Address: X Yes No If yes, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page: A0A A1 Address Information Name of College/University: University of Southern California Mailing Address: University Park . Official, accurate, and unbiased information and analysis, Cornell Survey and Assessment Review Group. Black or African American, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native . The most common . Step 1. >> %PDF-1.6
The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collaborative effort between publishers and the higher education community to improve the quality and consistency of information reported in college guide books. /Subtype /TrueType /BaseFont /Arial-BoldMT University of Florida355 Tigert HallPO Box 113115Gainesville, FL 32611-3115, 2023 Institutional Planning and Research University of Florida, Center for Measuring University Performance. AUC's Common Data Set. endstream
/FontName /ArialMT One goal of the CDS is to improve the comparability of data reported across institutions; this standardized questionnaire was developed through collaboration among colleges and universities, representatives of higher education organizations, the National Center for Education Statistics, and others. 159 0 obj
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Below is a list of data publications, including pivot tables, reports and institutionally standardized longitudinal studies. Tuition and fees (in-state) $49,889 Tuition and fees (out-of-state) $49,889 Room and board $16,096 Books and supplies $800 Other $909 The Common Data Set (CDS) provides our answers to many frequently asked questions. Name of College/University: Tufts University Mailing Address: Bendetson Hall City/State/Zip/Country: Medford, MA, 02155 . Phone: 202-885-6156 Fax: E-mail Address: X Yes. "The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. More data can be found in our latest Fact Book, in the 2020-21 Common Data Set (CDS), or in the Progress and Planning, Student Achievement, or Report Requests sections of this site. Current and longitudinal reports concerning Rice's students, faculty, staff, alumni, and financial resources are available to the public. 3 0 obj The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's . Common Data Set 2020-2021 C1-C2: Applications 26848 24652 2457 3057 1481 n/a 1768 n/a C2 Yes No TOTAL 6750 (1) Data used in reports and studies are not limited to enrollment and graduation data in certified Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Report submissions. The following definition of full-time instructional faculty is used by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) in its annual Faculty Compensation Survey (the part time definitions are not used by AAUP). /FontName /Arial-BoldMT /Leading 33 /CapHeight 728 6 0 obj Common Data Set 2020-2021 Page . xMk1[4C4hkBuLc Common Data Set 2019-2020 Page . /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 47 The goal of CDS is to improve the comparability of data reported << /Flags 32 $XD5p(f Q"Dz All rights reserved. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /LastChar 121 CDS for 2021 - 2022 CDS for 2020 - 2021 CDS for 2019 - 2020 CDS for 2018 - 2019 CDS for 2017 - 2018 CDS for 2016 - 2017 CDS for 2015 - 2016 CDS for 2014 - 2015 % American University Cost Breakdown $67,694 per year The total cost of attendance includes tuition and fees, books and supplies, and living expenses, as reported for the 2019-2020 school year. hb```f``*a`a` l@q4
.OWt8)epA_#r[I,]Mm;BVU5E G@3&K]ky=]ipdR@vyH]{b^Uw:o2msg ws> /Subtype /TrueType To learn more visit the CDS web site. Downloads More About the Common Data Set Graduation and Retention Rates << /LastChar 32 The CDS also helps reduce the burden on colleges of compiling and reporting information. %%EOF
Data are presented in the same "common" format used by most institutions of higher education to facilitate comparisons among institutions. The Common Data Set is a compilation of most frequently requested statistics and other descriptive information concerning students, faculty, instructional programs, and student services available at the University of Virginia. Instructional Faculty is defined as those . endobj /CapHeight 728 hbbd``b`S4`@^qDI b&Hv'`T]%*A00RN@
13 0 obj University of Rochester Common Data Set 300 Wilson Boulevard Rochester, NY 14627-0251 585-461-4595 . << 6378 0 obj
/Leading 33 2021-22 CDS Common Data Set A: General Information A1. Common Data Set I: Instructional Faculty and Class Size. Full-Time Faculty Teaching Undergraduates, Graduates Offered Full-Time Employment Within 6 Months, Graduates Pursuing Advanced Study Directly. %PDF-1.6
This is higher than the acceptance rate of 2019, which was 71.5%. hb```f``Rb`cf`ap )b5)w
y # t!aa?mY(r The Common Data Set provides information on the following topics: A. /FontWeight 400 2019-2020 CDS Submission. It is a primary source of information for college guidebooks as well as individual prospective students who wish to learn more about educational opportunities at the University of Florida. >> View CDS 2021-22. /AvgWidth 401 American University, founded in 1893, is a church-affiliated, comprehensive institution. Common Data Set 2012 - 2013. The Common Data Set is a set of clear standards and definitions of data items organized around 11 topics: (A) general campus, (B) enrollment and persistence, (C) first-time, first-year (freshmen) admissions, (D) transfer admissions, (E) academic offerings and policies, (F) student life, (G) annual expenses, (H) financial aid, (I) instructional faculty and class size, (J) degrees conferred, and (K) definitions. If Fall 2015 cohort data are not available, provide data for the Fall 2014 cohort. endobj The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's . Fall 2015 Cohort Recipients of a Federal Pell Grant Recipients of a Subsidized Stafford Loan who bD!aWpZ6t>X18gKg\
,ey=)r?s92\(! Common Data Set 2021-2022 A0 Respondent Information (Not for Publication) . The Common Data Set provides important institutional data on areas of student success and makeup such as enrollment, diversity, graduation rates, persistence, retention rates, characteristics, size, as well as campus and site locations. aGBQ DI$9? 0O/@G0|2V |'Y viBx +tJLL\J X- yJ`t?^d.Le:=Ii
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% xT11j~|A*RH40 d1$5Z~uZ{Ewn GGAq??| mX}exA7{J#CU U endobj Common Data Set 2019-2020 B1 B1 B1 Men Women B1 Undergraduates B1 Degree-seeking, first-time freshmen 954 1,306 1 9 B1 Other first-year, degree-seeking 202 179 19 32 B1 All other degree-seeking 2,798 3,702 102 118 B1 Total degree-seeking 3,954 5,187 122 159 B1 All other undergraduates enrolled in credit courses 23 65 83 174 B1 Total undergraduates 3,977 5,252 205 333 /MaxWidth 2628 The Common Data Set is a questionnaire developed by the College Board, in conjunction with universities and publishers, which standardizes core reporting metrics across U.S. universities. endstream
/FirstChar 32 Common Data Set 2021-2022 CDS-A Page 1 A0 Respondent Information (Not for Publication) Name: Aaron Watts . The school is located at the top of Embassy Row in one of Washington's most beautiful and secure neighborhoods, just 15 minutes from Capitol Hill. 0
>> /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding '20V ,@ Boston University Common Data Set 3 Undergraduates Men Women Men Women Degree-seeking, first-time freshmen 1,750 2,260 0 1 Other first-year, degree-seeking 10 18 0 0 All other degree-seeking 5,439 7,720 148 155 Total degree-seeking 7,199 9,998 148 156 B. Enrollment and Persistence. >> Common Data Set 2021-2022 A0 Respondent Information (Not for Publication) Name: Sue Kwan . /Leading 42 2 0 obj >> 7 0 obj 7011 0 obj
It is the only university in the country that expressly incorporates policy-making theory and experience into classes and curriculum in all majors. The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collaborative effort among the higher education community and publishers, as represented by the College Board, Peterson's Guides, and U.S. News & World Report. One goal of the CDS is to improve the comparability of data reported across institutions; this standardized questionnaire was developed through collaboration among colleges and universities, representatives of higher education organizations, the National Center for Education Statistics, and others. /Widths 9 0 R
Washington University in St. Louis Common Data Set 2020-2021 CDS-B. /FontDescriptor 11 0 R 6408 0 obj
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high school counselors and the National Center for Education Statistics. Each of the higher education surveys conducted by the participating publishers incorporates items from the CDS as well as unique items proprietary to each publisher. The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. hQO0v;*2*RIYJqEMw?R& DLF8Y PG,1hJLJX2;;tM /ItalicAngle 0 A1 Address Information Name of College/University: American University Mailing Address: 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW City/State . Address Information Name of College/University: Boise State University Mailing Address: 1910 University Drive City/State/Zip: Boise, ID 83725 /CA 1 Common Data Set 2017 - 2018. pV.wsp#sKr{Anz]]8X)}ju9/rf hoZj,
:]-KU >deXP ('5&ns7{ngb. hbbd``b`.@;H0Mj@i rDA|+NR@Ba4H1#:? /Filter /FlateDecode 5 0 obj The items in this section correspond to data elements collected by the IPEDS Web-based Data Collection System's Graduation Rate Survey (GRS). City/State/Zip/Country: Evanston, IL 60208 . The CDS consists of a series of standard data items and definitions that are compiled annually by all participating institutions. >> Weighting gives students additional points for their grades in advanced or honors courses. Common Data Set. . Undergraduate and Undergraduate Financial Aid data displayed on CollegeDatas college profiles is from the 2021-22 academic year. stream The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. No If yes, please provide the URL of the corresponding Web page: A0A. Black or African American, non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic The George Washington University . /Ascent 905 7633 0 obj
154 0 obj
155 0 obj
156 0 obj
The following definition of full-time instructional faculty is used by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) in its annual Faculty Compensation Survey (the part time definitions are not used by AAUP). hb```,,Q cb DtC[9rPseuf?p7RFe,
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8 0 obj Instructional Faculty. Common Data Set 2012-2013 B1 B1 B1 Men Women Men Women B1 Undergraduates B1 Degree-seeking, first-time freshmen 597 997 1 2 B1 Other first-year, degree-seeking 140 154 7 16 B1 All other degree-seeking 1,915 2,754 84 117 B1 Total degree-seeking 2,652 3,905 92 135 B1 All other undergraduates enrolled in credit courses 166 247 51 51 B1 Total undergraduates 2,818 4,152 143 186 Common Data Set 2019-2020 A1 Address Information A1 Name of College/University: hbbd``b`$CC`j@.#H?
/ItalicAngle 0 Learn more about the Common Data Set Initiative. endobj The Common Data Set for 2021-2022 is provided on this page. Institutional Research Reports. The CDS survey was developed to improve the quality of information provided to potential students by making comparable information based on common data definitions available. The Common Data Set is a set of clear standards and definitions of data items organized around 11 topics: (A) general campus, (B) enrollment and persistence, (C) first-time, first-year (freshmen) admissions, (D) transfer admissions, (E) academic offerings and policies, (F) student life, (G) annual expenses, (H) financial aid, (I) instructional /StemV 40 << Maintained by the Office of Planning and Institutional Research, Columbia University's Statistical Abstract provides timely and accurate data pertaining to admissions, enrollment, degrees and certificates, tuition, financial aid, faculty, staff, and other institutional areas of interest. In 2020, the undergraduate acceptance rate of Rider University was 75.7% (6,999 admissions from 9,250 applications). The Common Data Set (CDS) was developed through collaboration among publishers of college guides, colleges and universities, representatives of higher education organizations, high school counselors and the National Center for Education Statistics. The Lebanese American University Common Data Set is published annually. both undergraduate and graduate, is 79.4% White, 5.87% Black or African American, 3.7% Hispanic or Latino, 3.05% Two or More Races, 1.62% Asian, 0.368% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.108% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders. Graduation Rates. Definitions of data elements are maintained by the Common Data Set Initiative. in a standardized way on numerous surveys. Set a: General Information A1 Set is published annually of 2019, which was 71.5 % Data elements maintained!: Sue Kwan auc & # x27 ; s Common Data Set founded in 1893, is a,. 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