These officers can assist you in the installation of a new car seat and inspecting a previously installed car seat. Sweeney and Blanchard said once they're off the clock for the last time, they'll be able to make some plans unrestricted by the job. Christopher F. Cannizzo, Chief of Police. WebAs Chief of Police, I have made it my mission to work in conjunction with the public to provide a safe and community oriented Department. In 2015, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant at which time he assumed the role of patrol supervisor on the 4-12 shift. The school safety officer (SLEO III) is in charge of maintaining a safe environment for students, teachers and other school personnel. Phone: 910.341.7852. Officers in the Patrol Division are expected to provide proactive services such as traffic enforcement, crime detection and suppression, conducting business and property checks, and initiating contacts with community members. If you are not a resident of East Hanover Township please visit; Prevention Works | Northern NJ Safe Kids / Safe Communities ( to find the nearest inspection station or "We'd be in the car and there would be a fire so we would go to it. WebMain Phone: 973-428-2512. Office number: 910-765-0703 Cell number: 910-398-7432 Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) Sponsorship The Wilmington Police Department offers a "Sponsorship" for persons to attend the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy at a local community college. In 2011 he began his law enforcement career with the Hanover Police Department, accepting a full-time appointment. Children ages 2 to 4 and weighing up to 40 pounds must be secured in a child-safety seat equipped with a five-point harness, either rear-facing (up to the height and weight limits of the seat) or forward-facing. The School Safety Officer is typically responsible for ensuring the security of the school building, grounds, facilities and the area immediately surrounding the school property. Contact. March 13, 2020. Administered by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, the accreditation program requires agencies to comply with best practice They are cross-trained in multiple disciplines including tactical operations, and technical rescue. For the Business/Residence Info Update form please click here. Procedures, which provides that all citizen complaints involving police misconduct are readily accepted and fully and promptly investigated. 31-04, and the Open Public Records Act, NJSA 47-1A-1, et seq., the fees to be charged for discovery reports and materials are as follows: The fees to be charged for Accident and Incident reports are as follows: HONOR | TRADITION | PROFESSIONALISM | DEDICATION. responds to barricade subjects, active shooter, violent emotionally disturbed persons, high-risk warrant service, crowd control and dignitary protection as well as technical rescues including structural / trench collapse, confined space, vehicle extrication and water rescue. Project Medicine Drop is a program designed to allow Township residents to properly and safely dispose of their unwanted or expired household medications. Officer John Voelkel has served as the School Resource Officer in Hanover since the position was created in 2015. Hanover Police Department Policies and Procedures On LINE, Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events - Training Opportunity. Lieutenant Zemotel Graduated from Hanover High School and began his career in public safety as a Dispatcher in 1989. } Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. 3800 Canterbury Road, Wilmington. The officer also creates and promotes a positive image of law enforcement that aspires to attain cooperation with the communitys younger members. officers deliver a comprehensive drug and violence prevention curriculum to the Townships 5th grade students. The town will celebrate Blanchard's retirement from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18, at the John Curtis Free Library. Police Records: 973-428-2493. Sincerely, Christopher F. Cannizzo, Chief of Police. The Police Department currently deploys School Safety Officers to the three East Hanover Township Public Schools and the Hanover Park Regional High School. To contact a member of the Hanover Police Department, please call 781-826-3231, followed by the appropriate extension. Sergeant Derek Richards, ext. 2051, Sergeant Sean MacKenzie, ext. 2067, Detective Jonathan Abban, ext. 2027, We are accountable for our actions and Members of the Emergency Service Unit are volunteers from within the Department and are selected from a rigorous selection process. Sweeney said one of his biggest accomplishments was getting a school resource officer into the Hanover schools in 2015. Hanover Town HallPO Box 483, Hanover, NH 03755 (603) 643-0742 Hours: Mon. After earning a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Western New England University, Michael attended the Morris County Public Safety Academy. Police Records: 973-428-2493. This creates direct contact with students and is designed to address issues and intervene positively at the earliest stages of potential conflict. If you are interested in this service, please complete a House Check Request form and turn it in at Police Headquarters. Please note that there are not staff or a building at this location. The Hanover Public Schools SRO serves as part counselor, part teacher, and part law enforcement officer, providing a valuable mentor and resource for all students in the Hanover Public Schools. Please note that the New Hanover Police Department is now at 2373 Hoffmansville Rd. See map: Google Maps. Office Staff Contact Info Hours of Operation: Complaints & Emergencies Business Offices Open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: Non-Emergency: (603) 643-2222 All rights reserved. This team is part of the UASI Rapid Deployment Force which is focused on a seven-county area including Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic and Union counties. Staff. The Police Department sponsors numerous education and orientation sessions dealing with alcohol and drug abuse, neighborhood watches, and pedestrian and traffic safety. The patrol officers are generally the first responders for any call for service by the public. The suspect has been identified as 18-year-old Piermont, New Hampshire resident William Menard. 2020, c. 128 and 129. Some of his earliest memories involve his dad, the chief engineer, fighting fires or otherwise involved in the department. The Records Bureau maintains a record of all incident and motor vehicle accident reports for the police department. How do I get a NH Resident Pistol/Revolver License (Concealed Weapon Permit)? Sweeney also started his career in Hanover as a call firefighter, then moved to the police department to work as a dispatcher in 1978 while attending Stonehill College. dedicated to prevention of crime and the protection of life and property. WebThe Township in conjunction with the Boyertown YMCA is offering a summer camp program at the New Hanover Community Park for children residing in New Hanover and Upper Frederick Townships. Now they are all hazardous material specialists and fire prevention professionals. Developed by, Prevention Works | Northern NJ Safe Kids / Safe Communities (, New Jersey Public Health Sanitation and Safety Program, Second Party Vehicle Release Authorization, The Official Website of The Township of East Hanover, NJ - Index (, Township of East Hanover (,, Voluntary Surveillance Camera Registration Form, Morris County Sheriff's Crime Stoppers (, Victim/Witness Services Morris County, NJ (, Mental Health Morris County, NJ (, JBWS | Safety, Support & Solution for Abuse, Morris County Sheriff's Office Morris County, NJ (, Morris County Prosecutor's Office Morris County, NJ ( You must dispose of used, old, or expired sharps and syringes safely.You can find local safe sharps collection sites and helpful resources at We have maintained our "country town" atmosphere over the years, yet combined it with the convenience of shopping malls, light industry, and, of course, technology. Hanover Market House 717-632-1353. Office of Open Records. East Hanover Police Officers have completed 40 hours of L.E.A.D. Email, The Information Technology section is responsible the department Records Management system, maintaining the in-house computer system and CAD (computer aided dispatch) system. In 2011, the City of Wilmington entered into a long-term conservation lease with the North Carolina Coastal Land Trust on the 39-acre tract of land owned by the Oleander Company. L.E.A.D. A change from prior year formats, these materials are an overview and introduction to the 2023 - 2024 budget for the purposes of gaining feedback, making revisions over the subsequent weeks, and presenting a finalized budget for approval on March 20th to then head to public hearing and Town Meeting.. This easement permits the limited development of the land by the city of Wilmington. The core lessons that the L.E.A.D officers teach include the following topics: Provide the children with accurate information about the dangers of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco. The Hanover Public Schools and the Hanover Police Department agree that student violence and substance abuse are national and societal problems reaching into our community. I believe a trusting relationship More recently Lieutenant Zemotel has overseen the Hanover Police Departments effort in creating an Officer Wellness Program which will benefit our members and the community for years to come. serve so please continue to visit the website for news and updates. Sergeant Mackenzie graduated from Hanover High School and enlisted in the United States Navy in 2005. "Both of them, I know, only have one gear: it's fifth gear and they're in it 24 hours a day.". Sincerely,
Print. That trend will continue later this year when they both officially retire from their respective departments after 43 years of working for the town. New Jersey has proven to be a leader in creating a juvenile justice system which emphasizes corrective action and court diversionary programs. Please see the Project Medicine Drop pamphlet (PDF) for additional information. { The members of the Hanover Police Department 717-637-5575. var check = false; More recently, Sergeant Mackenzie was appointed as the departments Fish and Game Officer. Two years later, he became a part-time firefighter and went full time in 1985. Emergency Dial 9-1-1. Departments Parks & Recreation Parks OLD, 3800 Canterbury Road,Wilmington That team, which includes volunteers, has boosted Hanover's ability to respond to emergencies and offer shelter during and after big storms. interacts online and researches product purchases Through the support and respect of our community partners we You can also call the Morris County Prosecutors Office Professional Standards Unit at 973-285-6200. Children under age 2 and weighing less than 30 pounds must be secured in a rear-facing child safety seat that is equipped with a five-point harness. WebPiney Ridge Nature Preserve. He oversaw the detectives and made sure federal grants were accounted for. WebPolice Department. In 2006, he became the deputy chief and was promoted to chief in 2011. } Hanover Its curriculum covers alcohol and drug resistance, violence prevention and anti-bullying. Please enable it Forms and permits must be submitted in person at the East Hanover Police Departments Records Bureau. Lieutenant Zemotel has served the department in a number of different capacities including department Firearms Instructor and Firearms Licensing Officer while also being an MPTC certified firearms instructor for the Plymouth Police Academy. View Hanover Police Department home page, including news, events, and contact information. Internal Affairs is responsible for investigating complaints of serious and minor rule infractions, criminal allegations, and policy violations of its personnel. In 2011, the City of Wilmington entered into a long-term conservation lease with the North Carolina Coastal Land Trust on the 39-acre tract of land owned by the Oleander Company. The Governor and the New Jersey Legislature has mandated the statewide use of Body Worn Cameras (BWC) for Law Enforcement Officers with the passage of P.L. In 1991, he was appointed as a Special Police Officer for Hanover Police Department before being appointed full-time in 1997. Each individual block of instruction provided to the students lasts approximately 45 minutes. Please do not bring any new or renewal New and repeat firearm applications are being directed to logon to the following website: to apply for an initial Firearms Identification Card (FID), amend their current FID Card or to apply for a Permit to Purchase a Handgun. There is a $5.00 charge if the requestor does not provide unused video or audio media. The actual postage for any discovery report sent by mail. This is accomplished through the assignment of highly trained personnel and the utilization of specialized equipment. Blanchard cut him off to finish the sentence, "interrupted, when we go with our wives' to dinner, because we've never been able to have a complete night out.". The police have a duty to fairly, objectively and thoroughly investigate all internal-affairs complaints. The Hanover Police Department will make a public announcement upon the release of the current Local Emergency Declaration and a return to previous procedures. HONOR | TRADITION | PROFESSIONALISM | DEDICATION. The garden features a collection of carnivorous plants including Venus Fly Traps a variety of Pitcher Plants and Sundews. I believe a trusting relationship between the community and the police are the best way to forge a successful partnership. Sweeney will be sent off Thursday, Dec. 16. Teach children ways to resist drugs and violence while providing positive alternative to drug use. The school safety Posted on: September 15, 2022 - 9:21am. within our jurisdiction. We work closely with police, fire, and emergency personnel to prevent and plan for emergencies. He proudly served his country as a Military Police Officer and Armorer while earning E-4 Third Class Petty Officer status before being honorably discharged in 2010. "We'll be able to get together, to eat, and not worry about who has to be close to town. WebIf you see anyone walking on the ice or become aware of any pets that may be stuck on the ice contact the East Hanover Police immediately at 973-887-0432. Patrol Officers account for the vast majority of department personnel and are responsible for the day to day operations of the police department. North Hanover Police Department, New Jersey State Police, the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, North Hanover Township School District, and North Burlington School District did not respond to Crime & Safety Hanover Homicide Suspect Arrested After Odenton Man Killed: Police A fatal shooting suspect was arrested after an Odenton man was killed in Hanover, police said. Additionally, there is an emphasis on recognizing the many subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol and drugs. The sworn officers, along with the civilian staff of the Archives Deputy Coordinators Maria Bronzino Carlo DiLizia Mark A. Curcio Ron Davis Chief Stanley Hansen WebLink: Hanover Township Police Department Website. By fostering a safe school environment we hope to enable an optimal learning environment and create a positive interaction between law enforcement and the students. The article has been updated. Emergency Phone: 911. The last two years have been some of the hardest for Sweeney, he said, as he has steered his department through the pandemic, tried to prevent officers from getting sick, provided public safety to the community and worked with Blanchard and the fire department every step of the way. Christopher Madry and Lindsey Johnson appeared in New Hanover County Superior Court on Monday with judge Phyllis Gorham presiding over the joint trial. The Support Service Division provides vital services to the Department and consists of the Records Bureau, Municipal Court Services, Information Technology Section / Fleet services and School Safety. In the event the complainant is unable for some reason to meet in person with the police, the internal affairs complaint can be made via telephone, U.S. Mail or through e-mail. 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(The Patriot Ledger) The pair have been friends since they first met in middle school, and have both been working in public safety in Hanover since they were teenagers. safeguard the constitutional rights of all those that we come into contact Details are still being finalized. Records Bureau
If you have further questions about sharps and syringe disposal contact the New Jersey Public Health Sanitation and Safety Program (Department of Health) at 609-826-4941. If you have any questions or interest in this program contact the East Hanover Police Department or the Morris County Sheriffs Office. As Chief of Police, I have made it my mission to work in conjunction with the public to provide a safe and community oriented Department. WebThe Hanover Borough Police Department would like to introduce our two new officers who were sworn in at last nights council meeting, Hannah Martin (L) and Kaylin Bickel (R). Each officer is trained to utilize various types of equipment and weapons to perform a myriad of tasks efficiently and effectively in support of all department objectives. He was appointed as police chief in 2008. The Chief of Police is the executive officer of the Police Department responsible for the supervision and administration of the Department. Accident Reports: 973-428-2517. ", "They're just weeks from retirement, and you'd never know it. HANOVER, Mass. function mobileAndTabletcheck() { This easement permits the limited development of the land by the city of Wilmington. Recreation Department. Christopher Madry and Lindsey Johnson appeared in New Hanover County Superior Court on Monday with judge Phyllis Gorham presiding over the joint trial. program goal is to build solid emotional foundations, which will, in turn, lead to better decision-making later in the student's life. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. At the current time we are not accepting applications for the position of Crossing Guard. We hope these pages provide useful and interesting information about the police department. The East Hanover Township Police Department has several police officers trained as certified car seat technicians. By 1982, Sweeney was appointed as a full-time police officer and worked the 4 p.m. to midnight shift until 1995, when he was promoted to sergeant after passing the required tests. The first session will be held June 26 th to July 7 th (no camp July Administrative Division 804-365-6110. WebPhone: (812) 866-2131. To maximize the effectiveness of our efforts to achieve a violence-free and drug-free community, we recognize that the coordination and cooperation of the community as a whole are essential. If you are going to away from home, you can request that an officer make periodic checks on your residence while you are gone. A juvenile has the right to file an internal-affairs complaint, with or without the presence of a parent or guardian. Every law enforcement agency within the State of New Jersey must have a policy consistent with the Attorney Generals Internal Affairs Policy and. They started as call firefighters and dispatchers, then Sweeney went on to become a police officer and Blanchard became a firefighter. Police Records: 973-428-2493. He worked as a patrolman on the 12-8 shift for approximately four years before moving to the 4-12 shift where he continued his uniformed patrol duties and motorcycle patrol. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Advanced Training. Born four days apart, Hanover Fire Chief Jeff Blanchard and Police Chief Walter Sweeney have been living parallel lives. Project Lifesaver is a public safety program that combines public education and technology to help officials quickly locate persons who may present a safety risk if they wander off on their own. ) 643-0742 Hours: Mon deputy Chief and was promoted to Chief in 2011 he began his enforcement... 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