1. We are a newly organized unit of dismounted cav. looking for men and women to join us. 667 likes. Calif.), 140th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. TMHS: Texas Military Historical Society. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. Members protray both Union and Confederate honoring the War Between the States Surgeon. While there, they, Our units are geographically located east and west from Eastern Pennsylvania into Eastern Ohio, south into Maryland and West Virginia, and north into Southern New York, Well-drilled confederate infantry company. We are a military group in arizona and desperately search for events in the area, there are very few. . Organization portraying John Hunt Morgan's dismounted cavalry skirmishers. The USV is a Union combined forces army brigade command comprised of
We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. American Civil War Reenactment Groups. We do galvanize and have civilian impressions that also in the unit. As of right now we fall in with the 12th Texas infantry. Infantry. The game is Captain Morgan's Revenge. We pull our original 1862 3" Ordnance Rifle with our horse drawn team at Living Histories, Re-enactment & Cermonies. MLACWS members are mainly from Southeast Lower Michigan, but members come from all over the Midwest and Southern Canada. The Florida Civil War reenactment of the Battle of Olustee includes gun smoke, booming cannons and cavalry at Olustee Battlefield State Historic Park. No matter their size, each civil war reenactment provides a unique opportunity to learn about Americas past. The 4th Texas Company E is a volunteer organization portraying soldiers and civilians from the American Civil War. Stress Safety, Fun, & History. x 31.5 in. Reenacting the American Civil War began even before the real fighting had ended. We have been active in reenactmenting for 12 years in NC,SC and VA. We portray Confederate Infantry. We are a non-profit, family-oriented organization seeking to bring history to life and to honor the memory of all those who served in the Civil War. Civil War Reenactment Groups. Space limited. We are Kings Battery Mountaineers, a light artillery unit of the 14th Georgia Artillery, Company D. Our galvanized Federal unit is the 13th New York Independent.Formed in late 2005, Kings Battery consists of Civil War enthusiasts who want to enrich both our knowledge and heritage by participating in CW reenactments. They refer to the clothing and other physical gear needed to create a . Registration is now open for the American Battlefield Trust's 2023 Annual Conference in Franklin, Tennessee. CGW . Activities continue over the winter months, with unit and Regiment drills, musters, and socials. The reenactment group was formed in 2013 to meet the needs of the growing Civil War reenactment individuals in the state of Montana. We participate in living history demonstrations and reenactments of the Civil War era for the educational benefit of the, Lexington Rifles - Co. A, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry. Milsurpia is not responsible for anything a encountered after leaving this domain. Co.C. We are a family-oriented unit that is always looking for prospective recruits. We have members in four states Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas. General Staff Corps Venture Crew 1861 BSA, Venture Crew B.S.A. We travel beyond our states to go to national level events but also reenact locally. The Fresno County Historical Society's Civil War Reenactment ran for 30 years, and this year, it's getting updated to tell 19th century history, with more local stories. Nevada Reenactment Groups. Our goal is a home for Naval and Marine reenactors to call home. Our primary impression is of a generic Confederate Color Guard/ Color Company. We demostrate how guards were in the civil war and if a person wanted to go awol we show military methods in the Civil War days. We participate in reenacting and help plan events, Mounted cavalry unit. Recuriting new members. The 46th Mississippi is a non-profit War Between the States reenactment group based out of the Jackson, Mississippi metro area. 7th Michigan Cavalry, Co. F / 1st Nevada Cavalry, Troop D. Company F/Troop D is a combination of members from the American Civil War Association and Nevada Civil War Volunteers. We strive for historical accuracy with our drill and appearance. We also portray the 123rd New York Infantry. To us drill is a way of life. Co E is located in western NC and attends Civil War reenactments scattered throughout western NC and the surrounding states. Family type unit with several guns covering Mo, Ar, Ky, Il, & Tn. 1st Section, US Signal Corps, Department of New York, Since 1964, the re-created 148th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been educating the public and paying homage to the original group of men who set off from the Finger Lakes area of western New York for the seat of war in the fall of 1862. We are NOT simply a military organization like Western Brigade but more of a reenactor aggregator for event hosts. Army of Northern Virginia is a family oriented organization. Civil War Reenacting is an exciting hobby for the armchair historian, student or serious Civil War enthusiast. We represent the 4th Alabama. RevWar Progressive a cornucopia of reenactor information. Visually, the settings introduce jarring anachronisms such as redwoods and sequoias in a hobby that prizes fidelity to the 1860s South. The WW2 Airfost Re-enactors are a WW2 reenactment group based in the Republic Of Ireland, covering both the Axis and Allied sides. Northern California's largest civil war reenactment and one of the largest reenactments west of the Mississippi! We accurately portray the 37th Virginia Volunteer Infantry for reenactments and Living History Events. A progressive unit, portraying the Confederate States Regular Army. We do galvinize to honor ancestors on both sides. The English Civil War Society UK: English Civil War: 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history, educational visits, film and TV work Ermine Street Guard UK: Roman army: 50 AD 200 AD Combat reenactment, living history, TV and film work, education work, research Historia Normannis UK France USA: Middle Ages: 1100 1215 Combat reenactment . Family unit, 7 events a year, Proud Member of the Mifflin Guard. A non-political family oriented unit portraying both US/CS impressions. We are a family oriented, non-profit organization. Confederate Signal Corp and Telegraph, when neccassary skirmishing to help infantry. Our focus is on the engineer support duties of mobility, counter mobility and survivability on the battlefield. We are the color guard for the Tennessee Valley Battalion. We are family oriented and we are willing to help the beginner. 1st Brigade Illinois Volunteers has units from centeral and northern Illinois which have formed an organization to over-see events and provide command of our membership during battles. 19th Regiment of Foot (Green Howards in the Crimea) UK. In the fall of 1862 3rd Minnesot Co.C Cavalry was Detached from the Minnesota Battalion a designated to Iowa's 5th Cavalry Company K. While serving with the 5th Regiment in Missouri Company K was used for many purposes, Provost, Security High Ranking Officers & Front Line Skirmishers. Authentic Civil War Union Soldiers Photograph 19th Regiment Company C Michigan, https://www.facebook.com/groups/300837743779609/permalink/929884024208308, http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/dept_sc_ga_fl, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~scprnyz/MainPage.html, https://4thnorthcarolinacavalry.webstarts.com/, https://www.civilwarsignals.org/1st/home.html, https://www.unionvolunteersfifeanddrum.com/, http://yell-rifles.tripod.com/3rdarkansasvolunteerinfantrycompanyacivilwarreenactmentgroup/, https://sites.google.com/site/companyd7njvi/, https://www.27thnewjerseycompanyf.org/teams/?u=27thRegtNJVolsCoF&s=htosports, https://1stusvi.wixsite.com/1st-us-vol-reg-co-h, https://armyofthefrontier.wixsite.com/13thkansas, http://smcgath.tripod.com/12thilcav/index.html, https://www.facebook.com/lexingtonrifles/, https://www.facebook.com/Longstreets-Corps-1st-Kentucky-Volunteers-122326735832/, AUTHENTIC CIVIL WAR / INDIAN WAR KEPI WITH NAME INSIDE CHRISTMAS SALE PRICED. Co. H, 55th New York Volunteer Infantry d. FORT POINT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE LIVING HISTORY DAY AT AN ACTUAL CIVIL WAR FORT Hosted by Co. G, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry S aturday, February 25, 2023 0900 - 1600 . (Todays M. We have a military side and a civilian contingent. Namely, to promote public education of the history of the War Between the States (1861-1865). The Pawnee Guard is a not for profit Historical Reenacting Unit that portrays Marines, Sailors and Infantry from the Civil War. The Breckinridge Greys, 5th Kentucky Infantry is a group of progressive, campaign oriented living historians based in Kentucky & portraying the common Confederate soldier in the western theater. Lynn Q. Yu August 24, 2017. Politically, Tauszik said, the reenactments tend to be conservative spaces in one of Americas bluest states. Follow the links to the command elements to see listings of the
Our Co., has mounted and dismounted soldiers. We are outfitted mainly as a late war unit, and generally reenact as campaigners. Company has several pieces to include "mountain" howitzers. . Visit our website to learn more about which states our units are located in. We represent 2 of 4 companies "C" & "K" 150 PVI & Also Co. "K" 22nd VA "Patton's Fayetteville Rifles" Confederate Unit. We are a newly founded group of ladies, who wish to portray strong women who made a difference. Most reenactments will also have the opportunity to view the . We are a Stillwater Minnesota Area reenacting organization that specializes in recreating, in graphic detail, the medical and surgical procedures performed on the battlefield and in the field hospitals. Sep 02 to Sep 03, 2023. A US regular reenacting unit that portrays a skirmish (or sharpshooter) unit. Recruits are wanted. Short of actually traveling back in time, however, there is no better way to learn about history than by living it first-hand as a reenactor. Civilians: In addition to soldiers, reenactments often feature civilian encampments, where people can learn about the day-to-day lives of those who lived through the Civil War. We are a family-oriented Mess with members stretching from Virginia to Florida whose primary impression is that of guerrillas in the Eastern Theater. Our purpose is to honor the men of the 5th Cavalry who fought in the Civil War 1861-1865. They were then transferred to Fort Monroe at Hampton Roads, Virginia. Not for the kiddies! We perform many military duties, such as outpost duty, recon patrols, and fatigue duties. Confederate States Marine Corp. Company "A" Pensacola. The First Kentucky served only in Virginia and w.comas the only Kentucky unit to be part of the Army of Northern Virginia. The result, said Campbell, who wrote an accompanying essay with the project, are images that invite not ridicule but curiosity about people whose commitments might differ from our own.. looking for recruits. We are a dis-mounted and mounted contingent. The 104th Penna Volts preserves the history of the Civil War in Bucks County, PA. We are a family oriented unit dedicated to the historical and reenacting aspect of the 104th Pa. Volunteer Infantry, Civil War Regiment. We are members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors and are Family Oriented and Family Friendly. We are a very rowdy bunch. We do travel to all events Where the 14th Ind Co A fought. We are a progressive, family oriented Mess whose main impression is that of an 1860's fire company who formed a militia AFTER the Call To Arms to defend our community. We are Kentucky based reenacting unit portraying Confederate soldiers in the western theater of the American Civil War. Fife & Drum Corps. Our event is held around the 18th of Aug. and this years event is free, next year there will be a small registration feeplease try to come out his year, but email for registration forms space is limited 814-827-1998 leave a message if no answer. A living history and reenactment unit portraying Confederate artillery. Parts of the 3rd were used to put down the Sioux uprising in Minnesota in 1862. Co. C was founded over 20 years ago and since that time the 69th has been a major influence in the development of Civil War reenacting and Living History events throughout Southern California. Living history/reenactments/school program. Please write,and I will forward your address to our recruiter. Mostly its below the surface, he said of the ideological undertone, but its just below the surface.. See website for more details and membership. Players take turns spinning a dreidel-like top with marked . 154th Tennessee Confederate infantry reenacts at battles in the IL/IN/WI area's. Living history and reenactment unit, we strive to be authentic. We have sound military foundation and fundamentals. 118th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, a UK based civil war re-enactment group. New Mexico Reenactment Groups. *This post may contain affiliate links. History. We are the newest US unit in East Tennessee, also have an artillery section in the East TN Leigon. Reenactment groups call what they do living history, with a mission to educate the public. We are a family oriented Confederate artillery group . We invite anyone interested in living history and education to join our ranks. Children can usually even participate, although most reenactment groups have a minimum age (12 or 13 is common) for children to be allowed . Visit our website at: 7th, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Company D, The 7th, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Company D participates in a number of activities including battle reenactments, living history programs and memorial services and parades. We attend events mostly in TN, MO, KY, AL, and MS. We are a family friendly organization that serves the mountain region well. We are a progessive unit based in central N.C. we're seeking new recruits 2nd Lt. Michael Hicks commanding Co K. 6th N.C.S.T. Slaughter Pen Farm Living History & Battle Recreation. While military reenacting is popular in many countries and covering many wars, Civil War Reenacting has been a growing hobby since it began in the 1960's spurred on by the Centennial. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Mountain Howitzer. Under Maj. General Wheeler. We are a Confederate Marine Corps unit based in Georgia. The 7th Kentucky is a non-profit Education Corporation in Kentucky. We have members located all throughout the State of Alabama and are door is always open to those who would like to give the hobby a try and for those who seek a fun, Family Friendly atmosphere. These groups often focus on reenactment of wars, offering members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse of what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. The Website is located at: New Company being raised in the Midlands of SC. We are the oldest Infantry unit in La. Sasse's Iowa 4th Page, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry, Co. A, Lexington Non-political group that is family oriented. About half a dozen groups hold roughly 20 mock battles a year from Half Moon Bay to Huntington Beach and beyond. This first event hosted no more than thirty reenactors with a single cannon. Northern California's largest civil war reenactment and one of the largest reenactments west of the Mississippi! The 1st Maryland is a progressive / authentic American Civil War unit. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry (US), 35th Alabama Infantry & 13th Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 8th Alabama Company I "The Emerald Guard", Second Connecticut Regiment of Volunteers "The Old 19th CVI'', Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, 24th Iowa Volunteer Regiment Civil War Reenactors, Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery, 1st North Carolina Volunteers / 11th North Carolina Regiment & 151st PVI, Southern Nevada Living History Association, Hampton's Battery F Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery, 3rd Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery B, 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company F, Ferguson SC Artillery Civil War Reenactors, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 21st Virginia Volunteer Infantry, F Company, 19th Virginia Infantry Company B - The Albemarle Rifles, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers, Carlin's Battery "D" 1st WV Light Artillery. We do living history and personal appearences(certain schools).We don't travel more than 3 hours from where most our people live. Confederate Infantry company, portraying mid to late war. We have members in La., Tx, Ms., Ga., Pa. and Va. We are a hardcore mess that aren't threadcounters. This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. Top Union unit based in East TN. Prospective recruits welcome. 7th Florida Infantry Regiment, Company F. 21st Georgia Volunteer Infantry Civil War Reenactment Unit, 24th Georgia vols Company B civil War reenacting group, Company A, 2nd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Company H, First Maryland Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 4th Texas Co. E / 16th Michigan Co. B Civil War Reenactors, Reynolds' Battery L 1st New York Light Artillery, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A, Company "C" 2nd Regiment Berdan Sharpshooters. We are a family organization with something for everyone. 15th. Mich. We are looking for new members in the upstate of SC and we are a family group. Family oriented Confederate Unit dedicated to the preservation of American Heritage. We are currently a four gun battery and will be a six gun battery by Spring 2010. 69th Regiment New York State Volunteers Company C 1st Regement Irish Brigade. We cover all eras of history, both military and civilian perspectives, up to and including the 1990s. We are known as the Old Dominion Rifle's mess here in New England. We prefer to portray CS, but are prepared to galvanize when necessary. The 31st Wisconsin focused on a mid-war impression and are equipped as the original soldiers were. We are first in,last out on the battlefeild and simply southern everywhere else. A family oriented unit We have both mounted & dismounted companies. We are a family oriented unit . We are based out of Corinth but want members from northern Mississippi or southern Tennessee. Tired of politics or lies?We are a family oriented unit that offers moumted,dismounted & civilion impressions.We are dedicated to portraying 1860s cavalry life. Down the Sioux uprising in Minnesota in 1862 to and including the 1990s serious War! Pen Farm living history, with a single cannon Kentucky based reenacting unit that always! Drill and appearance fall in with the 12th Texas Infantry Color Company a based... National level events but also reenact locally to promote public education of the Battle of Olustee includes gun smoke booming! We invite anyone interested in living history and reenactment unit portraying Confederate soldiers in the upstate SC! Company `` a '' Pensacola 's mess here in New England Corps unit based in Southern/Central California recon... 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