Cosel fell in love with her despite the fact that she was legally married. It can be awakened. Separated from Elena, he used a death mask to create a life . He showered her with luxurious treats, hoping that Elena would accept his hand in marriage. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. Elena was the daughter of local cigar maker Francisco "Pancho" Hoyos (18831934) and Aurora Milagro (18811940). Resend Activation Email. A History of the Ottonian Dynasty The Rise of a Noble Family to the Death of the Dynasty and the 5 Great Kings of the Ottonians, Perceptions of Ottoman Military Slavery: Orientalism & the Zanj Rebellion, Science, Religion, and Racism in Philadelphia: the Impacts of the Works of Samuel Morton and Charles Darwin in Philadelphia during the mid-1800s, The Battle of Chaffins Farm: A Trial By Fire for the Unions Black Troops, British Signals Intelligence and the Shortening of World War Two. He also made countless proposals of marriage towards Elena, starting the night her older sister Florinda Nana Medina (1906 1944) was wed. Elenas mother protested and kicked Tanzler out of the family home (Tanzler von Cosel 1947, Harrison 1996, Sloan 2012). He was charged with wantonly and maliciously destroying a grave and removing a body without authorization, but the statute of limitations saved him from prosecution. Lust: a lover kills a rival for his/her object of desire; the thrill-killer who murders people because he gains a sexual payoff. By all appearances, she was an attractive dark haired beauty queen who often wore red roses in her hair, drawing the attention of strangers who desired to photograph and court her. Maria Elena Milagro De Hoyos Birth 31 Jul 1909. For nearly 22 years, she had been the focus of his life, alive or dead. There is a problem with your email/password. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. All right reserved. The first of many details was revealed by Dr. Julio DePoo in 1972. Death . She was never able to unearth her sisters gravesite Carl Von Cosel was eager to show Elenas sister Elena himself. Normally you dont get any new information [about the story]. He dressed her corpse in a wedding gown after stuffing her body cavity with rags. However, he never gave up on his one true love. Tanzler tried his best to cure Hoyos. Tuberculosis was one of the most prominent causes of death at the time and cigar factories like where Elenas father worked was where the disease was spreading. Bizzarrepedia All he had to do was find her. Interested in learning more about the most haunted places on the Island? The Living Doll of Key West: Elena Hoyos & Count Von Cosel. In 2003, two bands released their musical interpretations of the Tanzler story, In 2008, the Swedish band ChansoNoir released the EP. She was only 22. The middle of three daughters to a cigar maker and homemaker, Elena had a beauty that didn't go unnoticed. The Key West Citizen, 15 Aug. 1952, p. 1 + 4, Perez, B. [1], On April 22, 1930, while working at the Marine Hospital in Key West, Tanzler met Maria Elena "Helen" Milagro de Hoyos (19091931), a local Cuban-American woman who had been brought to the hospital by her mother for an examination. This went on for two years. He once shouted at her parents, Will you take the responsibility to let your daughter die through your stupidity? (p. 32) and on finding their new residence recalled, if anyone had tried to stop me [from entering], I think, I would have used violence (p.28). But thats easier said than done, right? April October 2019., C. Coulson J. Thompson S. + Bonner, S. An Intentional Aconite Overdose: A Case Study. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? As the hair fell out of Elena's decomposing scalp, Tanzler fashioned a wig from her hair, which he had previously obtained from her mother. The findings of which were most prominently reproduced in an episode of HBOs Autopsy series: I found a tube [in Elenas vagina] wide enough to permit sexual intercourse. Surprisingly, a psychiatric evaluation by the court found Carl to be mentally competent. Three years later a Cuban-American woman by the name of Maria Elena Milagro De Hoyos, was brought to the hospital by her mother for examination. Some asked if Key West could seal Elena within a glass case as a permanent exhibit. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. 17 Feb. 2017,, Michelfelder, W. Floridas Dr. Frankenstein and His Love Laboratory. While working at the U.S. Marine Hospital, on April 22, 1930, Carl Tanzler came face to face with the woman of his dreams. You cant turn the channel. Back to Carl: despite being in his 50s and resembling Sigmund Freud, he did not inhibit himself from making strong advances towards young Maria. (1996). . Failed to remove flower. Florida, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1823-1982, Florida, U.S., Marriage Indexes, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001, Your Scrapbook is currently empty. More than two years had already passed since Elena's death and her body had shown all the normal signs of decomposition. I dont know, I didnt hear such criticism and snarky comments when Juan Peron did it. He adopted his official nickname, Count Carl von Cosel. In 1931, Dr. Carl Tanzler fell in love with a patient he was treating for tuberculosis. The list is numerous and was all justified by Tanzler in the name of love. He lost time trying all doctors in town but none at home. If youre craving for a new Lifetime movie to watch, look no further. To his absolute horror, Elenas putrefied body had begun to deteriorate. Tanzler would quickly take advantage of this privilege, which would result in one of the most macabre tales of all time. There, she found what she believed to be a life-sized effigy of her departed sister. Key West put her corpse on display. Count Carl Tanzler von Cosel by Flagler / Florida KeysPublic Librariess photostream / Flickr / CC BY 2.0. But the curious began wondering why Von Cosel visited her night after night and when his visits stopped all assumed he had died. Tanzler, with his self-professed medical knowledge, attempted to treat and cure Elena with a variety of medicines, as well as X-ray and electrical equipment, that were brought to the Hoyos' home. Maria Elena Milagro Hoyos (1909 1931), more commonly referred to as Elena, was the middle born Cuban-American child of Francisco Hoyos (1883 1934) and Aurora Milagro (1881 1940) in Key West, Florida. The public mood was generally sympathetic to Tanzler, whom many viewed as an eccentric "romantic". The email does not appear to be a valid email address. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine, vol. Maria Elena lies in some unmarked Floridian grave, in an 18 inch casket. Harrison (1996) adds that Countess damsel (what the Ct. d. stood for) is not an actual title, just something again self-created by Tanzler to further tie Elena and himself together. On October 25, 1931, Elena died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-two. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Survivors include her daughter, Susan McKee, Zephyrhills; two sons, Jon Clendening, Portland, Oregon, and Gary Clendening, Hallowell, Maine; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She also received x-rays, which is when she met her radiologist, Carl Von Cosel. Tanzler, an eccentric character, carried himself with a high sense of self-importance. Tanzler was not even with Elena at the time she died. + Sloan, D.L. The jig was up, and authorities confiscated the corpse. Sympathists flocked to Von Cosel, excusing his bizarre behavior as an act of love. Carl had basically abandoned his wife and children, and was more content living with a dead body than a live woman. He had her coffin lined with formaldehyde and other preserving agents, and had a special key made for himself so he could come and go as he pleased. This is a time where there are many cases in the media coming out about victims having suffered clandestine abuse from people in positions of power, especially of women by men in the media industries of music and movies, but also in educational and religious institutions. Carl Tanzler administered these treatments in Hoyos family home, showering her with gifts and declaring his love all the while. He was devastated. Fantastic Adventures, Sep. 1947, pp.10 69. Strong words from a man who was already technically rejected by Maria several times. Tanzler immediately recognized her as the beautiful dark-haired woman that had been revealed to him in his earlier "visions. Marias two sisters would later go on to die of tuberculosis, and her brother-in-law died while trying to save a construction worker from electrocution. And make sure to watch out for her new upcoming podcast Seven Deadly Sinners!Rachel O'brien ComedyFor a great article on this case written by one of our listeners, Addison Nugent, check it out on!The Woman of his Dreams Died, But He Didn't Let That Pull Them ApartThanks to our sponsors!Pretty LitterGet the worlds smartest litter without leaving home by visiting and use promo code MORBID for 20% off your first order. You are only allowed to leave one flower per day for any given memorial. Elena remained with Carl Von Cosel for seven years. They were comforted by his invention, hoping that perhaps Elena could survive. It seemed to be someone admitting to killing someone. Tanzler was evidently consumed by obsessive lust for Elena. Aconite is a plant native to Northern Asia and Europe. It was the biggest media frenzy of its day. (LogOut/ All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. He asked if he could have Elenas body returned to him. While no existing contemporary photographs of the autopsy or photographs taken at the public display show a tube, the necrophilia claim was repeated by the HBO Autopsy program in 1999.[10]. Go to What he did next is unthinkable, and he never really paid a price for it.Join Ash, Alaina and special guest, comedian Rachel O'brien, as we dig deep into Karl's crazy world. He loved her, but no evidence has surfaced to confirm that Hoyos reciprocated his love. Her father had driven home at breakneck speed instead of driving to the nearby hospital, where we doctors might have saved her life (p.34). Tanzler went by many names; he was listed as Georg Karl Tnzler on his German marriage certificate. One even died from diphtheria whilst these events were unfolding (Harrison 1996, Sloan 2012). In 2009, Mike Glendinning released two songs inspired by Tanzler's story, "Elena" and "Dust Off My Bride," on his "Psychotic America: Lullabies & Necrophilia" album. People would spot him dancing with a woman behind closed curtains inside his laboratory. He reportedly said that Elenas spirit would come to him when he would sit by her grave and serenade her corpse with a favorite Spanish song. He was proud of the excellent attention hed given to her preservation and thought mistakenly that Elenas sister would feel the same. Which theory do you think best explains the Iraq War? Her name was Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos. Carl Tanzler actually received quite a bit of compassion during his trial, with some even viewing him as a hopeless albeit eccentric romantic. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. Elenas doctors decided to not disclose possibly the most disturbing discovery they had made until after Carls death. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Sorry! Why, you are old enough to be my grandfather. [1][8], One evening in April 1933, Tanzler crept through the cemetery where Elena was buried and removed her body from the mausoleum, carting it through the cemetery after dark on a toy wagon, and transported it to his home. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. Even though people agreed Tanzler committed a crime, many members of the public felt sympathetic towards him. Maria was married at the age of 16 to a man named Luis Mesa, who abandoned her after she miscarried their child. In 1940, it was finally over. Tanzler became enamored with her, and took an overly keen interest in her care, despite not having any idea on how to treat tuberculosis. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Learn how your comment data is processed. Harrison, B. She was still so young. Key West, Monroe County, Florida, USA. The town's people crowded the funeral parlor, eager to see the macabre curiosity. Learn more about merges. She had two sisters, Florinda "Nana" Milagro Hoyos (19061944), who married Mario Medina (c.19051944) and also succumbed to tuberculosis; and Celia Milagro Hoyos (19131934). This relationship is not possible based on lifespan dates. She repeatedly told him he was too old for her and additionally, she was not yet divorced from her husband (Perez 1952, Harrison 1996, Sloan 2012, Meek 2017). According to Michelfelder (1982), Tanzler signed the cause on Elenas death certificate as [expiration] from a series of violent seizures clinically associated with dormant epilepsy (p.9). Meek, M. 610: Grand Gestures. She reported him to the police, and Carl was arrested. He allegedly professed his love for her and showered her with gifts, but there's no record of her ever returning his sentiments. [12][13] An article written by Michelfelder in 1982 tells of how renovation workers found a note allegedly written by Tanzler, confessing to have killed Elena by poisoning her:[13]. A Fresh Look at the Impacts and Relevance of Colonialism in Southeast Asia, Purposeless Polls: How Soviet Citizens RebelledAgainst a Regime that Rejected Open Communication. After he left Key West defeated, he returned to his wife and daughter in Zephyrhills, Florida. [1] In 1933, almost two years after her death, Tanzler removed Hoyos' body from its tomb, and lived with the corpse at his home for seven years until its discovery by Hoyos' relatives and authorities in 1940.[2]. A young black-haired Cuban woman and Tanzler met for the first time in 1930 in the Marine Hospital in Key West, Florida. In 1972, two doctors who were present at Marias 1940 autopsy recalled how Carl had inserted a paper tube into the corpses vaginal canal to facilitate intercourse. In any case, Hoyos was determined to have tuberculosis, which was deadly in those days. I thought you might like to see a memorial for Elena Hoyos I found on Her family agreed to let Tanzler attempt to treat her with various medicines, x-rays and other experimental cures. When this was ineffective, he contemplated relocating her remains to the stratosphere. It was there in 1930 that Tanzler met the woman he believed was the love of his life; Maria Elena Milagro de Hoyos. He did this, as needed, inside of an old airplane he had repurposed into a makeshift medical laboratory. She was graduate of Zephyrhills High School and a member of the Zephyrhills Alumni and Friends. Mesa left Elena shortly after she suffered a miscarriage of the couple's child, and moved to Miami. Learn more about managing a memorial . The obituary recounted: "a metal cylinder on a shelf above a table in it wrapped in silken cloth and a robe was a waxen image". Loathing. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Now two years deceased, Carl Tanzler was left with the task of maintaining Hoyos corpse. (2020) noted that the patient at one point suffered a seizure, much like how Michelfelder (1982) notes the police log where Elena experienced violent convulsions before her death (p. 9). Elena Hoyos died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-two. It motivated many of his actions from the day he met her to the day he died; giving her free and unproven medical treatments, naming his wingless plane after her, building the mausoleum, taking her body, trying to reconstruct and restore it to life, even using the tube for intercourse as Dr. DePoo revealed (a sexual payoff), publishing a memoir, being found dead with a wax replica. Human jealousy has robbed me of the body of my Elena, yet divine happiness is flowing through me, for she has survived death. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In April of 1930, the beautiful but doomed Elena Hoyos arrived at the Marine Hospital for blood tests. The following "Editorial Note" accompanying the autobiographical account "The Trial Bay Organ: A Product of Wit and Ingenuity" by "Carl von Cosel" in the Rosicrucian Digest[3] of March and April 1939, gives details about his stay in Australia before his internment during the Great War, as well as his subsequent return to Germany after the War:[4][5]. With pretty much the entire town talking about the reclusive man often seen buying womens clothing and perfume on top of one local boys account of witnessing the doctor dancing with what appeared to be a giant doll Hoyos family began to suspect that something was off. She was Methodist. [1] Tanzler received United States citizenship in 1950 in Tampa. Tanzler immediately recognized Hoyos as the woman from his dream. Ginsburg, Arthur, director. for a minute Elena was in unbearable pain, but her parents approved of Von Cosel's arrangement. He restored her corpse, then kept her cadaver for seven years. He would use this wig on Marias corpse, as the decomposition process had caused her hair to fall out. Little did they know, Elena, my darling, we are alone on this shore. Whats more, I do not love you. He became so persistent that we asked him to stay away from the house.. While there is not much written in the way of Tanzler feeling anything described as loathing towards Elena directly, (extreme disgust as per the Merriam-Webster dictionary), his relationship with her family was often very adversarial. Sources differ (Tanzler von Cosel 1947, Perez 1952, Michelfelder 1982, Swicegood 2003) on when exactly he did this but the more respected tellings of this story (Harrison 1996, Sloan 2012) state this occurred in 1933. Even his penetrating stare and vandyke beard cant distract you from his obsession with the hospitalized woman in his care. Tanzler was subsequently arrested on the charge of wantonly and maliciously destroying a grave and removing a body without authorisation so a hearing was held. On April 22, 1930, while working at the Marine Hospital, Tanzler met the one person in his life he had been searching for since he was 12 years old: his soulmate. Sloan, D,L. With the consent of her family, Carl paid for Marias funeral and erected an elaborate mausoleum for her corpse. He stuffed her body with rags, waxed the skin with plaster of Paris, and even fitted the face with glass eyes. The young woman's mother brought her in to see a doctor: at 21, she was dying of tuberculosis. Von Cosel robbed her body from the grave. Today's episode is dedicated to our Patron, Jacqueline! Elena was legally married to Mesa at the time of her death. But death was creeping up close and fast. How can these immense, unfounded claims be made? Hoyos body was finally buried in a new cemetery at Key West Cemetery. To add a flower, click the Leave a Flower button. He had her torso stuffed with rags in an attempt to preserve its original form, and he covered her scalp with bits of real hair. [1] Tanzler paid for her funeral, and with the permission of her family, he then commissioned the construction of an above ground mausoleum in the Key West Cemetery, which he visited almost every night. Maria Elena Milagro De Hoyos Birth 31 Jul 1909. The Mad Scientist of Key West. Those sensitive to spiritual energies claim that Elena Hoyos poltergeist haunts the funeral home of Bahama Lane. He thought of everything to make sure he could continue living with her corpsefor seven years! Carl Von Cosel decided that he was in love. Immortal Kisses Were His Goal. [8] Tanzler filled the corpse's abdominal and chest cavity with rags to keep the original form, dressed Elena's remains in stockings, jewelry, and gloves, and kept the body in his bed. Carls madness was discovered. Try again later. Together they had two children: Ayesha Tanzler (19221998), and Clarista Tanzler (19241934), who died of diphtheria.[7]. Tragically, de Hoyos died on October 25, 1931, at the age of 22. Before she died, Carl wrote in his journal how he had hopes that, despite the extensive damage, the lesions would heal again. [11], It has been written (most notably by Swicegood) that Tanzler had the bodies switched (or that Elena's remains were secretly returned to him), and that he died with the real body of Elena. This engraving with Elenas name can now be found at the Fort Martello Museum in Key West. He also built and interred Elena in an elaborate mausoleum, which he visited every night for two years, constantly bought gifts and even installed a telephone. Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. Unfortunately, this would be the beginning of many tragedies for Elena; she miscarried the child and gradually fell ill with a cough. He was listed as Carl Tanzler von Cosel on his United States citizenship papers, and he was listed as Carl Tanzler on his Florida death certificate. Most curiously, he had made a death mask of her face to preserve her beauty. He believed he had finally found her in Elena. From Cuba he settled in Zephyrhills, Florida, where his sister had already emigrated, and was later joined by his wife and two daughters. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. In Episode 44 of the NightMerica podcast, released 3rd February 2021, David L. Sloan gave an interview to Aaron Sagers about the story, and discusses an article he found in the Detective Cases magazine, published in 1982. His behaviour became too erratic to hold a job, and the hospital had found out he was stealing medical equipment from them. Hed left them to search for his soulmate, which he found in Elena Hoyos. Like some medieval wizard, Carl conjured up odd concoctions, potions, tonics, elixirs, and herbs in order to treat her TB. Autopsy 6: Secrets of the Dead. He decided to open her casket. Nevertheless, he went on to live out the rest of his days alone and died in his home in 1952, where he was discovered three weeks after his passing. He also claimed nine university degrees and self-titled himself Count von Cosel, taking the name of an alleged ancestor. Yet Carl Von Cosel was unable to resist peeking at Elena Hoyos. Shes not dying fast enough. On February 18, 1926, Elena married Luis Mesa (19081974), the son of Caridad and Isaac Mesa. After Hoyos sister showed up at Tanzlers home in 1940, the jig was up. His subsequent actions would be the ones that brought this story to public infamy. She attracted a fair share of admirers. At sixteen, she was married to Luis Mesa (1908-?) It is a great shame that someone of such beauty and character be made endure the travesties she went through in her brief life and even after it ended. Unfortunately for Carl, Maria did not reciprocate his romantic feelings, and turned down his proposals of marriage. Morrall, Dr. P. Murder and Society: why commit Murder? Criminal Justice Matters, 66:1, 2006, pp. You may not upload any more photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 20 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 30 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. One night in 1933, he snuck her body out from the mausoleum in a toy wheelbarrow, and took her home with him. Instead of a cure, she found a radiologist named Karl Tanzler who instantly became obsessed with her. [1], The story of Tanzler and Elena would be reproduced in pulp magazines in the years following his death, with various parties adding new details to the case. She was his soulmate, so he created a life-size doll from a death mask that closely resembled his favorite woman. He didnt see an issue with their differing ages or her nearly-dead, immobilized status. Maria Elena "Helen" Milagro de Hoyos (1909 - 1931) Photos: 4 Records: 23 Born in Key West, Monroe County, Florida on 31 July 1909 to Francisco "Pancho" Frank Hoyos and Aurora Sifontes. I mixed the root of wolfsbane (monkshood) with aconite diluted. What followed was an on-and-off relationship where Tanzlers medical treatments were accepted but his proposals of marriage were sidestepped. They found police logs from the period which described the aforementioned seizure, Tanzlers threat to Elenas father and testimonies from people in her neighbourhood that in the week before Elenas death, he had persuaded her to swallow double doses of his elixir, whichMichelfelder (1982) writes to have contained: 70 percent distilled water, 20 percent gold shavings, fruit favouring and just enough deadly poison to effect [sic] a slow death. Von Cosel visited her gravesite for two years, a mausoleum in Key Wests City Cemetery. He then placed Elena Hoyos on his canopied bed, serenading her with a small, church organ. Though the story is known and historical, not all of the events therein are common knowledge and thus, so too is the true extent of the indignity that Elena suffered. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Additionally, there is his threat towards Elenas father if there is not a wedding before Christmas, there will be a funeral (Michelfelder 1982, p.56) and his declaration to Perez that he would kill Elena if necessary (n.d., p 68). 15 Aug. 1952, p. 1 + 4, Perez, B spiritual claim... Beginning of many details was revealed by Dr. Julio DePoo in 1972 two bands released their musical of... Flower, click the leave a flower button that Elenas sister Elena himself not disclose possibly the most places. Lived and died and where they are buried 25, 1931, Dr. p. Murder Society... Elenas doctors decided to not disclose possibly the most disturbing discovery they had made a death of. Him as a hopeless albeit eccentric romantic Julio DePoo in 1972 from dream... I dont know, i didnt hear such criticism and snarky comments Juan..., showering her with gifts and declaring his love laboratory he once at! 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