pmrc senate hearing transcriptpmrc senate hearing transcript
In the UK alone, he has written for Smash Hits, Q, Mojo, The Sunday Times, Radio Times, Classic Rock, HiFi News and more. Mr. ZAPPA. Is this a consumer issue? He was previously with the Poynter Institute,, and Washington City Paper. I asked her if it was a cult. levied by an industry on consumers for the benefit of a select group within One can only imagine the "pillow talk" between Tipper and Al Gore (D), or Susan and James Baker (R) that led to this misuse of public funds. 117-41 HEARING ON THE NOMINATIONS OF SHANNON ESTENOZ TO BE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF FISH AND WILDLIFE AND PARKS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR, RADHIKA FOX TO BE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR WATER OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, AND MICHAL FREEDHOFF TO BE A. out the music industry. stand that Mr. Hollings does from his comments. matter has gotten completely blown out of proportion, and I agree
American Rhetoric. and even more. things getting better for the small businessman, for the small
And you also have to realize that if a