5oz and now they 've reduced it to 30.6oz & taken the! 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