"The truth, the truth will come out," Schuler responded. She said: 'But after this tragedy I stopped going. When I look to him for strength, all I see is heartache.'. A toxicology report after the crash revealed Mrs Schuler had drunk the equivalent of ten shots of vodka and was high on cannabis before she barrelled in the wrong direction down the highway at speeds of up to 70mph for more than two miles. In the documentary, the husband of Diane Schuler hired his own private investigator into the crash. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- On July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler, driving her family home to Long Island after a weekend camping trip, went the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway and crashed into. Diane Schuler, 36, drove the wrong way for nearly two miles on the Taconic State Parkway and struck a sport utility vehicle. Doubtless, Mr. Barbara will come up with a way to explain that. If she was drinking and smoking with kids in the car, that is some really irresponsible behavior which cost lives. "Absolutely not.". Diane appeared normal to husband and others before leaving the campsite. "Does it give you pause to think that maybe, just maybe she was a drinker and you didn't know it," King asked. Her husband being in denial wouldnt be that abnormal and I feel bad for him too. Her neighbours shared that she was always lovely and friendly. This procedure follows a standard protocol to resolve the case and bring forth justice. In the Chevrolet TrailBlazer, 74-year-old Dan Longo, 81-year-old Michael Bastardi, and his 49-year-old son Guy were killed instantly. Her brother was concerned enough to call the police. Reports indicate that she could have smoked as recently as 15-minutes prior to the crash. For the relatives of those three guys in Chevy TrailBlazers, they could not believe that nobody in Ms. Schulers family had known about her drug or alcohol abuse. After driving 1.7 miles (2.7 km), Diane Schuler struck a 2002 Chevrolet TrailBlazer head-on at 85 mph. Diane had the equivalent of 10 shots of alcohol in her bloodstream and an additional 10 shots of undigested alcohol in her stomach at the time of autopsy. She is known as the main subject of the Taconic State Parkway crash back in 2009. It was not easy for the families of both sides to accept the catastrophe, but the consequences were irreversible. It premiered on HBO on July 25, 2011. 'He copes by staying busy and trying not to think about it. Diane Schuler and her husband, Daniel, camped at a lakefront campground in Sullivan County with their children and three nieces on the weekend of July 25 and 26. The report also found "high" levels of THC, the active ingredient in pot, but it was not clear when or how much Schuler smoked. No criminal charges were filed because Diane Schuler was responsible for the crash "and the charges died with her," a prosecutor said. The camper stays at the campsite along with their boat all summer long. #dianeschuler #somethingiswrongwithauntdiane Diane Schuler left a family campground with her daughter, son, and two nieces to head home. The husband drove their pick up with their dog and he had packed her car. Meanwhile, following the accident, the police had tried to reach Ms. Schulers husband, who had consistently denied that she used alcohol or drugs excessively. Her husband eventually became a public safety officer for the Nassau County Police Department and earned $43,000 a year. Now did her nieces mother and father know that. While driving Schuler called her brother and said she was not feeling well. Prayers and love, L just want to hit in the thc in her body she was a heavy woman and thc stores in ur fat so thc in her system died not mean she smoked that day at all if she smoked a couple hits every night before bed then it is going to be there the same as smoking that day nobody can say for a fact she had smoked weed that day. Her minivan collided with an SUV, resulting in the deaths of Schuler, her daughter, her three nieces, and three passengers in the other car. It is estimated that Schuler was traveling at speeds up to 85 mph. She said: 'I'd had a dream that I was standing in heaven and I could see Emma, Alyson, and Katie through these big gates. on your DIY big screen, that is. Mrs Hance said she is heartbroken that HBO has chosen to use those final words as the title for its documentary on the crash, due to be aired next Monday. It is also clear which makes it easier to swap in place of other drinks such as water or to mix in with other liquids such as a protein shake or tea. Diane died from blunt force trauma. My heart is broken for all the families involved. The cellphone used was found later near the bridges toll plaza. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In a statement, the victims relatives said that its inconceivable that nobody in the deceased drivers family knew about the drinking problem or drug problem. "But I mean , OK, but we'll never know. Three men in the blazer, all from Yonkers, were killed. The crash tore their extended family apart, and while Mr Schuler has frequently spoken out, the Hances have remained private until now. See All Share Email About LOCATION Tonawanda, New York Obituaries Castiglia Funeral Home, Inc. Obituary Daniel. She was beautiful inside and out for those who had known her. But at least it forces me to start the day. It is obsidian to think that anything in that car was able to remain where it was.or determine where it was prior. Officials said Schuler's blood-alcohol level was 0.19, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08, and that she had consumed marijuana. I can recall going in and out of blackout and I can see why being incoherent and confused, getting on the wrong side of the highway can be easily done. The Schulers' lawyer, Dominic Barbara, "has admitted that his client, Daniel Schuler, is involved with drugs and has a problem with drugs," Anolik said. July 27, 2011 -- Jackie Hance, who lost all three of her daughters in the horrific wrong-way crash on the Taconic Parkway just two years ago is suing the husband of the drunk driver, her brother-in-law Daniel Schuler. Why not place the alcohol in the trunk, out of reach of the driver and the children? Investigators later found out that Ms. Schuler was under the influence of alcohol and marijuana as she drove a minivan 1.7 miles in the wrong direction on the Taconic State Parkway. Daniel Schuler, who has tried to exhume his wife's body to prove her innocence in the crash, has also sued New York State, alleging the signposting on the parkway was inadequate. A shot is 1.5 oz. Schuler Wreckage Photos Schuler Wreckage #1: Schuler Wreckage #2: Schuler Wreckage #3: Schuler Wreckage #4: Schuler Wreckage #5: Schuler Wreckage #6: This book is not only about the horrific acts of Diane Schuler and the suffering that she has caused so many people but also about the added pain caused by those who fabricated stories about her actions that day. Autopsy records prove it. Mississauga, ON THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days or longer. Only Mrs Schuler's son, Bryan, survived. When something as terrible as this happens. A private investigator hired by Dianes widower said he could find no relative who had ever observed Diane drinking heavily or being intoxicated. Thanks! If I didnt seek help, Dianes story could have been mine. 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I just watched the documentary then read this blog. Eight people were killed when a minivan being driven by 36-year-old Diane Schuler traveled 1.7 miles (2.7 km) in the wrong direction on the parkway and collided head-on with an oncoming SUV. "Parenting is not something you can ever let go of, even if your children are gone," Hance wrote in Ladies Home Journal. In early August investigators said Schuler had at least 10 drinks and had large quantities of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in her system before driving the wrong-way down the Taconic State Parkway. My father taught me how important family is. The accident made headlines, especially after it was revealed that a postmortem toxicology test Only one person from the minivan survived, Schuler's 5-year-old son. It serves as a valuable reference and procedure in discovering what you, the lawyer, and a jury would need to know about the accident. (LogOut/ Lab records and Autopsy evidence is considered proof in DUI cases daily in the U.S.A. On July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler, 36, was driving the wrong way down the Taconic State Parkway in New York when her minivan slammed into an SUV, killing Diane, her young daughter, three nieces, and three passengers in the other vehicle. With that much alcohol in her system, she was in a blackout. 'So, almost in a daze, I told the doctor I wanted to try to get pregnant, never expecting it to work.'. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane. This sudden production of ethanol causes a spike in the affected persons blood alcohol content (BAC) and symptoms mirror those of someone highly-intoxicated: dizziness, erratic behavior, slurred speech, irritable bowel syndrome, belching, chronic fatigue, dry mouth, disorientation, and hangovers. There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane: Directed by Liz Garbus. They had a happy marriage, and Ms. Schuler made her mark in corporate accounting at Cablevision. In order for the Auto Brewery theory to be true, we would have to assume Diane ate a ton of high-sugar/high-carb food and digested in half the normal human time it takes to digest food or, that she drank so much high-sugar/high-carb liquid that she induced a high level of ethanol in her gut. I guess we will never know what happened and that is deeply disturbing. Alcoholics are also very cunning but people usually see the signs. Now Mrs Hance is speaking out for the first time about the tragedy that ripped her family apart, ahead of a documentary seeking to clear her sister-in-law's name. If she had felt things I doubt she would tell her husband I mean he didnt have that sort of open mind about feelings. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. And antibiotics have been known to trigger AB in susceptible individuals and not only was Diane obese and a type 2 diabetic (per family) she was also recently on abx for her teeth in the past year. This typical yet outgoing woman married Daniel Schuler, an avid outdoorsman. "Diane Schuler died in the crash and the charges died with her," Westchester County District Attorney Janet DiFiore said. Reputation and competence are two qualities you should look for in an accident reconstruction expert. Ten years later, there are still unanswered questions for some of the families of the victims. With that said it is possible she was having some vodka with OJ possibly maybe or not and the plain OJ was the trigger for fermentation to begin that day or if the prior and that she had AB which cause mere sips of vodka and a McDonalds carbohydrate laden meal to produce this level of incoherence. There is absolutely no rational thinking, she is in a state that is completely warped and she would not be capable to compute that she is making the right decision let alone thinking about the safety of her children and nieces. Schuler's wife Diane entered the wrong way on the Taconic Parkway in 2009 and drove for nearly two miles before slamming head-on into another vehicle. Blog was well written. By Douglas Calhoun on 2 Jul 2020. Before the crash on the Taconic, Ms. Schuler had the last contact at 1:02 p.m. with her brother at his home. As a response, they considered filing a lawsuit and hoped that anyone who knew about the alcohol use would have to pay for the damages. Thats a lot of assumptions. They were even seen wearing swim tubes and gear as they enjoyed the beach. Interested in working with us? By Jennifer Millman and Ida Siegel. Check out other articles for your guidance. Mrs Schuler and her daughter, Erin, also died in the crash, as did the three men in the SUV which was coming the other way. vulture0425 8 yr. ago I, too watched the documentary. They still let kids in car with her. How does a person go from being like a sister to me - adored by my girls and cherished by my husband - to being the one who ruined our lives? And since we'll never know, why keep on doing this?" He has steadfastly said his wife was "not a drunk driver,", Just minutes before the deadly crash, Hance's 9-year-old daughter, Emma, had called her father to say, "Something's wrong with Aunt Diane.". We provide lunch for your team and educate on many topics. When toxicology reports were released, it was found that Schuler had a blood-alcohol content of 0.19 percent - more than twice the legal limit for a DUI. She had had her tubes tied soon after Katie was born, but, reluctantly at first, she began to consider IVF. Many lawyers would recommend hiring these professionals to aid in accident cases involving complex issues or contested liability. We would be glad to offer competent Accident Reconstruction services to help win your claim. We all want to believe no one could possibly be this much of a monster. The film profiles Diane Schuler, who caused the fatal car accident, through interviews with her family members and friends, and attempts to piece together . It is what it is type thing. Tooth pain can mean other health issues. Perhaps at something Danny said or that she learned just prior to leaving the campground. The couple are battling to stay together. Her toxicology report showed that her blood alcohol level was at 0.19 percent (over double the legal limit of .08 percent), with another six grams of alcohol sitting in her stomach yet to be absorbed. The vodka was normally stored in the camper and Dianes husband cant make sense of why Diane would have moved it to the mini-van prior to taking off with the children. She said: 'I want to be excited, but I know how random life can be, and how unfair. Diane Schuler's husband, Daniel Schuler, has repeatedly defended his wife, saying she was not a drinker and more likely suffered from some kind of medical condition that caused the crash. Sept. 10, 2009 -- The husband of an allegedly intoxicated woman who killed eight people by driving the wrong way on a New York highway "had a role" in the "murder" of the motorists, a family member of the dead charged today. We are different people, but we're both broken. She was definitely dealing with some demons. She said: 'We're back by 6:15am, which used to be great because then I could make breakfast for the girls and pack their lunch. There should have been food in her stomach at autopsy if the Auto Brewery Syndrome theory is to be believed it would be a high-sugar/high-carbohydrate meal that would induce the elevated ethanol level; and, yet, she had NO food in her system. "You can't imagine how complex that question is. Anolik said he would ask the Westchester County District Attorney to convene a grand jury to force Daniel Schuler to answer questions under oath. No one reached the van in time, because Diane drove off after calling. We want to believe that most incidents of murder and dismemberment occur at the hands of just a dozen serial killers rather than accepting the more-likely possibility that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of one-off killers out there our neighbors, selectmen, school teachers lone individuals who did something one time, so horrible in their lives, and then worked hard to cover up their singular transgression. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Just hours later, Schuler was weaving wildly through oncoming traffic for nearly two miles before the crash ended so fatally. After watching this I was speechless. Barrie, ON L4M 5A5, CAREERS The TACONIC TRAGEDY of 2009 | DIANE SCHULER CASE Pretty Uncensored 1.03K subscribers 24K views 4 years ago This video is about the Diane Schuler Case which lead to the Taconic Tragedy on July. Hance's sister was behind the wheel of the vehicle as it headed the wrong way on New York's Taconic State Parkway. I cant make sense of that . The crash was ruled a homicide soon after because the victims were killed due to Ms. Schulers negligent driving, regardless of the toxicology findings. But you just cant not see the vodka bottle or the alcohol in her stomach. On that bright sunny Sunday 10 years ago, July 26, 2009, families were. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Diane Schuler Crash - 100% Murder-Suicide I just watched "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane," which I found interesting and thought-provoking. Multiple office locations? Therefore Marijuana, vodka (a lot of it) and pride killed everyone except her son. One of the saddest news stories of the summer just got sadder the husband of Diane Schuler, whose wrong-way drunk-driving crash killed her and seven others, tells New York Magazine he still . After watching, I poked around Reddit and was shocked to see that the general consensus seems to be that she over-medicated and went into an incoherent state leading to the crash. Since Ms. Schuler died, the charges also died with her. I am a recovering alcoholic and alcoholics need more alcohol as they have a higher tolerance. Ladies Home JournalA page from the . They were shocked by the tragedy and what the toxicology report revealed. At 9:30am on July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler loaded up her two children (ages five and two) along with her brother's, Warren Hance, three daughters (ages eight, seven, and five) into her brother's red 2003 Ford Windstar and left the Hunter Lake Campground to start the journey to West Babylon, New York. Daniel Schuler is a public safety officer with the Nassau County Police Department on Long Island. As a child, Ms. Schuler grew up as Diane E. Hance with a Catholic background in Floral Park, a lovely Nassau Country suburb where her family stayed for years. The condition of Dianes liver at autopsy was found to be in the normal range suggesting a possible lack of long-term alcohol abuse. "There are questions that we need answered," Bastardi said. In the aftermath, Diane Schuler was portrayed as a reckless drunk and a mother who cracked. Premise. Investigators assumed that she was on the Westchester side of the Tappan Zee Bridge as her niece got on the phone and said she could see a sign for Tarrytown. On July 26 Diane Schuler left a New York campground with her two children and three nieces in her van. But, that did not justify her driving in oncoming traffic for 2 miles. How could I believe that God had been listening to my prayers.'. . But no she would not do that. Campers who have known the family for years observed no signs of conflict. And at a certain level you will vomit. This condition would account Diane's apparent lack of prior alcoholic behaviors. Now she and her husband go out for dinner with their friends each weekend, as they used to do when the girls were alive - but she worries that everyone's staring at her and thinking she's forgotten her daughters. Why would it suddenly happen to her the day she died? The truth, they say, is that Diane Schuler, Hance's sister-in-law, caused the crash by driving drunk and high into traffic, and that Hance's husband could have prevented the disaster if he'd. When interviewed, Ms. Schulers family, including Warren and Jackie Hance, the parents of her three nieces, couldnt believe what happened. They worked different shifts. I hope this family can find peace. The story of Diane Schuler is a sobering account of how dangerous the hidden life of functional addiction can be. But he recounted that his sister called him to say she was unaware of where they were heading and was having trouble in her vision. I am going with the fact that she is a closet drinker. Eight were killed in all: Guy Bastardi, 43, his father Michael Bastardi, 81, and a family friend, Daniel Longo, 72, as well as the Hance girls, Schuler and her 2-year-old daughter Erin. Like other unfortunate incidents, this one went through a complex investigation where the whole scenario had to be reconstructed by an expert to determine the cause or what factors resulted in a crash. She lived in West Babylon, New York, and was a working mother with two sons. Schuler, a 36-year-old Long Island mother of two, was at the wheel, drunk and high, headed south at 70 mph in the northbound lane. Diane appeared to be acting in a way that suggested she was preparing for the accident. Accidents would often result in legal disputes, especially when the victims are seeking claims. Emma was sporty, and loved being the big sister. No one witnessed Diane behaving erratically or in an intoxicated manner in the months and years prior to the crash. Therefore, you should carefully evaluate the companys credentials that you want to work with. (LogOut/ We just hope is was some disease or syndrome. There were no reports of domestic incidents at the house in the past few years. Evidence in her Autopsy proved the truth. i was with my husband and my newborn and we too were on our way to Yorktown Heights, same as Bastardi family was, to have our Sunday Supper with our family. To learn more about our cookies, please read our, Loss of driver control due to the failure of a car part. The middle daughter, Alyson, had a contagious laugh and Katie, the baby, was hugely affectionate, always giving and asking for hugs. What smells so good?'. Just my two cents I am also fascinated by the mystery of it all. They even went so far as to have the samples DNA tested, because the husband thought they were mixed up by the medical examiner, and possibly not even his wife's samples. Diane never sought medical help for a bizarre onset of symptoms. Diane, her daughter, and two of her nieces died immediately upon impact. Anyway, you did a great job spelling everything out. But everything had gone drastically awry in the life of Diane Schuler on Sunday, between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 in that afternoon. And driving by the site daily is a constant reminder of this perlexesing case. The sisters were the children of Diane Schuler's brother. There is a story that has been purported and suggested in order for their tragedy to make sense to us, bit honestly it doesnt fit and I have to beive that there is more to this than. There is no mention of food particles or remnants in her stomach. The rest of the children and Diane died. According to police reports, there was no account from Mr. Hance that his sister had been drinking alcohol when he called Sunday afternoon to ask for help finding her. But police authorities were unsure when or where the vodka was bought, and they sought Mr. Schuler to investigate the matter, who later denied the accusations. I think its freaky that the people on the Taconic that saw her said she was stonefaced. There are 200 ml in a liquor store half pint which quads 6.763 oz. Neither Bastardi nor his lawyer Irving Anolik explicity said how Daniel Schuler had a role in the catastrophic accident, but suggested he was hiding drug use in the family. On July 26, 2009 Diane Schuler killed herself and seven others when she drove the wrong way on the Taconic State Parkway. Mrs Hance said: 'Warren and I have struggled with our grief, and the differences in how we grieve, from the first day. terror, fear of impending death, extreme horror, fright, [and] mental anguish," according to The New York Post. But it did work, on the very first attempt. The medical records state 6 grams and 1.75 gram in her gastric contents (not too sure why 2 but it could be the stomach and the gastric tract) which according to Wikipedia a standard drink is 14grams so she had less of a drink her her stomach contents which seems realistic. They hold fundraising events, the proceeds of which go towards projects to help girls build their self-esteem. Typical food digestion takes 6-8 hours for the food to be moved from the stomach to the small intestine. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Was she really the reckless drunk, or the perfect suburban mother? Danny and his sister-in-law, Jay which some have theorized were having an affair had the motive to paint her as innocent: money. Its not my place to judge this lady. Hey I have just started to watch the documentary on TV. In terms of driving record, Ms. Schuler had a clean one, and investigators even noted theres no reason to believe there were problems in the marriage. I raise awareness in missing persons/cold cases, and cover current true crime cases. Diane had multiple bone fractures, with lacerations in her internal organs. As mentioned by the source, Diane was driving a red 2003 Ford Windstar that belonged to her brother. So stomach should be empty. We offer the most reliable reconstruction services for various types of accidents, such as those involving commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles, and motor vehicles, among others. Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. How could he make that statement? Tragic maybe being that intoxicated she went to a dark place that she had been trying to run from that whole time. July 13, 2011 12:40 pm. My understanding from what I have read on the subject is that Auto Brewery Syndrome produced ethanol which is a gas and that Diane had a liquid in her stomach. L5N 6P9, Unit 6, 18 Alliance Blvd If she was a kind loving and wonderful normal person, wouldnt you pull over if you couldnt see or get sick and call for help with all those kids in the car? Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? 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