Yes, it is pretty common to see embossing on a bottle or jar which is very faint or partly illegible. There are a few differences between the new ones and the old originals which can be easily seen. ), Diamond Glass Company, Royersford, Pennsylvania, EUREKA design on base of unidentified tumbler / jelly glass, Fairmount Glass Works / Fairmount Glass Company, Falls City Glass Company, Louisville Kentucky (1884-1892), Faroy Glass Candle Holders FAROY U.S.A., Federal Law Forbids Sale or Reuse of this Bottle Phrase, Fishing Floats (Glass Fishing Net Floats), Fletchers Castoria / Pitchers Castoria bottles, Frank Millers Crown Dressing ~ Victorian Era shoe polish bottles, Frederick Heitz Glass Works, St. Louis, MO (1882-1898), G. Some Canning Jar Terms ISBN-13 : 978-9990394030. Because i have a regular job and have been VERY, VERY pressed for time. I have a blue Ball perfect mason jar with what looks like a capital I with a line underneath it. We have not been able to find anything on one clear glass wide-mouth jar in particular. I found a 1913-1915 Ball Perfect jar where the perfect is offset. There is a line in front of the A leading into it. (So I assume there are lots of jars out there with those letters as well as B, D, E, F and G.) I dont have specific info on your jar, but in general, many of the earliest BALL PERFECT MASON jars (made beginning around 1913 and for several years afterward) are marked on the bottom with a number/letter combination, not a number only (those with only numbers seem to have been introduced a little later). David. It preserves moisture and scent, making it ideal for soup and spice storage, respectively. Add a few old Ball mason jars together and you can be looking at several hundred dollars or even more. Keep in mind Ball had more than one factory producing fruit jars, and there are many slightly different variations of the BALL MASON jars out there. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Thus, if a random sampling of these jars are studied (for instance, just looking at a selection of only those marked with a number 2 on the bottom), it may be seen that the numbers typically appears slightly different, in fact unique in their exact appearance, from one jar to the next. David, Thank you for the background, David, much appreciated! Moms mason jar with picture engraved on one side it is clear measurements in cups and ounces this one is 3 cups or 24 ounces. Good advice! Is this accurate? This has been happening especially with Gmail addresses!! This design effectively kept the containers water and airtight before long other manufacturers followed the Mason Jars blueprint. Square: Jars with the word Square were produced in 1925. It appears to be old glass and not a reproduction. Older editions of the Red Book have different numbers assigned to the jars, in the 300 range). The Ball Mason jars have taken on so many colors through the years, from golden yellow to amber, to different green shades. Such jars also have a faulty screw and can go for over $800 on eBay or on yard sales. Please double-check those folders in your email app/program after a few days if you haven't heard from me!! Im sorry but I dont know what year the jar was made, or if it is possible to glean that info from the numbers on it. AB (connected) mark on base of light aqua beer bottle with P 11 code, VM (MV) logo on CD 642 Gingerbread Man style insulator made by Verreries de Masnieres. WebBall Perfect Mason 1933-1962 Quart Canning Jars Clear Glass (Lot of 2) $10.00 $18.45 shipping or Best Offer VINTAGE 1945 CLEAR SQUARE BALL PERFECT MASON GLASS CANNING PRESERVE JAR Mold #3 $24.00 Free shipping Vintage Ball Perfect Mason Square Ribbed Jar Clear Quart. How Much Are Old Ball Mason Jars Worth? Nowadays, you can even buy a big flat of Mason jars for pretty cheap at your local craft or household goods store but the older ones can fetch much higher prices. Typically, the smaller or more common antique jars can go for about $20 apiece, but the more rare versions can sell for as much as $300. David, Herb garden it is. That said, since most glass was made with some percentage of cullet (broken and scrap glass) there is always a tiny chance the cullet used might have contained small traces of leadbut even if there was any, it would certainly not be enough to cause any concerns. To be fair, email inquiries may end up in the inbox of someone in an office who simply has no useful information concerning questions of company history and certain jars made many decades ago. The lids were all wide mouth. Nan, I believe there are several jars known that fit that description. It is underlined with a long loop after the LL. Take care! I mention those number-letter marked jars in the third paragraph under the subheading MOLDS in my article. Thanks for all your work on answering others questions. Eclipse: These wide-mouthed jars were made between 1926 and 1952. On the surface, you should be able to pick out each jar based on its unique features. In some cases mold paste clogged up the engraving in the mold, causing a portion of the embossing to be missing or flattened. This may have first shown up around the year 2010 or thereabouts. Owens-Illinois Glass Company I inside an O trademark, Diamond-Oval-I trademark used by Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Beyond that, I cant speculate on the exact year of manufacture on any of the later clear jars. Thescandal of counterfeited Ball Mason jarspassing as antiques rocked the community. ~David. I want to be sure I found an original, not a replica. I described them in the text on this page. In the 1800s, the cork stopper was the widespread bottle closure. Vintage & Antique Mason Jars Guide - Dating Ball Canning Jars The jar is clear. People also reused the containers because they were effective storage jars. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; I dont think this is true. I am sure it is not a reproduction. The primary purpose of a mason jar was the storage of fruits and vegetables before the refrigerator became a thing. The word Sanitary is in all capital letters, is italicized, and appears below the Ball logo. Sometimes during production the molten glass (that was blown under pressure into the inside of a mold) didnt fill in all the engraving perfectly, leaving missing portions on the finished piece. Melinda, I dont have any specific info on your jar. Thoughts? I cant find anything on the Internet and I am very curious about the history behind this jar. Why do Mason jars stand the test of time? ALL Ball Perfect Mason jars were machine-made by Ball at one of their several glass factories. Also, it seems evident that the mold numbers 12 through 15 are ALL somewhat scarcer than mold numbers 0 through 11. Some had a metal cover that just sat on top of the glass with a lip that went down the side of the jar just enough to not slide off. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your experiences (indicating the old jars as more sturdy and less prone to breakage) gives clues as to why so many of the older Ball Perfect Mason jars are still around! Triple L Large Seeds From 1902 to 1964, theAtlas jarswere the talk of Ohio. In general, Ball Perfect Mason variants are listed in the Red Book from #270 to #295-6. This purple hue jar gets its color from a reaction of manganese to sun exposure. David. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. The bottom of the A is more pointed than curved. JoAnn Moser. Best regards, The BALL They are sold through Hearthmark (Jardens Home Brands). The glass has some air bubbles in it, but otherwise is in excellent co dition.The shape of the jar is nothing like the shape of the Ball jars. The 63 lid and band were made to be used on product jars so they could be canned in during the war years. 11. Take care and thanks for your post. Would it be rare or valeuable? My question is that a mis print? Owens-Illinois Glass Company trademark/logo Diamond Oval- I entwined. Though theyre originally from Canada, there are American pieces. Special: Between 1910 and 1913, Ball mason jars were printed with the words Ball Special Mason in all block letters. Hi Tim, There are many, many variations of mold numbers on the base of those jars. Patent Nov. 30th 1858 sign printed on the side. Other colors are known, but not so easily found, including cornflower blue, straw yellow, olive green, olive amber, blackish olive, dark yellow amber, light green and medium green. There are no grooves for a rings to screw onto. The Owens scar was formed as part of the manufacturing process, and is a somewhat variable but generally rounded scar consisting of a thin, sharp, clearly defined seam or line that encircles part of the bottom. May I ask who told you? wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. UPDATE 5/20/2021: Just a note that there are also new BALL PERFECT MASON jars in both the quart and half-pint (8 ounce) sizes available. Adirondack Girl @ Heart is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to You have the half-gallon size. Fortunately, mason jars are only about a century and a half old so dating them doesnt involve anything overly complicated and scientific. References Has any one heard of canning jars with little narrower mouth food jars? The RED BOOK Lists thousands of variations. If I were you, Id go ahead and use them for your herb garden, or as kitchen canisters, vases, containers for marbles, buttons, etc, or as general home dcor. Scales emblem used on containers made for McKesson & Robbins. No, that is not true. David. I am hoping you are able to cast some light on my mystery Ball jar. and E-Z Seal by Atlas at $60. Also, there were a number of variations in the way the Ball name logo was written, those changes occurring several times over the space of several decades. Lots of bubbles can be found in some jars even into the 1920s and 30s or later, although the bubbles typically arent nearly as numerous or noticeable in later jars. David, [Edit May 15, 2021: Please check out my reply to a comment on a similar jar, at this URL: ]. words centered but two are aligned on the left. It seems evident that many of these jars are now saved by non-collectors or casual glass collectors (and culled from large groups of common jars) merely because of the number on the base. David. Thank you, Bryan, its one of the recent repro jars. List of Web Links pointing to some other sites / interests ~ (Most of these sites are not glass-related) including Birds, Trees, Fishing, Antiques, Transferware, Blue Willow Pattern Dishes, Coins, Religion, Marine Traffic, VintageAerial, WheresGeorge, Amsterdam, Ohio River info and more! ), C B B; C B K ; C B M marks on antique pickle jars, Coke Bottles (Glass Manufacturers Marks on Coke Bottles), Collectible Milk Glass General Information / Overview, Depression Glass (What is Depression Glass? 1/2 Pint, Clear, Lightning Seal, c. Thank you so much . (See this mark illustrated in the U listings of he alphabetical bottle mark listings on this site). 10.) wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Although the original pint, quart and half gallon BALL PERFECT MASON jars in aqua or Ball Blue glass are very common and easily found, the original, authentic older HALF PINT size is considered to be quite scarce and difficult to find. Improved: There were a few times when Ball produced jars with Improved, including in the 1890s, when the jars were printed with Ball Improved 1858. Later, the jars were produced with the wording Ball Mason Improved between 1900 and 1933. WebOriginal jars range in price from $10-60, depending on condition, color, and age. There is a small circled R underneath the BALL logo on the front of the new jars. Again, the listing is such that all those sizes are catalogued under one jar identification number. This is not a reproduction. (If any readers have seen jars with letters AFTER H, please let us know! Yes, Ball made huge quantities of bottles of various types besides their better-known canning jars. The Ardagh plant at Winchester, Indiana (where many of the new Ball brand jars are being made) is a former Anchor Glass Container Corporation facility that was acquired by Ardagh. David. The 2 is a mold number. Any details would be greatly appreciated! The rubber from the jar lids deteriorated in the water bath and the jars did not stay sealed. Many common food jars (such as originally used for mayonnaise, etc) would fall in that category, and those types of jar are often called packers within the glass industry, and have been made by many glass companies. Hi Misty, Seed Sprouting Kit + Guide | 3 Mesh Screen Strainers for Wide Mouth Mason Jars BALL Mason Drinking Jars, Mason Kitchen Canning Jars; Additional site David, Lisa, they are NOS (new old stock). At the present time (2021) I havent seen any in Half-Gallon size, although perhaps they will eventually be made in that size as well. 2nd line: Ball 9 Pristine condition! What Ball jars are worth money? According to Country Living, an upside-down Ball canning jar designed to rest on its lid is relatively rare and made between 1900 and 1910. It's valued at about $1,000. Country Living also notes that a unique 1858 design, called the Willoughby Stopple, is especially valuable because it proved to be defective. Best regards, For instance, ALL BALL PERFECT MASON jars are machine-made. My email is (address obscured for privacy concerns). Identification of the Mason patent lettering (1890), Atlas Mason Jars Value: A Quick Guide for Collectors, 15 Most Valuable Vintage Planters Peanut Jars: Collection Guide, Antique Scales: History, Types, Identification and Value Guide, Antique Hand Saw: Types, Identification and Value Guide, Antique Mirror Guide: Types, Styles, and Value, Antique Gilbert Clock Types, Identification, and Valuation, Antique Teapots: Identification and Value Guide, Vintage Linens (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Luggage: Brands, Identification, and Buying Guide, Vintage Playing Cards (Identification and Value Guide), Vintage Japanese Music Box Rare Collectibles, Sports Memorabilia Price and Identification Guide, Vintage Mccoy Cookie Jars Value and Price Guide, Vintage Libbey Glassware: Identification Valuable Patterns, Vintage Lenox Figurine Identification and Value Guide, Vintage Jadeite Dishes: Complete Fire King Jadeite Price Guide, Vintage Ice Cream Scoop Identification and Value Guide, Vintage Fire King: Identification, Patterns, Types, And Value Guide. ~David. I would like to refrigerate cold juice or leftover liquid coffee in it, if it has no lead in it. All you need to do is wash them carefully by hand with warm water and soap and then soak them for half an hour if need be. Im curious though about the letters HI printed underneath the word Mason next to the bottom of the jar. The value in the Redbook price guide shows it as in the $10-25 dollar range, assuming it is in good condition. WebBall "Triple L" Mason Quart Jar, 1900-1910 Vintage Fruit Jar, Antique Canning Jar, Nice Blue, Bubbles, Zinc and Glass Lid. Hundreds of different molds were used to produce those jars and sometimes the mold cutter engraved the lettering in slightly different positions relative to the top line of text. David The company started making mason jars back in 1880, and many people today still use these for canning, or collect the jars as a hobby. Up here in MT you are fortunate to find them for 4$ a piece. Can you provide me with a little history on this jar? My boss told me to research it but I am not finding anything ! Tanya, the jars marked BALL MASON were probably introduced around 1901 (according to info by highly respected fruit jar researcher and historian Dick Roller although author William F. Brantley wrote about 1895 in his book A Collectors Guide to Ball Jars) and were made in large quantities from the early 1900s into the c.1910-1915 period. Although it is possible a few atoms of iron will leach away from the glass into the food over long periods of time, this would not be harmful. Their value is $2-3 so $2 is right. It certainly is from the zinc lid era and the threads on the top are spaced such that all commercially-made-for-market tin lids I have ever seen would be more closely spaced. William Franzen & Sons- W F & S MIL marking on base of amber beer bottle. Lee, thats an example of ghosting or ghost embossing, it is seen fairly frequently on older glass insulators, and on the base of some jars and bottles, mostly on older handblown bottles before, generally, 1920 or so. I cant really say why! Perfect: Between 1913 and 1922, the word Perfect was slightly offset, and is left indented from the word Mason below. Figuratively, most Atlas mason jars price values range from as low as $10 to a maximum of about $60 or higher. This one is different because the word BALL is in print not cursive. David. People typically discarded this jar because of its defect. or short half-gallon jars were popular with bootleggers during Prohibition (1920s and early 1930s). Off' Square Wide Mouth Pint $9.99 6.5 inch 'Self Sealing' (Square) 1960's Wide Mouth Quart 2 To sum this up, there are still a lot of uncertainties involving the many BALL fruit jar varieties to be found, and I am certainly not an expert on those jars!! Disregard the Number. $10-12.00, Aqua Ball There are no other markings in it. Hazel-Atlas H over A trademark on the front of clear Atlas Mason jar. Thanks for taking the time to send me the pics! The Van Vilet Improved Jar is widely recognized as the most valuable mason jar today as its worth $23,500. Any ideas? They have A13 on the bottom. They are marked (on front) BALL PERFECT MASON, on rear 1913 1915 / 100 YEARS OF / AMERICAN / HERITAGE / MADE IN U.S.A. . Is there some other type of seal available? % of people told us that this article helped them. Fruit Jar Annual is updated every 1-2 years and contains info on most jars including circa dates. Hope this helps out people. It may be worth something, but that will be determined by the size, color, age, and top. This particular bottle was made at plant number 7 (Alton, Illinois). Consumers would cover the jar with a cork, then seal it with wax under heat. B in a diamond mark on inside of Star & Dewdrop master salt dish in vaseline glass, made in 1994. (However, keep in mind that fruit jars cost money, and the average farmer or housewife, often continually stretched to the limit with their household budget, would have never destroyed a jar merely because of the number on the bottom). With your subscription, youll receive access to my Member Library where youll find (Clear jars marked Ball Mason were made in the 1960s and 1970s). They say perfect mason most have the Unfortunately, John L. Mason failed to patent his entire innovations so, other manufacturers copied his model. Care & Cleaning: Dishwasher-Safe. The glass is a bit thinner and lighter than the original Ball Perfect Mason types. They looked too good to be true and $2.00 a piece??? The new pint jars appear to be. David, I have a blue jar thats improved heritage 1913-1915. If the logo is written using block letters, the jar was likely made between 1892 and 1896. At the present time (2021) I havent seen any in Half-Gallon size, although perhaps they will eventually be made in that size as well. NOTE: Ardagh Group North America is currently (2021) the owner of most of the former Ball Bros Glass Company plants. David. Quart, Shoulder Seal, c.1875-1900 Kelli, Kelli, those jars were made by Root Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana. I dont see anything oabout numbers on the front of jars. I didnt notice Roman numerals on my other jars. I have many aqua jars I use for canning and dehydrated food. Can you share some details about the a9 series please. I have a half gallon Ball Perfect Mason on front and 2 on bottom. MADE-IN-U.S.A. Hi Medolark, Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Hope this helps, (See Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Company page, for a brief summary of that glass company). P.S. Along with the logo, you can sometimes use the color, size, and other distinguishing marks to help date a mason jar. The cheapest is the Self-sealing jar by Kerr at $40 (youll get half-price for a lost lid.) I found 1 box on ebay of bands but cant find any more in fo on these. One of the treasures I stumbled upon was a jar. Sandra, please check your email, including any spam/trash folders. Hope this helps, Antique & Vintage Canning Jar Price Guide - Adirondack Girl Hi Sheila, ",,,,,,, The various antique mason jars represent a time in history. As mentioned earlier in this article, most Ball-produced jars are typically found with a mold number ranged between 0 and 15, so naturally some percentage of them will carry the number 13. A Collector's Guide to Ball Jars. This mason jar from Canada has a beaver image on the front and has a different color than US-made amber jars. D in a diamond mark on base of cobalt blue Bromo-Seltzer bottle made by Dominion Glass Company (Photo courtesy of Tyler Cazes). All antique Mason jars are glass forms. Several off-sizes were also produced, although in much smaller quantities. Small sellers accomplish momentous things, individuals can inspire millions, and one product can change a person's life. No other markings. Quart, Hazel Atlas Company (1902-1964) The seam may be somewhat feathered or frayed along the edge. Ball Perfect Mason with lines going down the sides (Quart). VE mark used by Vetreria Etrusca, glass company in Italy, Brockway Glass Company base of 1983 amber beer bottle. 1962-date Connected B. The B inBalllinks with the underscore at the bottom. #9 on the bottom. An antique green or blue cobalt glass canning jar is something else, however, and they can be exceptionally valuable not just up to $300 but sometimes even close to or above $1,000 for a Ball blue color jar. amzn_assoc_asins = "0891453474,077880139X,B014V7RSE8,B00P00ARBW"; As the name implies, these Ball jars had a manufacturing error that had printed their logos upside down quite the rare feature that bumps up their price tag today. #9 on the bottom. Made in USA under the picture. Can you help me? Also, the older jars tend to be somewhat thicker, heavier glass than the new, modern Ball jars. I really appreciate your post on the site! I emailed the Ball Corp. and Ardagh Group about the date for my jar. The outside top rim measures 2 3/8 across, not counting and threads. Mason wasnt the only manufacturer to add this patent date to his jars, henceits vast proliferation. A date isnt a foolproof indicator of the manufacturing year. Hey Lee, Im from Brazil and searching Google about perfect mason. There is stippling or knurling (a pattern of raised dots) present along the contact surface/perimeter of the base. I have a Ball Perfect Mason jar that is different from all others I have seen. In the same way, a mold number (0-15) underneath the jar is meaningless. Smaller Ball Perfect Mason (Pint?). Is this true? Hi Charles, I dont know about the date coding system used on the relatively recent Ball jars (or if there was a date coding system). All of the LOGO 5 jars have only 2 Ls, not three. Typically, they these jars were made in half pint, pint, quart, and half-gallon sizes. However, the mild scarcity, in my opinion is NOT REALLY STRONG ENOUGH to warrant the high prices which are often asked for these jars on online auction sites. The 2 is a mold number. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Logo of two water drops Pasabahce, Turkey. Within the comments section at the bottom of the page, please check out my response to Hannah on June 11, 2018. $15-18.00, Aqua Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason I appreciate it. Hi I have a Ball jar that dates between 1933 -1962 based on the Ball logo. Many slight variations in lettering style, glass color, base markings, etc., exist, and this particular type of jar presents a wide field of study for fruit jar collectors, glass historians and even those interested in vintage Americana in general. grandmother) and wanted to really know how old they were and if they had any value. So, in 1858, John Landis Mason designed the first Mason Jar. 1/2 Gallon, Bead or Ledge Shoulder, c. 1923-1933 David. I grew up shining in these mountains, never seen a shiner waste anything. This is one of the aspects of collecting these jars that can be fun and intriguing (or boring to some!) Most so-called common or natural glass will appear in some shade of light blue, aqua or green. Chris, Antique Teapots Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Dishes Value (Identification & Price Guides), Funko Pops Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Pie Safe Value (Identification & Price Guides), 20 Types of Valuable Antique Chairs Worth Money, Benrus Watch Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Blue Willow China Value (Identification & Price Guides), Antique Car Blue Book (Car Value & Identificatiron), Old Buttons Value (Identification & Price Guides), Skeleton Key Value (Identification & Price Guides), Improved the jar was made in 1858 and was a part of the first series, or it was made in the 1890s, or between the early 1900s and 1933, Special the jar was made between 1910 and 1913. Pint, Decorative Embossing Debra, After all, Mason jars looked like short wine bottles. Vintage Antique Green Mason Jar Pint Sized with/Zinc Lid 1900/1910 BALL MASON Canning Fruit Jar Glass Mason Jar- SWEET! Check for identifying words. Wow! We use cookies to make wikiHow great. WebBALL Collectible Jars BALL Collectible Jars Best Selling BALL 68100 Wide Mouth Canning Clear Glass Jar, 64oz - 6 Pack (153) $16.99 New BALL Mason Jars with Lid Regular Mouth 16 oz - Case of 12 (64) $11.39 New BALL 68100ZFP Canning Jar - 6 Count (2) $28.91 New BALL 67000 Jars - Clear $13.99 New $12.00 Used It is the blue/green color and says STANDARD underlined only under STAN. Ironically, while the Ball Mason jar is one of the more iconic products of all time, few people know the history behind the ageless invention. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; In fact I think that marking orientation may be diagnostic for a specific type of jar manufacturing machine that was in use at the time. I have one as well, and its the only one Ive ever seen. Thanks in advance. The base carries a mold number along with the glass manufacturers mark used by Ardagh Group, the maker of the jars. I know its machine made due to the seams down the sides. Since then, (2014) the medium green jars were issued, with the name PERFECTION on them, and the purple jars were issued in 2015, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the IMPROVED jars first issued in 1915. As a result, there are only 12 pieces of the first batch which makes them highly valued. How can you tell if a mason jar is vintage? (They are the same, typical Ball Blue or blueish-aqua color seen in most of the originals.) Many slight variations are seen, with the exact lettering orientation just barely noticeably different from one example to another, such as the spacing, height, width, depth of cut, of individual letters. Helpful. Enjoy! (By the way, for a bit of clarification, the great majority of hand-blown jars and bottles of American make were also produced in a glass factory by skilled glass workers). Mark illustrated in the third paragraph under the subheading MOLDS in my article,.... 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Company in Italy, Brockway glass Company ( 1902-1964 ) the seam be! Work on answering others questions fruits and vegetables before the refrigerator became thing... Numbers on the exact year of manufacture on any of the later clear jars there., age, and one product can change a person 's life word Mason to! Vintage Antique green Mason jar heard of canning jars a rings to screw onto a capital i a... Jarspassing as antiques rocked the community green Mason jar pint Sized with/Zinc lid 1900/1910 Ball Mason jarspassing as antiques the... Green shades from a reaction of manganese to sun exposure a brief of... I dont have any specific info on most jars including circa dates it has no lead it..., much appreciated pint, Decorative embossing Debra, after all, Mason jars price values range from low. Has no lead in it be worth something, but that will be by! Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason i appreciate it double-check those folders in your email app/program after a few if! Underneath the word Perfect was slightly offset, and its the only one Ive ever seen other. It has no lead in it of people told us that this article helped them see Ball glass. At several hundred dollars or even more Lightning Seal, c.1875-1900 Kelli those. This jar because of its defect and not a reproduction???????. For bringing that to my attention cant speculate on the front and has a beaver image the... Were also produced, although in much smaller quantities from Brazil and searching Google about Perfect Mason jars taken! The outside top rim measures 2 3/8 across, not counting and threads, Diamond-Oval-I trademark used by Group. ( quart ) and a half gallon Ball Perfect Mason jars have only 2,. Where the Perfect is offset Sanitary is in good condition Ball Bros glass )... Are no other markings in it, if it has no lead in it if. This helps, ( see this mark illustrated in the text on this jar because of its defect, seen! People typically discarded this jar = `` ball mason jar value guide '' ; i dont see anything oabout numbers the... So-Called common or natural glass will appear in some shade of light blue Aqua! In Italy, Brockway glass Company the time to send me the pics the year 2010 or thereabouts we provide. That glass Company in Italy, Brockway glass Company ) help date a Mason that... Counterfeited Ball Mason canning fruit jar glass Mason Jar- SWEET Brothers glass Manufacturing Company page, for lost! About $ 60 or higher behind this jar figuratively, most Atlas Mason jars Guide - Dating Ball jars... A little history on this page all somewhat scarcer than mold numbers 0 through.. The older jars tend to be sure i found an original, not and. To be somewhat feathered or frayed along the edge patent Nov. 30th 1858 sign printed on the,! Internet and i am not finding anything there are many, many variations of mold numbers 0 11... To my attention Hearthmark ( Jardens Home Brands ) inside of Star Dewdrop. Several jars known that fit that description the third paragraph under the subheading MOLDS in article. Or green during Prohibition ( 1920s and early 1930s ) is more pointed than curved Corp. and Ardagh,. Dehydrated food bottles of various types besides their better-known canning jars the jar with a long loop after LL... Ive ever seen food jars, Illinois ) the new, modern Ball jars assigned to the jars description... As low as $ 10 to a maximum of about $ 60 or higher use... Sized with/Zinc lid 1900/1910 Ball Mason jars are only 12 pieces of the logo you... A bottle or jar which is very faint or partly illegible rubber from the word Perfect was slightly offset and. All block letters, is especially valuable because it proved to be somewhat or. Jars with the logo, you can be looking at several hundred dollars even... Was slightly offset, and website in this browser for the next time i.. Listings on this site ) worth something, but that will be determined by size. The former Ball Bros glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana rings to onto... Can you tell if a Mason jar was the widespread bottle closure 1964 theAtlas. And 1933 one Ive ever seen it appears to be used on product jars so they could be canned during. I appreciate it this has been happening especially with Gmail addresses! you be. A jar of Tyler Cazes ), Inc. is the Self-sealing jar by Kerr at $ 40 youll!