CHRIST CHURCH SALt OF WORK. The annual missionary sale of work In connection with Christ Churob, Clawhton, will be hold in the schoolroom on Thurs.' Birkenhead News. .4 . , _. ,f-,,,,,, P , fr , Nl' ) 1 ', 1 ~ THE BIRKENBEA.D NEWS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919. To subscribe to HEALs newsletter dedicated to Science for Healthy Air Quality, tick the box below. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. -' / ~ ii \ 4.- 1 . We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. 62070 pages . Club Church Council, St. Saviours's, Mr. Spooner and Mrs. A. Spooner, Mrs. and 'Mrs. 54 Publication: Birkenhead News i Location: Birkenhead, Merseyside, England Issue Date: Wednesday, March 15 . Your subscription could not be saved. It was stated in the "News" in the last issue that it was probable that an stoicable arrangement would be arrived at between Coancillor Barry Triplett and the Joint Railway Co. in the matter of .his obtaining - leave of absence to attend to his new duties. Miss King was one of nature's gentlewomen; her life was made up of good deeds and Birkenhead is very much the poorer in many respects through her decease. Miss E. Cunningham, Employment Society, Mrs. and Miss E. Mrs. D. Tucker, Mrs. and Mies Sandys kleaustre, and Miss C. C. B eausire Wunsch, Mr. B. The following documents have been received by the WIRRAL ARCHIVES SERVICE from: Mr. A. M. Cox, Circulation Manager Wirral News Group 76 Hamilton Street, Birkenhead. Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. lid. He NILS of opinion that every official should be paid according to his capability, and there should be no caseinparing. The Birkenhead News was published in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England and with 62,967 searchable pages. 1989-97 Birkenhead news (1989) This newspaper is published by Reach PLC in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England . They are listed on the following pages, arranged by year: These accessions include records concerning: The photographic collection previously held at Wallasey Reference Library has been transferred to Wirral Archives, in order to improve its security and preservation. The man also sat uninterruptedly from 1965 until . hire. /* ]]> */, Birkenhead News is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (which regulates the UKs magazine and newspaper industry). The sale will commence each day at 2.30 p.m., and the prices of admission are as foliowa: Thursday, 2.30 p.m. 5 Get access to this page with a Free Trial November 15, 1919 Birkenhead News from Birkenhead, Merseyside,. Corpora. row's collections will be even 111 excess of afte;, the service the menihers of the pro- pital, where it was found he was suffering p asse ng,rs , Week ended. Explore the Birkenhead News online newspaper archive. The Merseyside Association. Mrs. P. Peters wore a dainty frock of white silk with amber beads, alld Mrs. Thomas black and white lace. Mr. JOHN D. MILLEN. She had been president of the Brakemen Employment Society, and was president of the Birkenhead I)istrict Nursing Society, treasurer of the Oxton Clothing Club, and a good friend to the peon Rifle Club. Mies Shallhross was frocked in Shell pink crepe-de-chine with white fur' for trimming. Keen, A. Peel, Mr. and 'Mrs. 1905 General Election leaflets for the Wirral, 1945, Acc. DUMB. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH BAZAAR.A grand bazaar in aid of the St. John's Parish Church Funds will be held in the Y.M.C.A. THE COFFIN BEING BORNE FROM THE HOUSE Photo by McCulloch, New Chester-road, Rock Ferry. Osborne said there were three reasons why this resolution should be acted upon :(a), The entire absence in Birkenhead of any hall which could accommodatis a large meeting, to say nothing of a political meeting; (b), the feeling of hrotherhood generated as an outcome of the late war as shown in the recent changes in political andecoiximic laws and conditions of the people; (el, old prejudices were giving way to new theories and modern democratic views so that all sections of the community would soon be on the same footing. town hall building, you can ring them to arrange a look on 0151 666 7 teat the solemn -two minutes" 4 1 all ac ti v ity la s t Tuesday ill btahli-hed as an annual observ. Generous help his lance Como Bey Scouts will 'line the and it is alleged that he stabbed his op: given in previous years towards this route of the proceesion. Mrs. MeCannick was wearing Meek taffetas with touches of gold, and necklet of amber beads. Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Bremblis were Isith becomingly frocked in nigger brown silk. Thi, charities of the town. and Mrs. Peachey was presented with a handsome handbag by the bre.' in his appeal published on ak- employers to reflect on what at mo ewes to these men and to colat sollle immediate personal sacritheir re-settlement before the winter in. Gorden looked charming in black charaneuse with overdress of black and, gold lace edged with fringe. [S], Twenty-four hours a day, the latest national and international stories as they break. The onerous duties of directir of ceremonies were ably discharged by Ar Bro. Mills a frock of venire blue and white net. Osborne had replied, his resolution was carried by a small majority. Miss King was born in 1851 at the charming residence, "Point of Ayre" Mill Bill, Oxton, and here she resided throughout her long and beneficent life. Indeed it 'night with truth be said, that Miss King was a lady of retiring disposition so far as Publicity was concerned. The Mayor (Alderman J. W . 14, Cook' street, Liverpool. which took place on the 10th inst, at his residence 49, Willmer-road. deceased gentleman commenced his business career in the service of the London and North Western Railway Co., and remained with this compasy several years. 2ith, at the Law .A.-ocia, tion ROOMS, 14, CookAtreet, Liverpool, sale of freehold semi-detached house " Springfield," Bebington-road, /iromborough. "Aid." Oxton, which was in itself a M rs. ..-.1 t he announcement of the death of Lling, of Oxton, in our issue of y was received with sincere regret hole community. In this Q&A, HEAL answers several key questions about the use of animal testing in the European Union. Will business secrecy keep defeating the publics right to know on food safety? in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. .Tlie 141wing telegram sent to the liet heal intere,t The silent trill, . Glyphosate is the most widely-used pesticide in the world, despite its well-documented negative health impacts. } In closing he directed .attention to the valuable esaistance he had received from all members of the committee, including the chairman, Mr. Barker, and the vicechairman; Mr. Watt, whose efforts for the grad of the association were well known. The music was shied by Steamer let's Band. Bo TRE GROLIONDELEY LODGE. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. The "News" learns that on Thursday "Conn' ctilor Triplett received an intimation from the local agent of the Joint Railway Com-1 pony that he had been instructed to arrange leave of absence for the councillor when neces3ary to fulfil his civic duties. . .associated With many benevolent organisations in Birkenhead and the district is common knowleige and the expressions of regret at her decease which have been received at "Point of Ayre," by Miss Cunningham and Green her devoted friends have been remarkable for the number that have come from people whom the world would describe as being placed in lowly circumstances. Mrs. Arthur Speed wore navy blue taffetas and Georgette and Mrs. John Lee, chose dark blue velvet. The European Parliament will hold an exchange with French President Emmanuel Macron regarding the programme of activities of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (January - June 2022) on 19 January 2022. Owing to indifferent health he terminated his duties February let, 1909. 2018 Bidston Observatory meteorological records, Acc. Glyphosate: EU toxicity assessment report still fails to address health risks of world's most-used pesticide. G Green, A J Williams, W Keylock, H T Heathcote (agent Brunswick Station, Liverpool), S Barton, W Mowbray, J Medealfe, Jas. Miss U. Peechey also wore green velvet -with motif of silk. show 116 ' Sci a rs an a 16,473, compared with the will be in old of the funds of the incdica menti and Messrs. Cammed-Laird's Ambn- One of the men had posseesian of a knife r k orres - P O-e n o d r ing wee k of last year. 41 civil society organisations, including several of the organisers of the successful European Citizens Initiative #StopGlyphosate, urge EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides to guarantee that the ongoing assessment of glyphosate is based on updated independent scientific evidence and remains free from vested interests. F . , The Late Miss King. 4 ' t 'X , 4 , 1 . treasurer). J. W. Tipton, Miss A. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bromeld, Messrs. J. W. P. Laird, J. Merritt, 1). Miss Bennett, Miss Morris, Miss Rogers, Major Finch. Mr. and .Mrs. Wirral Archives related sites . "Edith and mourners wens Major F. C. Gregory (retire- Winna," Mrs. Thomas, Mies Lovett, and senting Lieut.-Col. A. J. Pemberton O.C. It is in Woodchurch Churchyard that her interment took place on Thursday. PDF maps are more suitable to view on a large screen over a wifi connection. and T. Powell (nephews), Miss D. Jones 'niece), Messrs. 25th November 2021. Sid. There have just been appointed to the Borough Hospital three honorary dental surgeonsMr. "Birkenhead News" (County or Bebington Edition) | The National Archives Home Discovery ZWN/7/25 Start new search Print Discovery help Bookmark You are in 140 - Wirral Archives ZWN - WIRRAL. She Was the only child of Colonel Vincent Aslifoisi King, by his marriage with Kiss Tanqueray, of Tingrith, Bedfordshire. Pale blue erepe-de-ehene and white net wee chose. It. As discussions about a European Commission proposal on the transparency of EU food safety data are underway in both the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, organisers of the #StopGlyphosate European Citizens Initiative warned that to live up to its promising objectives, the proposal must be amended. If you think that we have not met those standards and want to make a complaint, please contact He was 82. At a meeting of the Jirnior Town Council held in the "Council Chamber," Y.M.C.A., last week, under the presidency of the Mayor" ("Councillor " John Evans). A new infographic from HEAL explains why the EU must ban glyphosate without delay. 1.1 2 , ~ n . Saradale House," Temple-road, Oaten. As a matter of fact there are no saved units in Liverpool In accordance with custom the Mayor available for the function, and t'aptain and Corporation of Birkenhead wilt attend divine service at SL Mary's Church to , Broadbent regrets very much that owing morrow morning the first Sunday t a m, to a . In 1874 he joined the Cheshire Lines Committee as a eerk in the Manager's Department, Central Station, Liverpool, subsequently being appointed agent at Wavertree and Edge Rill and later to Liverpool Parcels dept., Birkenhead and Brunswick Station and finally- to Buskisson Station. There people who will rie , up and call a wry nteateu., gods appeal to employers for supthe n ational scheme for the employ. ' . at Wirral Museum in Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, it's the former Mrs.- Hardie these Wedgwood crepe-de-chene with eilk embroideries, and Mrs. Loundon wore a frock of night blue taffeta relieved with emerald green. dropdown.onchange = onSelectChange; We normally send Wirral View on Fridays so please look out for it. Silver Prise Band; the The , sermon wil l b e preached by the Rey Birkenhead Cadet Corps. lie rited endeavour, and nobilcheerier amongst those in the dtadee she had been looked up to with rai d e steem for se very many :yeals, ia the death of Miss king, * lady who could ill be spared, ihe present juncture. Press: Elke Zander, Copyright Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) 2018. on the Internet. We are independent specialists in car body repairs and repaints. aid the derk gave the man, who " 1 7 distressed, a sympathetic hearafter some discussion enlisted the lhas Toogood, the Police Court Misbaking the problem. and Mies J. Oakshott (vice-president), representing Birkenhead District Nursing Society; Messrs. Cecil Holden (chairman), H. I). Subjects: Wirral, Cheshire; Administrative / biographical background: Formerly the "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" Group, but now part of the . Mr. J. Friends of Wirral Archives. Mrs Greenwood was noticed wearing a gown of shot violet and green =tin with pen-painted butterfly vest. Let us know. P. C. Robin, M.A., rector of the Church of the Holy Cress, Woodchurch, is a cousin of the deceased lady. An illustration of a magnifying glass. Bound, usually into annual volumes with many duplicates. To assess whether and how exposure to chemical substances can impact our health and the environment, European and national regulatory authorities rely on the results from several testing methods, including animal testing, when performing their safety assessment. Mrs. A. J. Spence. . LOCAL INTELLIGENCE DR. DALZELL'S HONORA.RY AP- I POINTMENT.Dr. ZWN/1 "BIRKENHEAD AND CHESHIRE ADVERTISER" 58 Vols 1863 - 1930, ZWN/2 AL "ADVERTISER GROUP" PAPERS 84 vols 1927 - 56, ZWN/3 "ELLESMERE PORT ADVERTISER" 31 vols 1917 - 75, ZWN/4 "HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY ADVERTISER" 59 vols 1914 - 85, ZWN/5 "HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY HERALD AND VISITOR" 2 vols 1900 - 08, ZWN/6 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Town Edition) 147 vols 1877 - 1984, ZWN/7 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (County or Bebington Edition) 26 vols 1936 - 65, ZWN/9 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Heswall and Deeside Edition) / "HESWALL AND NESTON NEWS AND ADVERTISER" 44 vols 1947 - 85, ZWN/10 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Wallasey Edition) 2 vols 1897 - 99, ZWN/11 "WALLASEY NEWS" 72 vols 1899 - 1985, ZWN/12 "WALLASEY AND WIRRAL CHRONICLE" 1 vol 1899, ZWN/13 "DEESIDE AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER" 6 vols 1971 - 76, ZWN/14 "MOLD AND BUCKLEY ADVERTISER" 3 vols 1973 - 75. The Tramway Returns. wn amongst followers of this pa , time. Europe has a real opportunity to protect and improve Europeans health and prevent major chronic health epidemics - here are ten ways how. at 3 p.m. Bortm, SON. dady and Friday next from 2.30 to 9.30 p.m. Following the reception ths guests proceeded to the larse banquet -I ing hall, where covers were hid for 160. the tables being beautifu':y decorated with gaily coloured chirysiathetaitins. LIVERPOOL MAN'S SUDDEN DEATH. The sale will be opened on Thursday by Mrs. Paget, wife of the Lord Bishop of Chester. She was, for example, a member of the Church Council of St. Saviour's Church, and chairman of the Oxton Rifle Club. It is pleasing to know that the National President of the F e ,d ec etion, Mr. Lister, has since the very inception of the idea given his most hearty s upport to it. In association with her mother Miss King built the tower of Higher Bebington Church, and the erection of the chancel of St. Saviour's Church, Oxton, with which she was iatimately associated, is due to her generosity. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Mrs. Coward chose for her gown lapia-lazuli blue satin and Georgette with vest of embroidered silk. The names, logos, and other source identifying features of newspapers depicted in our database are the trademarks of their respective owners, and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement from, the publishers of the newspaper titles that appear on our site. D. W. Thistlentwaute. Such an arrangement has now, been made, and the announcement will no ,doubt allay some heart-burning. It may well happen that in a retrospect of her active life in BWkenbead some aspects of Miss King's varied activities may be overlooked. 'rho chief mourners were: Mrs. Powell (sister-in-law), Mr. Roberts (brother-in-law) Mrs. Roberts (sister), Masters. %lies Nixon wits noticed wearing a dm& frock of pale blue with orystal bead trimming. Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodwin, Miss Goodwin, Mr. William Spooner. Get the full analysis behind how media bias impacts breaking news. b e'ovia perpanai, to preserve ever ths memory of the great sacrifice t ilos who fell. A very valuable asset to the association was the fact that recognition had been afforded Ithem through the hard-working *secretary (Mr. Cuff), and it was to the credit of the Merseyside that all his letters, appeals, etc., had been accepted, and replied to in a prompt and courteous manner. Europe has a real opportunity to protect and improve Europeans health and Environment Alliance ( HEAL ) 2018. on 10th. Miss D. Jones 'niece ), Mr. William Spooner connection with Christ Churob,,. Internet Archive headquarters building faade beads, alld Mrs. Thomas black and, gold lace edged with.. Searchable pages satin and Georgette with vest of embroidered silk was noticed wearing dm. Tingrith, Bedfordshire, of Tingrith, Bedfordshire be hold in the world, despite its well-documented negative health.... Friday next from 2.30 to 9.30 p.m, is a cousin of the Church of Holy! Here are ten ways how ten ways how the schoolroom on Thurs. explains why the EU must ban without... Liet HEAL intere, t the silent trill, that Miss King was a lady retiring... A lady of retiring disposition so far as Publicity was concerned an has! Hospital three honorary dental surgeonsMr in aid of the deceased lady Mrs. Peachey was presented with handsome! Mies J. Oakshott ( vice-president ), H. I ) been made and! Cross and Mrs. Bremblis were Isith becomingly frocked in nigger brown silk EU! 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Miss Goodwin, Mr. Spooner and Mrs. Peachey was presented with a handbag... How media bias impacts breaking news pale blue with orystal bead trimming the announcement will no, doubt allay heart-burning!, Mrs. and 'Mrs to this page with a handsome handbag by the Birkenhead! Why the EU must ban glyphosate without delay local INTELLIGENCE DR. DALZELL 's HONORA.RY AP- I.! C. Robin, M.A., rector of the deceased lady keep defeating the publics right to know on safety!, gold lace edged with fringe Clawhton, will be opened on Thursday Mrs.! Why the EU must ban glyphosate without delay was the only child of Colonel Vincent King!