Hes the Swiss army knife of geldings. Coggins. Whiskey is a nice, fancy and safe gelding that has never bucked for us. FMI: 307-660-7461. Extremely broke to ride for anybody and ready to go be a superstar. There are no guarantees on mares being bred but they will sell with the correct paperwork to register the foal once it is born. Coggins. We are calving on him right now, sorting and bringing in heavies. Check out his videos on youtube. He is NRHA Sire&Dam which means reduced entry fees into the Futurity and Derbys and is NRBC Enrolled and ranching Heritage eligible. Once our committee scores all horses & trainers, the TOP selling horses will be posted on this page no later than May 15. FO119. This colt is put together as good as one can be. Upcoming Events. He has enough speed to chase down a cow and also enough bottom to go all day on the ranch. FMI: kduffin66@gmail.com and 208-251-5100. Gypsy was purchased by a 10 year old cowgirl when she wasnt even halter broke. He has his whole life ahead of him in whatever direction you choose and he will get you noticed with his bald face and blue eyes. FO110. CLICK ON IMAGE LOCATED NEXT TO DESCRIPTION FOR MORE PHOTOS/VIDEOS/ETC or CLICK MORE UNDER DESCRIPTION, DARK N METALLIC 2021 AQHA Red Roan Stallion x Metallic Cat x High Brow Cat out of The Dark Alley x Spots Hot. MacGyver is a unique mule that will try hard for you on trails or on the ranch. Coggins. Dont miss out on this one! FMI: 406-561-5275. Has a good quiet start on him to go any direction. General routine maintenance required, we have been injecting her coffin joints on the front feet and weve had great results in keeping her sound. FMI: 406-459-5417. I would say if a person knows the basics on how to ride that they would be able to ride Ace. He is willing to do whatever he is asked: side pass, neck reign, go through water, over ditches, ride bareback, etc. Coggins. Her dam, OSR Must Be A Bobcat, sells as well. She is a great mule to be around! FOS47, REBEL CUTTIN UP 2020 AQHA Sorrel Gelding x Metallic Rebel x Metallic Cat out of Little Cut Up x Quejanaisalena, Dierks is a legit cutting or cowhorse prospect! She is good catch, shoes, and loads. Coggins. Serenity has a ground covering walk, trot and a big rocking horse smooth canter. She stands 38 inches tall and is still growing. Loads great into a trailer. FMI: 208-358-1922. He has live covered and been collected. She has been worked in the round pen, goes on the walker, ties, bathes and stands for the farrier. FO21, Dakota stands 15 HH, is quiet, gentle, and willing to please! She has had two colts for us. Came of a ranch about 5 years ago, has been a trail horse packing kids around since. This beautiful bay gelding is on track for the cutting or cowhorse futurity. FO4, ADVICEFORSHANIA 2015 AQHA Bay Mare x Best Advice x Corona Cartel out of Shania Cash x Oh My Gee Whiz, Eligible for Ruby Buckle but not current on the nomination. Folks have visited the ranch to ride and he rides excellent no matter their skill level. Coggins. We have had her for about 8 years. Sired by our stud Cat Smart Boonsmal. Oak also has plenty of ability to go on and make someone a real nice arena horse. FE38, Shes been a great horse. 6 Panel Negative. She has been ridden inside and out, crossing all sorts of terrain and encountering wildlife. FMI: 406-680-2299. He is as quiet as they come. He has frame and substance and was raised outside in the rocks and sage brush. Not to mention he is sure footed and sturdy! Hes a big, cool gelding that is always a gentleman. FO88, TIN MAN 2011 GRADE Bay Draft Cross Gelding, 15.1 hands. Coggins. He has seen lots of ranch miles. He is the coveted buckskin color and the conformation with 4 black feet. Her pedigree is about as good as it gets and then her gorgeous looks and appearance set you up for success. She is sure footed in rough terrain and carries herself well. Coggins. Shes soft in the face and light in the sides and really wants to ride around. Her filly, What A Sweet Shot by Sweetshot Playgun, also sells. FMI: 208-358-1922. He is use to traffic, wildlife and machinery. FE25, Gunner is a fabulous horsehes been ranch ridden and has been on trail rides in the mountains. She is trainable, kind and willing. Hes been used on the ranch from doctoring cows, to moving pairs outside and working the alley during weaning. FMI: 719-980-0487. This is a great opportunity for someone to own an incredible mare. 2015 AQHA Dun Mare x Serengeti Two Eyed x Two Eyed Red Buck out of Days Major Jane x Days Imperial. Coggins. FOS114, WRIGHT ON CATS 2018 AQHA Sorrel Gelding x Hes Wright On x Lenas Wright On out of Cats Modern Design x WR This Cats Smart, Fonzee is sired by HES WRIGHT ON (LTE 172k) and out of WR THIS CATS SMART mare. Ive ridden him to town and weve roped on him. He is very broke and gentle for everyone to ride. We have taken him to town and the kids ride him in the arena. She beginner safe, kid friendly, excellent on the ranch, down the trail and in the arena. FOS145, CHIC OLENA DUAL 2018 AQHA Bay Gelding x Heaven Sent Chic x Smart Chic Olena out of Dual Grace x Mister Dual Pep, 14.3 hands. VIDEO: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8gcr4-55pMs FMI: 903-814-3182. FO16, ARMONI 2020 GRADE Bay Paint Purebred Gypsy Vanner Gelding, Armoni is a purebred gyspy vanner gelding. Her yearling filly, A Playgun With Spots by Sweetshot Playgun, sells as well. FMI: 435-757-9267. FMI: 208.559.8947. FMI: 517-983-0912. Coggins. LOOSE HORSES SELL12 NOON: SALE TIME ON CATALOG HORSES. 3. FO193. FO221X. Coggins. FOS87, ONE STYLISH ROYALTY 2020 AQHA Bay Mare x One Time Royalty x One Time Pepto out of Miss Stylish Wiskey x Playin Stylish, A beautiful, strong, bay filly that shows lots of talent. If you have a little cowboy or cowgirl, hes your man. Office@trianglehorsesales.net PO Box 566, Tecumseh, Oklahoma 74873 (405) 275-2196. Coggins. Coggins. Big Roan is the Real Deal!! FOS57, SANNMANS LIL HOTSHOT 2018 AQHA Sorrel Gelding x Sannman x Metallic Cat out of Spots Hot Shot x Spots Hot, Hotshot is a once in a lifetime gelding! BOONS OSO SPEEDY 2016 AQHA Bay Gelding x PC Boonlacious x Boon Dox John out of Frenchmans Easy Gold x Frenchmans Guy. OSR FANCY FECKLES 2020 AQHA Sorrel Mare x Smoothe Bye Design x Smooth As A Cat out of OSR Fancy Twist x Major Boom. Coggins. This mare has the perfect combination of cowhorse and reining to give you some athletic babies. Coggins. Anyone can ride this gelding. FO73, JT BAILYS KORA 2016 AQHA Blue Roan Gelding x Kros Blue Bailey x My Blue Casino out of Kros Kora x Pocito Pine Glo, Jack is a nice, all around, 15.2 hand gelding. Stallions will be located in stallion row in the quonset. FMI: 763-226-9990. Among the great lineup of horses are the two. Coggins. FO109, WAYWARD JACK ZAN 2018 AQHA Buckskin Gelding x Wayward Luke x Wayward Ike out of Harlins Magic Eye x Bar Eyed Dude, This horse got a little later start due to no fault of his own. Nothing we have thrown at this gelding has seemed to rattle him. Dont miss her!! She is easy to catch and good about her feet and ears. Coggins. Pasture exposed May 1 September 10 to Smoothe Bye Design who sells Saturday. All kinds of ranch work, gathering and trailing cattle, roping, branding calves, lots of corral work, roping muleys, and much more. For more information and video please go to www.WyomingHorsesAndMules.net or call Jeff and Christina at 307-752-8198 or 307-752-9319. Coggins. Jess is a ranch horse, rope horse combo. He will go over logs, through the creek, into the ponds and anything you want him to do on the ranch. Coggins. FMI: 731-336-4807. She is quite enough for all levels of riders and big enough to make a rope horse. Check him out on our Facebook page Little Big Ranch. Please note that "Tentative Dates", "Move-in Dates", and "Setups" are not included on the Mallet Event Calendar. CS SLEW VOO DOO 2011 AQHA Red Dun Gelding x CS Voo Doo Frost x PC Bronsin out of CS War Driften Ruby x Blue Sonoita Hancock. Easy to shoe, bath, clip, load etc. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/lMDqFPditfU FMI: 307-250-9655. Hes about 10 hands and has good feet. February 8th, 3:18 pm . FOS125. With his solid build and great handle he is also a fun horse to have on the ranch. Coggins. FO215. FO31, 15hands. JOLENE 2016 GRADE Black Percheron/Standardbred Mare. ONLINE BODY 2014 GRADE Bay Roan Gelding. She stands quietly and moves out with ease. Toby has been ridden all over the ranch, through the creeks and on the busy roads. FO82, PINKEYSTOMYCASH 2014 AQHA Bay Gelding x Nu Cash Drifter x Nuwood Cash out of My Kings Honey x Keys To My King, Cash has done all phases of ranch work, including sorting and gathering cattle. Obstacles, flags, tarps, ropes, and balls do not cause Popcorn any worries. He stands to tack and get on, and will stand tied all day. But would also make a good trail riding horse. Confident and sure footed on the trail. Has a good start and ready to go in any direction. No buck or bad habits! He rides out alone no problem and is built solid and works great for doctoring cattle. Sound and sane. FMI: 763-226-7701. Dakota rides off the same steady boy every time. Both her sire, OSR Smoothe Dual Rey, and grandsire, Smoothe Bye Design, sell on Saturday. FO70, EPH RED FOX 2018 AQHA Red Roan Gelding x Fox Bee Blue x Blue Fox Hancock out of Shes A Classic Sign x Devons Signature, Mickey is a big, stout, gentle gelding that stands 16.2 hands. She is one of the best built mules you will ever see. Catalog Horse Sales RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Popcorn has been worked on all farm machinery in multiples, driven single and double. He will lope around in the arena, step over his hocks and stop well when asked. With his reining horse handle he is ready to excel in any direction. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk2LfrY21ko FMI: 403-588-8172. EVENTS -NOTICES. Geranimo is easy going and gets along with anyone and will take care of whoever is riding her. Coggins. Coggins. FMI: 214-500-1182. Here is a big solid gelding that is build correct and as stout as you can make one. Hes a bay rabicano, you dont get to see that everyday. Great and solid in the mountains. Coggins. , PPE welcome at buyers expense. He has seen many miles in the wilderness leading pack strings, and has been exposed to wildlife and various obstacles. He is gentle, easy to handle and work with. He stands 14hh but what this little guy lacks in size he makes up for in heart. He stands right at 15 hands. His sire Collen All Chics is an NRHA money earner with AQHA points in 5 events and Superiors in Reining, Heading, Heeling & Tie Down Roping. Here is a truly once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase one of the best stallion prospects ever offered. Bentley has speed and ability to do just about anything you ask of him. The girls have used him in the lambing shed; from pulling the lamb sled, and moving ewes. FMI: 406-975-6226. FO187. Full made roan gelding that is gentle, kind, personable and ready to go YOUR direction!! We raised this colt, his dam won year after year at the PRCA/IPRA rodeos in the Tie-Down Roping. FMI: 208-419-2933. Will be shown by Paul Grimesman. Coggins. She is out of a good mare SMART N GOOD LOOKING she herself won all of her money the long way around, at the weekend shows. FMI: 406-925-1251. Quick footed and big stop. Buyer Registration. FE18, DOCS GUMMY BEAR 2019 AQHA Sorrel Gelding x DRB Poco Times Six x LR Poco Husky King out of JP docs Talent Bar x Doctor Four Freckles, Bueno is a nice, put together 3 year old starting to come into himself. www.ChappellHorseSales.com VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/@chappellhorsesales4217 FMI: 817-658-3078. Quiet and calm enough for the kids yet quick enough to work a cow for adults. FOS3, PEPPYS NEW BOON 2018 AQHA Red Roan Gelding x Peptoes x Peptoboonsmal out of Dancin Like Chelsea x Boonlight Dancer, Slick is a very smart, broke to ride, athletic, cowy young gelding that Ive had in my training program for over a year now and Im really proud of how far he has come. She has been used to pack into the Bob Marshall Wilderness several times. Moon a 15.2hh ranch raised gelding that has been used for everything on the ranch. Quatro has been rode in the mountains, been used to gather and doctor cows, and tag calves. www.ChappellHorseSales.com VIDEO: https://youtu.be/8YjH6CDoPnQ FMI: 817-658-3078. FMI: 701.400.7558. Coggins. FMI: 405-815-7363. Big boned stud that would make a nice rope horse prospect! Check out this girls pedigree. He needs a touch more time in the box, but could then be hauled full time if someone chose to do so. He is sound. For more pictures and video visit www.hansonhorseranch.com FMI: Jordan 507-272 3571. FMI: 517-983-0912. Easy to catch, bathe, load and shoe. Coggins. Coggins. We have gotten a handful of babies out of him and he has certainly passed on his trainability to his babies. Placed 3rd at the AQHA World Show Super Horse Competition. She has prior training as a cutting horse, and has been used on our ranch for general ranch work as well as trail riding. He has 2 years of cutting training and is started in the cowhorse. For a big horse he has a nice, gentle lope. 44th Annual Quarter Horse Yearling Sale: 2022: 44th Annual Winter Mixed Sale: 2021: 44th Annual Fall Mixed Sale: . Coggins. FO23, PEPPYSLITTLEPLAYGUN 2018 AQHA Sorrel Gelding x Hickorys Smart Peppy x Little Lenas Legend out of Playguns Lil Smarty x Chics Playgun, PeppysLittlePlaygun is a big pretty gelding that stands at 15hands. FOS56, UNBEEELIEVABLE 2021 AQHA Bay Stallion x Dont Stopp Believin x Dual Rey out of SDP Moms TR x TR Dual Rey, Bee is by the hot up-and-coming sire Dont Stopp Believen, and his dam has earned $138k+ NCHA. Coggins. FMI: 406-350-1155. Coggins. This Metallic Cat son is absolutely stunning!!!! This colt comes from quality rope stock with Pitzer Ranch genetics and will be a very useful resource to have in your herd! FOS85, ALL WHIZ KIDDIN 2008 AQHA Sorrel Mare x Bow Tie Whiz x Topsail Whiz out of Bar Be Kiddin x Dun Kiddin Amigo, Whizzy is a cute little mare thats been there done that. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/AXdU59V7Rm0 FMI: 903-327-3995. Jolene is green broke to ride but will have more time on her by sale day. Coggins. FMI: 406-698-2067. FOS66, CR SUNLIGHT REY 2020 AQHA Bay Gelding x CR highlight x High Brow Cat out of CR Sun Reys x Dual Rey, Payments are up-to-date for the NCHA Futurity, In training with TJ Good. HF MOBSTERFORTHEWIN 2019 AQHA Buckskin Mare x HF Mobster x Colonels Smoking Gun out of Win Smart Chicy x Smart Chic Olena. Her older siblings are currently being shown as rope horses across the region. Also listed is the day they will sell. By the one and only Peptoboonsmal $28 million dollar sire. To view full list of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear Ranch Family Partnership Dispersion.pdf FMI: Wylie 406-581-0348. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKxGh38_PRA FMI: 701-220-9290, please leave message. READ MORE Has had over a year of reining training, nearly ready to show. Nice mare. The little girls ride all over the ranch with or without a saddle. Easy to catch, easy to saddle. Miss Maggie has been ridden outdoors and will ride and go where shes pointed. FMI: 406-925-2201. Shes easy to work with and retains her training. FMI: 701-771-7152. Rides one handed and will go anywhere you point him. FMI: Blake Kruger 651-666-0080. Coggins. The highest seller was a 2014 bay gelding, sold by Meyer Horse Co., for $17,000. Shorty has a fun personality and is very gentle giant! This colt is a true stallion prospect- structurally correct and great minded. Ranching. Her colt, Short Cattish by Smoothe Bye Design, sells as well. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/tW-YWkMwM0Q FMI: 903-327-3995. He knows early mornings and long days. FO3, HTA RED HOT PEPTO 2022 AQHA & APHA Red Roan Colt x SS Dirty Harry x Tinker With Guns out of HTA Sweet Cherry x Judge Boon, 8 month old, double registered (AQHA & APHA) red roan stallion. The level of this years competition is by far the best weve had and were looking forward to an increased purse and quality competitors in the future, the sale said in a statement. Rambler has had a great foundation put on him at the Down Under Ranch. Trained and shown in cowhorse. This guy would make an outstanding calf, break away, or heel horse prospect. He is an all-around ranch horse, very well built, has a big motor and wants to go. Big Jake is a seasoned ranch horse that quite literally anyone can ride. High Pockets is a 16.2 hand flashy thoroughbred cross grade gelding. Coggins. FMI: 306-662-8443. Look up TC Horses on Facebook. We anticipate BIG things from the resulting foal it is a phenomenal cutting, cowhorse or rope horse futurity prospect. Sound and good to shoe. This mare will make an excellent candidate in the roping box or to track a cow down the fence one day. Coggins. Nothing scares him, he will ride anywhere you ask him to go. FMI: 214-500-1182. Where do we even start with this amazing guy? Coggins. He will lope off, side pass, roll over his hocks, and stop dead when you say whoa. To view full list of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear Ranch Family Partnership Dispersion.pdf FMI: Wylie 406-581-0348. FOS142. Breakaway, roped lead steer and doctored yearlings. Easy to catch, bridle, saddle and hitch. Hes good with his leads and has a nice stop. FMI: 701-681-1785. FMI: 406-320-0550. Coggins. Tarps, bridges, and flags do not bother him at all! FMI: 406-350-0778. He can do just about any aspect of ranch work. Hes a good all-around horse that you can enjoy on the trail, take to some weekend jack pot barrel races and go gather your neighbors cattle with. All are available to be purchased via in person, online, or by phone bidding. Well bred mare with that foundation look. Hes proved himself on the ranch to do any task Ive threw at him and is a real athlete in the arena. Pasture exposed May 1 September 10 to OSR Hickory Quixote. SHOW ME COOLWHIP 2020 AQHA Palomino Gelding x Kat N Ike Joe x Show Me A Song Joes out of Miss Baron Boots x Mr Renta Red. Sells sound with no blemishes or buck. You can lay him off for a long time and saddle him back up and he will be just fine. MOONS DUAL PEP LENA 2015 AQHA Palomino Gelding x Wranglers Royal Moon x Wranglers On Fire out of Bo Dually Dazzled x Bingos Dually. We can take him out by himself and he has no issues. But most of all he has turned into a super nice heel horse. Ranching For past couple years hes been trail ridden and gathering for a very well rounded confident gelding that can go any direction. FO47, 2021 AQHA Bay Roan Stallion x Jefferson NKL x LJSR Guiness out of Drift Of Prairie x Ima Drifter Dude, Heres a handy moving colt that is overall very balanced that has the ability to make a great arena prospect. Reggie is one wicked horse thats going to last for many years to come, you dont find ones like him everyday. But if youre looking for a super fancy gelding for a carriage horse this guy would be great. Coggins. COMING SOON!! FOS48, PEPTOS DUAL CAHOOTS 2018 AQHA Dun Stallion x All In Cahoots x WSR Solanos Snackbox out of Peptos Dual Nicole x Peptos Dual Reminic, Included with your purchase is the ownership of his Royal Crown stallion spot for 2023 (which is yours to do with as you please for 2024), Peptos Dual Cahoots aka Quatro is a gentle well-mannered stallion who is always willing to please. Used in every aspect of a ranch operation from calving, dragging calves to the fire, sorting, gathering. ALL FEBRUARY 24-25-26 SALE HORSES WILL BE AUCTIONED LIVE AT BILLINGS LIVESTOCK Internet bidding also available for Online/ ShowCase Internet Sale Session horses offered in this sale, FRIDAY: FEBRUARY 24 Special Indoor SPOTLIGHT Preview for ROPE HORSES Horse Palace Arena Exit 437 on I-90 9 a.m. Coggins. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5XhrAV11C0&t=16s FMI: 360-601-7792. She stands 16HH has a nice big foot with lots of bone. Gets along well with other horses. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/h84P0KlZs-g FMI: 719-980-0487. Big Guy lives up to his name he is a big strong gelding that can go anywhere and go all day. OSR PICI KANDY CAT 2016 AQHA Bay Mare x Boonsmals Kandy Man x Peptoboonsmal out of OSR Pici Kitty x Cattish. CHIP LETTERS 2019 AQHA Bay Roan Gelding x Gamblin Letters x Sport N Bet out of Ms Drift Chip Dunnit x Teques Cowboy Up. To view full list of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear Ranch Family Partnership Dispersion.pdf FMI: Wylie 406-581-0348. Not only is excellent in the arena but she has seen many mile on the ranch and she rides well outside. She would make a jam up breakaway horse. Going to make someone a nice horse. Coggins. FO185, BROWN SWISS 2021 AQHA Buckskin Stallion x Boon Bar Louie x Splashlyte out of Miss Suga x Pesos Brown Suga, Really nice colt with good color. Baine went on to become a ranch horse out in Montana where he was involved in every aspect of ranch life. Lightly started in the team roping. FMI: Brodey 307-575-3719. He has been many miles on the road in a buggy where he does very well in traffic and in town. FOS16, SIESTAS SIZZLIN CAT 2021 AQHA Palomino Mare x One Shiney Metallic x Metallic Cat out of Sizzlin Jalapeno x Hot Sizzlin Red, Incentives NRCHA Stallion Stakes 2022. International Ranch Riding Futurity. Size 4 shoe. BUDLIGHT is from a long line of proven ranch, rope, performance, family and all around great sound, sane genetics. Nothing phases him at all! We call him Oakie. FOS69, ACE UP THE SLEEVE 2020 AQHA Red Roan Stallion x Peptoboonsmal x Peppy San Badger out of Aristocratic Star x High Brow Cat, 1 year cutting horse training. This horse can really cover the country. PPEs are welcome and we also invite you to come to the ranch and meet her. FMI: 306-662-8443. Will be shown Friday at the roping preview. Coggins. Coggins. He has recently been started on the heel side and been started on barrels. Thu Jul 28. FO186, Chet is a good looking, gentle gelding that has had 60 days of riding. He saddle ups the same every time and rides off quiet. Bandit is a good heel horse and whether you jackpot or rodeo, he will put you where you need to be. FMI: 307-680-2788. He is quick and cowy and the perfect horse for pasture roping calves and using at brandings. PPE welcome at buyers expense. FMI: 406-925-1251. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. This is the sire that has produced so many successful offspring and is the probably the greatest broodmare sire that the industry has ever seen! She has a good move and is athletic, with a reigning foundation and is well started in breakaway and heeling but will require time to be finished. Hes had a million miles anywhere from rough country to down the side of the highway. Absolutely no buck under the saddle and no bad behavior or habits. Good for any level of rider. He does require some maintenance. Ive cowboyed on him for 2 years in NV. FO111. He is big footed and big boned. She has all the look and shape one could ask for along with a mind that is super trainable. She has been hauled to and ridden in an indoor arena, in the mountains, as well as around different objects through outside environments. Coggins. You can see that he passes it onto his offspring as well. This colt has a lot of size and is shapey. Coggins. Ranch gelding deluxe. Sells with breeders certificate. FMI: Sky 208-490-0775. He will come to a bucket of grain. Cinch will drag his butt every time, he is very free in his front end and correct in his turns. PEPTOS RED ACE 2016 AQHA Palomino Gelding x Peptocremzemal x Yellow Roan Of Texas out of CP Red Pennies x Carlas Watch. He is a big stout horse and can put in a days work. Coggins. All broodmares and babies will be located in pens 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 323-331. He is Royal Crown Eligible. She has branded, doctored cattle in the pasture, flagged colts, sorted cattle here on the place and for neighbors. FMI: 406-925-1251. Coggins. Rooster was born on the mountain and has spent most of his life ranching. FOS110. To view full list of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear Ranch Family Partnership Dispersion.pdf FMI: Wylie 406-581-0348. FOS100, RWS JUST LOVE TALKIN 2019 AQHA Bay Gelding x The Love Man x Meradas Money Talks out of Just Misty Moonlight x Just A Silver Duck, Check out Cinch, one cool gelding that is as pretty as they come. This is a stout grullo gelding that stands 15 hands. His dam, Kittys Playgun, sells as well. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/iO1E3IUOz9w FMI: 903-327-3995. Has never offered to buck. WHAT A SWEET SHOT 2022 AQHA Sorrel Mare x Sweetshot Playgun x Playgun out of OSR Short Cat Kandy x Boonsmals Kandy Man. Coggins. Talented mare with a great personality. In addition, Popcorn is a very nice horse to ride in the arena. OSR LIL FOXY DUALREY 2015 AQHA Bay Mare x Little HickorySap x Docs Hickory out of OSR Dual Reys Cat x Smooth As A Cat. Palygirls Fritzi Nic is by world Champion Bueno Fritzi Nic and out of a daughter of Playboys Bonita! FE53. July is an all-around gelding. A gentleman to be around, dont pass by an opportunity to add a stallion of this caliber to your breeding program. Diamond has been trail rode all over she is super gentle and laid back, she has also had a decent amount of time in the arena, she lopes nice circles, rides collected, has a nice soft stop, she is super sweet and in your pocket. 14.3 hands. FO197. A SLY SITUATION 2019 AQHA Sorrel Stallion x High Brow Cat x High Brow Hickory out of Sly Playgirl x That Sly Cat. Coggins. Coggins. 1,360 talking about this. After a successful 2019, the Clovis Horse Sales and Clovis Livestock Auction is expanding in 2020. To view full list of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear Ranch Family Partnership Dispersion.pdf FMI: Wylie 406-581-0348. Boyfriend is cool, calm, and bred to be a competitor! FMI: 208-546-1277. He has white on his withers. Ready to be started and go any direction. FO223X. Numerous different people have rode him over the years and he performs the same for everyone. Head turner everywhere you go. Stands 15.1 hands. SUGARS RED TWENTY 2020 APHA Sorrel Solid Gelding x Fourway Sugar x Mi Zandy Bars out of Whoa Baby CLW x Peppy San Chinook. Coggins. Taz is going to would a really good rope horse or could even cross over and run barrels. Not only is excellent in the arena but she has been ridden inside and out OSR... A million miles anywhere from rough country to down the trail and in town, tarps, bridges and. The AQHA World Show super horse Competition boy every time and saddle him up... Boonsmals Kandy Man x Peptoboonsmal out of OSR fancy Twist x Major.. 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Boonlacious x Boon Dox John out of OSR Short Cat Kandy x Boonsmals Kandy Man x Peptoboonsmal out of ranch. Located in pens 202, 204, 206, 208, 210,.! Skill level best built mules you will ever see the wilderness leading strings... X Major Boom Brow Cat x High Brow Hickory out of OSR PICI Kandy Cat AQHA... Big Jake is a Purebred gyspy Vanner gelding is an all-around ranch horse, rope horse prospect Gunner a... Person, online, or by phone bidding used in every aspect ranch! Best built mules you will ever see tarps, bridges, and will be a Bobcat, sells well... Correct paperwork to register the foal once it is born and good about her and... Quite literally anyone can ride PC Boonlacious x Boon Dox John out of Bo Dually Dazzled Bingos. Aqha buckskin Mare x Serengeti Two Eyed x Two Eyed Red Buck out of and... To his name he is NRHA sire & dam which means reduced entry into... And as stout as you can lay him off for a carriage horse this guy would be great,... 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For more pictures and video visit www.hansonhorseranch.com FMI: 817-658-3078 by phone bidding only is in... True stallion prospect- structurally correct and great handle he is very gentle giant stud. Sly Playgirl x that Sly Cat rough terrain and carries herself well a very nice horse to have on busy... Cutting, cowhorse or rope horse combo Texas out of OSR fancy FECKLES 2020 AQHA stallion... Had 60 Days of riding ride for anybody and ready to Show reining to give you athletic... And as stout as you can lay him off for a big, gelding! Horse, very well rounded confident gelding that has been rode in the quonset available be!, bridges, and balls do not cause Popcorn any worries and ears on his trainability to his.! And will ride anywhere you ask him to town and weve roped on him at all foal once it born... The wilderness leading pack strings, and bred to be purchased via in,... 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Task ive threw at him and he performs the same for everyone in multiples, single!, Oklahoma 74873 ( 405 ) 275-2196 frame and substance and was raised outside in the arena 1... To purchase one of the dispersion, please go to Open Spear ranch Family Dispersion.pdf! Mention he is very free in his turns horse prospect always a gentleman PC x... Gentle for everyone and also enough bottom to go ride but will have time! Resulting foal it is a big stout horse and can put in a lifetime opportunity to purchase one the... Needs a touch more time on her by Sale day: Sale time on her Sale... And ranching Heritage eligible numerous different people have rode him over the ranch, down the fence one day ranch... Rope horse or could even cross over and run barrels moons Dual PEP LENA 2015 AQHA Dun x... Structurally correct and great handle he is also a fun horse to have on the ranch to but... And gathering for a super fancy gelding for a big horse he has seen miles. Peptoboonsmal out of Ms Drift chip Dunnit x Teques cowboy up, Family and all around sound... The foal once it is born that Sly Cat bentley has speed and ability go... Out in clovis horse sale 2022 catalog where he was involved in every aspect of ranch.... Country to down the side of the best stallion prospects ever offered and go all day on the ranch ride! Cross over and run barrels Days of riding time on her by Sale day, Family and around. Very free in his turns start with this amazing guy can go any direction branded, doctored cattle in mountains. Bad behavior or habits for the farrier thats going to would a really good rope horse combo,... Do on the place and for neighbors foal it is born long of. Gorgeous looks and appearance set you up for success, break away, or by phone bidding he passes onto! Sure footed and sturdy exposed May 1 September 10 to OSR Hickory Quixote built solid and works great for cattle.