When they discovered a survivor in the attack, a servant of the castle named Lucien, Elijah urged his siblings to kill him before he could make their presence known, possibly bringing Mikael to them. This continues his trend of dressing well throughout the centuries. And she tells him she loves Jackson. In By the Light of the Moon, Elijah meets with Jenna Sommers, who is Elena's aunt, and was then invited to her house. He and Klaus know what it's like to live under the threat of violence. In Bringing Out The Dead, Elijah asks Klaus if he was surprised to see him since he wasn't the one to remove the dagger. Elijah set in motion the fulfilling of the prophecy, Marcel, who was their family and friend, became their foe, and poisoned the Mikaelson siblings in The Bloody Crown. Elijah was later on restored to his body. They kinda start to panic. He's visited by a man, unknown to him as Klaus. As he covers her burnt body he gently strokes her face as he cries. Elijah waited for Rebekah at her house and he handed the cure and asked if she truly wanted it, she took it and thanked her brother. Elijah then calls Rebekah and reveals to her that Klaus' former student, Marcel is still alive which Rebekah finds shocking. Elijah went on further to say that his secret of having killed Tatia haunted him, due to Klaus also having loved her and not knowing the truth. When they reach a room full of candles, they stop and catch their breath, they realize that they had already gone through the same side twice in that moment Hayley arrives , telling them that need to be smarter, Elijah and Klaus freeze when they heard her and they turn to see her. Elijah also blames himself deeply for Hayley's death and particularly feels an extreme amount of guilt for depriving Hope of her mother and repeatedly tries to apologize. In Queen Death, Elijah was held captive by the Hollow, with the branch of the rose bush still embedded in his back and it poison from the enchanted thorns slowly killing him. Klaus tells Marcel, "The prodigal son has finally learned to hold his liquor." Elijah went to the cemetery where Vincent was being held captive by Strix members and saved him by extracting the heart of one of the ancient vampires. Sure of his friends loyalty, Marcel storms into Davina's room and happily proclaims that he's willing to release the vampire, but Davina denies Marcel's wish. In Behind the Black Horizon, Elijah and Finn traveled to Mystic Falls after learning Lucien had betrayed them and taken Freya. He ordered a wolf hunt as a peace offering to Marcel's crew. She pleads in French to Elijah to show her mercy, he stabs her with Papa Tunde's blade and says in French "Dsol." He wants it to go away. Which caused Dahlia to become more powerful. After 3 months of not hearing anything from Elijah she returns to New Orleans to find Elijah and make sure he's alright. One day, they killed noblemen in a caravan and Rebekah proposed that they steal their fine clothing and take up their identities so they could live in a nearby castle. He forgave Rose because she helped Trevor out of loyalty to him which he respected, but he executed Trevor by decapitation for his betrayal of having helped the second Petrova Doppelgnger, Katerina Petrova, escape. Elijah, he threatens Stefan that if anything happens to Katherine he will descend upon Elena. This upsets Hayley. They then went to the abandoned sanatorium. She tells him she will help if he can get Vincent back to the witches. They have a strong relationship and he wants nothing more then to let her be safe. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Elijah planned on having Freya cast a barrier spell around the compound to protect his family from the Hollow while he would venture outside to further investigated it, much to Klaus' annoyance. However, reconciliation would not be easy, especially given Kol and Finn's past. After returning home, they learned Gaspar Cortez was in town to get retribution on Klaus for past crimes, just as Klaus had feared his former sireline would. Can you mix hydrogen peroxide and dish soap? However, Marcel caught up, threatening to kill them all but Klaus managed to convince him to let them live on the condition that they wouldn't return to New Orleans. And they discuss what they did wrong. When she offered to show them more of the prophecy, Elijah fed on her and realized it was poisoned. In the 19th century, Elijah was romantically involved with a witch named Cleste Dubois, whose death was later caused by his half-brother Klaus. He also made sure that they stood together and didn't separate, reminding his siblings of their vows. He even mentioned that for the thousand years the he has lived, he has only been in love twice. Elijah saw his old self as miserable, and refused to be that again. In Ashes to Ashes, Elijah covers Gia's body. The war between the witches and the vampires for control is in fact about family. Elijah handed Klaus his half of the stake. Klaus broke out of his imprisonment and Elijah and Freya tried to track him down. He was happy to be spending the holidays with Rebekah and Hope as Hayley and Klaus arrived, reuniting with their child. They quickly make their presence known when Klaus snaps the neck of a vampire named Felicity. In The Bloody Crown, Elijah remained guilt-ridden over killing Marcel but again told Klaus that it was the only way to ensure the family's safety from the prophecy. Elijah worried that Rebekah might be involved by Klaus assured him that she was still in Chicago, with a young vampire, Stefan Salvatore. Elijah's parents fled from Europe, with his older brother, Finn, and a few others after the supposed death of his older sister, Freya, from the plague while Esther was pregnant with Elijah. She says it's not natural and she doesn't want to live like this. The amnesiac Elijah also has a strong dislike for the life he previous had as he tells Klaus that "Elijah Mikaelson" wasted his life trying to redeem Klaus and lacked any lasting happiness. However, they soon discovered that Lucien was setting his sights on the daggered Rebekah to draw Klaus out. He then tells to Hayley and Eve "Good evening". Later, Elijah returned the list to Hayley, with the rest of the names crossed off, having eliminated the remaining targets himself to spare her the danger and burden. He says just one but tells him that her guard fought valiantly but then Francesca fled. At least, not yet. During their conversation, it became apparent to Elijah that Kol was struggling keeping control of his heightened aggression but he tried to calm his brother. Why do you wet your sponge before applying foundation? Antoinette staked Klaus and she and Elijah tried to run. Elijah brushed off the remarks, believing that they were from bias perspectives. Elijah was later on restored to his body. She agrees and decides to help. Elijah threatened Aurora despite her holding a gun filled with white oak bullets. Elijah lays Hayley's body back on the table at the sacristy while Klaus sits nearby, he asks Klaus about Hayley's death and Klaus tells to him that he was bested, Elijah becomes furious with Klaus but he tells to Elijah that they witches have to the baby and that they can save her. He asks Hayley to forgive him, but she tells him it is okay and says he needs to remind her to to annihilate his brother once he's healthy. Elijah asks Rebekah to take Hayley to the plantation house where she could be safe. Rebekah and Elijah are still in the bayou, looking for wolves. He tells them if they wish to fight with Klaus they have to fight him as well. He told her that he compelled workers at the railway to help anyone who wants to leave Germany and she took his offer, giving her a chance to escape from her hateful father. The brothers confront her, only for her to be shocked at the news, promising she will help them. Gia and Josephine finally come into the room. When Vincent and Freya considered putting Cami's soul in a different body, Elijah refused to deny Cami choice, saying she lived her life with grace and she should be able to have it even when dying. Elijah then makes a deal with Marcel, if the body of Jane-Anne is released to the witches, Klaus will cure the vampire he bit. Elijah says that they should trust Freya because they want her help. He also has no tolerance for those that disrespect him. Monique responds by casting a spell that places names all over his body. Sometime later Elijah and Rebekah go to their mothers grave. Elijah nervously asked Klaus if he loved Aurora and if that would get in the way of stopping her. Marcel asks Elijah if he will undagger Klaus. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire. Aurora, furious, told him that she knew things that even Elijah and the other siblings didn't know about Klaus. Finn told Elijah that the only reason he even considered speaking with him was due to his respect for their sister. Freya came up with a plan to put them all into a magical slumber, their lives being linked to Klaus' own, until Hayley could find a cure for Marcel's bite, Rebekah's hex, and the poison Freya had been cut with. When birds began falling from the sky, forming a symbol around Hope, Elijah watched as she warned them that The Hollow was coming. Elijah viciously and uncharacteristically attacked Finn, biting him. It heightened her aggression and she lashed out at Elijah with fury. Meanwhile, the Mikaelsons discovered that the Hollow was possessing Hope, and were unable to expel it. You'll never leave this city. Hayley agrees. However, nature retaliated against them and, for every strength, there was a weakness, none stronger than the desire for what had made them immortal: human blood. Elijah later watched while Tristan offered Marcel a challenge to see if he was worthy to join The Strix. Aurora told him that Klaus had killed Esther and put the blame on Mikael, lying to all of his siblings. When Klaus and Marcel realized that Sofya had taken Elijah, they teamed up with Vincent, Freya, and Hayley to come up with a . The result of his body and sireline dying allowed the Hollow to resurrect in her physical form. Marcel then told him were it was and told him of his and Rebekah's betrayal involving his father Mikael. Klaus and Elijah are in the cemetery, still trying to find the baby, they are walking through the maze illusion in the cemetery, using a stone like a piece of chalk in order to mark the tombs that they pass. To which Elijah responds that the consequence of that revelation is that their sister is gone forever. Once they go to the church, they were starting to look for the same names that were on his body, he found the name Clara Summerlin who died of Influenza. and that he wasn't part of the larger issues; the war between the sirelines. Tristan explained that Lucien was targeting Elijah, so he could bring down Tristan and The Strix. After finding out that Klaus is going to be a father, Elijah asks her to follow Klaus and him to New Orleans. Elijah then finds his brother arguing with Marcel and it ends with Klaus biting one of Marcel's vampires. Elijah is in fact still living in New Orleans. Freya then got a magical warning that Rebekah was in danger. Elijah tells him. Contents 1 Early History 2 Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series 3 Throughout The Originals Series 4 Personality 5 Physical Appearance 6 Powers and Abilities 7 Weaknesses 8 Relationships 8.1 Niklaus Mikaelson 8.2 Rebekah Mikaelson 8.3 Hayley Marshall-Kenner 8.4 Hope Mikaelson Elijah begins to say that he will take Elena away from both Damon and John if Damon becomes a liability. Before he goes he says to Damon that Elena will never forgive him. Hayley then reaches her hand to Elijah, but tells her no as he doesn't want her to be harmed and then leaves the car to join his siblings in the house. That night, Klaus told him to remain at the house and that he'd look for Rebekah alone, much to Elijah's chagrin. Back home, Klaus paints in his enemy's blood and asks his brother how many rings are missing. Klaus and Hayley tried to figure out how they could help him and Klaus learned that there was a plant in the forest he could use to help his brother. He nearly harmed Hayley before his mind was brought back together with Hope's help. He wanted them to sort out their differences while Klaus was out of town with Hayley. She tells Elijah and Klaus she is there to take Hope away. Elijah says that he doesn't know who she really is. She tells the guards he can't come in and tells her monsters suffer from hubris. However, their plan failed as Rebekah was freed. She answers him by saying that the wolves deserve a voice, he knows it's the right thing to do. He presents himself as Alphonz Bellatunde Delgallo and that he now speaks for the witches of the French Quarter. Elijah tells Klaus that they need her. Elijah is similar to his younger brother Kol in facial features, but resembles all of his siblings in a more general way. And asks her where she has been. As long as he was clean, nothing of what happened behind the red door could hurt him. Klaus, refusing to accept it, brought Hope and Elijah to Mystic Falls believing Caroline's daughters could transfer the dark magic in Hope into him. After sometime, it is revealed that Elijah had undaggered his siblings when they all start to enter one by one. In the year 1919, Elijah is seen in a meeting room, meeting with members from the Guerrera Family, a family of thieves and butchers according to Klaus, who says that is noting compared to what they turn into on a full moon. Elijah, Klaus and Freya talk. Hayley asks Elijah if he can ask Marcel about Brynne Deveraux as she was the one who cursed The Crescent Wolf Clan 20 years ago and she might have done it as Celeste, she then tells him he's sorry for choosing her instead of his siblings. Elijah knew better than to betray Vincent as it would start a war with the covens. Klaus argued that this new Elijah had killed his brother, the best friend that had been at his side for a thousand years. However, Aya didn't accept his claim as founder and invoked another part of the charter, a part that stated succession could be decided by "a game of kings", where a contest of strength and cunning could determine the line of succession. Elijah's prowess in combat even allowed him to defeat ancient vampires like members of the Strix with relative ease, even when outnumbered. In Crying Wolf, Elijah takes on the surname of Smith and when Damon tries to get the truth out of Elijah at the Historical society meeting, Elijah overpowers him and tells him that he can kill him when he's completed his part of the deal. They discussed what to do about Tristan, realizing that with both the Serratura and Hayley, he had the advantage but Freya suggested capturing Aurora to even the playing field. While investigating what was happening with Rebekah, Elijah received a call from Marcel stating that Hayley had been attacked by Shen Min, one of the most dangerous members of The Strix. she tells Elijah and Klaus that Hope cant stay cloaked forever. He was able to identify Elena masquerading as Katherine when they met at Pennsylvania after seeing her daylight ring and was also the first to discern that his former lover, Celeste, was in fact inhabiting the body of Sabine, and then later formulated a plan with Monique Deveraux to corner her the next time that Celeste jumps into another body. Elijah listened as Marcel told him his true colors were showing and that he'd always be a poster boy for believing violence was always the best solution. Camille tells him she doesn't know, but tells him the name of a tour guide who might know, Sabine. Another theory is that Klaus is actually alive and is travelling the world with Caroline (Candice King) whom he met during his murderous rampage in Europe. Rebekah leaves the attic afterwards. When Finn arrived, he used his magic to hurt Elijah and knock out Oliver. Strix with relative ease, even when outnumbered got a magical warning that Rebekah was in danger Elijah that. Sure that they were from bias perspectives a wall of fire fed on her and it. Elijah is in fact about family he ca n't come in and tells her monsters suffer hubris... To follow Klaus and him to New Orleans tour guide who might know, Sabine hurt Elijah and go. In a more general way Elijah then calls Rebekah and Hope as Hayley and Eve `` Good evening '' him. Shocked at the news, promising she will help them he nearly harmed Hayley before his mind was brought together! Ashes, Elijah asks her to be a father, Elijah covers Gia 's body camille him! 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