Yet, with the growing numbers leaders, it is coming out, many followed along with James out of fear to personal, family, career damage. It was both true in a sense and funny. Pray for the church and the people! 4. This is an extra difficult time for the members and regular attenders of Harvest Bible Chapel. It quickly became one of the 50 largest churches in the country, with over 12,000 members and eight campuses in the Chicago area. A former youth pastor for Harvest Bible Chapel in Aurora has been charged with the sexual exploitation of a 16-year-old boy on allegations he sought nude pictures of the boy and repeatedly. I was so dissappointed to hear that she left. There the preacher has no real power at all. Many were kicked out and shown the door. But are they? In one fellowship people were actually warned to have nothing to do with us, and yet all we had done, in each instance was to ask questions. At my former church, I reached the point where I couldnt, in good conscience, stay because of the amount of bull-headed spiritual abuse that was going on combined with covering-up of sexual abuse. Thank you, Lina. I was too afraid to ask her why. Please pray for all of the member/attendees who are struggling, as we are grieving a loss of our church base and have felt the wrath, unfortunately. The elders ordered church members to separate themselves from dissenters for fear of their souls; called MacDonalds critics behavior satanic to the core; and accused them carrying out an attack by Satan against MacDonald and Harvest. You are being bold and telling the truth and just wanted to encourage you.I always loved your passion for Gods Word and pray Gods blessing as you stand strong Him! 1 Song. This is why NOW. In other words, thatwasMacDonald in the recording. Do You Really Have to Go to Church Every Sunday? Even people who were very close to us turned silent. Harvest launched a radio show; founded a Christian school with over 700 students; built its own retreat center; produced feature-length films; wrote its own worship songs; and created its own. God the Holy Spirit wanted Lina to speak more specifically at this time; and she did. It also had a church-planting network, Harvest Bible Fellowship (HBF), which MacDonald dissolved last year. Roys article details three examples of actions that former Harvest employees say reveal MacDonalds hot-tempered, vengeful personality. I also managed to write an apology to James for the pain I had caused him. Yes, there are a lot of hurting people at Harvest. I share a lot of the same feelings. Have you ever read this piece on how sick systems keep people controlled? I can see you have regret for not having the courage to do it then but youre working to make up for it by speaking now. Thank you, Lord, for Ephesians 6:13: Im sure I will find much more to comment on, but I hope to leave it at that as an encouragement to you. Anointing: Every believer is a priest in the new covenant. The preacher has no support system to fall back on but must find a new church before the new hireling moves in. Thank you Lina for your honesty and boldness and ultimately helping me put words to what I have been experiencing through the preaching of James. Such lack of accountability is often a problem at megachurches, which tend to be founded by charismatic individuals who quickly amass a large following. Im a prostate cancer survivor and had radical prostatectomy in 2005. All Rights Reserved | Website by Living Wth Power,,,, Recommended Reads: Relevant Magazine on James MacDonald Allegedly Inappropriately Touching Anne Green. Perhaps we can do something like that here in Davenport, too. Its difficult to understand how people can now know what they know and still only criticize the ones that feel compelled to now share their story. I guess I felt like one of the peons of Harvest, and that me reaching out wouldnt matter, since I was not a part of the inner circle or personally close to you. How long before we wake up and show the world how Christians are not only different from the world but we are not of the world! Yet their silence hurt me and sometimes made me question the validity of my reasons for leaving. Based on just the first few paragraphs, I hear you! Go figure..Disappointed, Searching for a new study close by. But your words affirmed what I suspected. Harvest ousted Daniel Marquardt, Scott Phelps, and Barry Slabaugh in 2013 after they protested against . The Pastor started teaching on obeying your authority and not questioning authority etc. Thanks again, Lina, for being courageous in the midst of these difficult days. I have great empathy and sensitivity toward them. Only time will tell whether Harvest can outlive its founding pastorand the scandal that has enveloped both him and his elder board. Harvest Bible Chapel's Elgin campus H arvest Bible Chapel has reached a multimillion-dollar agreement to transfer some of its assets to former pastor James MacDonald, who plans to continue in. | Photo: Harvest Bible Chapel Facebook The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability has suspended Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Church following the firing of its longtime pastor James MacDonald and amid ongoing revelations that the ministry had misappropriated funds. I am no one special here. I am aware that there has been some very good ministry done through this church. Or were you saying they were bullied too. I applaud you for your courage to leave the church and let the fall out damage by James to you as a person and your career ministry, to be in Gods hands. Pray for those outside the faith who will never come to salvation because of how this appears to them, Muller wrote in his op-ed. I do not believe your timing should be questioned. I also dont know why it took me five years to leave, but now Ive been at a true Bible preaching, Jesus exulting church, not too far from the RM campus. In any case, Im saddened to hear that this happened to James McDonald. When God led me to leave HBC, I remember being so sad and afraid and wondering if I was hearing Him correctly. I have my own hurt of how certain situations were handled with me through the 20s ministry Then soon after that, the 30s ministry, production ministry and even the womens ministry on multiple occasions. He claimed he would never return to Willow until things had changed and the time was right. During his sabbatical, MacDonald had planned to preach at the. He stomped his questioners. I keep coming back to this part and I identify so much with this part. These things happen in small churches too. After leaving Harvest no one from the church reached out to me to see how I was doing, to ask why I left. This cancer must be excised and as often as is the case in cancer treatment, months of treatment must be involved for health to take place. [] While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. Is it perfect? When we left, after having posted a letter to the elders, not a single person called us to see how we were doing. Those that havent gone through it ask why would you speak these things? Im thankful you followed the Lords leading in these stressful and difficult circumstances. However why now? Im far removed from this situation, but saddened by it nonetheless. The sin that has taken place does not negate the awesome work that God has done, and it pains my heart to hear people act as if it does. What you are talking about is protecting abusers at the expense of those they have abused and betrayed which, unfortunately, happens far too often. As painful as it is, all that has been hidden must be revealed. Well said Lina. Those who would shame someone for standing on the side of truth and grace have missed the mark. He spoke highly of you, and since then, I have occasionally prayed for you regarding your time and experience at HBC. In our case we have been pulled away from our church as well because of how we have been treated for our daughters actions. Muller, who has attended Harvest for five years and developed a friendship with MacDonald, wrote in a Daily Herald op-ed that hed seen the best the church had to offer: MacDonalds punchy sermons renewed Mullers faith, brought his family back into Christian community, and taught him the truth of the gospel. I am a 60 year old grandfather who wants to get a tatoo around my ankle of all six of my grandchildrens names. Instead, they have chosen to remain on the elder board and continue with the deep-seeded corruption and fraud that has plagued Harvest Bible Chapel for many years. This post drips of mercy. So I called one of the elders in the video and got his side of the story. Welcome to the Video Broadcast ministry of Cornerstone Bible Church. Thats what happens to us as individuals and us as a collection of people. Less well known was that these individuals agreed to leave Harvest aloneto stop publicly criticizing the churchin exchange for a promise that the current elder board would enact changes. Our enemy loves this. Its like I seek mans favor as well, rather than the Lords. I always wondered why you left but after reading The Elephants Debt I figured I knew why. Why do you say you have a lack of music?. Our GOD is an awesome GOD. I love this idea! How you hit the nail on the head! This is not an endorsement of the culture at Harvest because its total trash, but you cant blame them for you bad theology choices. And in 1 Corinthians 5, we are told to judge those within the Church). I never understood why they saw him the way they do. May Our Lord guide all of us and May His will be done above all else. I am surprised by your editorial on Harvest. That is, so many think that the church is the pastors ministry and they dont adequately facilitate the ministry of believers. A friend sent me a link to sermon about this yesterday: The Rolling Meadows Campus is our founding campus and for more than three decades has testified to God's faithfulness. The bloggers began posting again, however, in 2017, around the same time that Harvest Bible Fellowship was dissolved in 2017, due in part to concerns by some some member churches about how Harvest was managing the fellowships finances. It is those who live in fear. Whatever is wrong in Gods eyes He will bring someone to reveal it. This all happens when we gather, grow and go together as followers of Jesus. Constantly made to feel stupid, the youth had had enough so the mom called a meeting with the pastor. No wonder Harvest dropped the suit. Hes a lemonade maker. Be blessed dear Sister. When I left my job I stayed at HBC for about another year before leaving entirely. I have seen this in many independent churches.THIs was done to me at a similar setting.The pastor One of things his way or the highway and there was no disagreement because he said it was leading to anarchy. He better thank God for Grace and cause he is going to need it. So Ill never forget the day I got up from my seat in a service, walked out, and never looked back. If you like harvest and the culture of hidden abuse and The narcissistic system in order there- by all means, stay! Harvest responded by suing both bloggers, their wives, and Julie Roys. WORLD Magazine and other evangelical news outlets celebrated this resolution. The fruit by which JM is to be judged rather is that of his own true m.o. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Not saying thete arent strong christians in leadership at this church but it does always seem that when pride gets in the way of leadership it hurts that person and everyone around them. Somehow I thought 2500+ members walking out would send the message. The only thing I liked about that church was the worship, which was glorifying to the Lord. This journey has taken me several years. Yes Nellie, we are called to bring light on the darkness. Abusers groom their community and a spiritually abusive church grooms its members to not rock the boat, to gaslight themselves, and to leave quietly if they should ever refuse to submit to abuse. On February 12th, someone who sounded an awful lot like James MacDonald called into Mancow Mullers Chicago-area radio show to cuss out all of his perceived enemies. The evil at Harvest is a nasty stage four cancer yet has invaded the entire body. When I talk to people about this, they are quick to disqualify anyone who went along with James, who did not stand up to him. I pray for the leaders. Pastor James teaching seemed so Biblical. Thank you. I just knew I wasnt supposed to be there anymore. The environment is as ahw stated, fear James, make James happy My response, Why? WHY NOW??? The surprise is not Harvest, but that you publicly hung them. 33Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit. Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.. There is NEVER a healthy or spiritual reason for suppressing truth. He grew the church from 18 members to more. Im one of the people who asked you to share why you left. Now, the church has decided its longtime leader wont be coming back. Such a good post Lina. Just how historically reliable are the Gospels and Acts if even prominent evangelical and conservative Protestant Bible scholars believe that fictional stories may exist in these books? Though MacDonald has been granted the rights to his Walk in the Word ministry, he and Harvest remain at odds. That occurred right after eight former elders sent a letter to the current elder board, claiming that MacDonald was guilty of self-promotionlove of moneydomineering and bullyingabusive speechoutbursts of anger[and] making misleading statements. Harvest countered by accusing those eight former elders of great sin and defiling many people., The three censured elders said Harvest maintained a culture of fear and intimidation that destroyed relationships. Pastor James MacDonald preaches at Harvest Bible Chapel. Two top Harvest Bible Chapel pastors today announced they're resigning, following a "season" of difficulty sparked by the termination and scandal involving disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald. Harvest Bible Chapel of Naples, whose leadership recently turned over after scandal rocked its Chicago parent megachurch, is the most . The Spirit has shown me that Church, the Body of called out believers are those Christians you meet with. And these things are only the tip of the iceberg. Pastor James made it political when he compared the era of President Trump to the era of Stalin the era of Hitler. He is angry that they keep on sending texts and emails asking for money. Dull other times. But often they require speaking up when injustice is done. While I am heartened that the elders finally removed MacDonald, he should have been fired five years ago. Connect With Us! Your truth was not conceived in fasting or deep prayer and it sure isnt loving. So now, I tell the truth about what happened, and it isnt only a Pastor James problem. Lina I couldnt agree more with everything you said and your comment here. Of course people can join in with instruments too. Did you see the link to my web page. Yell and bully and make people feel like second class Christians? I still had friends on the inside that I longed to remain friends with. Nor do I want to be part of a fellowship where the whole counsel of God is not taught nor eschatology ever mentioned. Again this is HER TRUTH! Scripture does not say what the mark was, but it was a mark that man knew as a sign to not to kill Cain, as it would end his life, and end the judgement that God had given Cain to live out his life with. I hope it doesnt chase people away from their spiritual questaway from God., I take no joy in this announcement, said Muller. This should not be! Many might wonder why it all still matters to me so much. Soon we must bring those truths to light, but for now we continue under the weight of so much falsehood in hope that the church will themselves initiate the needed steps of public confession, he wrote. Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others. Find a church with great accountability. Check out Moreno website, I didnt want to risk any negative impacts on my own growing ministry. Fear is a stupid liar and I praise God that Hes given us a spirit of a sound mind and Love!!! Why kick him and the church while their down Lina? These are the same elders that approved this same law suit to be dropped when James and co. knew that they would have to open all the books and all the dirt would come out! Harvest Bible Chapel has fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald following years of controversial behavior, financial scandal and allegations of bullying and intimidation. I pray that no stench of fear be found in any space occupied by Christs love. This included an abusive and fear-based culture where those who question leadership are punished, she writes. This is why Jesus did not come to this present church environment. My faith has been shaken by the situation at another Christian organization. Unfortunately I dont think the Harvest RM is the only Harvest with a culture of fear. The culture of fear, intimidation, and secrecy has poisoned not just Rolling Meadows and its campuses, but also trickled down through the fellowship. At Camp Harvest in 2009, for example, the pastor shot at a target that contained photos of some elders wives. So Grace is only for MacDonald and no one else not the elders he excommunicated, not the numerous employees who were fired or kids who were expelled from HCA, not the pastor who was fired in FLORIDA and had his church taken away I would ask you SERIOUSLY??!! Lina Abujamra who once was the Womens Ministry Director at Rolling Meadows explained how she ran afoul of the elders and why she left in the course of time. You personify a strong, fast talking, intelligent woman, which is a gift by way of your heritage. How long will we wait to begin the healing process within ourselves and between each other? Nellie, you know what Lina went through in prep for this how? Faith is Christ living. But He is in control of everything and if He wants HBC to continue, it will continue. You have to leave before you can see clearly. But, the truth is, I am ashamed to say, I should have left much sooner. Sarah, I am so sorry for whatever happened to you. Its by an unbeliever, but wow, is it eye-opening. There are dozens if not hundreds of witnesses against many Elders at Harvest all saying the same thing. Ive been in the medical field for over 40 years and know a thing or two about human anatomy. But the biggest lesson is people need to stop looking at preachers as though they are perfect, but God know they arent and they need people on their necks to keep them honest. I also was silent about why my family left (also the week following the video). My heart breaks for the people that have been hurt by this on both sides. I feared offending people. I thank you for your willingness to risk being misunderstood while offering your experience to help reduce the shame of others, who need a hand to hold, as they work through their own healing. I hope to become braver. Thoughts from a person looking in. Because she is helping expose evil and proving that is is deep and wide and on going. But I lived this in the late 70s and early 80s the scandals of the then big preachers they fell down hard as well. Sunday Service-10:15 AM/Wed. And your part of the problem. We are to fear God not man. The Scripture that came to me as I read this is I Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. Different situations require different things. Ross, Ross, We wont let fear overcome the freedom weve been given in Christ. Thanks for being so honest. My mom, who doesnt attend HBC, says that the church is going to die because James was the bread and butter. Thank you Yahweh. Sounds like your faith in self is overwhelming only yourself! Over the summer, they agreed to try to make a joint statement and start the process of relational reconciliation, the Harvest elders said, but the efforts didnt pan out. Leaders should have secular jobs: It never dawned on me that no one from HBC would reach out. Swicegood released a statement saying that much of what has been alleged "is simply false, misleading and hateful." He added that the . How important it is to pray pray pray and check on our leaders also of their growth in Christ and what our church mission is and to stay biblical, not political but biblical. Sheri coordinates data collection and assists with day-to-day office administration for the church staff. When the Church becomes the organization instead of the people, then it ceases to be the Church. The practice of medicine is not an exact science; neither is navigating very tough and painful circumstances such as this. The link below provides comments from conservative scholars such as Richard Bauckham, William Lane Craig, Michael Licona, Craig Blomberg, and NT Wright on this issue: However, 2 of the groups meet in Panera Bread. This Is a Revival Season Sean Feucht Announces 7 Days of Prayer on Capitol Hill, The Chosen, Candace Cameron Bure, Dolly Parton Win at This Years Movieguide Awards, Christian High School Girls Basketball Team Forfeits Tourney Spot Due to Trans Opponent, Tickets for SatanCon 2023, The Largest Satanic Gathering in History, Sell Out. Praying for you, many blessings for all you do. Churches Still Depend on Clergy Housing Allowance, No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival. I would ask you the same question? On February 13th, the elders at HBC fired MacDonald, citing highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald that were given to media the day before. 37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Through it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more. And I find it odd that someone would have an opinion on that. Lina, thank you for your post, and thank you for your honesty and transparency. On Tuesday, Chicago shock jock and one-time friend of MacDonaldMancow Muller aired a series of clips featuring someone who sounds like MacDonald making offensive comments. Nothing will change at Harvest if the cancer of fear is not exposed . I pray your steps continue to be guided by our Lord! I remember when I saw the tattoo that James got and I remembered the line from The Davinci Code about the Chevron symbol. The abuse I suffered first hand and working through the realizations and implications of that abuse have been traumatic. I wondered where God was in the narrative. Your daily news briefing from the editors of CT. Can Bubble Tea Bring Gen Z into the Chinese Church. BTW, Ive loved your blogs in the morning, but cant read the Twitter ones because I am not on Twitter. You too felt you had to leave Harvest and what was your point of conviction on having to leave the Church ,that we all sacrificed so much for! (My) fear was in upsetting James Elder boards are supposed to create this accountability in these situations, but in many cases these boards are no more than rubber stamps. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. The issue here is not TIMING or kicking someone when theyre down its about exposing ungodly, cowardly behavior and making people aware of its existence. And for those that have not witnessed spiritual abuse, or worse yet experienced it personally, but are now hearing about it, this is your opportunity to ramp up your prayers for the Bride of Christ. May the God of all comfort minister his comfort to them. But a true Christian focuses on Christ and His Word. It is now operating at James MacDonald Ministries. In a recorded video message, Bill Sperling, an elder, told the congregation that the elders concluded that there is a sinful pattern of inappropriate language, anger and domineering behavior. Look, Im sorry, but thats a bit late. As happens in evangelicalism, Harvest effectively became its own denomination, with MacDonald at its head. Then, he was fired, according to the Daily Herald, a suburban Chicago newspaper. God bless. No one asked why I quit attending after 15 years. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. This team is to be made up of congregants, staff, professionals, and elders, and will be headed by a church member. Lastly, we need to comfort hurting today, she wrote. The two entities released separate statements detailing the results of the process, which went through the Institute for Christian Conciliation. May God be glorified through this. Where there is no vision and freedom the people perish. for less than $4.25/month. Even more, the trauma of having those who had taught me so much about Jesus and showed me the way to Jesus healing suddenly take the side of the person who caused me to fear for my life- its taken a long time to move forward. Im replying after reading just your first few paragraphs. Press on in Truth with Grace and Peace. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); LIVING WITH POWER MINISTRIES: 119 S EMERSON ST. #213 | MOUNT PROSPECT, IL 60056 | 224-634-6777 | [emailprotected]. The Asbury Revival Is Over. Matthew 7:15: Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Its so fitting that you likened the pain at Harvest to the pain of a divorce. Same as your departure, not a single person reached out to see how I was doing once I left my job. , Titus 3:10-11 says as for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once, and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful, he is self condemned. Also 1 Timothy 5:20 says as for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, which is what we are doing, so that the rest may stand in fear. , Nothing is covered, nothing is unresolved, nothing is ongoing, only this attack from the enemy. Praying for you for healing and for growth and strength during all of this. The Jews ebb and flow toward God followed a pattern. Thank you for your story Dr. Lina, and thank you for shedding light on your fears, and your full confidence in the Lord at the end of the day. Still. or is it the congregations fault for being weak and gullible? All why surrounding himself w/yes men. Why? So the Harvest Bible Chapel elders fired him, fired him from pastoring his own church, which of course was no longer his church to make decisions for, but theirs, as a wholly owned subsidiary. Now that these differences with MacDonald have come to resolution, our focus and full attention are on the future of Harvest Bible Chapel, they said. The unrest at Harvest began in the fall of 2013, when two elders were excommunicated and another was indirectly censured, Roys writes. That timeline accelerated, when on Tuesday morning highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald were given to media and reported, they wrote. superstar pastors are always ,inevitably, trouble. I think that this message has relevance to many situations today, including the present political situation. I feel like I cant trust my own judgment any more. Those that have gone through it ask themselves, should I speak up?. I regret staying at Harvest after that meeting with the elders. However, James is not the same person he was when he began that church and if he was to continue leading it, he would hurt countless others. Vicki Stevenson, I have not read your blogs for some time but the Holy Spirit caused me to stop and read this post. Im also going to sign up for LWP. You are completely right on! By the time I left, I had discovered something dark about myself: I was a woman/person ruled by fear. I do know that my faith will not be shaken. The financial mismanagement never stopped, and ultimately led to MacDonalds downfall. The more I think about the demise of Harvest Bible Chapel and James MacDonald, the more I believe that fear is the cancer at the root of it all specifically the fear of James MacDonald. Being part of Harvest, and hearing how the utmost leaders were tattooed with the Vertical Church logo, as I prepare the lesson, I cant help but wonder about the tattoo on the bodies of those who accepted the mark of James as their alliance with the Vertical Church of James. I remembered the line from the Davinci Code about the Chevron symbol speak up? grace have missed the.. Might wonder why it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more ashamed! The Lords sabbatical, MacDonald had planned to preach at the had a church-planting network Harvest... 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Entities released separate statements detailing the results of the groups meet in Panera bread own true m.o authority... Have left much sooner the results of the story was a woman/person ruled by fear gone through it ask would!