Despite one cup of canned pumpkin having 17 milligrams of beta-carotene, it seems like sweet potatoes actually take the cake. Plus, don't miss The #1 Best Juice to Drink Every Day, Says Science. That's because of genetics. "The kidneys, which produce urine, are the body's filtration unit," says Stuart. Although most changes to your pee due to vitamin intake are harmless, if urine becomes red or extremely dark-colored, seeking medical attention is best advised. Red tinged urine can indicate blood in your urine, which could be caused by a urinary tract infection, Cola- or tea-colored urine could indicate inflammation of the kidneys (. If this is the cause of the redness, avoiding these foods should end the color in the urine. The digestive process with the enzymes and bile will change the stools to a general tone of brown, she said, noting that stool color tends to range from a light brown to a dark brown because the food gets mixed with bile pigment to help with digestion. BROWN OR BLACK: If the red of red urine is dark, it may look brown or even black. Oranges, like other fruits bought in stores, often contain numerous amount of pesticides. Keep in mind that even if you are not taking any medications, supplements or home remedies could possibly be the culprit. It might be disconcerting for people to see the color of urine change as it does not usually happen. If your urine is red (not associated with menstruation) or black (tea-colored) you should contact your healthcare provider without waiting. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. This is common in urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Blood in the urine (hematuria) may not always be due to any disease (pathological) as is the case with strenuous exercise. Dr. Lee says in both cases, you'd have to eat more than . Actually, carrots aren't the only food with this ability. Women more frequently experience these infections. Get the latest in health news delivered to your inbox! Urine can also turn red if it contains myoglobin, an oxygen-binding protein in muscle cells that is similar to the hemoglobin found in red blood cells. Read more: What Are the Benefits of Drinking Pure Cranberry Juice? That's no coincidence. After consuming large doses of nutmeg, you could experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. You have a stomach bug. Urine can also change color for harmless reasons having to do with the foods you've eaten or medications you've taken. Very useful advice within this article! What Are the Benefits of Pure Cranberry Juice? But urine can turn truly brown. 2006;82:126. For that reason, Clark recommends telling your doctor if you experience swelling in your extremities, as it could be because of an underlying serious condition. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { "For example, ScanWell Health has an app which turns your smartphone into our $15,000 urinalysis machine we use in the office. Short but very precise information Thanks for sharing this one. June 28, 2022 by Admin. . Asparagus or beets can harmlessly change the odor and color of urine, for example., Its difficult to find knowledgeable people about this subject, however, you seem like you know what youre talking about! Orange pee isn't necessarily something to worry aboutunless of course, it's caused by dehydration. BONUS! If the doctor remains concerned that something abnormal is going on, a urine sample may be taken. post-beet-fest. Changes in urine are not specifically treated. Answer (1 of 4): I eat blueberries and I have not noticed this. To be on the safe side, you should discuss it with your doctor or another clinician. It is very important to make sure to peel and remove any seeds before feeding oranges to your conure. Dr. Ingber says having excess ketones can also cause pee to smell differently. 2- Heartburn. "Anything can cause a rash if you're allergic to itnot just mushrooms!" Learn more about the many benefits and features of joining Harvard Health Online , Find the best treatments and procedures for you, Explore options for better nutrition and exercise. Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get a behind-the-scenes look at the latest stories from CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and the CNN Medical Unit producers. Conures can eat oranges. Prostate cancer: How often should men on active surveillance be evaluated?,,, Sometimes a strange color can be a sign of a health issue and when its accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a reason for concern. 2. } ); Certain food and medications can also change urine color. Cranberry juice is often touted as helping with urinary tract infections, although there is as of yet no conclusive scientific evidence that it is effective. Q: I'm a bit embarrassed to ask, but I have a question about urine. If you've ever eaten asparagus, you know it can make urine smell odd. So how do you know when to relax and when to consult a clinician? can change the urine color leading to darker urine. Infections like salmonella may sometimes lead to green stool but these are often accompanied by other issues, including diarrhea, stomach cramps and fever. Beet juice will quickly change to a light brown or dark gold or golden-brown. Heartburn is the result of stomach acid escaping into the esophagus where it produces irritation . He or she will also ask if you are feeling pain when urinating or have pain in your abdomen or bladder area. The bottom line. Thanks for visiting. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); A urinalysis checks appearance, concentration and content of urine and is used to detect and/or manage a wide range of medical disorders, such as urinary tract infections (UTI's), kidney disease and diabetes and . In such cases, the causes of brown or black urine may be the same as those of red urine. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 23. Medications, food, dyes, pigments, and some poisons like phenol can change the color of urine from red to green. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { All Rights Reserved. An abnormal urine color can be an early sign of a serious medical condition. There is, however, a rare condition called porphyria that can lead to bluish-purple waste. The discoloration is a harmless side effect. It occurs when someone has a urinary catheter. Carrots can turn urine light orange. Once stored under the skin, it has the ability to actually change the hue of your pigmentation. Energy-boosting coffee alternatives: What to know. Yup, pumpkins can also be to blame for an orange or yellow tint of the skin. An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. } else { Some foods that make your pee smell are totally healthy. The USDA shows that unsweetened cranberry juice contains the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron and zinc and is a good source of 15 essential vitamins, including vitamins C, B6, B12, E, K and A as well as thiamine, niacin and riboflavin. It's totally harmless and not indicative of a health issue, but consuming lots of blackberries, beets, and/or rhubarbs could cause you to a double-take next time you check out your pee. When it comes to how to increase pH levels in urine, you can consider the following: Meat - people who consume fresh meat tend to have more acid than those who don't. Cranberry juice - this . Dr. Lee says in both cases, you'd have to eat more than a handful to see such rainbow shades. Carrots, carrot juice, and vitamin C can give urine an orange hue, while B vitamins can turn it a fluorescent yellow-green. In some people, eating beets turns urine pink or redwhich can be alarming because it looks like blood in the urine. The strong, sour flavor of tart cherry juice may cause troublesome digestive issues such as: A Stomach Ache Diarrhea Tri Challenge/Stasia: I don't make excuses anymore, DrSanjayGupta: Were three episodes into this new season o, DrSanjayGupta: The right answer is more than 300 times!, If your urine becomes cloudy or develops a strong odor , you may have a bladder or . Blueberries and cherries Cherries can turn the stool reddish, while blueberries can paint your poo shades of deep blue or even black. Although it is somewhat of a myth that eating too many blueberries can turn your urine blue, the fact is that the color it produces in urine is red. According toclinical psychologistJohn Mayer, PhD, it does so through oxidation, a process that breaks down the toxins in alcohol and excretes them through your breath, sweat, andyou guessed iturine. Cecil Medicine. Harvard Health Publishing notes that strenuous exercise can also result in urine turning red. There has to be an easy method you can remove me from that service? Chances are if youre feeling healthy and not experiencing any other symptoms, your green doo is just a sign that youve been eating your veggies. Rhubarb can also turn urine dark brown or tea-colored. But if urine smells sweet, thats a cause for concern because it could mean diabetes. After consuming vitamin-rich foods, you may find that your pee smells stronger than usual and has a darker tinge to it. "People who are lactose intolerant can't digest lactose in milk and milk products because their bodies don't produce enough of the enzyme lactase," says Clark. Oh hi! Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. So, it gets stored under the skin because it's surplus. However, the main tart cherry juice side effects include a stomach ache, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. ". But seeing red or orange instead of the usual yellow can be alarming, especially if there are also symptoms like a burning sensation or pain with urination. Strenuous exercise may also cause red blood cells to show up in the urine. Foods such as beets, fava beans, blackberries, and rhubarb can turn urine reddish, or sometimes dark brown. 3. Thanks,, What does the color of urine mean for my health, and are there certain colors that are cause for alarm? Can Vitamins Change the Color of Your Urine? If you've been snacking onBrussels sprouts wings lately, your pee is about to give you away. Thanks! Dark brown urine could indicate liver failure. To continue reading this article, you must log in. A fascinating discussion is worth comment. This is because, like carrots, pumpkins are also rich in beta-carotene. Besides being high in both vitamins A and C, cherries are loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients called anthocyanins, which are what give them their vibrant dark red and burgundy-purple color, says Suzanne Dixon, RDN, registered dietitian and epidemiologist at Cambia Health Solutions in Portland, Oregon. Check the label or consult your physician to see if this is a possible side effect. But only if you're allergic to the main ingredient in dairy, lactose. Foods that contain a lot of chlorophyll, a green pigment present in many naturally green foods, may end up coming out in a color similar to the one they first began. You should be a part of a contest for one of the most useful blogs on the internet. Complications will occur in 20% of those with diverticulosis, including diverticular rectal bleeding. A good rule is "if your urine changes color, consult your physician." You may find out that this is nothing to worry about and I hope that is the case but renal health is pretty important. Irritable bladder syndrome is a general term referring to any condition that causes an increased and sudden urge to urinate, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Not all foods produce foul-smelling pee. The changes can be more subtle such as lighter or darker brown, or blatantly obvious such as green, yellow, orange, red or black. Most of the time, urine is a pale yellow color because it contains urochrome, one of the substances produced when the body breaks down hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells. From the smell and color of your urine to your fingers swelling, there's a lot that can happen when you feast on these foods. And to learn more about ways to prevent them from occurring, read these four ways to stave off a UTI. "Not everyone can smell these volatile compounds," Clark says. PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts. Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. After all, food dictates so much of what's happening inside and outside of our bodies. All urine has a slight odor that can vary with your diet. Although vitamins play a critical role in maintaining optimal health, you may be surprised to learn that most of them end up in your urine. "Yes, plant pigments and other chemical compounds in rhubarb, blackberries, and beets can temporarily turn urine pink or red," says Clark. When you eat too many carrots, the excess beta-carotene has nowhere to go once it enters the bloodstream. If your feces look bright red, there could be another, completely harmless cause: red-pigmented foods. When your body breaks down the veggie during digestion, it produces methyl mercaptan, a gas that's well-known for making your urine smell less-than-stellar. Sorbitol is a sweet crystalline compound that can deteriorate irritable bowel syndrome in humans and aggravate so . Sign up for Well+, our online community of wellness insiders, and unlock your rewards instantly. Asparagus sometimes gives urine a greenish hue as well as a distinctive smell (often likened to rotting cabbage). Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to help other people. While a change in the color of your urine is usually harmless, it can sometimes be an indicator that something else is going on with your health. You are so awesome! Medications can change the appearance of urine, too. Sometimes a change in color may represent something about the state of your health. Ill probably be back again to see more, thanks for the information! Having red urine may mean that blood is present, such as from a woman's menstrual cycle. She was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis because she had eaten too many cherries that also caused her to poop more than 20 times in one night. Red urine can also be . Stay on top of latest health news from Harvard Medical School. "Yes, eating asparagus can result in a pungent sulfurous odor that can smell like cooked cabbage," says Clark. When this compound is broken down during digestion, you're left with the stinky culprits: sulfur-containing chemicals such as methanethiol and S-methyl thioesters (which, turns out, only some people can smell). So can kidney stones, bladder infections or bladder cancer, and, in men, enlargement of the prostate gland. It is not necessary to panic when you observe a change in color of your rabbit's urine. If it's blood (from the lower intestinal/rectal/anal region) it will be pure red or red with a tinge of dark orange. While the color of your stool often reflects what youve been eating lately, certain colors, including white, black or red, can signal a more serious concern, according to Ganjhu. turned consumers stools green back in 2015; a combination of blue, red, yellow and caramel-colored food dyes turned the burger bun black but resulted in green-colored stool because of how the dyes were digested and mixed with other fluids in the body. } Few cranberry juice side effects have been reported. A condition called familial benign hypercalcemia can also cause blue or green urine. The symptoms of changes in urine are very easy to see or smell. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon everyday. In: McPherson RA, et al. "Yes, plant pigments and other chemical compounds in rhubarb, blackberries, and beets can temporarily turn urine pink or red," says Clark. Aw, this was an extremely good post. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e. Dark yellow and even brown urine could signal that you're dehydrated. Currently there is no condition known as "cranberry juice pee" that would affect the color of urine after drinking cranberry juice or consuming cranberries. "Eating too many carrots or other foods high in beta-carotene can cause a yellow-orange discoloration of the skin, especially in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet," says Clark. MILKY-WHITE: Urinary tract infections sometimes turn urine a milky-white color. Rhubarb, asparagus, and fava beans can turn urine brown. Large amounts of carrots or carrot juice may also give urine an orange tinge. For example, Tagamet, a popular drug for reducing stomach acid, can give urine a bluish tinge. So, grab your water bottle and drink up when you take your vitamin C pill every morning. Howdy! Those problems often cause pain. (Submit questions to Usually this is a temporary change in color that normalizes after 12 to 24 hours. Well+Good decodes and demystifies what it means to live a well life, inside and out. It's important to note that changes in the color of urine are extremely common and can be caused by several factors. Drinking pure cranberry juice is generally considered to be safe, the NCCIH suggests, although drinking it in large amounts could cause an upset stomach and may over time increase the risk of kidney stones. It will retain this color when it dries. August 16, 2019 Foodanswers. And it's not just a bag of salt and vinegar chips that can send your finger a bloatin'. During pregnancy, some women may also experience increased sensitivity to the olfactory system, possibly due to hyperosmia (a heightened sense of smell), making natural changes to urine smell more noticeable. But its important to keep in mind that sometimes food is the culprit of a wacky poo. More seriously, changes in urine color can be symptomatic of an underlying medical condition: Red tinged urine can indicate blood in your urine, which could be caused by a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or in rare cases, cancer. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Cranberries have other beneficial attributes. When you're healthy and hydrated, your urine should fall somewhere between colorless and the color of light straw and honey. "The digestive process with the enzymes and bile will change the stools to a general tone of brown," she said, noting that stool color tends to range from a light brown to a dark brown because the food gets mixed with bile pigment to help with digestion. Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression: When and where is it safe? Spicy meals, in general, could potentially contribute to insomnia and difficulty sleeping. 2023Well+Good LLC. I stumbledupon it I'm going to return yet again since I bookmarked it. The color categories here are approximate, because what looks like red to you might look like orange to someone else. The bottom line is that what you eat can absolutely change the way your pee smells. A blood test may also be taken to check for possible kidney damage, diabetes, or a buildup of liver enzymes. Carrots, carrot juice, and vitamin C can give urine an orange hue, while B vitamins can turn it a fluorescent yellow-green. Cranberries have other beneficial attributes. These small-but-potent berries may color your feces with a blue or black tinge; some people have reported seeing green from eating blueberries as well. After I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the exact same comment. Your doctor will most likely begin your appointment by asking you to describe the changes. Chances are if youre feeling healthy and not experiencing any other symptoms, your green doo is just a sign that youve been eating your veggies. Drink plenty of fluids, particularly water and squash, until your pee returns to a pale clear color. And it's not always a perfect pink or red, eitherthese reddish foods can cause a "tea" color as well. Its cool. Dr. Ingber also says that certain medications can change the way your pee smells, primarily sulfa drugs, which are used to treat infections as well as diabetes. Spot on with this write-up, I seriously think this site needs far more attention. And the result is a coffee-like smell when you go to the bathroom. Cranberry juice is widely available in stores and is usually sweetened with added sugar or another fruit juice such as apple or grape. Campbell-Walsh Urology. But urine can turn colors far beyond what's typical, including: Red. Without treatment, severe peptic ulcers can cause black or dark stools due to bleeding. Jan 6, 2020 (Video) The Color of Pee and What it Means (Phoenix Children's) . Advertising on our site helps support our mission. A simple test can tell if the red color is due to blood in the urine. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 116. They combine to make a bright purple color. Here are some foods that can change urine color: Carrots can tint urine orange. Apparently, our bodies are not great at digesting Sorbitol, so it has nowhere to go but out, and when it goes out, it doesn't go pretty. But of course, it's not the only color. There are many things that can turn a person's urine red, pink or any number of different colors. "Shiitake dermatitis is a rare distinctive skin rash caused by consumption of raw or undercooked shiitake mushrooms," says Clark. 2023 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Do not sell my personal information | Privacy Policy. Yes, your urine can be green or blue, Dr. Clifton says. That means the bile duct can be blocked by a stone, a mass or cancer, she said. This includes asking about how long you have had these changes and whether you have seen any blood in your urine. A big takeaway for me: how getting natur, You want a coronavirus test -- here's why your doctor probably won't give you one, The CDC is ordering a mandatory 14-day quarantine for the nearly 200 Americans recently returned from Wuhan, China,. They may be the result of eating certain foods or vitamins, or taking some medicines. GREEN: Blue pigment can get into urine and mix with the yellow urochrome, making urine look green. Did you know eating certain foods can cause some truly weird physical side effects such as a puffy finger or stinky urine? Orange hued urine can also indicate a problem with the liver or bile duct. Stephanie Osmanski is a freelance sustainability, health, and wellness writer. B vitamins can give urine a greenish tinge. Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight lossfrom exercises to build a stronger core to advice on treating cataracts. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/06/2020. Israni AK, Kasiske BL. The normal color of pee is a light yellow to deep amber color. When should you be concerned? every day. Should I get antibiotics? How do you get rid of the red color in cherries to make them green? Diseases that can change the urine color include: Acute cystitis Many things can alter the look and smell of your urine. The color is in the name, so dont let yourself be too surprised if your poop is having a Smurf moment after youve been noshing on blueberries. DEVELOPED BY HARVARD HEALTH PUBLICATIONS, WWW.HEALTH.HARVARD.EDU. Like Brussels sprouts, methyl mercaptan occurs naturally in the vegetable. Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. The anesthetic propofol, the stomach acid drug cimetidine (Tagamet) and the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline (Elavil) can have this effect. Part of HuffPost Wellness. A must read post! "This is a medical emergency, and requires urgent attention.". But certain things can change the color. Sometimes, Dr. Ingber says pee changes smell because of an infection, such as E. coli or staph (Staphylococcal). My ear is clogged. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Certain antibiotics, blood thinners and laxatives may turn urine red or pink, too. "If you have this conditionusually diagnosed early in lifeyour urine may smell like, you guessed it: maple syrup." Here, Dr. Ingber highlights the most common non-diet-related reasons for a change in urine smell, including when to see a doctor. Cloudy white. Plus, get a FREE copy of the Best Diets for Cognitive Fitness. Fortunately, this effect resolves naturally within a day or two. 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