In 1971, Oakland Athletics owner, Charles Finley introduced Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry, two local teenagers from Oaklands Bishop ODowd High School stationed along the Oakland Coliseum foul lines fielding foul balls and, between innings, serving the umpires lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. In 72, it was Vida Blues holdout for higher pay. Mostly, they cherished a cast of quirky, brawling, and high-caliber players like Vida Blue, Catfish Hunter, Rollie Fingers and others. But Vida knew he could get more.. Before I ban anybody I also report them to voy as spam. The standoff went on for six weeks, with dwindling attendance in Blues absence crippling the team. (, We should open our own funeral home and give people a contract before they die so they can be dressed and made up how they'd want to be. IMDB lists Norah Baring having had died Feb. 8 1985 from natural causes. MAJOR prayers headed your way! and the lovely Betty Jane Rhodes? Book details As on-field glory, clubhouse drama, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Chart: Bay Area rainfall totals for this week. The teams mule mascot, Charlie O., won fans oddly fervent devotion that Barry still feels, but cant explain. Also, thank you to everyone who once participated in the board, making it as popular as it was back in the day. In 1971, Mary Barry dressed in hot pants and took her position near first base, scooping up foul balls and attention from fans and national media as an Oakland A's ball girl and one of the first . (. (, I had to clean coffee off my monitor. He was in the hospital with pneumonia and had a heart attack trying to breathe. Which made one member of the audience ask during a Q&A why as a teen born in 1961 and growing up in the Bay Area, he was the only one of his friends who followed the As. Billy is a fave of mine and hubby's. It'll be his first round of Ramona. I had the time wrong. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Anyone know the whereabouts of actress Carol Ohmart?? Things are bad physically and financially so I haven't been around but love ya. (, Does anyone know what became of Actress Rosella Towne ? Missy Jo, you have my prayers and love during this trying time. David was ref in Fritz Von Erich's WCCW in the 1980s. I recommend You're welcome! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (, You haven't abandoned anything or anybody! I watched them every. Jean, I watched them on cable out of Dallas. The Athletics defeated the Mariners 4-3. I hope she is getting better every day. I was born and raised in Oakland I just know I was part of an era when it was exciting to be paid by Finley, to get free tickets for our families.. We have even fought hard to defend your privacy in legal cases; however, we've done it with almost no financial support -- paying out of pocket to continue providing the service. Kevin Von Erich -- Surviving Von Erich brother. Love the 'Birds also. I was scared of Gary but will miss him. I think it's unfair of Barbara to accuse you of being a troll, and she never answered why she said that, and delted my message defending you (, Thanks - I think. Why was there no geographic loyalty? the man asked. Not sure what you're talking about, since I know Barbara would never call me a troll. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? I've sent you an e-mail. No more than 7 images from any single MLB game, workout, activity or event may be used (including online and on apps) while that game, activity or event is in progress. Yes, that is her name! (, Wrestling Manager Gary Hart has died 03/17/2008 at age 48. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUSTIN!!!!! (, Thank you, Ms. Kathy. How wonderful! A research firm he hired to study it repeated the message, but he was an iconoclast and ignored the information. The teams mule mascot, Charlie O., won fans oddly fervent devotion that Barry still feels, but cant explain. Where is actress Catherine Burns?? Gotta hurry to post this, power keeps flicking on and off, even though there's not a cloud in the sky. But Finleys oddities and frugality didnt guarantee prosperity; it often hurt the team and fans, according to Turbow. But fans need not worry that As history will be lost. We are one of the few services online who values our users' privacy, and have never sold your information. Our storms weren't too bad here as compared to further south. Joe Pichler - Missing since January 2006. (. Is the vulgar anti-Tesla sign on my neighbors truck illegal? (. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. (, It's not my board, it's Missy-Jo's, I just help her. He made me cry in "Little Children." (, You're welcome. Whatever Happened To Former Oakland A's BallgirlMary Barry, Whatever Happened to Former Oakland A's Ballgirl Mary Barry, Pro Wrestlers Dr. Death Steve Williams and Jake The Snake Roberts, Thanks, David. I find it odd they didnt capture the imagination of Northern California. I'm okay, but family health problems abound, Yep, I'm grossly underappreciated at home. (. Along with each 1970s championship season, a major off-field drama developed. (. During the interview for the job, Finley asked Barry to name her favorite ball player. Also, thank you to everyone who once participated in the board, making it as popular as it was back in the day. (, Abel Fernandez - a star of "The Untouchables", Abel Fernandez - a star of "The Untouchables", Best thoughts and prayers to you Missy-Jo (, Thanks y'all and thanks to Kathy for keeping the board going. Can you e-mail me your snail addy again please? Hi again Missy Jo! Oakland Athletics ball girls Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry. (, friends remember him both in and out of the ring. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Woo Hoo! Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? A research firm he hired to study it repeated the message, but he was an iconoclast and ignored the information. Besides facing health issues of her own, Missy-Jo sadly lost her husband to a massive heart attack in June of this year. If Missy-Jo decides she wants to resume operations, she or I will open it back up. (Photo by Michael Zagaris/Oakland Athletics/Getty Images), 3456 x 5184 px (11.52 x 17.28 in) - 300 dpi - 6 MB. Schwarz said that after the negotiations were resolved, Blue was uncharacteristically bitter and would complain about pitching while icing his arm and talking to the media. Not a whole lot of people will remember where I live. Flash forward to 2017, the Pleasant Hill professional massage therapist dresses more conservatively, but is no less enamored by her favorite Bay Area team. Mommy loves you, Bubby. With all you've gone through, it's understandable. Wonderful that Barbara is improving! Pam, did you by chance mean Pamelyn Ferdin, who played Felix Unger's daughter on "The Odd Couple" and was in tons of teen stuff? Other costly mistakes involved scapegoating second baseman Mike Anders for a team loss, refusing to comply with contract terms for Catfish Hunter a mess that ultimately set the stage for todays free agency and opening only one ticket booth, resulting in long lines for fans. All picks and predictions are suggestions only. In the 2000s, most traumatic for fans like Barry are undoubtedly the teams lack of postseason winning play and the were-leaving-were-staying, back-and-forth headlines. (. (, Found out today that Mary Brodel Russom passed away on June 3, 2015 @ 98. Finley hired then 14-year-old Barry and her best friend, Debbi Sivyer, a fellow Bishop ODowd student to generate publicity. ( NT) -- jlp, Fri December 16, 2016 5:00pm CST. jlp- I can't believe it! I got one 3 days after my birthday in 1989; great gift. (, By the way, Kathy, you and yours have my prayers and love. Joining an audience at a Distinguished Speaker Series presentation at the Lafayette Library to hear best-selling Oakland sportswriter Jason Turbow introduce his new book about the As, Dynastic, Bombastic, Fantastic, Barry said after the event, Im still an As fan.. Jay Ray is doing great, by the way! I do the same, but I don't know how much good it'll do when they use anonymouse (, If it's OK with Kathy, it's OK with me if y'all want to post obits here too. Finley offered $50,000 for 72, the highest salary ever for a second-year player, Turbow said. (. I'll see if I can find anything else. That didnt hurt either.. (, Good grief - I've been here I don't know how many times, and just now saw this message lol I'll e-mail you in a few (, Happy 5th birthday tomorrow to my precious Eric Owen. (. Turbow said there were two reasons: Finley had been told the Bay Area already had the Giants and wasnt a two-team market. Finley hired then 14-year-old Barry and her best friend, Debbi Sivyer, a fellow Bishop ODowd student to generate publicity. (, Added a bit of holiday color - Missy-Jo, if you don't like it, go ahead and change it. I don't know why I always thought that, I haven't kept up..please tell mewhere is, He turned out to be the troll who was causing so much trouble on the Obits board, Feeling better today, but Sunday night I was in tears, DannyI think I found her address..I emailed it to you. (Note: We are still technically a for-profit company, so your
(, Actress Jo Aann Sayers aka Miriam Lucille Lilygren Born: 10/22/1918 (, Thanks to Lordhelmut From StarTiger found and posted a contact address!! That was the background I used on the obit board when I first set it up. You'll be up again in a couple of hours, so don't get too excited about it. ~Kathy. But fans need not worry that As history will be lost. Good luck Jerry. I'm still planning to contact you via past stuff. I'm assuming she is still married to R. Marx. In 1971, Oakland Athletics owner, Charles Finley introduced Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry, two local teenagers from Oakland's Bishop O'Dowd High School stationed along the Oakland Coliseum foul lines fielding foul balls and, between innings, serving the umpires lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. So very sorry to hear all of this. (. Cookie Notice Love you too! But Vida knew he could get more.. (. All I found was a bio on Wiki (inside), that doesn't tell a whole lot. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She's a favorite of Hubby & me. Ultimately, it was because he never integrated with his team into the fabric of the community, Turbow said. A really happy Thanksgiving this year! Feedback: Since no one has been using it for its intended purpose, I am closing the board, at least temporarily. The cute pair was clad in tight white shorts, green or gold fitting shirts (depending on the uniform of the team for the game), gold knee socks and white shoesin an era when the majority of other major league teams relied on wiry teenage boys to field foul balls on the playing field ball boys, on the other hand, are rarely seen wearing tight shorts. As for trolling, Thanks for keeping the peace, Kathy. (, Sheriff concludes wrestler Chris Benoit murder-suicide probe, Maybe now Mr. Benoit's and his wife's families can get some closure. Outside of the Oakland Athletics ball girls, the best-known ballgirl in major league history may well be Marla Collins, who in 1986 was dismissed after she removed her Cubs uniform to pose nude for Playboy. Mostly, they cherished a cast of quirky, brawling, and high-caliber players like Vida Blue, Catfish Hunter, Rollie Fingers and others. He shot out ideas right and left: designated hitter, colorful uniforms but he also pushed for an orange ball. Innovations that stuck included night World Series games and opening the series on a Saturday. Why's it so FOGGY in here???" With crazy stats so unprecedented that opposing teams would have Vida Blue Days to milk the financial rewards of a special promotion when the As came to town a 24-8 record, 1.82 ERA, 301 strikeouts the Cy Young and MVP award-winning pitcher in 71 earned only $14,500. Sisters to Actress Joan Leslie? He had remarried. I need to learn not to have a mouthful of anything when I read things you write ~grin~ (, Thanks for linking to Jackie, Kat. (, As of 2012 she was alive I contacted her in Florida and she autographed a photo for me. Hi Pam! Norah Baring, Dorothy Layton,Dorothy Dare,Hazel Hayes,Ann Hovey?? (, You're welcome! (, Found Betty Jane Rhodes and Jo Ann Sayers!! Where is my youth? I have no idea why he came to mind, out of the blue like that, Gordie and Don are both in their mid 80's and live in their home province of Ontario, Canada and, Thanks for the info, Loretta! If Missy-Jo decides she wants to resume operations, she or I will open it back up. Sivyer had a habit of serving cookies to the umpires between innings that led to her opening a small cookie shop in Palo Alto in 1977. That really cost him.. I'm doing well. WEH2 Richard Marx and his wife? (1972 photo by Ron Riesterer) (, It's your board - whatever you say goes. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER. I was born and raised in Oakland I just know I was part of an era when it was exciting to be paid by Finley, to get free tickets for our families.. To write most of the book, Turbow interviewed former players conducting interviews in rental cars, home offices and with Dick Green in sub-zero weather near Mount Rushmore and sports journalists like Schwarz, historians, and Finleys son, Paul Finley. Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? Boy, he's growing. But Finleys oddities and frugality didnt guarantee prosperity; it often hurt the team and fans, according to Turbow. Love y'all bunches. No one should expect to make money from the picks and predictions discussed on this website. Her board seems to be down. He's 14 lb 9 oz now. As soon as I deleted one another would appear. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. Sent you an e-mail on Facebook, girlfriend. (. He never moved here from Chicago. 17K views, 383 likes, 39 loves, 51 comments, 54 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Oakland Athletics: Last weekend, Major League Baseball's first ballgirls returned to the Coliseum to throw out the. Happy Holidays, Kathy and everyone who comes to "our" board. You're SURE, and positively know this? (, Grad to report after 7 years I along with some help have located Joan Leslie sisters Mary and Betty and obtained their autographs. So was Chris Kattan on SNL as her "brother Kippy." The Athletics defeated the Mariners 4-3. Welcome Jayden! (, Just came here to post about my cousin and now this? (, Be sure to check out Heroes of World Class and the WWE's WCCW DVDs. She Whatever became of actor Sean Garrison? I love you, Grandma. (. (, Ditto sister. Thanks. (. (, Hey Jackass, when did barbara call Kathy a troll. I'm happy he's so successful. VonErich autographs and old WCCW merchandise, Kevin, I've found some on eBay but I never win the auctions. Really? (, Happy Birthday Eric Owen and may everyday be HAPPY!!! I don't know about the how, but according to one source I found, the when was July 27, 1999. Explain, please. During the interview for the job, Finley asked Barry to name her favorite ball player. (. Some stories were cut to pare the book down to 140,000 words. That's the beauty of being a paid member editing! (, Betty was still alive as of August 2015, as I got an autographed photo then. (. Collect, curate and comment on your files. I was wondering what ever happened to actress Pamela Ferdinand? Harriette Cole: I don't want the neighbor's kids at my house, Dear Abby: My wife said she doesn't like it, but it's part of my life, Ask Amy: I feel guilty for not speaking up about my co-worker's activities, Ask Amy: I'm your cabin housekeeper, and you apparently have no idea what I do. 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