We are authorized to expedite Florida Marriage Licenses by mail and you are always welcome to call the clerks office to verify Dr. Spencer L. Gaines at (352)253-2647 prior to ordering your marriage license processing services from us. Inmate Marriage Appointments There are specific procedures for inmate marriages. Will you be in charge of any decorations, supplies, or rings? 4. 002 Inmate Cable Television Service. For example, the Georgia Department of Corrections requires the intended spouse to submit contact information for an outside minister at least 30 days before the approved wedding date (as of 9/29/16). FL and i live in Idaho do i have to actually come to Florida to get married? Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers. How long does the officiant approval process take? The couple is responsible for obtaining their marriage license with the help of their case manager or anadministrator. 3. Per DOC Policy 590.200 Offender Marriages & State Registered Domestic Partnerships, the following requirements must be met for an inmate to be eligible. What is the officiant approval process like? Fill out and sign a marriage license application. birth certificate, ID, etc.). It may also take you longer to facilitate the wedding, as the non-incarcerated spouse has to plan the whole shebang, but to many, getting married to a prisoner is worth it. Some prisons do not allow outside ministers or officiants to perform marriages for inmates. The capacity of Illinois River Correctional Center is 2198 inmates. This is a series of forms that require extensive background information on both parties, substantiated with documented proof. Proxy marriage "gives an inmate something . Click here to apply Donation Protocol Religious and psychological counseling contribute to his after-release mental health. You are always welcome to contact us at (954) 822-0359 or email us at [emailprotected] , Hi how long did it take you to marry your boyfriend? When the non-incarcerated inmate wishes to make an application to marriage, the prison or jail must ensure that the inmate is legally eligible to marry, that theyre mentally competent, and that the wedding poses no threat to institution security, good order, or to the public. In-person ceremonies will be limited to three approved visitors: As part of ongoing efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, incarcerated guests will not be permitted at this time. https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ruleNo.asp?id=33-503.002, Obtaining florida marriage license while in jail, WHY ORDER YOUR MARRIAGE LICENSE BY MAIL , https://www.flrules.org/gateway/RuleNo.asp?ID=33-503.002. If a furlough is not permitted, the facility shall make its chapel or another suitable location available for the marriage ceremony. A host of emotional and lifestyle baggage comes to the forefront when the prisoner returns home. Hi DeniseThe process is easy and clerk approved. Pay for the service ($325.00 includes all costs), complete the official state application, your info is sent to my clerk. We have been together for over two years, prior to his incarnation. You are more than welcome to contact me at the phone I reached out to you yesterdayThank you Dr. G. I have the same question. Now, prisons across the country are experiencing a surge in weddings as over a year of postponed ceremonies start to move forward. In Prison? What Does a Chuppah Symbolize? A unit team will ask you to submit your marriage packet request to the jail directly, not the inmate. INMATE MARRIAGE REQUEST The inmate must complete the first section of the form and send it to their fianc(e). What level is Illinois River Correctional Center in Illinois? Find Law: Can You Get Married in Jail? Give yourself the tools and training you deserve to succeed as a wedding officiant, so that you can stand beside the lucky couple with complete confidence on their big day. Just know that no robes or formal garb is permitted. Our premiere package contains everyting you need to officiate like a pro. In most cases, both the inmate and their partner must complete an application, expressing written intent to marry or enter into a domestic partnership. Dont plan on a champagne toast after the ceremony as alcohol is strictly prohibited. Your visiting rights and those of your children improve if you marry. The outline above will give you a good starting point for conducting your first prison wedding. For further Marriage Equality information, visit the Clerk's site at:https://www.cookcountyclerk.com/service/marriage-equality. Thank you for your question . Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. How do I find out if a prison allows outside ministers? The U.S. Supreme Court voiced their opinion and determined that the Constitution doesnt consider conjugal visits a prisoners right. 003 Release of Information. Most states have groups that provide community support to the families of inmates. Inmates in Segregation or in an Intensive . Or they might be restricted to no-contact or limited-contact policies, with the inmate and their partner and officiant separated by glass. Contacting the prison directly is the best way to receive up-to-date information. Attn: Facility Chaplain. You already have an emotional connection and share a life together that includes children. Do I need a paper from the chaplain to do so? We get it! Both must present an acceptable form of ID. T. here is no guarantee that the facility and its leadership is going to approve the wedding ceremony. The inmate may need your phone number to call you. The purpose and effect is to amend Rule 33-503.001 to remove outdated language and to amend Rule 33-503.002 to update and clarify the approval process for the marriage of inmates while incarcerated. It is important to remember, that once a person is sentenced to prison, he or she loses many of his or her rights. If youd like to perform weddings at one of these facilities, it will be helpful (if not necessary) to be added to this list. marriage ceremonies. Office of the Independent Inspector General, CARES Act Information for Local Governments, Freedom of Information Act for Offices Under the President, Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/). Florida Marriage License whether obtained in person or through a Marriage License By Mail service such as FloridaCountyClerk.com does not refund for marriages that do not take place Therefore; it is critical that approval is first granted, an approved date set, and any other required arrangements are made before purchasing Marriage License Services. Code R. 33-503.002, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database . 5. Certified copies of divorce/dissolution decrees for all prior marriages/state registered domestic partnerships, as applicable. We answer some common questions in more depth below. Even parties who were married and familiar with each other before incarceration face these difficulties. 39 & 40 Reimbursement / Receivable Transactions, Acknowledgement of Receipt of Standards of Employee Conduct, Acknowledgment of Receipt of Inmate Account Card, Addiction Research Foundation Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment - Alcohol, Agreement to Participate - Sex Offender Treatment Program, Agreement To Participate In Community Transition Program, Agreement to Participate in the Bureau of Prisons Drug Education Course, Algorithm for Treatment of Hepatitis C/Approval Form, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Election, Applicant Notification - Requirement to Maintain Telephone, Application for Appointment as a Mid-Level Practitioner (MLP), Application for Appointment to the Medical Staff, Application for Vehicle Operator`s ID Card, Application to Enter Institution as Representative, Authorization to Provide Medical Records to Staff, Authorization to Receive Package or Property, Authorization to Receive Uniform Allowance, Authorization to Release Confidential Information, Authorization to Release Confidential Information Institution Drug Abuse Treatment Programs, Authorization to Transfer Leave From a Donor, Authorized Unescorted Commitments and Transfers, BOP Course Evaluation - (Required for Classes 8 Hours or More), Budget Development & Execution Requirement, Bureau of Prisons Staff Mentoring Program Memorandum of Agreement, Bureau of Prisons Telework Agreement Form, Case Management Activity SENTRY Assignment Form for Transgender Inmates, Category I Management Interest Group Weekly Review, Center Discipline Committee Report (CCC`s), Certificate Entitling Prisoner to Gratuities, Change Request to Bureau Mandatory Training Standard, Changes ("C") and Additions ("A")/Prior Edit Error/Balance Batchesn, Chaplaincy Candidate Certification and Authorization, Chronological Record of Psychological Contacts, Committed Fine and/or Costs Application, Oath, and Order, Compressed Work Schedule Supervisory Pre-Implementation Questionnaire, Confiscation and Disposition of Contraband, Consent for Removal of Orthodontic Appliances, Consent for Treatment by Student Dentist/Hygienist, Consent to use of Atypical Antipsychotic Medication, Consent to use of Maoi Antidepressant Medication, Consent to use of Miscellaneous Antidepressant Medication, Consent to use of Mood Stabilizing Medication, Consent to use of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressant Medication, Consent to use of Tricyclic Antidepressant Medication, Consent to use of Typical Antipsychotic Medication, Contractor Evaluation - Community Corrections, Contractor Evaluation Form (Community-Based Treatment Providers), Contractor Interim or Final Performance Report, Correctional Counselor Training Program Checklist, Correctional Officer Trainee Monthly Evaluation, Department of Justice Document Removal Certification, Determination of Violent, Non-Violent Status, VCCLEA, Disposition of General Correspondence While Inmate is Released Temporarily on Writ, Disturbance Control/Armed Distrubance Contral Team Selection/Evaluation, Employee Acknowledgement/Receipt of Notice Position Designated Senstive for Drug Testing Purposes, Employee Consent-Declination for HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis, Executive and Managerial Development Application, Executive Development Training Authorization, Federal Prison System Pretrial Inmate Work Waiver/Notice of Separation, Food Preparation Worksheet Mainline Cycle, Furlough Application - Approval and Record, Hierarchy Level 3 (Local Agency Program Coordinator (APC)), Home Confinement and Community Control Agreement, IAD / State Writ - Prosecutor`s Certification, IAD Form VI - Evidence of Agent`s Authority, IAD Form VII - Prosecutor`s Acceptance of Temporary Custody, Informed Consent for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Informed Consent to Treatment with Buprenorphine Products for Opioid Use Disorder, Informed Consent to Treatment with Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder, Informed Consent to Treatment with Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder or Alcohol Use Disorder, Informed Consent/Consent to Release Information for Research, Inmate Agreement for Participation in TRULINCS Electronics Messaging Program, Inmate Claim for Compensation Resulting From Work Injury, Inmate Consent/Declination for HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, Inmate Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Referral, Inmate Information Provided to Treaty Nation, Inmate Nicotine Replacement Therapy Approval, Inmate Request for Certification or Judicial Notice of Presentence Report and/or Statement of Reason, Inmate Request for Over-The-Counter Medication, Inmate Rights at Center Discipline Committee Hearing (CCC?S), Inmate Telephone Monitoring Tape Access Log, Institution Admission and Orientation Program Checklist, Institution Fire Safety and Sanitation Inspection, Institutional Summary Environmental Differential, Life Connections Program (LCP) Participation Agreement, Life Connections Program (LCP) Participation Request, Lockdown Accountability Census Drill Form, Medical Treatment Refusal (Rechazo de Tratamiento Medico), Medical-Psychological Pre-Release Evaluation, Medical/Surgical and Psychiatric Referral Request, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Agreement, Monetary Special Award Recommendation - Inmate, Monthly INH Side Effect Interview and Monitor, New or Unfamiliar Religious Components Questionnaire, Nomination for Incentive Award (Central Office Only), Notice of Center Discipline Committee Hearing (CCC`s), Notice of Discipline Hearing Before the (DHO), Notice of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Timelines, Notice of Obligation to Adhere to Installment Schedule to Pay Court-Ordered Fines, Notice of Psychological Evaluation - ADX Control Unit, Notice of Psychological Evaluation - ADX General Population, Notice of Release of Inmate with Criminal Fine Judgement, Notice of Right to File for Compensation for a Work-Related Injury, Notice of Rights and Responsibilities - EEO Process, Notice to Commissary Supervisor of Committed Fine, Notice to Inmate of Transfer to a Communications Management Unit, Notice to U.S. Attorney of Committed Fine, Notice to U.S. The chief administrative officer's decision on the request shall be provided to the inmate in writing. Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). Applicants must adhere to the policy requirements in DOC Policy 590.200 to be considered for programs and privileges offered for married individuals/state registered domestic partners. All states have records of criminal behavior for every arrest, whether it led to incarceration or not. Keep in mind there is a legal process to obtain permission from a Florida facility in order to be approved for marriage. Partners who get married in or out of jail should book separate counseling appointments because youll be able to air your grievances without your partner present. an Inmate Marriage Request 801_F1 to the Facility Unit Head through their assigned Counselor. The number of visitors per two-hour time slot are limited to ensure social distancing measures are closely followed. In keeping with the Governors Executive Order N-58-20, participants shall be limited to the two people getting married, the person solemnizing the marriage, and at least one necessary witness (but not more than two). A Look at the Jewish Wedding Canopy. Jessica loves digging into the history and magic of ritual, exploring the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. A lock ( signNow has paid close attention to iOS users and developed an application just for them. What happens during a prison wedding ceremony. Pre-marriage counseling is recommended for both parties as a high incidence of prison marriages end in divorce, whether during the incarceration period or after the prisoner is released. It is a level 4 and 5 security prison and is home to Illinoiss death row. 5 Does Illinois prisons allow conjugal visits? Unfortunately, the approval process can be intimidating and confusing at first. Your best bet is to contact the Federal prison officials as well as the prison itself. Experience the main advantage of e-filing legal templates with the US Legal Forms platform. Most weddings scheduled inside prisons last year were put on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic, and virtual wedding ceremonies were only permitted in a handful of states. You might be required to fill out an application and be added to a visitors list. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Just put whats necessary in the envelope. Each state is different. Inmate Emergency Notification Form: Oct-2022: BP-A0598: Inmate Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Referral: JUN-2010: BP-A0299: Inmate Information Provided to Treaty Nation: JUN-2010: BP-A0337: Inmate Load & Security Designation: JUN-2010: BP-A1019: Inmate Nicotine Replacement Therapy Approval: JAN-2015: BP-A0217: Inmate Property Manifest . Choose Your Officiant with our "Will You Marry Us?" Florence, AZ 85132. The marriage certificate has to be signed by both parties and notarized, which occurs inside the prison. Copyright 2023 Wallin & Klarich - All rights reserved. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Citizenship Forms. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If the state does not allow same sex marriage, the state prison wont allow it either. The Warden shall approve an inmate's request to marry except where a legal restric. 2. Youre responsible for obtaining the marriage license. This is a set of forms provided by the jail authorities you and your partner need to fill in. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Illinois River Correctional Center is a state prison located in Canton, Illinois (Fulton County). Normally, if an inmate bypasses the <br />requirements established in this SOP, he will not be allowed to visit with his proposed spouse, and <br />he may face disciplinary action in accordance with Disciplinary . We do over 200 licenses for incarcerated people every year and will be very happy to do yours. He has some mental health issues and we are awaiting his compentcy hearing. These prisons usually maintain a list of approved officiants. This commitment is at the forefront of our operations, hiring, policies and procedures, and training. What is the process of marrying an inmate? Certain jails will request completing a so-called inmate marriage packet. I understand the process of the prision and recently sent off the required documents to them for approval but getting the marrige license seem like a nightmare at this point so how does your service work exactly? Driving licenses, passports, birth certificates and any government-issued documentation are all valid proof. Obtaining an Inmate Marriage License The major point on the list of preparations is obtaining an inmate marriage license. The officiant will perform the service as they usually would, reading from their script, asking for a declaration of intent, and helping the couple exchange vows and rings (if allowed), and pronouncing the couple married. 1. Weddings and Domestic Partnership Ceremonies, Short Non-Religious Wedding Ceremony Scripts. [http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/notorious/manson/6.html] Inmates must be under Department jurisdiction for one year before beginning the marriage/state registered domestic partnership application process. In other words, the person has to affirm that he is fully aware of the commitment marriage entails. 1. In addition, the state of Florida requires that the inmate and his or her fianc submit to premarital counseling. Both jails and prisons can change people, for better or worse, and inmates may experience difficulties adjusting to the outside world. Currently only a few states in the U.S. allow extended family visit. Here's how you begin the process of getting married to someone who is in prison: Request an inmate marriage packet. Wardens will also ask if the intended spouse has verified an intention to marry an inmate in writing. How can I verify this is legit? A request for a 3-day unescorted home and family furlough or a leave to a community correctional center may be submitted at the same time as the request to marry. This order specifically identifies that counties within the State of California may use their own discretion in deciding whether to allow marriage ceremonies to occur using videoconferencing technology. Address : 3000 S Justice Way, Kankakee, Illinois, 60901 Phone : 815-802-7100 Fax : 815-802-7101 Email : tbukowski@k3county.net Website : website How to Find Someone in Kankakee County Jail You can view the inmate list for Kankakee County Justice Center here. Your spouses pension, Social Security and inheritance rights are under your control as are the hospitalization and medical care permissions of the prisoner along with your hospital visitation rights. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 2 But there are also other benefits to getting married while in prison. effective only in Chicago and suburban Cook County. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". permit appropriated funds to be used for an inmate marriage. 4. Because of the distant they are going to be little more flexible on setting the date. Everything is done over the internet and express mail. The facility chaplain or a person designated by the chief administrative officer must conduct a premarital counseling session with the inmate and/or the intended spouse. Simple or Extravagant How Should a Wedding Ring Be? ), Contact a Family Visiting Coordinator at the prison to arrange the wedding, Arrange for an approved officiant from the list of pastors the prison will provide, Arrange for somebody on your fiances approved visitor list to act as a witness. The person who lived on the outside has created a life that works for him and his family, and that structure is now threatened by another voice. Because prisoners cant appear in person in front of a county clerk or clerk of court, they might be required to complete an affidavit of absent applicant.. See below for information on video, in-person and family visiting. If you have any suggestions and queries you can contact us on the below details. The prison may assign an officiant or give you permission to bring one in from the outside. 18930149: 5/5/2017 Vol . The day of the wedding, youll need a photo ID and your minister credentials. Its important to encourage your incarcerated spouse to seek counseling after being released. The first thing you have to do is get the approval of the warden to marry. The jail will not comp any of your wedding fees. Fill out the packet and send it back with the required fees. All your partner can do is sign the forms, so you need to find the following documents and send them yourself: Its essential that you send your documents directly to prison authorities. Youll both be required to sign the forms and submit them with the fee required, which can range up to several hundred dollars and must be paid for with outside funds, not anything accumulated by the prisoner while incarcerated. Ask the couple if theyve started their application to marry, where they are in the process, whether theyve received a marriage license, and if theyve been assigned a wedding date. If you find yourself with an emotional attachment to a prisoner whom youve never met, put your feelings aside and start your research. Date and time requested for the ceremony; the date should be a minimum of 60 days from the date Florida Marriage License whether obtained in person or through a Marriage License By Mail service such as FloridaCountyClerk.com does not refund for marriages that do not take place Therefore; it is critical that approval is first granted, an approved date set, and any other required arrangements are made before purchasing Marriage License Services. Clothing worn by inmates during the ceremony will be authorized in accordance with OP-030120 entitled "Inmate Property." At community corrections centers or halfway houses, clothing will be authorized by the facility head. [http://www.howstuffworks.com/personal-finance/personal-income-taxes/5-tax-benefits-of-marriage.htm#page=1 ] After the ceremony, the marriage is legal, but the spouse doesnt get any special visiting privileges or correspondence. It does not store any personal data. Make sure your letter meets prison regulations, or it will be thrown out. Immigration Forms. Does Illinois prisons allow conjugal visits? What kind of jobs can you get in Illinois prisons? Inmates are not permitted to bypass the requirements established <br />in this SOP and marry over the telephone or by proxy. The authority to issue marriage licenses and to validate marriage ceremonies continues to rest with the individual counties. If your marriage is allowed, request the marriage packet from prison officials. In addition, there has not been one instance that a facility in a particular county did not accept a marriage license procured by our company because they know there only seven clerks offices that have the marriage license by mail service. Calling a facility for the most current information is especially important during COVID-19, as some high-risk facilities will continue to restrict access (ongoing or intermittent restrictions) for the duration of the pandemic in order to limit the spread of infection. Fill out the packet and send it back with the required fees, Have documentation to prove you are eligible to marry (i.e. In the 1987 landmark decision Turner v. Safely, the Supreme Court ruled that the DOC could not block two incarcerated people from becoming married, even though the DOC could block them from being able to correspond once they became married. Disciplinary Inmate Transfer Subsequent to Approved Request to Marry an Inmate at the Correctional Facility Read Section 33-503.002 - Marriage of an Inmate While Incarcerated, Fla. Admin. Visitor guidelines can usually be found on the prisons website, or by calling them directly. Give yourself as much time as possible by contacting the facility soon after youve received a deposit from the couple toward your services. Vocational courses taught at this prison include automotive repair, culinary arts, horticulture, various construction trades, and electronics repair. Hi Ms. GivensWe are an approved Marriage License Coordinator approved by the Lake County Clerk of the Courts. Its not easy! Among what is lost is the ability to decide when the wedding ceremony will take place. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 001 Inmate Abuse. Learn the facilitys visitation guidelines. See DOC Policy 590.200 for more details and clarification. The marriage of two imprisoned persons is prohibited under the rules. An inmate wishing to be married must submit a written request to the chief administrative officer a minimum of 30 days before the requested date of the ceremony. There will be a time limit, and all interactions will be monitored by corrections officers. No need to navigate the legal waters alone, Law for Families is here to help! Thank you for this very valid information. It can take weeks, or even months to complete, and depends on how much communication an inmate has with their case manager or administrators, how busy those administrators are, and how willing they are to help get things done. All costs associated with the wedding are the inmate's responsibility. You will include a preaddressed and stamped envelope addressed to the clerk, that he will place the two official documents into. Scroll down below the chart for important information on how to fill out these forms, including the need for Adobe and downloading forms to save . They must: The Clerk's site provides additional information including eligibility, exceptions, and additional information and links. Pay attention to allowed/banned items, and guidelines on photography, recording devices, etc. Lack of self-esteem is a major setback when a prisoner returns home. In 2016, all inmates were male and were between the age range of 18 and 84. For THE REQUEST TO MARRY IS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT TO HIS DESIGNATED COMMITTEE WHICH WILL REVIEW THE INMATE'S REQUEST, AND APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE THE REQUEST. professional-officiantswedding-and-ceremony-planningprison-weddings. Facilities that do allow outside ministers will have strict guidelines for their approval process, which well describe in more detail below. Depending on the facility, you may be given time to be alone for a few minutes after the wedding ceremony. A STAFF MEMBER OF THE SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT SHALL CONFER WITH THE INMATE AND INTENDED SPOUSE TO PERMIT THE CLARIFICATION OF ISSUES RELATING TO THE MARRIAGE. If you have the right to choose an officiant, start looking into officiants that can enter the jail and facilitate your wedding ceremony. Its not legal advice. Operational procedures shall be developed ensuring that the Facility Head reviews the request in a timely manner and that the offender is advised as to the Facility Head's decision. The process for requesting and completing a marriage packet has not changed. This article will teach you what your special day may look like and what documents youll need to see this process from beginning to end. If its approved, you can start preparing for the wedding. If the application is denied, the Correctional Unit Supervisor will notify the inmate and the intended spouse/domestic partner, in writing, of the reason for denial. Custody - Inmate Services. Learn from the Pros to Officiate with Confidence! Its much more challenging when a stranger enters your everyday life. IDOC is Hiring Correctional Officers! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. One AMM Minister, Reverend Wendy Wortham of TDCJ Weddings and Texas Twins Events, said that she performs inmate weddings in 47 states and has a current waiting list of over 3,000 couples. Strict dress codes must be met, and everyone has to clear prison security. They can be pulled from the prisoners visitor list, supplied by the prison or, if the prison is lenient, can be brought in. Illinois prisons, like many other states, are over crowded and plagued with conduct issues. Van Zandt and Spies Society: Reasons to Marry an Inmate, CNN: Married to an Inmate: The Ultimate Test of Commitment. Sadly my fiance was arrested and sent to prison while we were planning our wedding. The couple will also have deadlines for submitting your name as their officiant to the DOC. Limit, and everyone has to affirm that he is fully aware of the Warden to marry except a. Are experiencing a surge in weddings as over a year of postponed ceremonies start move... Be given time to be little more flexible on setting the date right. Include automotive repair, culinary arts, horticulture, various construction trades and! Authorities you and your partner need to navigate the legal waters alone, Law for is! People, for better or worse, and training day of the form send... 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