On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. showSlug: 'the-officer-tatum-show', var node = Array.from(window.dataLayer).find(dlo => dlo[nodeName]); }, Early American Art and Material Culture. It is our job to defend it. Deans Award Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of . }, "Part of what we do at The Lincoln Project is make it OK. We want to make sure the message is clear: you are not alone. [14][15] Her IRS debt was subsequently paid in full and the lien removed. She accused Democratic state Senator Martha Fuller Clark of midwifing a "sanctuary of voter fraud" by allowing four out-of-state campaign volunteers to use her address for their voter registrations. April 8, 2022 Introducing The New Establishment for 2022. Trump lost New Hampshire by just 3,000 votes in 2016, and Jennifer Horn predicts he will lose it by a bigger margin on Nov. 3. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, it reads in part. Grant is also a successful entrepreneur. LINCOLN PROJECT'S RICK WILSON ACCUSED OF 'GASLIGHTING' AFTER FINALLY DENOUNCING JOHN WEAVER AMID SCANDAL. showSlug: 'america-first', }); hostSlug: 'hugh-hewitt', Riley: School Shootings Sensational but Rare, New PragerU Videos! "That didn't happen," Horn said. return s.domain.toLowerCase() == window.location.hostname.toLowerCase(); In 2010, she ran again and lost to Charles Bass in the Republican primary. hostSlug: 'officer-tatum', He also happened to be a long-time friend of Horn's, someone she admired and who helped her during her campaigns. domain: '', In high school she started working for her dad and CRN Digital Talk Radio. And as a former four time Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter, Grant provides a unique insight into media bias and how the mainstream media actually operates. After getting a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Public Relations from California State University Northridge, Jennifer had the opportunity to take on fill-in host duties on CRN's "PM Show.". But there was one thing the wife, mother of five and grandmother wasn't involved in: politics. Senior Practitioner Fellow Jennifer Horn led a virtual study group on "Political Parties as Institutions of Democracy" which met weekly for six weeks. Jennifer Horn grew up in the radio business. The day after the election, Republicans and Democrats will have plenty of philosophical and policy issues to continue to debate. embedKey: '5e814f4545e54e58ab62aeafceccc55f', Her words might seem especially damaging coming from someone inside the Republican Party, but perhaps more surprising than who wrote it, is when: 2011, almost a decade ago and more than 5 years before President Trump was elected. YSM Biobank. domain: '', embedValue: 'dbcda4b6-bcb6-4ab3-900a-7530b92eab09', Horn says they often tell her its her responsibility to protect the party. hostSlug: 'doug-collins', var show = Array.from(widgetIds).find(function (s) { 3,133 Followers, 1,548 Following, 756 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jennifer Horn (@jenniferhornradio) By Jennifer Horn. abPlayerWidgetIds: [ Agencies have five days to state their intent to enter the competition this year. Jennifer Horn. Jennifer Horn is the former chair of the New Hampshire Republican party, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project and an opinion contributor to USA Today. He's in great demand as a political and legal commentator, and has appeared on. Now Horn, a former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party and Republican Congressional candidate, has cofounded The Lincoln Project, a PAC deadset on publicly condemning Trump's actions. Jennifer is a voice over artist and has worked on several movies and commercials. . var playerEl = document.getElementsByClassName("ab-embedded-player-placeholder")[0]; Soon after, she caught the ear of nationally syndicated morning host, Doug Stephan. The Lincoln Project fired back in a statement, "Forty-eight hours ago, when the Lincoln Project was under attack from the Trump organization and their propaganda allies, Jennifer Horn, in . He's in great demand as a political and legal commentator, and has appeared on hundreds of television and radio programs. Horn, who is married to Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver, was accused of sending unwanted text messages to young men. Research Award Winner American College of Lifestyle Medicine. That's why she's voting for Biden this November, and even went so far as to resign from her GOP group, the Log Cabin Republicans, who endorsed Trump last summer. } The Lincoln Project fired back in a press release, accusing Horn of asking for a pay raise amid the organization's turmoil. //playerEl.setAttribute('data-embed-layout-url', 'https://embed2.audioburst.com/skins/safinder/player.html'); Unlimited access to all content on usatoday.com, Early access to commenting on select articles, The Daily Briefing, delivered to your inbox daily, Super Bowl All Rights Reserved. stationId: 22411 hostSlug: 'todd-starnes', She has 26 years of experience. The close to 50 videos they've released undermine Trump and describe what they call his presidential failures. ] var slug = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); embedKey: '7e5e5a0c49444d38896e0720c491abad', 3 Part Series on Marxism, Watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel, California Do not sell my personal information. She denied that she left the organization over the contract dispute. //playerEl.setAttribute('data-embed-value', `${embedValue}`); Venice, CA. Jennifer Horn. Program of Excellence Award for Family Medicine Interest Group American Academy of Family Physicians. Weaver, a founding member of the Lincoln Project,acknowledged three weeks ago in a statement to the website Axios that he had sent "inappropriate" messages he "viewed as consensual, mutual conversations at the time. Horn previously served as the chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party after two failed congressional bids. { stationId: 23693 She was creative, caring and comprehensive. Our American way of life is under attack. embedKey: '36209b5e981342d082e7a873c3926695', }); "But that doesn't mean it isn't time to do it," she said. scriptEl.dataset.embedKey = '90efe8e77ff4447786beec46a07c0c01'; Soon after, she caught the ear of nationally syndicated morning host, Doug Stephan. Jennifer Ashton got a happy surprise on New Year's Eve a proposal! domain: '', Jennifer Horn brings years of experience in local and national radio to The Morning Answer. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; var nodeName = "abPlayerWidgetIds"; and uncovers the importance portraiture held for newly freed African Americans who engaged in acts of iconoclasm and patronage. She is affiliated with medical facilities such as Community Medical Center and Morristown Medical Center. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility at GBH, Transparency in Coverage Cost-Sharing Disclosures. path = path.replace(/\/$/, '') showSlug: 'the-charlie-kirk-show', Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. ", One such tweet from President Trump falsely accuses Horn of being thrown out of the New Hampshire Republican Party.. embedKey: '1d93ba22cff34cdca41dd10e9e104f49', domain: 'thecharliekirkshow.com', Bennifer 2.0 is planning to take it to the altar. embedKey: 'bcd8840c3dd14a14ad9f858d390c31bb', } hostSlug: 'trish-regan', [1], In the 2008 campaign for representative for the second congressional district of New Hampshire, Horn ran against incumbent Paul Hodes. He has founded, bought and sold numerous businesses. domain: '', return [s.hostSlug, s.showSlug, s.podcastSlug].includes(slug.toLowerCase()) == true; domain: '', By Jennifer Horn. Governor: Dennis recommends Michael Shellenberger / Jennifer recommends Brian Dahle, Attorney General: Dennis recommends Nathan Hochman/ Jennifer recommends Eric Early, US Representative 31: Daniel Bocic Martinez, US Representative 34 Clifton Rio Torrado VonBuck, US Representative 46: Christopher Gonzales, US Representative 48: Darrell Issa embedValue: '593981eb-e43b-4f80-b646-9bb0b20102f2', Tucker is an intellectually uncurious, globally ignorant, snarky trust-fund baby with bad hair who will say and do anything for the approval Trump loyalists. Lincoln Project claims co-founder Jennifer Horn demanded a salary rise and a huge signing bonus when she resigned after 21 men accused John Weaver of offering career advice in exchange for sex He currently runs a long-haul trucking company as well as a large auto care business; both of those companies are located in Dallas, Texas. The Lincoln Project's one female co-founder, former NH Republican Party Chair Jennifer Horn, resigned Friday. Jennifer Holly Horn, 49. if (slug) { Horn says she and her team are going to be hyper-focused in coordinating efforts to organize and persuade Republicans and right-leaning independents to vote on Election Day for the former vice president. For those of you who are in CA, here are her recommendations with a couple of Dennis suggestions added. var embedShareURL = `${window.location.origin}/content/all/burst`; Grant Stinchfieldfocuses on the issues important to freedom-loving Americans. Information for. Ph.D. University of Virginia. Students. The Lincoln Project also measures success by merely looking at Trump's approval numbers and loss of support from some of his base, from white working-class women to Evangelicals. She also . Host, KRLA-AM (Camarillo, CA) Co-Host, DJV Show. embedValue: 'd0fc052e-798d-4b93-b452-de249f1db074', var embedValue = show.embedValue; Then came 2008. }); Goals & Objectives. stationId: 22409 googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); if (node !== null) { Yes!" You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! CNN . . var widgetIds = node[nodeName]; hostSlug: 'charlie-kirk', embedValue: 'b765f146-8fb0-432c-9735-4327d45415e8', After Jennifer Lopez confirmed her engagement to Ben Affleck on April 8, 2022 20 years after he proposed for the first time fans were eager to get a look at her new bling. }, According to a release, Salem Media Group has agreed to a contract extension with "The Morning Answer" co-host Jennifer Horn. }, The founders cite President Trump as a clear and present danger to the American Constitution and Republic, describing him as a racist and narcissist who is destructive and dangerous to the country and world. embedValue: 'b765f146-8fb0-432c-9735-4327d45415e8', I need to make sure that when I am dead and gone and when my children are talking about me to my grandchildren, that they stand up and say mom did the right thing.". domain: '', embedValue: '2a5fbb9f-84ec-42b8-a6c2-67ba842255b2', stationId: 23457 Rating: Jennifer Horn was rated 85% by New Hampshire Firearms Coalition (Positions (Primary)) 12/14/2015. Lived In Malibu CA, Pittsburgh PA, Boston MA, Studio City . embedValue: 'd78b7954-e805-4299-8a59-6b637aaae7e3', She also served as co-chair of the New Hampshire Log Cabin Republicans for two years and on the Log Cabin Republican National Board of Directors. }, Jennifer Mary Horn (born June 22, 1964) is an American politician. ", CNN, NBC, CBS COMPLETELY AVOID SEXUAL HARASSMENT CLAIMS AGAINST LINCOLN PROJECT CO-FOUNDER JOHN WEAVER, Wiggins concluded, "We immediately accepted Jennifer Horns resignation from the Lincoln Project. Each one of us as Americans must be ever engaged in their preservation. stationId: 23468 When approached, Horn immediately jumped on board and became a cofounder of The Lincoln Project; she is also the only woman in the pack. "I need to protect the country. Grant focuses on the issues important to freedom-loving Americans. . embedKey: '1dc4dbc065b3401b972046079e23dc63', "[27], Horn resides in Nashua, New Hampshire, with her husband William Horn and five children.[1]. scriptEl.dataset.embedKey = embedKey; //playerEl.setAttribute('data-embed-shareURL', `${window.location.origin}/content/all/burst`); } showSlug: 'mike-gallagher', Horn was a delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from New Hampshire.Horn was one of three delegates from New Hampshire bound by state party rules to support Jeb Bush at the convention. stationId: 23468 Just like you.. [7], Horn chaired the New Hampshire Republican State Committee's platform committee in 2012. During the exciting, controversial and exhilarating Presidential campaign of 2016, Jennifer's unique understanding and ability to articulate the appeal of the Trump phenomenon brought her to a permanent Co-Host position on The Morning Answer. Jennifer Horn may also have lived outside of Pittsburgh, such as Allison Park, Evans City and 2 other cities in Pennsylvania. Statewide Governor: Dennis recommends Michael Shellenberger / Jennifer recommends Brian Dahle Lt. Report a problem Report a problem. { ", "So the President spent 25 minutes at his first campaign rally since the coronavirus restrictions were implemented, not talking about anything that would move voters to vote for him. "Every time I defended the principles of our party. After two on-air try outs, Jennifer joined the "Good Day" show and served as Co-Host for eleven years. Thus, it was money due to Horn personally from the campaign. This fight's not worth it", "GOP leaders pressure NBC and CNN to cancel planned Hillary Clinton dramas", "Former NHGOP chair joins national 'Never Trumpers' in launch of anti-Trump super PAC", "Former NH GOP Chair announces she is no longer a Republican", "Texas lawsuit was the last straw. dataLayer.push({ Jennifer Horn in California. stationId: 23487 Jennifer Horn, one of the original . Los Angeles. The platform has long recognized "marriage as the legal and sacred union between one man and one woman as ordained by God . //playerEl.setAttribute('data-embed-layout-url', 'https://embed2.audioburst.com/skins/sacarousel/player.html'); embedValue: '593981eb-e43b-4f80-b646-9bb0b20102f2', "This followed a Christmas Eve communication from Jennifer, where she demanded a board seat on the Lincoln Project, a television show, a podcast hosting assignment, and a staff to manage these endeavors," Wiggins continued. Your email address will not be published. (If Biden wins in November, Democrats need to flip three seats; if Trump wins, theyll need to flip four.). showSlug: 'the-eric-metaxas-show', For those of you who are in CA, here are her recommendations with a couple of Dennis suggestions added. , Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Today, Horns words seem almost prescient. However, the priority for all patriotic Americans must be a shared fidelity to the Constitution and a commitment to defeat those candidates who have abandoned their constitutional oaths, regardless of party., It concludes, Electing Democrats who support the Constitution over Republicans who do not is a worthy effort.. Join Facebook to connect with Jennifer Horn and others you may know. The senator followed up on remarks made last week on Boston Public Radio. { Grant has made it his mission to expose liberal lunacy and the ills of socialism. }, He's made a career of exposing government waste, fraud and abuse. I go back and re-read that op-ed sometimes and every single line, every single concern, has come to fruition, Horn said. embedValue: 'c8a81335-5415-40b3-8506-0dda945fb50c', She enjoys volunteering for important charitable foundations and political campaigns. embedKey: '7d7888db98ac4ee1b33d9fead05226ca', Horn said she did not know about the allegations against Weaver until they became public. var embedValue = show.embedValue; Just like the 73.5% of Granite Staters who stepped up in this election to make their voices heard, the American people will preserve our democracy even if Congress will not. ", Horn is just as much of a Republican as she was when she first ran for office 12 years ago. Market data provided by Factset. podcastSlug: 'hugh-hewitt-podcast', Along with several other prominent Republican strategists, she co-founded the Lincoln Project, which aimed to defeat Trump and his supporters in Congress. 2. "That was an extraordinary moment where the President of the United States felt the pain of the American people and reacted in a decent, compassionate, comforting way that touched me as a leader of the opposition party. embedKey: '207673f7e2584be0ac53106b1e9a5384', Jennifer Horn is an outstanding landscape architect. , Oscars "If you vote for Donald Trump, regardless of your reasons why, you are also voting for a man who is a racist, a narcissist who is destructive and dangerous to the country, and to the world, that future generations will live in. "If you don't defeat the people who empowered him the last four years, then Trumpism continues," Horn said. [8], Horn won the state GOP chairmanship on January 26, 2013, defeating Andrew Hemingway in an election to replace the outgoing chairman, Wayne MacDonald. He currently runs a long-haul trucking company as well as a large auto care business; both of those companies are located in Dallas, Texas. show and served as Co-Host for eleven years. } if (slug) { In 2019, as politicians and political leaders began planning for the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a group of current and former Republican leaders were making plans, too. Videos they 've released undermine Trump and describe what they call his presidential.. Scriptel.Dataset.Embedkey = '90efe8e77ff4447786beec46a07c0c01 ' ; Soon after, she ran again and to... Provided by Refinitiv Lipper Soon after, she has 26 years of experience of socialism they call presidential. Hundreds of television and Radio programs was ACCUSED of 'GASLIGHTING ' after FINALLY DENOUNCING JOHN Weaver AMID.! Weaver AMID SCANDAL creative, caring and comprehensive 2 other cities in Pennsylvania her. 22, 1964 ) is an outstanding landscape architect showslug: 'the-charlie-kirk-show ', ). 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