Mar 16, 2018 #7 Crippledsledge64 Well Known Rokslider I wont elaborate too much on this topic but essentially what I am trying to convey here is to concentrate on locating and searching slopes that are South-facing because they have a higher concentration of animals during Winter months. I don't want to see that. That doesn't mean they don't exist. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It can keep you warm in harsh temps and is versatile enough to set up and tear down in minutes. People ask for general advice when it comes to hunting, only to be lambasted and made fun of. - ISO9001, Springfield, Tennessee - RC14001, Burnaby, British Columbia 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200
He's an avid hunter, fisherman, backpacker, elk meat connoisseur, and international traveler. Right in the middle of early-season archery comes the infamous muzzleloader season. This app costs $35 per year but in my opinion, is well worth the money because it is extremely important to know which lands are available to access and which ones are off limits due toprivate ownership. We find that major transitions like a drainage or ravine provide the necessary terrain to cause an elk to step awkwardly which results in them shedding an antler as they travel in search of food and water. From start to finish the process was perfect. Units 62/65 are located in SW Colorado and are great places to find mule deer in numbers. I would focus on the Summerland Park area and Arapaho National Forest on early-season hunts. Colorado is home to millions of acres of BLM and National Forest areas available for public recreational use but there are often private lands mixed in between. Then check out our 2021 Colorado Shed Hunting Guide as well. has doled out citations and confiscated antlers, I THINK I ENJOY SHED HUNTING MORE THAN HUNTING THE DEER THEMSELVES. In 2018, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously to prohibit shed antler and horn collection on all public lands west of I-25 from January 1 through April 30, annually. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up for our email list for entry to win a pair of Korkers Polar Vortex 1200 Boots. - ISO9001, Augusta, Georgia - ISO9001, Indianapolis, Indiana - RC14001, ISO9001, Burnaby, British Columbia Im not saying to completely rule out all other slopes but as a general rule of thumb, slopes that face South will be much more productive than others. Filter your view by specific regions using the Geography drop-down menu above the map. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Previously there were two localized antler collection closures in place, one for public lands in the Gunnison Basin and one for public lands in the Eagle and Roaring Fork Valleys. Keep at it, and dont get defeated early on. Also antler buyers should only be able to buy from permit holders with audit able books. You cant go wrong with any of these options while shed hunting in Colorado. Just a general observation (insert pic of Kermit drinking his tea here). As of December 2019 antler prices are up., Copyright 2009-2023 Colorado Shed Company.|, "Home Gym Sheds: Answering Your Questions", "Modern Storage Sheds Everything You Should Know", "Finished Sheds | Ideas, Styles, and More", "Home Office Sheds | A 2022 Buying Guide". Las Vegas, NV 89113. Season Dates of May 1 - December 1 and a $40 license to pick one up. Beautiful shed! With the dead of winter setting in, it's easy to get a little depressed this time of year as we dread the foul weather. The quality of the build is excellent. Some of the earliest scribbles humans marked on cave walls stemmed from their hunting exploits. A discussion on picking up antlers still attached to the skull could be a whole other topic, because almost every state has laws against picking up deadheads. Colorado Shed Company provides more than garages and sheds for sale. You can not go wrong hunting anywhere in this unit. Take it from me, the feeling of finding a unique and amazing set of antlers will leave you addicted to antler hunting for life. Create your own design, make a deposit, and get your dream shed delivered to you by using our online 3D shed builder! The delivery process was incredible. You must log in or register to reply here. Thousands of years later not much has changed. CPW will post signs, send press releases, work with sportspeople's groups and partners, news media, social media and other communication avenues to ensure the public is well informed about this new change. Lots and lots of deer in this area. There is anapplication feeof$7.00for residents and$9.00for non-residents per species, per draw. No credit check Rent to Own is a great way to get the storage you need. As with anything in life, the more you practice and the more time you put in, the better you will get. - ISO9001, Thorold, Ontario - ISO9001, Richmond, California Fill out the Quote Request Form and we'll email you a full price including any additional delivery fees if there are any. The problem is people will still chase the animals around and just stash antlers till the opener. Get out there in the unit you are hunting and learn the terrain. You will not always find sheds. Fast forward to our first time out together in 2016, I had him beat 6-0 on a four-hour hike in Southwest Colorado. - ISO9001, Thunder Bay, Ontario The CPW Commission chose not to include private lands in its decision to enact a shed antler collection closure in Colorado. Receive all of our latest articles, videos, and newsletters delivered directly to your inbox. All of this is possible because we love to build storage sheds so that your dreams can be realized! - RC14001, ISO9001, Parsippany, New Jersey 702.847.8747 People like to downplay the effect that scent has these days and oftentimes I hear people say, just stay downwind.. The only thing I would change would be to just make the shed hunting permit apart of a small games liscense instead of a seperate $40 fee. CWP can help you pick an area and plan your hunt. Resident youth: $15.50. - RC14001, ISO9001, Ashdown, Arkansas We have been very successful in large Parks (Open areas within forest). Colorado mule deer are regularly found in this area, and I have personally been successful hunting here in GMU 18. Hunting With more than 23 million acres of public land, Colorado is an outdoor enthusiast's paradise. 155 Shoop Dr. Just dug this up pumped for another year of finding a fraction of what I used to on May 1, I have only found two antlers after may 1 since this closure started in 2018. - ISO9001, Cedar Springs, Georgia From me and my family, we hope your experience with CSC will be an experience that truly reflects God's goodness! - ISO9001, Menasha, Wisconsin The winter months can be very difficult on them, a fresh open and flowing water source will be a great spot to start shed hunting. In my opinion, tonarrow down your search, my advice is to find an area you would like to scout. Apparently there is now going to be a shed hunting season in Colorado and you have to have a permit in order to pick one up. With shed hunting season well underway in Colorado, I thought I would offer up a few tips for the novice shed hunter looking to find that precious prize. A good tool to help you find one is called ONx Maps. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up for our email list for entry to win a pair of Korkers Polar Vortex 1200 Boots. Shed Hunting Shutdown? Colorado mule deer hunting can be a great way to satisfy this primal urge. Refer to land manager restrictions prior to shed hunting. - ISO9001, Valleyfield, Quebec good with me. Following the draw, any un-drawn tags are compiled onto aleftover list. For example, if you werelooking to specifically pursue elk shed antlers,download the elk .kmz file, study their winter concentration areas and figure out an initial game plan based on that information. We have also found fence lines to be a great location to find sheds. To top it off the scenery near here is unmatched. Plus, large velvet mule deer can be taken all of the archery season. From May 1st thru May 15th, you can not hunt for sheds from Sunset - 10:00 AM. Keep in mind you must have passed a hunter-safety education in order to apply for a license. Sulphuric Acid production plant; Liquid Sulphur Dioxide . A true trophy. "This is probably the best condition we've seen our wildlife in for quite a while. - ISO9001, Jacksonville, Florida hunting - RC14001, ISO9001, Beauharnois, Quebec You are using an out of date browser. - RC14001, ISO9001, Tulsa, Oklahoma To increase your draw odds, dont be afraid of going for a doe tag your first time out. This will open up a whole new can of worms. Sign up for daily stories delivered to your inbox. Occasionally throughout the year we offer shed, garage, gazebo or poly furniture deals. - ISO9001, Toledo, Ohio Habitat stamps cost $10.00 and you must have one to hunt anything in Colorado. - ISO9001, Anacortes, Washington Subscribe to our newsletter and receive The Colorado Beginner Elk Hunting Guide for FREE, Pingback: New School Tips For The Beginner Shed Hunter |(), Pingback: Colorado Elk Shed Hunting Tips Transition Wild(). personally I think the way to deal with sheds is to make them illegal to sell. - ISO9001, Syracuse, New York White gold. - ISO9001, Calgary, Alberta If you are not satisfied with our product within 30 days of the delivery date of your structure, we will refund your money! Well, I am here to buck that trend and lend a helping hand to those looking for information. Parks at lower elevation and on the mountain sides are great places to search for Elk and Deer sheds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Here is a good strategy walk a lot of miles and use a quality spotting scope to look over large areas. I usually find my sheds at work. Yep, some of us will be watching and documenting illegal behavior of any kind. Effective immediately, collection of shed antlers in units 25, 26, 35, 36, 43, 44, 47, 444 and 471 is prohibited until March 15. - ISO9001, Bay Point (Pittsburg), California The purpose of this regulation is to reduce stress on wintering big game animals during the time of year when big game animals such as deer, elk, pronghorn and moose are most vulnerable. Random drawing is on 2/27/23! Wildlife Officers and biologists continue to educate the public about the negative impacts to wildlife caused by irresponsible shed collection and recreational activity, however, violators of these regulations may now face a $137 fine per violation. Thanks. Football is over, most hunting seasons have passed, and its far too cold to go camping and fishing. 1 talking about this. Check your email for a confirmation message. In addition, there is currently a booming trend in the decorative antler market. Elk and Deer both need water to survive so just like in hunting them during the season, water is a virtual part of their survival. Located right out of the Town of Grand Lake, this area holds many big game opportunities. My advice, if you want to get out there and look for sheds early, don't. - RC14001, ISO9001, Anacortes, Washington Searching for sheds has exploded in popularity in recent years, to the point that several states have introduced regulations on picking them up. Billy Creek SWA is a great starting point as its a fantastic, easily accessible hunt. Deer migrations fluctuate month to month, but picking some good spots in advance will drastically increase your success rate. All Rights Reserved. Yep - big herds might hang in the wilderness area, but hunters drive 8-10 miles through/by lots of onesy-twosy opportunities on the rush to get into the wilderness and compete with the other 95% for the bigger herds. This is usually because a conservation officer needs to investigate the carcass and rule out poaching first. The same holds true for shed antler hunting, especially in the mountains of Colorado. It held everything I needed and is super lightweight and comfortable. Penrose, CO 81240 I would love to hear some of your shed hunting strategies and tactics that you use to find antlers share them with me in the comments below! The interactive map above allows you to navigate to any Chemtrade location or region and link to a brief description of what Chemtrade does at that location. This is a bit of a tougher style hunt, and you better prepare yourself well before you get here. Then check out our 2023 Colorado Mule Deer Hunting Guide as well. There already isnt enough game wardens to or forest service law to enforce the rules we already have. - ISO9001, Toledo, Ohio The more you go the more you will find! This is because these slopes have less snow and therefore, have more food, which results in more animals using this to their advantage to survive. If youre in Colorado and are hunting west of I-25 (Interstate Highway) Then you should be finding elk and deer sign (from 3 weeks old to a few days old fresh. In most parts of western Colorado, winter conditions affecting big game typically last into late April or early May, and big game are still losing weight and body condition. We look forward to hearing about your plans for your shed building or garage that will make life work better for you. Big Agnes is a pricier brand, but it pays you back with a good nights sleep out in the woods. Over the past few years, shed hunting has been steadily gaining popularity among sportsmen. Good on them for trying to protect wintering grounds. Also note that we did NOT include states with regulations on the buying and selling of antlers. There needs to be sign!!! We thought it was about time to collect and list the antler shed regulations for the states that have them, to both save the animals from the hassle they don't deserve and to save you from the repercussions of violating a law you didn't know about. Copyright 2023 Chemtrade Logistics. *Due to the rapidly changing lumber prices, all quotes will be good for 14 days. Please note that by following this link you will be leaving and accessing information provided through a third-party website. A good attitude! Only the honest guys abide oh well, good thing I have a ton of antlers and deadheads since before the closure so I can't complain. - RC14001, ISO9001, Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania - ISO9001, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Its time to strap on the boots and get out and find yourself some white gold, aka antler sheds. A good local resource for both selling as well as turning your Colorado antler shed into a work of art, I highly recommend Traders Rendezvous in Gunnison. antlers If you are hiking in an area where there is currently a shed antler and horn collecting closure and you see an antler or horn, you should leave it alone. As of now, in 2022, the only states with shed hunting regulations are in the western U.S. shed hunting These regulations protect the health of Colorado's big game herds and other wintering wildlife. Give them a call! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. - RC14001, ISO9001, Mount Vernon, Washington CPW allots landowners a certain number of these tags. Furthermore, elk sheds can be found at nearly any elevation from 5,000 to 10,000. Will there be non resident permits? If you want to more quickly overcome the learning curve of shed antler hunting, it would be beneficial to befriend someone who is a proficient shed hunter themselves. If you are willing to work for it, you can fulfill these aspirations. This list is based strictly on collection. Just curious. The Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) has created some excellent fact sheets that help explain the impact of shed antler collection and winter range disturbance on mule deer health. Did I have more luck than him that day? - RC14001, ISO9001, Chicago, Illinois JavaScript is disabled. It can be an opportunity to get into early-season mule deer. - ISO9001, Jacksonville, Florida Also in favor of funding CPW to enforce winter range protection, even if it means charging a fee for a permit. - ISO9001, Macon, Georgia If it gives you an extra edge on landing that trophy mule deer, then it will have done its job. These are relatively inexpensive but can make all the difference, especially when walking through dense vegetation. Mule deer typically start their rut around the 2nd 3rd season. As a bonus, shed hunting the Centennial State comes with some incredibly beautiful scenery to enjoy at the same time. Have been out may 1 and found nothing but boot tracks. This fact alone gives you an unbelievable range to look for elk sheds. Make the commercial permit 200. Beautiful scenery to ENJOY at the same holds true for shed antler hunting, only to be lambasted and fun. Is anapplication feeof $ 7.00for residents and $ 9.00for non-residents per species, per draw elevation from colorado shed hunting locations! Have personally been successful hunting here in GMU 18 only to be lambasted and made of! To help you find one is called ONx Maps prepare yourself well before you get.... Over large areas and on the mountain sides are great places to find mule deer hunting Guide as.... 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