So if youre going to call for help use your smartphone or call before you unplug the power. Is Your Cox Contour Box Stuck On Boot Get 9 Free Solutions. Contour App Appears Frozen or Buffering Weak Wi-Fi signals cause Wi-Fi issues like connection drops and slow download speeds. If the app struggles you can open a web browser and type in and manage everything manually. TV programs that are actively recording will be interrupted. I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do on my end to help troubleshoot earlier. Alternatively, on your TV, go to channel 1995 and follow the instructions that come up on your screen to order a new cable box. Before you do that, try some of these quick Cox Cable fixes. Did you verify the coax is connected to your IN labelled port and not connected to the coax OUT port on your set top box? It appears that I was getting a discount on the old box that went away with the new box. Contacted Comcast and went through the entire process again. Had the tech come out yesterday, he replace the 'main box', it started working again, even the 2 other TVs started working. You can use a splitter to connect to the coaxial cable on the wall socket, and the splitter can then connect to the cable box and modem at once. You can also use the Cox app (App Store and Google Play Store) to reset your modem. Slideshows If youre facing any of these issues and cant connect your phone, tablet, or game console to your internet, heres what you need to know. I'm ready to disconnect and get another provider.If our internet is working fine, is it more likely an issue with the box versus an issue with the signal? If it still wont come off of BOOT then its likely the box needs to be swapped. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These are small devices you can put in spare rooms and get cable TV. Shut the TV down at end of night and next morning stuck in endless loop of reboots. You might need to schedule a technician to come to check your home. star shaped birthmark; black and white boxer puppy for sale. After installing my new equipment on November 28, 2020, I was experiencing the same issue with my TV box not working and receiving RDK-03036 errors. But unfortunately you usually will be stuck back in theWelcome. Even with the wired Ethernet connection, the Flex box will not connect to the Internet. My original box stopped working and then they sent me a new one, which was also dead on arrival. Bienvenue." Screen. I tried moving the XG1v4-A box to other cable drops (the ones for the Pace boxes) and am still stuck on the "Welcome. So I suggest everyone ask to get the 'main box' replaced. The power port is connected to the power adaptor plugged into the wall and the cable from the demarcation is plugged into the port labeled in. For support, you can always call1 (800) 234-3993 and its available 24/7. This can fix most slowdowns. I already have an open ticket with Comcast and have a truck rolling to my house scheduled for tomorrow morning. plug in the cable box first and after 3 minutes plug in the TV. Always turn your TV off before doing any sort of hard reset on your device. Sometimes you can try disconnecting all the cables from the box and wait 10-15 minutes and reconnect everything and restart. iPad mini Make sure that youre using an HDMI cable to connect your TV and cable box. the amp you showed is probably two boards in one unit. Are performance problems making you frustrated enough to put a pox on your Cox internet or TV service? Using the Contour Settings Menu. If youre having problems with slow Cox cable internet and reboots didnt help, call the customer support line mentioned earlier and have a tech walk you through some steps. Hi @valkaz, Is the box still frozen? You can try restarting it and see if that fixes the issue. You'll be presented with two options: System Refresh and Restart Device (the functions of both has been explained above) Select your favorite method and click Start Troubleshooting. We recommend you use the new cables included in your kit. A modem is usually a black box with a cable and an ethernet cord coming out of it. Click OK. Before you get into the actual steps, keep in mind a few things about resetting your Cox cable box. You can solve most signal problems by moving your Wi-Fi router to the main area of your home. Cable box frozen on welcome screen I woke up this morning to my cable box stuck on the welcome screen (what it looks like when it updates every morning.) Editorials If youre trying to browse the web, watch Netflix, play Fortnite, or do anything else for that matter and Cox is going slow, here are a few things you can try. It seems to be a common issue with Xfinity Set top boxes. I also had my landline stop working. Manually restarting your router is an easy way to fix your Wi-Fi connection if it periodically drops out. The end result was that they sent me a third box and it worked perfectly. Were talking about the Cox Contour or TV box you aim the remote at while channel-surfing. Sometimes you can try disconnecting all the cables from the box and wait 10-15 minutes and reconnect everything and restart. After successfully downloading and installing the app, either log in with your already existing credentials or sign up for a new account. A TV receiver reset may take up to 15 minutes. In the app, go to My TV under the My Services tab. I agree with @CCAndrew. I can't bear to call them again and stay on the phone for 2 hours to get the same level of service as before. So, I have put the CSMAPDU9VP back into service. I've been screaming at their automated system. Killing your internet during a gaming session, crash while you work from home, or dying in the middle of your favorite TV show. I appreciate the help! Today my DVR would not display any channels. When the first tech was dispatched, another tech had called to discuss my issue prior to his arrival, and he had recommended that the Moca POE filter be installed. I could get the Internet working, but not the cable TV. You will be taken to another page for registering into Cox, and on that page, click on No Account? No joy. mg None of this occurred! I also took the cable direct from the outside and bypassed the amp to get to the main X1 box, and it still displayed the error, but I had not tried to just swap out the amp. Both the X1 boxes (the supposed broken one and the new one) are Arris AX013ANC units. Same problem the past month since I've returned to Comcast. If I experience unreliable service on any of my 3 services one more time, I'm cancelling Comcast after being with them for over 30 years and going to AT&T. Weve all experienced slow internet with Cox Cable. I think with the manipulations I have done, I have verified that the main cable from the demarcation point on the side of my house to the AMP is working. The two Pace boxes stopped and showed error RDK-03033. I'll update this post with the outcome of the visit. For other news regarding new X1 box stuck on boot and 1pse and XFinity - Xfinity TV is a necessity in our homes today. Support will have no usual fix as the box is in an endless boot loop so they cannot interrorgate it. Youll be able to see a welcome screen. One of the awesome volunteer retired Comcastemployees on this forum was able to get me over to a support tech and we eventually resolved the problem via messaging. Ok, so I swapped out the Comsope amp/splitter. If you have the login credentials to the Xfinity account, go to and follow the instructions given. This lack of TV but good Internet is a new issue that we have not seen before. If a reboot doesnt help and none of the cables are loose, something else is wrong. Open the app. Power cycle the modem and router for 60 seconds, then plug it back in. Stay updated on the latest products and services anytime anywhere. Read more Using the Cox Contour app That said, everything else is usually a few steps away from being resolved. That would be great@CCAndrew. By updating the app, youll ensure that you have the latest version of the Contour app and you wont have to deal with major bugs. If this doesnt fix the phone, youll surely need to call Cox for additional help. If youre using Coxs Panoramic Wi-Fi Gateway, you can find the password in your manual, at Coxs Wi-Fi website, or on the Panoramic Wi-Fi mobile app (available at the App Store and Google Play Store). If youre using your own Wi-Fi router, youll follow the same steps but your reset button may be located in a different location. #2 06-04-2015, 06:42 PM sturtyboy. Be aware of the following information before completing a connection reset. That's why you may have to cycle power repeatedly or just wait. Will they send me another box to try? This site checks your internet upload and download speeds. I was always told someone would call me back, or they would text me, or they would track my issue and keep me updated. If lights are off or blinking when they usually stay lit something is probably wrong. How do I fix this? Bienvenue" loop. When you finally have possession over the remote control to watch your favorite channels, those very channels missing would be the last thing you want. I had this issue many times right before I changed providers, it turned out the box had just given up due to the fact it had a poorly designed cooling system. Click the Xfinity button on the remote. So, restart the router or modem, or both. If all else fails, you canswitch to DirecTV. Contour record 6 DVR stuck in welcome screen, TV Forum requires membership for participation - click to join. Alternatively, you can reset Cox cable box by simply unplugging the device for 30 seconds and plugging it back in. Ever since weve been hooked on Xfinity TV and the features it provides. The internet is probably going through the voip port of the amp that doesnt need power to work. To reset your Cox cable box, sign in to your Cox account and choose the Reset Equipment option. Thank you for being a valued customer and thank you for using the forums! Only the Cox Contour Record 24 beats those statsbut it's twice the price of the Hopper 3. Everything looks in spec. Wi-Fi problems can be caused by problems with your router, computer, or house setup. And for the analog TV users, the Mini box is a must-have. If you happen to have a Roku, you can use the Xfinity Stream app until you get another new box. To reset your Cox Panoramic gateway, hold down the gateways reset button for at least 10 seconds using a small-tipped item like a paper clip. During this entire time and even now with everything connected back up the Internet works great along with the comcast phone service but no cable. You can also reset your Xfinity television boxes via My Account(Follow the steps in this. Plug the modem back into the outlet. Cox Cable or Advanced TV problems are very similar to internet problems. Before you go to the local Comcast store, make sure they are open. IMO use the tV connectors at one end to maximize the chance/ability of MoCA to leak across nearby connections. If youre moving and would like to switch to a different service, do go through the Xfinity Early Termination Procedure to avoid having to pay a cancellation fee. Voice and internet services (in bridge mode) are not affected and working solidly. What are my other options? Bienvenue." The drop coming from outside is connected to the "In" port. The first way to fix Cox problems is to reset the modem. Software I've unplugged and restarted the Flex box many times, trying to get it to connect, but it won't get past the "Welcome Connecting to your entertainment experience" screen. I woke up this morning to my cable box stuck on the welcome screen (what it looks like when it updates every morning.) UPATE: Speed test reports 167 Up and 12 down. I had requested an experienced tech this time because the first two were nowhere near as knowledgeable. The reset process of the set-up box will begin shortly. .css-1d89nre{color:#000000 !important;background-color:!important;}.css-1d89nre:hover{color:#000000 !important;background-color:!important;}.css-1d89nre:focus{color:#000000 !important;background-color:!important;}.css-79cmum{line-height:85px !important;}Home. About four days ago, my X1 DVR box died. And here, we tackle those problems with a simple reset of the cable box. #1 I can hear everything, change channels and turn the set off and on, but the tv screen is stuck on the welcome message. Is it possible that the cable TV signal is down at the street but not the Internet? We tried powering it off and then on again, but that didnt seem to do the trick. Press the right arrow once and then the down arrow once and press Select. If you are able to escilate this, that would be awesome. Make sure you pay attention to what time of day the internet slows down, as there might be a pattern. Some models come with batteries installed, so youll have to remove them as well. All rights reserved. This should get your device to restart. After receiving an email late yesterday about a pending Contour upgrade I got very excited to see that Pandora was going to be added to Contour. The reboot can take up to 3 minutes, and as simple as that, you will have reset your Cox cable box. and that is not an option. All is working now. I never had issues with my old equipment, and it was realiable for all three services (phone, internet, cable). Next, try some of Coxs slow internet troubleshooting tips. You are at the very crucial moment of your favorite Fast and Furious car chase, and it turns out it takes the receiver too long to change the volume or respond to other requests. So dont immediately try your phone, internet, or TV. Let me see if I have another amp and give that a try. Plug everything back in after a minute or two, check the wires, and try again. In this section, you can filter what your kids see based on movie rating, TV rating, channel, or subject material. Sometimes you can try disconnecting all the cables from the box and wait 10-15 minutes and reconnect everything and restart. Beneath MyTV, you can see a list of cable boxes coming under your Cox account. Followed by rebooting your cable box in the TV room. Resetting will erase all the settings you have saved previously, including your favorite channels and so on. To get started, please send me a private message with your first and last name (and the name of the account holder) and your house number. When I am using my arrow to another channel, I will hit a channel which will change from programing to LOADING PLEASE WAIT. Itll be a single pinhole near the power cord. To sign in as a new user, go to the official website and click on Sign In My Account, seen in the top left corner. Powered off, restarted, still on the "Welcome. I'm sure they would be delighted to have a loyal, good paying customer like myself. So what will you do if it is your Cox Mini that requires resetting? Wait until the screen loads and then click. The reset process usually takes up to 15 minutes. By rebooting your modem, youll force the device to make a fresh internet connection and flush out potential internet problems. Other tv's in the house are working fine. When they sent me the new box, they said they were adding a 6.99/month charge to my account. This all happened in the first week after installing my new equipment. Dont forget to check any splitters or the cables going to the TV or Receiver too. Heres what youll need to do if youre having problems with the app. Well, I am going to post this here since phone support is absolutely useless. For the Cox Mini reset, simply unplug the main power chord from behind your Mini box. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All over-the-top (OTT) apps count towards your Cox service data usage. Spent literally three hours on the phone with Comcast to resolve my DVR issue to no avail. Finally, if you cant fix your problems the fastest and easiest way to get support is by reaching out to Cox on Twitter. Ethernet cords look like a thicker phone wire, with 8 small wires instead of four. I am in Peoria, IL. So I reset the brightness to the highest setting of 3 put is still hardly visible. For more information, refer to Understanding Data Usage. While youre at it, make sure the device youre trying to use isnt too far from the router. Setting up your Cox Contour 2 TV box. I'm in the endless loop right now with my upstairs box (that was replaced last summer) and tech coming Tuesday. On the front of the Contour box boot shows then Cast then box gets stuck at IPSt On the TV screen. The Cable Modem is on the port labeled VoIP out. If the AMP was bad, I would have expected that the two replacement amps that I have would have fixed the issue so all I can think is that it is something on the street or the street to my house that is killing cable signals but not internet. Grand Master. do you have more than one set top box? Screen. Press the Contour button and scroll till the settings option is highlighted, and click OK. Then, from Preferences, select the General option, and you can scroll till you see the Daily Update Time section. Just use Admin for the username and password for the password to get started. The answer is simple. The Cox Contour app makes it easy to watch live and on-demand TV when you're out and about. The first box last week was bad & would not activate. Wait for about 60-90 seconds before plugging it back inside. I then plugged the cable from the outside directly into the DVR and plugged a TV directly into the DVR. screen. This is exactly what I feared. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For more information, please see our Ensure that the remote batteries arent dead. Everything is working at the moment, from the XG1v4 providing 4K out, the DVR, and the Pace boxes. It's supposed to be 300 up, but I'm on my own WiFi so the up speed may be limited. Sometimes you can try disconnecting all the cables from the box and wait 10-15 minutes and reconnect everything and restart. Once you do that check out all of your cable TV alternatives, or read our Sling TV review. It was immediately able to connect, update firmware, and activate using that same coax connection. Yes, these minor glitches are enough to drive you mad, and if resetting your Comcast Signal doesnt work, all you need to do is reset your Comcast Cable Box. He said when you order your equipment online, that it is supposed to trigger a request for a tech to install a Moca POE filteron the line coming into your house. Tv screen says "welcome, connecting to your entertainment experience". qg. Many Cox Cable problems are easy to fix in under 5 minutes as long as you know a few basic steps. (I failed to record the error code). On the front of the Contour box boot shows then Cast then box gets stuck at IPSt On the TV screen. Then, you have to wait 48 hours or longer to hear back. If the reset option does not solve your problem with the Cox Mini, you can also run a self-test on the device. Heres how you can restart your modem or gateway to fix it: If you own a Flex device, connecting to the network using the WPS button might help in this situation. Today my DVR would not display any channels. Does it work if you take the dvr to where one of the smaller boxes are? Sadly, if you call for help the first question will be if youre using a wired connection, or Wireless (WiFi). It was an absolute nightmare and pure frustration for over a week dealing with tier 1 support that was absolutely useless, unless you could get them to escalate your issue. We might sound like a broken record, but the same rules apply here. To troubleshoot most Wi-Fi issues, try restarting your router and moving your computer closer to the router if its possible. Then, hurry up and press the WPS button on your device within 2 minutes. Its not them Its just Cox! Sometimes the cable wires in the walls need to be replaced. This will show any problems with your Cox Mini box. On the front of the Contour box "boot" shows then "Cast" then box gets stuck at "IPSt" ~ On the TV screen states "Welcome. The reboot process will be finished once your routers lights turn back on. Have you tried different cables to see if that might be the cause of the issue?Upon rereading your post, I noticed that you mentioned you've had numerous service issues. It will give an indication if something is wrong. It started to work the next day, but then I couldn't receive incoming calls. Nothing changes. When everything works youll typically see a light for power, a solid light for online and depending on the model solid or blinking lights for (up/down) Send and Receive. Your email address will not be published. Process usually takes up to 3 minutes plug in the TV connectors at one end to help troubleshoot.! The end result was that they sent me a third box and 10-15. It seems to be a pattern Comsope amp/splitter is in an endless boot loop so they not. Services anytime anywhere sign in to your Cox Contour or TV service internet connection and out. The login credentials to the router if its possible sort of hard on! 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